• Title/Summary/Keyword: middle school elementary mathematics

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Analysis of the contents related to health education of the 7th education course for elementary schools (제7차 초등학교 교육과정의 보건교육 관련내용 분석)

  • Kim, Young-Ju;Kim, Jung-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.71-84
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    • 2003
  • This study was attempted to offer the basic data required for composing a systemic education contents for health by analyzing the contents related to health education shown in the guidebook for teachers and the schoolbook for students of all grades in the current 7th education course for elementary school. The objectives and data were totally 162 copies which were 90 copies of national schoolbook for 1~6 grades and 72 copies of guidebook for teachers used in elementary schools in the 7th educational course. The standards of selection for the contents related to health education including in each schoolbook were divided into 11 themes using the health care model suggested by Kim, Hwa Joong(1995) in the guidebook for health curriculum for elementary middle high schools. The results of this study are as follows: Firstly, the total hours of health education suggested in the 7th educational course for elementary school were 274 hours and it was 6.2% of the total class of 4,442 hours. Secondly, the contents about health education were distributed into 9 subjects of The right livelihood, The wise livelihood, The cheerful livelihood, Korean, Morals, Society, Science, Physical education, and Practical course etc. Physical education had the most contents about health education and there was nothing in Mathematics, Music and Arts. Thirdly, contents about health of regional society and environmental health were the most of 53 hours(19.3%), and contents about understanding of health were the least of 4 hours(1.4%). Fourthly, contents included equally in every grades were those about safety and emergency response, health of home and society, health of regional society and environmental health.

A Study on the Operation in Terms of Unit (단위 측면에서 연산에 관한 소고)

  • Roh, EunHwan;Kang, JeongGi;Jeong, SangTae
    • East Asian mathematical journal
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.509-526
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    • 2014
  • The mathematics has moved toward the independence from unit. However, is this tendency also kept up in teaching and learning mathematics? This study starts from this question. We have illuminated this question in respects of a character of unit operation, an essential probability of unit operation and a didactical application of unit. As results, addition and subtraction are operations on identical objects and the result of operation does not also get out of operation's object. On the other hand, multiplication and division are operations on both identical objects and different objects. And the result of operation can generate new unit. We proposed a hypothesis which multiplication and division are transcendental operations from this analysis. The unit operation is not possible essentially. It seems only like unit operation is possible superficially by operational definition on unit. We could discuss on a didactical application of unit from above analysis. And we could deduct implications that the direction of developing mathematic does not necessarily match with the direction of teaching and learning mathematics.

A comparative study on the external & internal structure of mathematics curriculum between Korea and Japan : Focusing on the aspects of recent revisions (한·일 수학과 교육과정의 외·내적 체재 비교 분석 : 직전 교육과정과의 변화를 중심으로)

  • Kwon, Oh Nam;Lee, Kyungwon;Lee, Ahran;Han, Chaereen
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.58 no.2
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    • pp.187-223
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to investigate the aspects of revision in the external and internal structure of curriculum and documentation in Korea and Japan and to propose the direction and task to enhance the current framework of the national curriculum. Japan has been selected for comparison in that it explicitly prepared social changes such as the dramatic evolution of artificial intelligence and population aging in its new curriculum. Therefore, various aspects of revision were analyzed the 2009 & 2015 revised mathematics curriculum of Korea and the 2008 & 2017 mathematics curriculum of Japan respectively in the elementary, middle, and high school grade bands. Then, the differences between the two countries were identified through comparison. First, the structure of the mathematics curriculum in Japan was connected with the general guidelines more tightly than Korea, and the external structure of the mathematics curriculum stayed consistently after the revision. Second, contrary to Korea, which pursued the appropriateness and reduction of mathematical content, Japanese mathematics curriculum has been pursuing detailed contents both quantitatively and qualitatively. Lastly, Japan emphasized statistical problem-solving ability. Based on this, we suggested considering of consistency in the structure curriculum documentation, detailing contents of the curriculum, and strengthening of statistical education.

Analysis of the Algebraic Thinking Factors and Search for the Direction of Its Learning and Teaching (대수의 사고 요소 분석 및 학습-지도 방안의 탐색)

  • Woo, Jeong-Ho;Kim, Sung-Joon
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.453-475
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    • 2007
  • School algebra starts with introducing algebraic expressions which have been one of the cognitive obstacles to the students in the transfer from arithmetic to algebra. In the recent studies on the teaching school algebra, algebraic thinking is getting much more attention together with algebraic expressions. In this paper, we examined the processes of the transfer from arithmetic to algebra and ways for teaching early algebra through algebraic thinking factors. Issues about algebraic thinking have continued since 1980's. But the theoretic foundations for algebraic thinking have not been founded in the previous studies. In this paper, we analyzed the algebraic thinking in school algebra from historico-genetic, epistemological, and symbolic-linguistic points of view, and identified algebraic thinking factors, i.e. the principle of permanence of formal laws, the concept of variable, quantitative reasoning, algebraic interpretation - constructing algebraic expressions, trans formational reasoning - changing algebraic expressions, operational senses - operating algebraic expressions, substitution, etc. We also identified these algebraic thinking factors through analyzing mathematics textbooks of elementary and middle school, and showed the middle school students' low achievement relating to these factors through the algebraic thinking ability test. Based upon these analyses, we argued that the readiness for algebra learning should be made through the processes including algebraic thinking factors in the elementary school and that the transfer from arithmetic to algebra should be accomplished naturally through the pre-algebra course. And we searched for alternative ways to improve algebra curriculums, emphasizing algebraic thinking factors. In summary, we identified the problems of school algebra relating to the transfer from arithmetic to algebra with the problem of teaching algebraic thinking and analyzed the algebraic thinking factors of school algebra, and searched for alternative ways for improving the transfer from arithmetic to algebra and the teaching of early algebra.

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The Effect of Cooperative Learning and Peer Tutoring Program on Cognitive Domain and Affective Domain : A Meta-Analysis (협동학습 및 또래교수 프로그램이 수학학습부진학생의 인지적.정의적 영역에 미치는 효과 메타분석)

  • Lee, Hyeung Ju;Ko, Ho Kyung
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.113-137
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    • 2015
  • The objective of the present study is to systematically examine the effects of on the cognitive and affective domains of elementary, middle, and high school students by conducting a meta-analysis. To this end, this study selected 31 research papers that had analyzed the effects of applying, and performed a meta-analysis of the findings presented in each research paper. The results obtained from the meta-analysis are presented as follows. First, both the collaborative learning program and the peer tutoring program for underachieving students in math manifested an above average size of effect in the cognitive domain. In particular, the effect was the greatest at the elementary school level, and out of the two programs, peer tutoring was identified to have a sizable effect. Second, both programs displayed an above average size of effect in the affective domain, and peer tutoring was identified to have a higher effect than collaborative learning. In addition, when the programs were compared based on school levels, the size of effect was highest at the elementary school level followed by middle school and high school, in that order. When compared based on the criteria of the affective domain, self-efficacy in math, learners' attitude toward math, and learners' interest in math were identified to. Finally, this study presented suggestions for teaching underachieving students in math and conducting follow-up studies based on the analysis results.

An Analysis of Professional Recognition on 2015 Curriculum Revision (2015 문·이과 통합형 교육과정 개정에 관한 전문가 인식 연구)

  • PARK, So-Young;LEE, Jeong-Ryeol;KANG, Hyeon-Suk
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.1172-1183
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this research is to analyze the recognition of the curriculum experts on 2015 integrated liberal arts and natural sciences curriculum revision. Research method is a delphi survey and the subjects are curriculum experts. The research results are as follows. Firstly, experts suggested common education for all students and students' opportunities to choose subjects. Secondly, the direction of curriculum revision was different by school level. The elementary school needs to foster convergence thinking. The middle school needs to educate common basic literacy education and the high school needs both the common education and the free choice of subjects by students. Thirdly, the separation of the liberal arts and natural sciences was caused by the separate thinking of custom, tradition and study and the separate exam application on liberal arts and natural science of college scholastic ability test. The solution about separation problem of liberal arts and natural sciences have been proposed to improve mathematics education and teachers' convergence education competency. Lastly, for the establishment of an 2015, integrated curriculum the reduction of the CSAT test area and the introduction of qualifying examination for English were required.

A Survey on the Opinion of Teachers about the Content Relevance in the 7th Mathematics Curriculum (제7차 국민공통기본교육과정의 수학과 교육 내용 적정성에 관한 교사 의견 조사 연구)

  • Lee, Dae-Hyun;Yim, Jae-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.223-248
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    • 2005
  • This study is to survey and analyze the opinion of teachers about the relevance of educational content in the 7th mathematics curriculum. For the purpose of this study, we analyze the result of the questionnaire survey which consists in the question about the relevance(Quantity, level, validity) of educational content in the 7th mathematics curriculum. 515 elementary school teachers, 314 middle school teachers, and 323 high school teachers are participated in this survey. 75 percent of elementary school teachers think that the educational quantity must be reduced for the relevance of educational content. So do 50 percent of secondary school teachers. Both of them think that the number of topic must be reduced for the relevance. In special, this study shows that the response rate about the object which is related with interest is very low compared with any other mathematics education objects. So, it is necessary to pay more attention to the object which is related with interest.

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A research on mathematics teachers' perceptions of mathematics education (수학교육에 대한 우리나라 수학교사의 인식조사 연구)

  • Kim, Somin;Kim, Hong-Kyeom
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.58 no.3
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    • pp.423-442
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    • 2019
  • Stepping into the beginning of the fourth industrial revolution, we need new mathematics education plans and policies to foster talent in people for future. Investigating the present condition and teachers' perceptions of mathematics education in schools is an essential process in making mathematics education plans and policies that reflect the periodical changes and social needs. Thus, we developed a survey to investigate teachers' perceptions and present condition of mathematics education, conducted the survey for teachers in elementary, middle, and high schools, and analyzed the results of the survey. In this study, focusing on the results of the survey, we interpreted the results and provided implications for mathematics educational policies. Through frequency analysis of individual questionnaires and crosstabulation analysis between questionnaires, we could provide mathematics teachers' overall perceptions of mathematics education and basic information on the conditions of mathematics education in the schools. In addition, the findings of this study suggest that policymakers should consider the followings when developing new mathematics education plans and policies: having the proper number of students per class, reducing non-teaching work, supporting teachers' expertise in evaluation, improving Internet access and technology equipment, supporting the school administrators' change of perceptions of mathematics education, retraining teachers in the active use of ICT or technological tools, and supporting students having difficulty learning mathematics.

Changes in Perceptions of Elementary School Preservice Teachers about Mathematical Modeling (수학적 모델링에 대한 초등학교 예비교사들의 인식변화)

  • Kim, YongSeok
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.101-123
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    • 2022
  • Recently, as the educational paradigm shifts from teacher-centered to learner-centered, the active construction of knowledge of learners is becoming more important. Accordingly, classes using mathematical modeling are receiving attention. However, existing research is focused on teachers or middle and high school students, so it is difficult to apply the contents and results of the research to preservice teachers. Therefore, in this study, the experience of mathematical modeling was examined for elementary school preservice teachers. And we looked at how positive experiences of mathematical modeling change their perceptions. As a result of the study, elementary school preservice teachers had very little experience in mathematical modeling during their school days. In addition, it was found that the perceptions changed more positively than when a theoretical class on mathematical modeling was conducted, rather than when the experience of mathematical modeling was actually shared. Based on the results of this study, implications were suggested in the course of training preservice teachers.

Investigation of the Teaching Practice in Mathematics Classroom with Immigrant Students (우리나라 초.중등학교 다문화수학교실의 수업실태 분석)

  • Song, Ryoon-Jin;Noh, Sun-Sook;Ju, Mi-Kyung
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.37-63
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    • 2011
  • This research had investigated the teaching practice in the mathematics classrooms with immigrant students to describe how effectively mathematics teachers create inclusive learning environment of mathematics. The analysis of the data from the elementary schools suggests that teaching practice in the class was consistent to the criteria for 'contextualization of students' lived experience' and 'mathematical conversation'. However, while the quantitative results suggested that the teachers showed high expectation to their students in their teaching, the qualitative analysis revealed the teacher's beliefs and attitudes against providing equitable educational opportunity for every student. In the middle school classrooms, it was found that the teaching practices were not compatible to the goals of multicultural mathematics education. The analysis of the survey data regarding teachers' multicultural competence suggests that the teachers possessed rather advan]ced understanding of multicultural mathematics education but they need materials and pedagogy for classroom teaching from multicultural perspectives.

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