• Title/Summary/Keyword: media processing

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Predicting the Unemployment Rate Using Social Media Analysis

  • Ryu, Pum-Mo
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.904-915
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    • 2018
  • We demonstrate how social media content can be used to predict the unemployment rate, a real-world indicator. We present a novel method for predicting the unemployment rate using social media analysis based on natural language processing and statistical modeling. The system collects social media contents including news articles, blogs, and tweets written in Korean, and then extracts data for modeling using part-of-speech tagging and sentiment analysis techniques. The autoregressive integrated moving average with exogenous variables (ARIMAX) and autoregressive with exogenous variables (ARX) models for unemployment rate prediction are fit using the analyzed data. The proposed method quantifies the social moods expressed in social media contents, whereas the existing methods simply present social tendencies. Our model derived a 27.9% improvement in error reduction compared to a Google Index-based model in the mean absolute percentage error metric.

Analysis to Select Filter Media and The Treatment Effect of Non-point Pollution Source in Road Runoff

  • Lee, Tae Goo;Han, Young Hae
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 2014
  • This study selected and analyzed filter media that can be applied in non-point pollution reduction devices aimed at processing the source of pollution on site for road runoff that increases rapidly in rainfall-runoff in order to improve the water quality of urban areas. First, the factors that affect the quality of runoff caused by sources of non-point pollution include physical and social factors such as the usage of land around the area of water collection, type of pavement and movement of cars and people, as well as rainfall characteristics such as frequency, intensity, amount and duration of rainfall. Second, the purification tests of the filter media were processed for pH, BOD, COD and T-P, and the filter media showed to have initial purification effect at that items. However, the filter media showed to be very effective for the processing of SS, T-N, Zn and Cd from the beginning to the end. Third, for filter media, zeolite and vermiculite showed to be effective for processing SS, T-N, Zn and CD constantly, and composite filter media including zeolite showed to have strong processing effects. The authors conclude that this study can be applied to technical areas and policies aimed at reducing non-point pollution in urban areas and can also contribute to allowing eco-friendly management of rainfall as well as improvement of water quality.

Korean Language Input System Using Direction Keys (방향키를 이용한 한글입력 시스템)

  • Min Kyung-In;Rhee Dae-Woong
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.719-722
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    • 2006
  • 본 연구는 방향키를 이용한 한글 입력 시스템 및 방법에 관한 것으로, 한글의 획순에 대응되는 방향키와 보충키를 이용하여 한글을 입력하는 방법으로 별도의 학습이 필요하지 않을 뿐 아니라 소수의 입력키만을 이용할 수 있어 문자입력 장치의 크기를 최소화하여 한글의 자음과 모음을 입력하는 한글 입력 시스템 및 방법에 관한 것이다.

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An Analysis of Media in the Elementary Moral Textbooks by the Information Processing Model (정보처리모형을 이용한 초등학교 도덕 교과서의 수록 매체 분석)

  • Song, GI-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.5-23
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze media in the elementary moral textbooks with the information processing model and suggest some ways to boost media literacy within the school library. In this study, the three national moral curriculum for the 4th, 5th and 6th elementary students are assayed. As the results of analysis, the inputs of the elementary moral textbooks are bias toward pictures (visual media) and stories (printed media), its' processing focus on investigation and workbooks using the table and its' outputs are based on the writing, speaking and making (creating). But there are so lack of specific activities to achieve relevant information form the media and the reading strategies of visual media as the elements of inputs. The school library should serve various reading materials considering the develop of reading interest, make workbooks for learning strategies according to the text types and try to secure collaborative teaching time to resolve the bias toward media of inputs, increase information processing activities and improve students' media literacy.

Multimedia Information and Authoring for Personalized Media Networks

  • Choi, Insook;Bargar, Robin
    • Journal of Multimedia Information System
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.123-144
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    • 2017
  • Personalized media includes user-targeted and user-generated content (UGC) exchanged through social media and interactive applications. The increased consumption of UGC presents challenges and opportunities to multimedia information systems. We work towards modeling a deep structure for content networks. To gain insights, a hybrid practice with Media Framework (MF) is presented for network creation of personalized media, which leverages the authoring methodology with user-generated semantics. The system's vertical integration allows users to audition their personalized media networks in the context of a global system network. A navigation scheme with dynamic GUI shifts the interaction paradigm for content query and sharing. MF adopts a multimodal architecture anticipating emerging use cases and genres. To model diversification of platforms, information processing is robust across multiple technology configurations. Physical and virtual networks are integrated with distributed services and transactions, IoT, and semantic networks representing media content. MF applies spatiotemporal and semantic signal processing to differentiate action responsiveness and information responsiveness. The extension of multimedia information processing into authoring enables generating interactive and impermanent media on computationally enabled devices. The outcome of this integrated approach with presented methodologies demonstrates a paradigmatic shift of the concept of UGC as personalized media network, which is dynamical and evolvable.

A Comparative Study on Different Characteristics of Social Media and Product Information Processing and Evaluation (블로그-트위터 매체 간 특성 차이 및 사용자 제품정보 처리와 평가차이 비교에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Beom;Hur, Chung;Chung, Min-Hyung;Shin, Yong-Jae
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.69-91
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    • 2012
  • The study investigates the media distinctiveness between twitter and other social media and describes how product information interpretation and responsiveness by internet users can be affected by the distinctive characteristics of twitter and blog media. The characteristics include relationship formation patterns among users, channel diversity, immediateness of information communication, information flow within media, media credibility, and management cost. Specifically, we statistically tested whether these characteristics are meaningfully differentiated by users. Results also showed that users perceived product information processing level and product evaluation direction differently based on these media characteristics. The current findings can serve as a pioneering work to provide a theoretical framework for examining social media characteristics and their impacts on consumer perception. In addition, this study practically suggests that marketers and network managers need to use differentiated communication strategies for twitters as a marketing strategic option.

Analysis of Data visualization types and tools (데이터 시각화 유형 및 툴의 기능 분석)

  • Seo, Miran;Kim, Hee-Jin;Choi, Eunyoung;Choi, Yoo-Joo;Suh, Jung-Keun
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2018.10a
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    • pp.449-452
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    • 2018
  • 본 논문에서는 데이터 시각화 목적에 따른 시각화 표현 방식과 6개의 데이터 시각화 툴들의 비교 분석을 통하여 목적에 맞는 차트 유형의 선택의 중요성과 각 툴들이 제공하는 기능과 차이점을 분석해 보았다. 부분적이지만 선정된 각 툴들의 비교를 통해 데스크톱 기반인 환경에서는 비교적 많은 시각화 유형(차트)의 제공이 가능하지만 모바일 환경에서의 제약사항들을 알 수 있었다. 또한 시각화 툴들이 점차 웹 기반 서비스로 진화하고 있으며 클라우드를 제공하여 전과물들을 쉽게 저장 공유하고 텀플로우 기능이 점점 더 요구될 것으로 보인다. 이에 향후 필요로 하는 다양한 초점의 데이터 시각화 연구를 고찰해 보았다.

The implementation of Media Processing Part in the DMB receiver (DMB 방송 수신을 위한 수신기의 멀티미디어 처리기 구현)

  • Park Jeong Hoon;Lee Sang Rae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.187-190
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, the efficient implementation technique of media processing part in the terrestrial and satellite DMB (Digital Multimedia Broadcasting) receiver is presented. To implement the unified multimedia Processor of DMB receiver, we investigated the characteristic of DMB service and the functionality of each processing part in the DMB receiver. To implement the synchronization between audio and video media, we present the general method to use the reference clock of the stream in the DMB receiver. Also we present the method to handle the bit error of the received bitstream within the wireless net work for robust media processor.

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GPS-based real-time AR compass for outdoor location guidance (실외위치 안내를 위한 GPS기반 실시간 AR 나침반)

  • Kim, Sang-Joon;Choi, Yoo-Joo
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.545-548
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    • 2018
  • 본 논문에서는 모바일 디바이스의 GPS, Compass, Gyroscope Sensor를 이용하여 실외 공간의 위치를 찾아주는 실시간 AR 나침반을 제안한다. 제안 AR 나침반에서는 모바일 디바이스의 Sensor 이용하여 사용자의 위치와 방향, 실외 공간의 위치와 방향을 계산하여 안내 Object의 크기와 가시화 여부를 결정하고 보여줌으로 사용자가 실외 공간의 위치를 찾아갈 수 있도록 하는 나침반을 설계 구현하였다.