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Multimedia Information and Authoring for Personalized Media Networks  

Choi, Insook (School of Arts and Media, University of Salford)
Bargar, Robin (University of Salford)
Publication Information
Journal of Multimedia Information System / v.4, no.3, 2017 , pp. 123-144 More about this Journal
Personalized media includes user-targeted and user-generated content (UGC) exchanged through social media and interactive applications. The increased consumption of UGC presents challenges and opportunities to multimedia information systems. We work towards modeling a deep structure for content networks. To gain insights, a hybrid practice with Media Framework (MF) is presented for network creation of personalized media, which leverages the authoring methodology with user-generated semantics. The system's vertical integration allows users to audition their personalized media networks in the context of a global system network. A navigation scheme with dynamic GUI shifts the interaction paradigm for content query and sharing. MF adopts a multimodal architecture anticipating emerging use cases and genres. To model diversification of platforms, information processing is robust across multiple technology configurations. Physical and virtual networks are integrated with distributed services and transactions, IoT, and semantic networks representing media content. MF applies spatiotemporal and semantic signal processing to differentiate action responsiveness and information responsiveness. The extension of multimedia information processing into authoring enables generating interactive and impermanent media on computationally enabled devices. The outcome of this integrated approach with presented methodologies demonstrates a paradigmatic shift of the concept of UGC as personalized media network, which is dynamical and evolvable.
Multimedia Information and Authoring System; Multimodal Architecture; Personalization; Semantic Network;
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