• Title/Summary/Keyword: materials budget

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Heterogeneous Multiple Traveling Purchaser Problem with Budget Constraint (예산 제약을 고려한 다용량 복수 순회구매자 문제)

  • Choi, Myung-Jin;Lee, Sang-Heon
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.111-124
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    • 2010
  • In the last decade, traveling purchaser problem (TPP) has received some attention of the researchers in the operational research area. TPP is a generalization of the well-known traveling salesman problem (TSP), which has many real-world applications such as purchasing the required raw materials for the manufacturing factories and the scheduling of a set of jobs over some machines, and many others. In this paper we suggest heterogeneous multiple traveling purchaser problem with budget constraint (HMTPP-B) which looks for several cycles starting at and ending to the depot and visiting a subset at a minimum traveling cost and such that the demand for each product is satisfied and the cost spent for purchasing the products does not exceed a given budget threshold. All the past studies of TPP are restricted on a single purchaser. Therefore we randomly generated some instances. CPLEX is used for getting optimal solutions in these experiments.

Impacts of Different Urban Surfaces on Summer Thermal Performance

  • Jo, Hyun-Kil;Wu, Qian
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.819-826
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    • 2015
  • This study measured temperatures and albedos of urban surfaces for different colors and materials during summer, and calculated the energy budget over different urban surfaces to find out the thermal performance affecting the heat built-up. The study selected six surface colors and 13 materials common in urban landscape. Their surface temperatures (Ts) and albedos were measured at a given time interval in the daytime from June to August. Average Ts over summer season for asphalt-colored brick was $4.0^{\circ}C$ higher than that for light red-colored one and $9.7^{\circ}C$ higher than that for white-colored one. The Ts for artificial surface materials of asphalt paving, brown brick wall, and green concrete wall was $6.0^{\circ}C$ higher than that for natural and semi-natural ones of grass, grassy block, and planted concrete wall. There was the greatest difference of $16.3^{\circ}C$ at midafternoon in the Ts between asphalt paving and planted concrete wall. Average albedo over summer season of surface materials ranged from 0.08 for asphalt paving to 0.67 for white concrete wall. This difference in the albedo was associated with a maximum of $15.7^{\circ}C$ difference at midafternoon in the Ts. Increasing the albedo by 0.1 (from 0.22 to 0.32) reduced the Ts by about $1.3^{\circ}C$. Average storage heat at midday by natural and semi-natural surfaces of grass and grassy block was about 10% lower than that by artificial ones of asphalt, light-red brick, and concrete. Reflected radiation, which ultimately contributes to heating the urban atmosphere, was 3.7 times greater for light-red brick and concrete surfaces than for asphalt surface. Thus, surfaces with in-between tone and color are more effective than dark- or white-colored ones, and natural or semi-natural surfaces are much greater than artificial ones in improving the urban thermal environment. This study provides new information on correlation between Ts and air temperature, relationship between albedo and Ts, and the energy budget.

A Study on the Budget for Foreign Knowledge Information Resources in Korean Academic and Research Libraries (해외 지식정보자원의 수집 예산 규모에 관한 연구)

  • Kwack Dong-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.151-174
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    • 2006
  • To improve the international competitiveness of research and academic libraries in Korea, it is essential to review the total amount of domestic information resources in comparison with those of other advanced countries, and then to make their best use. In this study, an attempt is made to estimate the annual budget for collecting foreign knowledge information resources spent by academic and research libraries in Korea. This budget estimate could be used for a basis for setting up the appropriate collection size and the efficient channel for distributing and sharing information resources among academic and research libraries on the governmental level. The total budget for collecting foreign knowledge information resources, including foreign monographs and scholarly journals in print, and the budget for foreign electronic journals, and web databases were estimated for academic libraries and research libraries, respectively, while the budget for international document delivery services was estimated without distinction between the types of libraries.

Optimal Replacement Scheduling of Water Pipelines

  • Ghobadi, Fatemeh;Kang, Doosun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2021.06a
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    • pp.145-145
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    • 2021
  • Water distribution networks (WDNs) are designed to satisfy water requirement of an urban community. One of the central issues in human history is providing sufficient quality and quantity of water through WDNs. A WDN consists of a great number of pipelines with different ages, lengths, materials, and sizes in varying degrees of deterioration. The available annual budget for rehabilitation of these infrastructures only covers part of the network; thus it is important to manage the limited budget in the most cost-effective manner. In this study, a novel pipe replacement scheduling approach is proposed in order to smooth the annual investment time series based on a life cycle cost assessment. The proposed approach is applied to a real WDN currently operating in South Korea. The proposed scheduling plan considers both the annual budget limitation and the optimum investment on pipes' useful life. A non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm is used to solve a multi-objective optimization problem. Three decision-making objectives, including the minimum imposed LCC of the network, the minimum standard deviation of annual cost, and the minimum average age of the network, are considered to find optimal pipe replacement planning over long-term time period. The results indicate that the proposed scheduling structure provides efficient and cost-effective rehabilitation management of water network with consistent annual budget.

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The Development Program of the Collection for Korean Classical Materials in the University Library - With emphasis on the library of Pusan National University (대학도서관에서의 고전자료 개발방안 -부산대학교 도서관을 중심으로-)

  • Song Jung-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.25
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    • pp.215-232
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    • 1993
  • The Long-Term Development Plan of the Pusan National University(PNU) has announced on 1991 in order to reach its roles and levels as an University with international standards, a Graduate School research-oriented and a core university in its community through accomplishment of this Plan. University libraries would be planned to support their universities' goals. Therefore the Library of PNU is facing on the task for supporting the Plan. The Collection for Korean Classical Materials (CKCM) is not limited in Korean Literature, Korean History, Korean Philosophy fields but covered the academic fields except a hightech science : Humanities, social science. pure science, applied science and arts etc. However, the Library of PNU does not have the organization, special librarian and budget for CKCM. Under this notion organization, budget and librarian for the collection would be followed. The CKCM contains the original editions, photography editions, copied issues. microform reproductions with comprehensive subjects in the fields of studies. Especially for the collection of treasure books the role of the Library of PNU induce to open individuals' collections or families' collections to public through the Library. The equipments for preserving rare books and treasure books are the conditioners for humidity and temperature, automatic extinguishment system. The reference materials, copy machine and reading room are requested for the user service of CKCM. The materials would be one of the most important thing in study and research. Therefore the Library of PNU need to pay attention to develop and preserve CKCM.

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An Analysis of the Use of Media Materials in School Health Education and Related Factors in Korea (학과보건교육에서의 매체활용실태 및 영향요인 분석)

  • Kim, Young-Im;Jung, Hye-Sun;Ahn, Ji-Young;Park, Jung-Young;Park, Eun-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.207-215
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    • 1999
  • The objectives of this study are to explain the use of media materials in school health education with other related factors in elementary, middle, and high schools in Korea. The data were collected by questionnaires from June to September in 1998. The number of subjects were 294 school nurses. The PC-SAS program was used for statistical analysis such as percent distribution, chi-squared test, spearman correlation test, and logistic regression. The use of media materials in health education has become extremely common. Unfortunately, much of the early materials were of poor production quality, reflected low levels of interest, and generally did little to enhance health education programming. A recent trend in media materials is a move away from the fact filled production to a more affective, process-oriented approach. There is an obvious need for health educators to use high-quality, polished productions in order to counteract the same levels of quality used by commercial agencies that often promote "unhealthy" lifestyles. Health educators need to be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of the various forms of media. Selecting media materials should be based on more than cost, availability, and personal preference. Selection should be based on the goal of achieving behavioral objectives formulated before the review process begins. The decision to use no media materials rather than something of dubious quality usually be the right decision. Poor-quality, outdated, or boring materials will usually have a detrimental effect on the presentation. Media materials should be viewed as vehicles to enhance learning, not products that will stand in isolation. Process of materials is an essential part of the educational process. The major results were as follows : 1. The elementary schools used the materials more frequently. But the production rate of media materials was not enough. The budget was too small for a wide use of media materials in school health education. These findings suggest that all schools have to increase the budget of health education programs. 2. Computers offer an incredibly diverse set of possibilities for use in health education, ranging from complicated statistical analysis to elementary-school-level health education games. But the use rate of this material was not high. The development of related software is essential. Health educators would be well advised to develop a basic operating knowledge of media equipment. 3. In this study, the most effective materials were films in elementary school and videotapes in middle and high school. Film tends to be a more emotive medium than videotape. The difficulties of media selection involved the small amount of extant educational materials. Media selection is a multifaceted process and should be based on a combination of sound principles. 4. The review of material use following student levels showed that the more the contents were various, the more the use rate was high. 5. Health education videotapes and overhead projectors proved the most plentiful and widest media tools. The information depicted was more likely to be current. As a means to display both text and graphic information, this instructional medium has proven to be both effective and enduring. 6. An analysis of how effective the quality of school nurse and school use of media materials shows a result that is not complete (p=0.1113). But, the budget of health education is a significant variable. The increase of the budget therefore is essential to effective use of media materials. From these results it is recommended that various media materials be developed and be wide used.

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A Study on the Management of Korean Church Libraries and Strategies for Revitalization (한국 교회도서관의 운영현황과 활성화방안에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Myeong-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.33-48
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    • 2010
  • The study aimed to identify current situations of Korean church libraries. The results from 22 church libraries are investigated in terms of some factors such as material organization, quantity of materials, facilities, staffs, budgets, public services, users and classification systems. Current libraries are very small in its facility, quantity of the materials and the budget, and lack of the full-time librarian. Recently, children's libraries are established among small churches, and their budgets and public services are stable. Suggestions for revitalizing the church libraries are made: the pastor's understanding of the significance of church library for missions' sake, establishment of more church libraries, acquisitions of various non-book materials, budget security, necessity for a full-time librarian, provision of various types of services and cooperations among church libraries.

A Study on the Technology and Economic Feasibility of Surface Waterproofing System in Underground Concrete Structures. (지하 콘크리트 구조물 외부 방수공법의 기술성 및 경제성에 관한 연구)

  • 임채중;배문옥
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2001.05a
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    • pp.699-706
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    • 2001
  • Waterproofing materials should be expected to last the life of the structure. An approximate life cycle cost should be to compare different materials based on initial and periodic repair / maintenance costs. Waterproofing applicators like materials that are easy to set up and clean up. The designer should choose a material that can be applied in almost all conditions. Design Professionals should specify independent inspection on critical jobs or in all cases where the budget permits. The basic causes of defection occurred during construction should be minimized.

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Current Status and Needs of Nutrition Education on Children's Sugars Intake Reduction according to the Budget of Center for Children's Foodservice Management (어린이급식관리지원센터의 예산규모에 따른 유아 당류 영양교육 실태 및 요구도)

  • Kim, Mi-Hyun;Yeon, Jee-Young
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.532-542
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    • 2018
  • This study investigated the current status and needs of nutrition education to help reduce children's sugars intake, according to the annual budget of the Center for Children's Foodservice Management (CCFM). Through an online survey conducted in October 2015, the 115 CCFMs participated in this survey and they were divided into the following three groups according to the annual project budget: 1~2 million won (${\leq}2M$; n=25), 3~4 million won (3~4 M; n=60), and 5 million and over won (${\geq}5M$; n=30). A total of 8.0% of the ${\leq}2M$ group respondents provided nutrition education on the sugars intake to young children as a main topic, which was significantly lower than those of the 3~4 M(16.7%) and ${\geq}5M$ (16.7%) groups (p<0.05). The most common reasons given for not delivering nutrition education on sugars were "insufficient nutrition education information and materials" for the ${\leq}2M$ (47.1%), and "more urgent nutrition education topics than that" for the 3~4 M (66.7%) and ${\geq}5M$ (50.0%). The percentage of nutrition education on children's sugars intake provided to their parents was low, showing about 8% in the ${\leq}2M$ group, 28.3% in the 3~4 M group and 23.3% in the ${\geq}5M$ group (p<0.05). However, more than 90% of the respondents answered providing nutrition education on sugars intake reduction to children was needed regardless of the annual project budget. The results indicate a great need for the development and dissemination of standardized educational programs about children's sugars intake in order to provide a leveled education program regardless of the project budget, and to solve the difficulties of development and operation of nutrition educational programs due to a lack of budget and human resources of CCFMs with less annual project budget to manage the projects.