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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: material behavior model

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Suggestion of Modified Compression Index for secondary consolidation using by Nonlinear Elasto Viscoplastic Models (비선형 점탄소성 모델을 이용한 2차압밀이 포함된 수정압축지수개발)

  • Choi, Bu-Sung;Im, Jong-Chul;Kwon, Jung-Keun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.1115-1123
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    • 2008
  • When constructing projects such as road embankments, bridge approaches, dikes or buildings on soft, compressible soils, significant settlements may occur due to the consolidation of these soils under the superimposed loads. The compressibility of the soil skeleton of a soft clay is influenced by such factors as structure and fabric, stress path, temperature and loading rate. Although it is possible to determine appropriate relations and the corresponding material parameters in the laboratory, it is well known that sample disturbance due to stress release, temperature change and moisture content change can have a profound effect on the compressibility of a clay. The early research of Tezaghi and Casagrande has had a lasting influence on our interpretation of consolidation data. The 24 hour, incremental load, oedometer test has become, more or less, the standard procedure for determining the one-dimensional, stress-strain behavior of clays. An important notion relates to the interpretation of the data is the ore-consolidation pressure σp, which is located approximately at the break in the slope on the curve. From a practical point of view, this pressure is usually viewed as corresponding to the maximum past effective stress supported by the soil. Researchers have shown, however, that the value of σp depends on the test procedure. furthermore, owing to sampling disturbance, the results of the laboratory consolidation test must be corrected to better capture the in-situ compressibility characteristics. The corrections apply, strictly speaking, to soils where the relation between strain and effective stress is time independent. An important assumption in Terzaghi's one-dimensional theory of consolidation is that the soil skeleton behaves elastically. On the other hand, Buisman recognized that creep deformations in settlement analysis can be important. this has led to extensions to Terzaghi's theory by various investigators, including the applicant and coworkers. The main object of this study is to suggestion the modified compression index value to predict settlements by back calculating the Cc from different numerical models, which are giving best prediction settlements for multi layers including very thick soft clay.

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The Structural Integrity Test for a PSC Containment with Unbonded Tendons and Numerical Analysis II (비부착텐던 PSC 격납건물에 대한 구조건전성시험 및 수치해석 II)

  • Noh, Sanghoon;Jung, Raeyoung;Lee, Byungsoo;Lim, Sang-Jun
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.535-542
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    • 2015
  • A reactor containment acts as a final barrier to prevent leakage of radioactive material due to the possible reactor accidents into external environment. Because of the functional importance of the containment building, the SIT(Structural Integrity Test) for containments shall be performed to evaluate the structural acceptability and demonstrate the quality of construction. In this paper, numerical analyses are presented, which simulate the results obtained from the SIT for a prestressed concrete(PSC) structure. A sophisticate structural analysis model is developed to simulate the structural behavior during the SIT properly based on various preliminary analysis results considering contact condition among structural elements. From the comparison of the analysis and test results based on the acceptance criteria of ASME CC-6000, it can be concluded that the construction quality of the containment has been well maintained and the acceptable performance of new design features has been verified.

Oxygen Vacancy Effects of Two-Dimensional Electron Gas in SrTiO3/KNbO3 Hetero Structure

  • Choi, Woo-Sung;Kang, Min-Gyu;Do, Young-Ho;Jung, Woo-Suk;Ju, Byeong-Kwon;Yoon, Seok-Jin;Yoo, Kwang-Soo;Kang, Chong-Yun
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.244-248
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    • 2013
  • The discovery of a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in LaAlO3 (LAO)/SrTiO3 (STO) heterostructure has stimulated intense research activity. We suggest a new structure model based on KNbO3 (KNO) material. The KNO thin films were grown on TiO2-terminated STO substrates as a p-type structure (NbO2/KO/TiO2) to form a two-dimensional hole gas (2DHG). The STO thin films were grown on KNO/TiO2-terminated STO substrates as an n-type structure to form a 2DEG. Oxygen pressure during the deposition of the KNO and STO thin films was changed so as to determine the effect of oxygen vacancies on 2DEGs. Our results showed conducting behavior in the n-type structure and insulating properties in the p-type structure. When both the KNO and STO thin films were deposited on a TiO2-terminated STO substrate at a low oxygen pressure, the conductivity was found to be higher than that at higher oxygen pressures. Furthermore, the heterostructure formed at various oxygen pressures resulted in structures with different current values. An STO/KNO heterostructure was also grown on the STO substrate, without using the buffered oxide etchant (BOE) treatment, so as to confirm the effects of the polar catastrophe mechanism. An STO/KNO heterostructure grown on an STO substrate without BOE treatment did not exhibit conductivity. Therefore, we expect that the mechanics of 2DEGs in the STO/KNO heterostructures are governed by the oxygen vacancy mechanism and the polar catastrophe mechanism.

Analytical Study on Fatigue Behavior of Resilient Pad for Rail Fastening System (레일체결장치용 방진패드의 피로거동에 관한 해석적 연구)

  • Choi, Jung-Youl
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.405-410
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    • 2021
  • In this study, a finite element analysis was performed applying a nonlinear material model and fatigue load conditions to evaluate the service life and spring stiffness of the resilient pad for rail fastening system. As a result of the fatigue analysis, the rate of change in spring stiffness compared to the initial condition was about 16%, indicating that fatigue hardening occurred. As for the stress generated in the longitudinal direction of the resilient pad, the difference between the stress generated at the center and the edge was about 10 times or more. In addition, it was analyzed that the equivalent stress of the outer boundary was more than twice as large as that of the central part. Therefore, it was analyzed that the damage and deformation of the resilient pad are the corners of the resilient pad under actual service conditions. The fatigue life diagram of the resilient pad (S-N curve) was derived using the equivalent stress of the resilient pad according to the fatigue cycles. Using the fatigue life diagram of the resilient pad derived in this study, it is considered that it can be used to predict the fatigue life under the relevant conditions by calculating the equivalent stress of the resilient pad under various load conditions.

A Collision Simulation Study on the Structural Stability for a Programmable Drone (충돌 시뮬레이션을 통한 코딩 교육용 드론의 구조적 안정성 연구)

  • Kim, Myung-Il;Jung, Dae-Yong;Kim, Su-Min;Lee, Jin-Kyu;Choi, Mun-Hyun;Kim, Ho-Yoon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.627-635
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    • 2019
  • A programmable drone is a drone developed not only to experience the basic principles of flight but also to control drones through Arduino-based programming. Due to the nature of the training drones, the main users are students who are inexperienced in controlling the drones, which often cause frequent collisions with external objects, resulting in high damage to the drones' frame. In this study, the structural stability of the drone was evaluated by means of a structural dynamics based collision simulation for educational drone frame. Collision simulations were performed on three cases according to the impact angle of 0, +15 and 15, using an analytical model with approximately 240,000 tetrahedron elements. Using ANSYS LS-DYNA, which provides excellent functions for the simulation of the dynamic behavior of three-dimensional structures, the stress distribution and strain generated on the drone upper, the drone lower, and the ring assembly were analyzed when the drones collided against the wall at a rate of 4 m/s. Safety factors resulting from the equivalent stress and the yield strain were calculated in the range of 0.72 to 2.64 and 1.72 to 26.67, respectively. To ensure structural stability for areas where stress exceeds yield strain and ultimate strain according to material properties, the design reinforcement is presented.

A Study on the Confined Effects of Highly Moistured Soils Reinforced with Geosynthetics (토목섬유가 보강된 고함수비 흙의 구속효과에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo, Jae-Won;Im, Jong-Chul;Kang, Sang-Kyun;Lee, Hyung-Jun;Choi, Moon-Bong
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.25-37
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    • 2019
  • This study confirms reinforcing effect of geosynthetics in the use of soil at higher water contents as a compaction material on compaction tests, field compaction tests, and numerical analysis. To verify a confined effect, a large mold(area ratio of rammer / mold = 0.19) larger than D compaction mold(area ratio of rammer / mold = 0.33) was performed for compaction. It showed that in the D compaction test, dry density were 0.5~0.6% increases and in the compaction test using the large mold, it were 2.4~3.7% increases at high water contents. It shows that when the area of compacted area is large enough, a confined effect could be arising from the reinforcement of geosynthetics even at high water contents. As a result of analyzing of compaction effects according to 'depth(z/B) from compacted surface' in the field, when not reinforced, the compaction state deteriorated due to the over-compaction and the compaction did not work well. However, when reinforcement of geosynthetics, restraint effect by geosynthetics occurs, it is confirmed that the compaction energy is effectively transferred to the compaction layer and the dry density is increased. Also, through the conceptual model of the behavior of geosynthetic and soil layer, the mechanism in the ground due to reinforcement of geosynthetics is presented and it is verified through finite element analysis.

Effect of modifying the thickness of the plate at the level of the overlap length in the presence of bonding defects on the strength of an adhesive joint

  • Attout Boualem;Sidi Mohamed Medjdoub;Madani Kouider;Kaddouri Nadia;Elajrami Mohamed;Belhouari Mohamed;Amin Houari;Salah Amroune;R.D.S.G. Campilho
    • Advances in aircraft and spacecraft science
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.83-103
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    • 2024
  • Adhesive bonding is currently widely used in many industrial fields, particularly in the aeronautics sector. Despite its advantages over mechanical joints such as riveting and welding, adhesive bonding is mostly used for secondary structures due to its low peel strength; especially if it is simultaneously exposed to temperature and humidity; and often presence of bonding defects. In fact, during joint preparation, several types of defects can be introduced into the adhesive layer such as air bubbles, cavities, or cracks, which induce stress concentrations potentially leading to premature failure. Indeed, the presence of defects in the adhesive joint has a significant effect on adhesive stresses, which emphasizes the need for a good surface treatment. The research in this field is aimed at minimizing the stresses in the adhesive joint at its free edges by geometric modifications of the ovelapping part and/or by changing the nature of the substrates. In this study, the finite element method is used to describe the mechanical behavior of bonded joints. Thus, a three-dimensional model is made to analyze the effect of defects in the adhesive joint at areas of high stress concentrations. The analysis consists of estimating the different stresses in an adhesive joint between two 2024-T3 aluminum plates. Two types of single lap joints(SLJ) were analyzed: a standard SLJ and another modified by removing 0.2 mm of material from the thickness of one plate along the overlap length, taking into account several factors such as the applied load, shape, size and position of the defect. The obtained results clearly show that the presence of a bonding defect significantly affects stresses in the adhesive joint, which become important if the joint is subjected to a higher applied load. On the other hand, the geometric modification made to the plate considerably reduces the various stresses in the adhesive joint even in the presence of a bonding defect.

Development of Manual Multi-Leaf Collimator for Proton Therapy in National Cancer Center (국립암센터의 양성자 치료를 위한 수동형 다엽 콜리메이터 개발)

  • Lee, Nuri;Kim, Tae Yoon;Kang, Dong Yun;Choi, Jae Hyock;Jeong, Jong Hwi;Shin, Dongho;Lim, Young Kyung;Park, Jeonghoon;Kim, Tae Hyun;Lee, Se Byeong
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.250-257
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    • 2015
  • Multi-leaf collimator (MLC) systems are frequently used to deliver photon-based radiation, and allow conformal shaping of treatment beams. Many proton beam centers currently make use of aperture and snout systems, which involve use of a snout to shape and focus the proton beam, a brass aperture to modify field shape, and an acrylic compensator to modulate depth. However, it needs a lot of time and cost of preparing treatment, therefore, we developed the manual MLC for solving this problem. This study was carried out with the intent of designing an MLC system as an alternative to an aperture block system. Radio-activation and dose due to primary proton beam leakage and the presence of secondary neutrons were taken into account during these iterations. Analytical calculations were used to study the effects of leaf material on activation. We have fabricated tray model for adoption with a wobbling snout (30×40cm2) system which used uniform scanning beam. We designed the manual MLC and tray and can reduce the cost and time for treatment. After leakage test of new tray, we upgrade the tray with brass and made the safety tool. First, we have tested the radio-activation with usually brass and new brass for new manual MLC. It shows similar behavior and decay trend. In addition, we have measured the leakage test of a gantry with new tray and MLC tray, while we exposed the high energy with full modulation process on film dosimetry. The radiation leakage is less than 1%. From these results, we have developed the design of the tray and upgrade for safety. Through the radio-activation behavior, we figure out the proton beam leakage level of safety, where there detects the secondary particle, including neutron. After developing new design of the tray, it will be able to reduce the time and cost of proton treatment. Finally, we have applied in clinic test with original brass aperture and manual MLC and calculated the gamma index, 99.74% between them.

Study on Korean SMEs' Brand Luxuriousness Building (마케팅 믹스를 활용한 한국 중소기업의 브랜드 명품성 구축에 대한 연구)

  • Koh, InKo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2018
  • As interest and consumption of luxury goods have become more popular, luxury goods market is growing rapidly. Consumers can acquire psychological satisfaction with material abundance by purchasing and using luxury goods. Also, from the view of corporations, luxury goods have price inelastic characteristics, so they can enjoy price premium and it is good to produce good performance. That is the reason why they should pay much attention to securing luxuriousness. This study examined the establishment of brands luxuriousness in Korean SMEs. First, it examined the world market of luxury goods industry and the present condition of Korean market. Then it identified the constituents of luxuriousness by examining the prior studies and related literatures, and designed a research model based on the theoretical grounds to suggest the methods of brand luxuriousness building of Korean SMEs. Luxuriousness can be defined as the attribute of product that distinguishes luxury goods from other products by consumers' perceptions, and the factor that provides situational benefits that motivate consumers' purchasing behavior. In this study, I identified the sub-dimensions of luxuriousness according to whether there are product related attributes and consumers' benefit in consideration of the problems of existing studies. Product related luxuriousness are classified into superiority(functional benefit) and scarcity(experiential benefit), while non-product related luxuriousness are classified into differentiation(symbolic benefit) and traditionality(exclusive benefit). The following are the ways to build brand luxuriousness. First, company can use product factors. High quality, excellent design, high recognized brand with strong, favorable and unique images can enhance the luxuriousness of brand. Second, company can use price factors. Consumers tend to perceive luxury goods as high-priced items, so lowering the price of product can undermine the luxuriousness of product. Third, company can use distribution factors. It is effective for making consumers to perceive the differentiation and scarcity of luxuriousness through limited distribution channel. In addition, store atmosphere suitable for luxury brands should be created. Fourth, company can use promotion factors. The more consumers are exposed to advertisements, the more positive attitudes toward luxury brands are made, and consumers recognize luxuriousness higher. Price promotion negatively affects consumers' perception of luxuriousness. Fifth, company can use corporate factors. Consumer evaluations of products are influenced not only by the product attributes but also by the corporate association and corporate image surrounding the product. Considering the existing researches, it is possible to enhance the brand luxuriousness through high corporate competence and good corporate reputation. In order to increase the competence of the enterprise, it is useful to approach multidimensionally in relation with the knowledge creation capability. In corporate reputation, the external stakeholders' reputation is important, but the internal members' reputation is also important. Korean SMEs will be able to build brand luxuriousness by establishing marketing strategies as above and/or mix(integrate) them according to the situation.

The Effects of Environmental Dynamism on Supply Chain Commitment in the High-tech Industry: The Roles of Flexibility and Dependence (첨단산업의 환경동태성이 공급체인의 결속에 미치는 영향: 유연성과 의존성의 역할)

  • Kim, Sang-Deok;Ji, Seong-Goo
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.31-54
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    • 2007
  • The exchange between buyers and sellers in the industrial market is changing from short-term to long-term relationships. Long-term relationships are governed mainly by formal contracts or informal agreements, but many scholars are now asserting that controlling relationship by using formal contracts under environmental dynamism is inappropriate. In this case, partners will depend on each other's flexibility or interdependence. The former, flexibility, provides a general frame of reference, order, and standards against which to guide and assess appropriate behavior in dynamic and ambiguous situations, thus motivating the value-oriented performance goals shared between partners. It is based on social sacrifices, which can potentially minimize any opportunistic behaviors. The later, interdependence, means that each firm possesses a high level of dependence in an dynamic channel relationship. When interdependence is high in magnitude and symmetric, each firm enjoys a high level of power and the bonds between the firms should be reasonably strong. Strong shared power is likely to promote commitment because of the common interests, attention, and support found in such channel relationships. This study deals with environmental dynamism in high-tech industry. Firms in the high-tech industry regard it as a key success factor to successfully cope with environmental changes. However, due to the lack of studies dealing with environmental dynamism and supply chain commitment in the high-tech industry, it is very difficult to find effective strategies to cope with them. This paper presents the results of an empirical study on the relationship between environmental dynamism and supply chain commitment in the high-tech industry. We examined the effects of consumer, competitor, and technological dynamism on supply chain commitment. Additionally, we examined the moderating effects of flexibility and dependence of supply chains. This study was confined to the type of high-tech industry which has the characteristics of rapid technology change and short product lifecycle. Flexibility among the firms of this industry, having the characteristic of hard and fast growth, is more important here than among any other industry. Thus, a variety of environmental dynamism can affect a supply chain relationship. The industries targeted industries were electronic parts, metal product, computer, electric machine, automobile, and medical precision manufacturing industries. Data was collected as follows. During the survey, the researchers managed to obtain the list of parts suppliers of 2 companies, N and L, with an international competitiveness in the mobile phone manufacturing industry; and of the suppliers in a business relationship with S company, a semiconductor manufacturing company. They were asked to respond to the survey via telephone and e-mail. During the two month period of February-April 2006, we were able to collect data from 44 companies. The respondents were restricted to direct dealing authorities and subcontractor company (the supplier) staff with at least three months of dealing experience with a manufacture (an industrial material buyer). The measurement validation procedures included scale reliability; discriminant and convergent validity were used to validate measures. Also, the reliability measurements traditionally employed, such as the Cronbach's alpha, were used. All the reliabilities were greater than.70. A series of exploratory factor analyses was conducted. We conducted confirmatory factor analyses to assess the validity of our measurements. A series of chi-square difference tests were conducted so that the discriminant validity could be ensured. For each pair, we estimated two models-an unconstrained model and a constrained model-and compared the two model fits. All these tests supported discriminant validity. Also, all items loaded significantly on their respective constructs, providing support for convergent validity. We then examined composite reliability and average variance extracted (AVE). The composite reliability of each construct was greater than.70. The AVE of each construct was greater than.50. According to the multiple regression analysis, customer dynamism had a negative effect and competitor dynamism had a positive effect on a supplier's commitment. In addition, flexibility and dependence had significant moderating effects on customer and competitor dynamism. On the other hand, all hypotheses about technological dynamism had no significant effects on commitment. In other words, technological dynamism had no direct effect on supplier's commitment and was not moderated by the flexibility and dependence of the supply chain. This study makes its contribution in the point of view that this is a rare study on environmental dynamism and supply chain commitment in the field of high-tech industry. Especially, this study verified the effects of three sectors of environmental dynamism on supplier's commitment. Also, it empirically tested how the effects were moderated by flexibility and dependence. The results showed that flexibility and interdependence had a role to strengthen supplier's commitment under environmental dynamism in high-tech industry. Thus relationship managers in high-tech industry should make supply chain relationship flexible and interdependent. The limitations of the study are as follows; First, about the research setting, the study was conducted with high-tech industry, in which the direction of the change in the power balance of supply chain dyads is usually determined by manufacturers. So we have a difficulty with generalization. We need to control the power structure between partners in a future study. Secondly, about flexibility, we treated it throughout the paper as positive, but it can also be negative, i.e. violating an agreement or moving, but in the wrong direction, etc. Therefore we need to investigate the multi-dimensionality of flexibility in future research.

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