• Title/Summary/Keyword: market saturation

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An Analysis on Situation of Broadcasting and Telecommunication Equipment EMC Test Market and Way of Government Intervention (방송통신기자재 전자파 시험 시장의 현황 분석 및 정부 개입 방안)

  • Lee, Yong-Kyu;Kim, Young-Rae
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.24 no.8
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    • pp.753-762
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    • 2013
  • This paper forecast that, if the EMC test market for broadcasting and communication materials and equipment reaches a saturated state, such will give rise to adverse effects such as capture phenomenon, rent seeking phenomenon, and stiff test price competition; this in turn will eventually wield a negative impact on our society. Thus, to determine the saturation level of EMC test markets, the size of test markets and test capabilities of the designated laboratories were surveyed. As a result, the operation rate of equipment in the EMC test markets was revealed to be 78 %, suggesting market saturation. Moreover, the wireless, wire, and SAR equipment operation rates reached 65 %, 3 %, and 10 %, respectively, suggesting market saturation. Thus, maintaining the strictness of testing requires limiting the designation of new test laboratories; in light of practices and implementation of laws, however, the relevant administrative agency has difficulty rejecting applications for the designation of laboratories.

Study on Critical Success Factors of ASP/SaaS Services (ASP/SaaS 서비스의 핵심 성공요소 발굴에 대한 연구)

  • Lim, Kyu-Kwan
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 2009
  • Domestic ASP (Application Service Provider) market has been dramatically enlarged under government supports for last 10 years. However ASP industry recently has been troubled for poor performance and market saturation. In this paper, firstly I derive core service groups through using BCG matrix for ASP market size and growth rate and secondly generate major critical success factors using focused group interview for selected core service groups. Finally I would like to propose a direction of ASP industry revitalization based on above critical success factors and transition strategy to SaaS (Software as a Service).

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A Study on the Globalization Strategy of SW Industry in Gangwon Province (강원도 SW산업의 글로벌화전략에 관한 연구)

  • Eum, Kwang-Yeol;Hong, Jong-Min
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.437-458
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    • 2008
  • In these days the global software market is experiencing diastrophism due to globalization, convergence, and the spread of web 2.0. In particular, today"s global economy has entered the so-called "Globalization 3.0" era, and the world is evolving into a flat world where labor, capital, and resources are moving freely. In this rapidly changing global economy, the growth of the Korean economy is in a state of continuous decline. Particularly software industry is also suffering continuously slow growth due to market saturation and low service earning, which require urgent countermeasures. Therefore, the purpose of this study is: 1) to analyze the current industrial condition of the software industry, which have special characteristics differ from manufacturing industry; and 2) to analyze the major obstacles of local companies working in the software industry in order to cope with the recent changes in the global market environment and 3) to draw out the strategy for the domestic software industry in gangwon province in order to promote local software industry and to achieve globalization.

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Analysis of Factor Affecting for Improving Construction Engineering Market

  • Park, Junho;Yu, Jungho
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2015.10a
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    • pp.450-453
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    • 2015
  • The Construction Engineering Industry (CEI) is construction field based on professional knowledge, staff and information service, and is distinguished by construction activity. The contemporary CEI market has extended globally and diversified construction work classifications. International construction engineering companies now have an important economic and social effect. Over the last five years (2009 to 2013), the top-200 global engineering firms reported global revenue that grew from 54.4 billion to 71.5 billion, about 27% growth (ENR, 2014). Countries such as the U.S.A., Canada, those in Europe (Several developed countries, i.e., United Kingdom, Netherlands, France, Spain, France, Italy, and Spain), Australia, Japan, China, and Korea comprise the bulk of world construction engineering revenue. Although the construction engineering market continues to grow, much of the work is limited to Europe, mid-Asia, and Asia. Additionally, specific construction types are focused on building projects, industrial plants, and refining plants. As such, there are imbalances in the construction engineering market and some market saturation. Further, there is heavy competition and the construction engineering market may shrink in the future. This paper analyzed various factors affecting the construction engineering market, specifically looking at construction classifications and factors related to a global market. To accomplish this, we collected to data from Engineering News Record (ENR) and recast each variable. And we used nonparametric statistics because the number of cases were small, making it difficult to assume a case's population parameter. Then we tested with the Kruskal-Wallis test and drew results. The results indicate that concentration in particular construction types and extending global regional markets will be have a positive effect on the overall global construction engineering market..

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The Strategies of Manufacturers and Retailers for Customer Acquisition and Retention Using Scanner Panel Data (스캐너 패널 데이터를 이용한 유통업체와 제조업체간의 고객확보 및 유지 전략에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-yon;Son, Jungmin
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.73-96
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    • 2011
  • Recent market saturation makes the local retailers consider an attempt to innovate the market with the retailer's brand. This is the retailers' efforts to expand the market control through the enhancement of private brands. As the competition among manufacturers extends to the competition between manufacturers and retailers, the marketing knowledges of manufacturers need to be diversified to the ones that can be applied to the manufacturers and retailers due to their bilateral competition. This research concentrates on the customer acquisition strategy (attack strategy) and customer retention strategy (defense strategy) in the place of both sides of manufacturers and retailers. Also this research targets to develop the differential marketing strategies for target market's National Brand(NB)/Private Brand(PB) purchase by analyzing individual customer's purchase probability on repurchase and switch-purchase of NB and PB. This study is based on the data of frequently consumed product, tomato ketchup on scanner panel from the ERIM data of University of Chicago, USA. This study compares and analyzes the NB and PB repurchases and switch-purchase of 4 types. The comparisons provide the informations that which factors should be managed for the attack strategy, the defense strategy, and the differential marketing strategies both for manufacturers and retailers. This research is expected to contribute on cumulating the industrial knowledges of retailers' and manufacturers' survival strategy, expecially focusing on the effect of marketing factors and consumer-characteristic factors.

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Competitiveness in Exports of Pharmaceuticals to Developed Countries: A Comparative Policy Analysis on South Korea and India (선진국으로의 의약품 수출 경쟁력: 한국과 인도를 대상으로 한 정책비교분석 연구)

  • Yun, Su-Jin;Cho, Eun
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.116-125
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    • 2012
  • Local pharmaceutical companies in Korea, which have grown focusing on domestic markets, have recently faced difficulties such as market saturation, price control policies and market-opening pressures by FTA. It seems to be an urgent issue for them to export pharmaceuticals to developed countries comprising the greater part of the global pharmaceutical market. Hence, this research was conducted to investigate and benchmark the strategies employed by India industry for the successful access to the global pharmaceutical markets. Drug policies as well as their influences on pharmaceutical market changes between India and Korea for the last 40 years have been searched and the differences have been comparatively analyzed. The pharmaceutical industry of India has the following strengths: low costs; experienced labor pool; excellent reverse-engineering skills; powerful IT; marketing capability; and established distribution network. After 2000, consolidations, M&A and alliances with domestic and multinational companies have been sharply increased in the industry of India. Indian companies unfolding both competition and cooperation with multinational corporations currently move up the value-added chain, and this enthusiastic strategy should be learned by local pharmaceutical companies.

A Strategy of Improving the Domestic Construction Companies Competitiveness in the Overseas Market (해외건설시장 진출 활성화를 위한 건설산업 수주경쟁력 향상 전략)

  • Lee, Joo-Sung;Min, Kyung-Min;Lee, Yoon-Sun;Kim, Jae-Jun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.674-677
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    • 2007
  • Recently, construction industry has came to a crisis due to stagnation and saturation of the domestic construction market. So, many construction companies in Korea has turned their eyes upon extending the business market abroad, in order to overcome such obstacles. Even though the overseas expansion has been exploited since the mid-1960s, there still lies many problems : excessive focusing on the plant construction, a shortsighted policy of government. In this paper. we analyze the characteristics of advancement into overseas construction market and deduce the problems. then propose the new strategies based on SWOT Analysis.

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Issues and Strategic Approach on Creation of a Global Media Company in Korea (글로벌 미디어 기업 창출에 관한 이슈와 전략적 접근)

  • Choi, Jeong-Il;Kim, Sa-Seong;Kim, Yong-Hee
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.31-47
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    • 2011
  • With the saturation of the local market, the domestic media industry is searching for new growth drivers by crossing over to other industries, but due to the limited size of the market, results fail to meet expectations. Despite its strengths in cultural contents, as verified by the Korean Wave Hallyu, and advanced platform services, the industry feels threatened by the entry of global foreign media businesses in the domestic arena. This and the stagnated growth in the local media market are challenges we are facing today. On the other hand, it could prove to be a timely opportunity to transform the existing media industry structure where exporting hardware and terminals is at the heart of a globalized business into a structure based on software and contents exports. Based on such critical thinking, this study examines the current status of media markets, home and abroad, and aims to come up with strategic measures through a discussion on the issues and methods proposed for the globalization of local media businesses from a holistic viewpoint based on ecosystem, M&A and contents.

Caffe Bene: Creating Values for Customers

  • Ahn, Kwangho;Yoo, Changjo;Kim, Youngchan
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.185-197
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    • 2012
  • Caffe Bene, one of the most notable coffeehouse chain brands in Republic of Korea, gives us some thought-provoking issues in terms of sustainable success. Despite harsh competition among various coffeehouse brands, Caffe Bene has been accomplished astonishing outcomes in domestic market and now ranked 2nd place in sales among the global coffeehouse franchise in 2010 and 2011. These achievements were possible mainly because Caffe Bene adopted distinctive shop design, maintained aggressive marketing strategy, developed new menu, and combined the unique Korean culture with ordinary concept of café to make its place attractive. However, since Korean coffeehouse market is getting saturated and consumers are becoming savvy about coffee, Caffe Bene needs to find a new solution to overcome growth stagnation. Besides, many experts pointed out that irrational increase in the number of stores might hurt its business in the aspect of managing distribution channel and providing consistent services. Also, customers of Caffe Bene have shown that it has to complement its critical weaknesses: inferior coffee taste and relatively high price for a cup of coffee. Especially, some people view that the company is shifting its high rental fee, interior cost and PPL marketing cost to consumers by charging high price for coffee. To get over the problems, Caffe Bene is currently using C/S Consumer Management System though experts are questioning about the efficacy because of the conflict between purpose of the system and the headquarters' plan. Present CEO Kim also announced that the company will complete its logistics system in the latter half of 2012 to provide stores with more high quality coffee beans to improve taste of coffee. Thus, in this case, we describe how Caffe Bene succeeded in Korean market and enumerate its key success factors. Also, we specify the long-term goals of Caffe Bene and introduce the current policies and strategies to show how the company is working on to achieve its ultimate goal. By reading and analyzing this business case, students could get useful insights regarding franchise management and think about issues on competing in a saturated market. Also, it would be worthwhile to generate creative solutions for the problems that Caffe Bene is now facing to broaden the practical perspective.

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Global Market Entry Strategies of Korea-Japan Discount Stores (한.일 대형할인마트 해외진출 전략)

  • Kim, Young;Yoshimoto, Koji;Kim, Jang-Hyun;Ryu, Sung-Yong
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.195-215
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    • 2010
  • Large-scale discount stores, that were in charge of leading role up to recently, reach the limit of growth because of increasing competition, saturation of domestic market, and shortened product life-cycle. As per the limit of domestic market, large-scale discount stores are trying to various global market entry strategy and global marketing strategy like new store entry, takeover of foreign distribution chain, and global sourcing strategy. In the past, global companies of advanced country have been entering to Asian market with leading position. But, as per the rapid growth of Asian economy in the late 1980's, East Asian distribution companies like Japanese company were trying to enter the Asian market. In Asian market, starting with China, that was relatively not advanced in comparison with economic development, not only western advanced countries but also East Asian countries like Japan and Korea are entering actively for overcome their limitations of domestic market. Many of distribution companies experienced success and failure for various reason already. Korean large-scale discount stores are relatively late starters in Asian market. So, this paper purposed to review global market entry strategy of Japanese large-scale discount stores, and find out strategic implications for successful global market entry strategy of Korean large-scale discount stores.

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