• Title/Summary/Keyword: marine environment exposure

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Toxic effects of antifouling agents (diuron and irgarol) on fertilization and normal embryogenesis rates in the sea urchin (Mesocentrotus nudus) (둥근성게(Mesocentrotus nudus)의 수정 및 배아 발생률에 미치는 신방오도료(Diuron, Irgarol)의 독성영향)

  • Hwang, Un-Ki;Lee, Ju-Wook;Park, Yun-Ho;Heo, Seung;Choi, Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.207-215
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    • 2020
  • Toxic assessment of antifouling agents (diuron and irgarol) was conducted using the fertilization and the normal embryogenesis rates of the sea urchin, Mesocentrotus nudus. Bioassessment began with male and female reproductive cell induction. White or cream-colored male gametes(sperm) and yellow or orange-colored female gametes (eggs) were acquired and fully washed, separately. Then, the fertilization and normal embryogenesis rates were measured after 10 min and 48 h of exposure to the toxicants, respectively. The fertilization and embryo development rates were greater than 90% in the control, validating the suitability of both endpoints. The normal embryogenesis rates were significantly decreased with increasing concentrations of diuron and irgarol, but no changes in the fertilization rates were observed in concentrations ranging from 0 to 40 mg L-1. The EC50 values of diuron and irgarol for the normal embryogenesis rates were 20.07 mg L-1 and 22.45 mg L-1, respectively. The no observed effect concentrations (NOEC) were <1.25 mg L-1 and the lowest observed effect concentrations (LOEC) were 1.25 mg L-1 and 2.5 mg L-1, respectively. From these results, concentrations of diuron and irgarol over 1.25 mg L-1 and 2.5 mg L-1, respectively, can be considered to have toxic effects on invertebrates, including M. nudus. The ecotoxicological bioassay in this study using the noted fertilization and normal embryogenesis rates of M. nudus can be used as baseline data for the continued establishment of environmental quality standards for the effects of antifouling agents(especially diuron and irgarol) in a marine environment.

Properties of Two Cellular Biomarker Parameters in the Blood of Farmed Pacific Oyster, Crassostrea gigas, Exposed to Polychlorinated Biphenyls

  • Choy Eun Jung;Jo Qtae;Do Jeong Wan;Kim Sang Soo;Jee Young-Ju;Min Kwang Sik
    • Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.74-80
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    • 2003
  • Two cellular biomarker parameters of the farmed Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas were studied in vivo and in vitro after exposure to concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls in terms of neural red uptake (NRU) and lysozyme activity. The oysters exposed in vivo to the xenobiotic concentrations, 0, 30, 90, and 180 ng/g for 14 days, enhanced hemocyte NRU with occasional significant differences (P<0.05), depending on the chemical concentration and duration. An adverse tendency was manifest in the lysozyme activities both in the hemocyte and serum of the oyster treated with the chemical in a same manner, rendering these two cellular parameters as biomarker candidates against the chemical. The oysters exposed in vitro to the chemical concentrations, 0, 1, 5, 10, 100, 1,000, and 10,000 ng/g for 24 hrs at $10^{\circ}C$ showed a similar tendancy as those exposed in vivo to the chemical. Unlike in vivo response, however, the in vitro NRU was first influenced by very low concentration of the chemical. In in vitro results, marked but not significant increase of hemocyte NRU was noticed at the chemical concentration of 5 ng/g, where the value was almost as high as those exposed to higher chemical concentrations, up to 10,000 ng/g. An unusual result was observed in the in vitro lysozyme activity of hemocyte in which significant decrease was first noticed at the chemical concentration of 100 ng/g.

Human collagen alpha-2 type I stimulates collagen synthesis, wound healing, and elastin production in normal human dermal fibroblasts (HDFs)

  • Hwang, Su Jin;Ha, Geun-Hyoung;Seo, Woo-Young;Kim, Chung Kwon;Kim, KyeongJin;Lee, Sang Bae
    • BMB Reports
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    • v.53 no.10
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    • pp.539-544
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    • 2020
  • Skin aging appears to be the result of overlapping intrinsic (including genetic and hormonal factors) and extrinsic (external environment including chronic light exposure, chemicals, and toxins) processes. These factors cause decreases in the synthesis of collagen type I and elastin in fibroblasts and increases in the melanin in melanocytes. Collagen Type I is the most abundant type of collagen and is a major structural protein in human body tissues. In previous studies, many products containing collagen derived from land and marine animals as well as other sources have been used for a wide range of purposes in cosmetics and food. However, to our knowledge, the effects of human collagen-derived peptides on improvements in skin condition have not been investigated. Here we isolate and identify the domain of a human COL1A2-derived protein which promotes fibroblast cell proliferation and collagen type I synthesis. This human COL 1A2-derived peptide enhances wound healing and elastin production. Finally, the human collagen alpha-2 type I-derived peptide (SMM) ameliorates collagen type I synthesis, cell proliferation, cell migration, and elastin synthesis, supporting a significant anti-wrinkle effect. Collectively, these results demonstrate that human collagen alpha-2 type I-derived peptides is practically accessible in both cosmetics and food, with the goal of improving skin condition.

A Study on Repair Method of Concrete Structures using the Solution of Removing Chloride (염분제거용 약액을 이용한 콘크리트 구조물의 보수공법에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Woonhak;Hwang, Sungwoon;Kang, Seokwon
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.562-569
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    • 2017
  • Reinforced concrete is used for bridges and large structures that are constructed with social overhead capital because they are economically and semi-permanently integrated with reinforcing bar and concrete. However, when the chloride ion in the concrete destroys the passive film of the reinforcing bar by the marine exposure environment and the snow remover used in the winter season, and the reinforcing bar is corroded by various chemical and physical actions, the durability is deteriorated in a short period, and the life span is shortened. In this study, a repair method to recover the durability of the initial structure by effectively removing chloride ion from the damage caused by salting of the above mentioned reinforced concrete was conducted.

A Health Risk Assessment of Tributyltin Compounds in Fishes and Shellfishes in Korea. (국내 유통중인 어패류 섭취에 따른 유기주석화합물의 인체 위해성 평가)

  • Choi, Shi-Nai;Choi, Hye-Kyung;Song, Hoon;Oh, Chang-Hwan;Park, Jong-Sei
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.137-145
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    • 2002
  • Tributyltin compounds have been increasingly used in the form of plastic stabilizers, catalytic agents, industrial agricultural biocides, antifouling paint, and pesticides. Among these organotin compounds, large amounts of tributyltin(TBT) and triphenyltin(TPT) have been used as antifouling agents because they have a superior ability to prevent marine organism from being encrusted on ship bottoms and in culturing nets. Environmental pollution by these organotin compounds in the aquatic environment were undertaken. The international maritime Organization's established a provisional tolerable daily intake(TDI) of 1.6[micro]g TBTO/kg/ B.W. The Food and Agiculture Organization (of the United Nations)/world Health Organization's (FAO/WHO) proposed a TDI of 0.5ug TPT/kg BW/d. This study is conducted monitoring of TBT on seafoods in Korea and risk assessment for exposure on TBT in seafoods. Total hazard index(using Reference Dose : 0.3 ug TBTO/kg B.W/day) of intake exposure on seafoods is 0.04 as the 50th percentile, 0.08 as the 95th percentile. This value is estimated by Monte-Carlo simulation using Crystal Ball(Decisioneering Co., 2001).

Ecotoxicological Response of Offspring from Tigriopus japonicus s.l. Parents Exposure to 4-nonylphenol (4-nonylphenol에 노출된 암컷 저서성 요각류 Tigriopus japonicus s.l.에서 부화한 자손의 생태독성 반응)

  • Bang, Hyun-Woo;Lee, Won-Choel;Kwak, Inn-Sil
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.90-97
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    • 2008
  • The aim of this research was to detect and observe delivering generation effects from $F_0$ generation exposed to 4-nonylphenol 4NP) to $F_1$ generation on Tigriopus japonicus. The nauplius survival rate of $F_1$ from $F_0$ exposed to low 4NP concentration was significantly lower than other concentrations. Among the developmental process, copepodite first emergence day (CE) and adult male first emergence day (ME) on $F_1$ were accelerated relatively high concentration conditions. The sex ratio of $F_1$ was different between control group and treatment groups for 1, 10 and $30{\mu}g\;L^{-1}$ 4NP. The fecundity of $F_1$ was not significantly affected (except, $0.1{\mu}g\;L^{-1}$ 4NP). When 4NP concentrations were increased, first brooding day (FB) of F 1 was generally delayed. The length, width, and biomass of $F_1$ adult female were smaller than control group. In addition, the width and biomass of adult male were narrower or smaller than control group.

Time-dependent Effects of Bisphenol Analogs on Ecdysteroid Pathway Related Genes in the Brackish Water Flea Diaphanosoma celebensis (Bisphenol 구조 유사체가 기수산 물벼룩 Ecdysteroid 경로에 미치는 영향)

  • In, Soyeon;Lee, Young-Mi
    • Journal of Marine Life Science
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.73-79
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    • 2021
  • Bisphenol A is a representative endocrine disruptor and continuously detected in aquatic environment due to wide use, resulting in adverse effects on growth, development, and reproduction in diverse organisms as well as human. Structural analogs have been developed to substitute BPA are also suspected to have endocrine disrupting effects. In the present study, the time-dependent expression patterns of ecdysteroid synthesis (nvd, cyp314a1), receptors (EcRA, EcRB, USP, ERR), and downstream signaling pathway - related genes (HR3, E75, Vtg, VtgR) were investigated using quantitative real time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) in the brackish water flea Diaphanosoma celebensis exposed to Bisphenol analogs (BPs; BPA, BPF, and BPS) for 6, 12, and 24 h. As results, the expression of nvd, cyp314a1, EcRs, USP, ERR and E75 mRNA was upregulated at 6 h exposure to BPF, which is earlier than BPA and BPS (12 h). On the other hand, HR3, E75 and VtgR mRNA levels were elevated at 6 h earlier at BPS and BPF than at BPA (12 h), but Vtg mRNA level was slightly changed within 24 h. These findings suggest that like BPA, BPF and BPS can also modulate the transcription of ecdysteroid pathway - related genes with different mechanisms, and have a potential as endocrine disruptors. This study will provide a better understanding the molecular mode of action of bisphenols on ecdysteroid pathway in the brackish water flea.

Dispersion of Air Pollutants from Ship Based Sources in Incheon Port (인천항의 선박오염원에서 배출된 대기오염물질의 확산)

  • Kim, Kwang-Ho;Kwon, Byung Hyuk;Kim, Min-Seong;Lee, Don-Chool
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.488-496
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    • 2017
  • Emissions of pollutants from ship-based sources are controlled by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Since pollutants emitted from ship may be dispersed to the land, controlling emissions from ships is necessary for efficient air quality management in Incheon, where exposure to ship-based pollution is frequent. It has been noted that the ratios of air pollutant emissions from coastal areas to inland areas are about 14% for NOx and 10% for SOx. The air quality of coastal urban areas is influenced by the number of ships present and the dispersion pattern of the pollutants released depending on the local circulation system. In this study, the dispersion of pollutants from ship-based sources was analyzed using the numerical California Puff Model (CALPUFF) based on a meteorological field established using the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF). Air pollutant dispersion modeling around coastal urban regions such as Incheon should consider point and line sources emitted from both anchored and running ships, respectively. The total average NOx emissions from 82-84 ships were 6.2 g/s and 6.8 g/s, entering and leaving, respectively. The total average SOx emissions from 82-84 ships, entering and leaving, were 3.6 g/s and 5.1 g/s, respectively. The total average emissions for NOx and SOx from anchored ships were 0.77 g/s and 1.93 g/s, respectively. Due to the influence of breezes from over land, the transport of pollutants from Incheon Port to inland areas was suppressed, and the concentration of NOx and SOx inland were temporarily reduced. NOx and SOx were diffused inland by the sea breeze, and the concentration of NOx and SOx gradually increased inland. The concentration of pollutants in the area adjacent to Incheon Port was more influenced by anchored ship in the port than sea breezes. We expect this study to be useful for setting emission standards and devising air quality policies in coastal urban regions.

Topographic Placement(Structure) and Macro Benthos Community in Winter for the Shellfish Farm of Namsung-ri, Goheung (고흥 남성리 패류양식장의 지형 구조와 저서생물 현장 조사)

  • Jo, Yeong-Hyun;Kim, Yun;Ryu, Cheong-Ro;Lee, Kyeong-Sig;Lee, In-Tae;Yoon, Han-Sam;Jun, Sue-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.175-183
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    • 2010
  • To understand the variation of macro benthos community according to the installation of structure and topographic placement in the shellfish farm on tidal flat, the practical example of the tidal shellfish growing area at Namsung-ri Goheung was observed. The results of the research for the field observation were summarized as follows. (1) The ground gradient of the shellfish farm was very flat below about $1^{\circ}$. The shellfish farm ground took the shape of $\sqcup$ from the shoreline to the place of 150 m seawards, and the shape of $\sqcap$ from there to the low tide line. During ebb tide, the $\sqcup$ shape ground stored the sea water, and the $\sqcap$ shape ground was supposed to act as the effect factor to leak slowly or to prevent the outflow. (2) The oyster shell bag or the type of riprap wall as the boundary in the shellfish farm was classified into five types. The air exposure time and flooding time were 181 and 434 minutes, respectively. (3) In the numerical experiment, the deep-sea water wave coming in the study area had 0.5 m of maximum wave height to show the very stable conditions and the wave direction pattern of S-direction was dominant at Naro great ridge, and SE, SSW and S-direction were distributed strongly around the shellfish farm. (4) By the grain size analysis, the sediment around tidal flat consisted of gravel 0.00~5.81(average 1.70)%, sand 14.15~18.39(average 13.23)%, silt 27.59~47.15(average 30.84)% and clay 35.79~55.73(average 36.19)%, and the sediment type was divided into (g)M(lightly gravelly mud), sM(sandy mud) and gM(gravelly mud) by Folk's diagram. (5) The macro benthos community survey conducted in this site in January, 2010 showed that 1 species of Mollusca, 8 species of Polychaeta and 2 species of Crustacea appeared, and 11 species occupying over 1% of total abundance were dominant.

Acute toxicity of antifouling agents(TBT, Sea-nine, Cu-pyrithione and Zn-pyrithione) to rockfish Sebastes schlegeli and amphipod Monocorophium acherusicum (방오도료(TBT, Sea-nine, Cu-pyrithione과 Zn-pyrithione)의 조피볼락 Sebastes schlegeli 과 단각류 Monocorophium acherusicum에 대한 급성독성 비교)

  • Park Kun-Ho;Lee Kyu-Tae;Lee Jung-Suk;Han Kyung-Nam
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2006
  • Since the usage of tributyltin(TBT) has been banned, many chemicals including Sea-Nine 211, Cu-pyrithione, and Zn-pyrithione were developed to use as antifouling agents for ships and coastal structures. However, the toxicity of these antifouling chemicals have not been systematically evaluated in ecotoxicological and biological studies. In this study, we investigated the effect of four antifouling substances on survival of estuarine rockfish, Sebastes schlegeli and amphipod, Monocorophium acherusicum. Survival of S. schlegeli and M. acherusicum during the 96-h exposure period were used to estimate the median lethal concentrations(LC50s) of test chemicals for each test species. Among antifouling agents, Cu-pyrithione($56{\mu}g{\cdot}1^{-1}$;96-h LC50) was most toxic to S. schlegeli, followed by $TBT(73{\mu}g{\cdot}1^{-1}),\;Sea-Nine(184{\mu}g{\cdot}1^{-1})\;and\;Zn-pyrithione(l707{\mu}g{\cdot}1^{-1})$, while TBT($26{\mu}g{\cdot}1^{-1}$) was most toxic to M. acherusicum followed by Sea-Nine($49{\mu}g{\cdot}1^{-1}$), Cu-pyrithione($119{\mu}g{\cdot}1^{-1}$) and Zn-pyrithione($334{\mu}g{\cdot}1^{-1}$). Effect concentrations of the antifouling chemicals estimated in this study can be used when assessing the potential risks of these substances, of which usage is increasing in the coastal environment.

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