• Title/Summary/Keyword: log return

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A study on the Flood Frequency Analyzed in Consideration of Low Outliers. (Low Outliers를 고려한 홍수빈도분석에 관한 연구)

  • 이순혁;홍성표;박명근
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.62-70
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    • 1988
  • This study was conducted to solve the problems for the unsuitable parameters and the uncertainty of design flood can be appeared by low outliers were inclined to the lower part from the trend of the balance of the data. Derivation of reasonable design flood was attempted finally by modification of low outliers with analysis of flood frequency by means of Log Pearson Type Ill distribution. Three subwatersheds were selected as studying basins with the annual maximum series including low outliers along Geum River basin. The results through this study were analyzed and summarized as follows. 1. Log Pearson Type In distribution was confirmed as a reasonable one by X$^2$ goodness of fit test at Gong Ju, Gyu Am, og Cheon watershed along Geum River basin. 2. Probable flood flows for each watershed were derivated by flood frequency curve with outliers. 3. Weighted skew coefficient for each watershed was calculated for the evaluation of freq- uency factor which is needed for the modification of low outlier. 4. It was confirrned that adjusted frequency curve has a lower tendency than that of deletion of low outlier in common at all watersheds. 5. Final probable flood flows were derivated by modification with evaluation of modified basic statistics for three watersheds. 6. In comparison with a frequency curve with modification and one with outlier, The former has a higher probable flood flow within three years of return periods than that of the latter, and vice versa over three years of return periods.

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The Impact of Firms' Environmental, Social, and Governancial Factors for Sustainability on Their Stock Returns and Values (지속가능경영을 위한 기업의 환경적, 사회적, 지배구조적 요인이 주가수익률 및 기업 가치에 미치는 영향)

  • Min, Jae H.;Kim, Bumseok;Ha, Seungyin
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.33-49
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    • 2014
  • This study empirically examines the impact of firms' environmental (E), social (S), and governancial (G) factors on their short-term and long-term values. To measure firms' non-financial performance, we use ESG performance grades published by KCGS (Korea Corporate Governance Service). We employ stock log return as the proxy of each firm's short-term value, and Tobin's Q ratio as that of its long-term value. From a series of regression analyses, we find each of the ESG factors generally has a negative impact on stock return while it has a positive impact on the Tobin's Q ratio. These results imply that firms' effort for enhancing their non-financial performance may adversely affect their financial performance in a short term; but in the long-term point of view, firms' values increase through their good images engraved by their respective social, environmental and governancial efforts. In addition, we compare the relative strength of impact among E, S, G, the three non-financial factors on the firms' value measured in Tobin's Q ratio, and find that S (social factor) and G (governancial factor) give statistically significant impact on the firms' value respectively. This result tells us it would be advised to strategically embed CSV (creating shared value) pursuing both of profits and social responsibility in the firms' future agenda. While E (environmental factor) is shown to be an insignificant factor for the firms' value, it should be emphasized as a major concern by all the stakeholders in order to form a sound business ecosystem.

A numerical study of adjusted parameter estimation in normal inverse Gaussian distribution (Normal inverse Gaussian 분포에서 모수추정의 보정 방법 연구)

  • Yoon, Jeongyoen;Song, Seongjoo
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.741-752
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    • 2016
  • Numerous studies have shown that normal inverse Gaussian (NIG) distribution adequately fits the empirical return distribution of financial securities. The estimation of parameters can also be done relatively easily, which makes the NIG distribution more useful in financial markets. The maximum likelihood estimation and the method of moments estimation are easy to implement; however, we may encounter a problem in practice when a relationship among the moments is violated. In this paper, we investigate this problem in the parameter estimation and try to find a simple solution through simulations. We examine the effect of our adjusted estimation method with real data: daily log returns of KOSPI, S&P500, FTSE and HANG SENG. We also checked the performance of our method by computing the value at risk of daily log return data. The results show that our method improves the stability of parameter estimation, while it retains a comparable performance in goodness-of-fit.

A Study on the Minimum Flow Frequency Analysis by SMEMAX Transformation (SMEMAX변환에 의한 온수빈도분석에 관한 연구)

  • 이순혁;박명근
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.138-144
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    • 1987
  • This study was conducted to pursue the normalization of frequency distribution by making approach the coefficient of skewness to nearly zero tbrough SMEMAX transformation and to get probable minimum flows can be acquired by means of transforrnation equation which has been derivated by SMEMAX method to the annual minimum flow series of five watersheds along Geum river basin. The results obtained through SMEMAX method were compared with probable minimum flows according to return periods by Type III extremal distribution which has been determined as the best fitted one among probablility distributions for the analysis of minimum flow. All the results obtained through this study are summarized as follows. 1.SMEMAX transformation based on median value was proved to be the best method when the coefficient of skewness has less reliability because of the short duration for the observation and were not affected by accidental outliers. 2.SMEMAX transformation has found to be the best one for the coefficient of skewness to be made nearly zero in comparison with log and cubic root transformation. 3.Probable minimum flows according to the return periods were derivated by transformation equations obtained through theoretical analysis of SMEM AX transformation. 4.In general, probable minimum flows by SMEMAX method were appeared as higher values in the range of five and twenty years and as lower ones in the range of below than five and more than fifty years in return periods respectively, in comparison with the results of type III extremal distribution. 5.Relative errors in the probable minimum flows of SMEMAX method to the results of type III extremal distribution were shown to be within ten percent except those of one hundred years in return periods. 6.SMEMAX method was also confirmed to be useful for the analysis of minimum flow frequency as well as flood frequency analysis.

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Regional Analysis of Particulate Matter Concentration Risk in South Korea (국내 지역별 미세먼지 농도 리스크 분석)

  • Oh, Jang Wook;Lim, Tea Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.157-167
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    • 2017
  • Millions of People die every year from diseases caused by exposure to outdoor air pollution. Especially, one of the most severe types of air pollution is fine particulate matter (PM10, PM2.5). South Korea also has been suffered from severe PM. This paper analyzes regional risks induced by PM10 and PM2.5 that have affected domestic area of Korea during 2014~2016.3Q. We investigated daily maxima of PM10 and PM2.5 data observed on 284 stations in South Korea, and found extremely high outlier. We employed extreme value distributions to fit the PM10 and PM2.5 data, but a single distribution did not fit the data well. For theses reasons, we implemented extreme mixture models such as the generalized Pareto distribution(GPD) with the normal, the gamma, the Weibull and the log-normal, respectively. Next, we divided the whole area into 16 regions and analyzed characteristics of PM risks by developing the FN-curves. Finally, we estimated 1-month, 1-quater, half year, 1-year and 3-years period return levels, respectively. The severity rankings of PM10 and PM2.5 concentration turned out to be different from region to region. The capital area revealed the worst PM risk in all seasons. The reason for high PM risk even in the yellow dust free season (Jun. ~ Sep.) can be inferred from the concentration of factories in this area. Gwangju showed the highest return level of PM2.5, even if the return level of PM10 was relatively low. This phenomenon implies that we should investigate chemical mechanisms for making PM2.5 in the vicinity of Gwangju area. On the other hand, Gyeongbuk and Ulsan exposed relatively high PM10 risk and low PM2.5 risk. This indicates that the management policy of PM risk in the west side should be different from that in the east side. The results of this research may provide insights for managing regional risks induced by PM10 and PM2.5 in South Korea.

Statistical Studies on the Derivation of Design Low Flows (II) (설계갈수량의 유도를 위한 수문통계학적 연구(II))

  • 이순혁;박명근;박종국
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 1992
  • Derivation of reasonable design low flows was attempted by comparative analysis of design low flows was derived by Power and SMEMAX transformations for the normalizations of skewed distribution and by Type m extremal distribution presented in the first report of this study with annual low flows in the five watersheds of main river basins in Korea. The results were anslyzed and summarized as follows. 1.Basic statistics of annual low flows for the selected watersheds were calculated by using Power and SMEMAX transformations. 2.Power thansformation has found to be the best for the normalization of skewed distribution among others including log, square root and SMEMAX transformations. 3.Design low flows for the selected watersheds were derived by the Power and SMEMAX transformations. 4.Judging by the relative suitabilities of the Type III extremal distribution, Power and SMEMAX transformation, it was found that design low flows of all methods are closer to the observed data within 10 years of the return period and those of Power transformation can be acknowledzed as a reasonable one among others from the viewpoint of the median between values of Type m extremal distribution and SMEMAX transformation in addition to closing the observed than others over 10 years of the return period.

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A Study on the Characteristic of Sea Wave (불규칙파(不規則波)의 특성(特性)에 관한(關) 연구(硏究))

  • Choi, Han-Kuy;Yun, Kang-Hun
    • Journal of Industrial Technology
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    • v.5
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    • pp.59-64
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    • 1985
  • The remarkable economic growth achived during 1960-1980 in Korea inevitablely demanded the expansion and maintenance of the harbors and their auxiliary seashore facilities. One of the most important elements in the basic besign for the expasion of a harbor and its auxiliary facilities is, of course, the proper determination of the design wave which reflects the major characteristics of the seashore under consideration. In this study, the parameters of significant waves for the industrial harbors on East Coast, Muck-Ho and Po-Hang, are first computed by means of computer programming using S.M.B and P.N.J methods, respectively. Then the design waves with the return periods of 5-200 years were estimated by frequency analysis of the significant waves. A comparison of the design waves with the observed wave data during the past 10 years made it possible to determine the optimum value of design wave at the two harbors. The important results of this study can be summarized as follows; 1) It seems appropriate to take the design wave hieghts with the return period of 50 years at Muck-Ho and Po-Hang as 6.9 and 5.8 meters respectively. 2) It was found that for the determination of design waves on East Coast of Korean Peninsula P.N.J method works better than S.M.B method in predicting the significant wave, and the Log-Normal distribution fits best to the wave data which were put to frequency analysis.

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Level Shifts and Long-term Memory in Stock Distribution Markets (주식유통시장의 층위이동과 장기기억과정)

  • Chung, Jin-Taek
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.93-102
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    • 2016
  • Purpose - The purpose of paper is studying the static and dynamic side for long-term memory storage properties, and increase the explanatory power regarding the long-term memory process by looking at the long-term storage attributes, Korea Composite Stock Price Index. The reason for the use of GPH statistic is to derive the modified statistic Korea's stock market, and to research a process of long-term memory. Research design, data, and methodology - Level shifts were subjected to be an empirical analysis by applying the GPH method. It has been modified by taking into account the daily log return of the Korea Composite Stock Price Index a. The Data, used for the stock market to analyze whether deciding the action by the long-term memory process, yield daily stock price index of the Korea Composite Stock Price Index and the rate of return a log. The studies were proceeded with long-term memory and long-term semiparametric method in deriving the long-term memory estimators. Chapter 2 examines the leading research, and Chapter 3 describes the long-term memory processes and estimation methods. GPH statistics induced modifications of statistics and discussed Whittle statistic. Chapter 4 used Korea Composite Stock Price Index to estimate the long-term memory process parameters. Chapter 6 presents the conclusions and implications. Results - If the price of the time series is generated by the abnormal process, it may be located in long-term memory by a time series. However, test results by price fixed GPH method is not followed by long-term memory process or fractional differential process. In the case of the time-series level shift, the present test method for a long-term memory processes has a considerable amount of bias, and there exists a structural change in the stock distribution market. This structural change has implications in level shift. Stratum level shift assays are not considered as shifted strata. They exist distinctly in the stock secondary market as bias, and are presented in the test statistic of non-long-term memory process. It also generates an error as a long-term memory that could lead to false results. Conclusions - Changes in long-term memory characteristics associated with level shift present the following two suggestions. One, if any impact outside is flowed for a long period of time, we can know that the long-term memory processes have characteristic of the average return gradually. When the investor makes an investment, the same reasoning applies to him in the light of the characteristics of the long-term memory. It is suggested that when investors make decisions on investment, it is necessary to consider the characters of the long-term storage in reference with causing investors to increase the uncertainty and potential. The other one is the thing which must be considered variously according to time-series. The research for price-earnings ratio and investment risk should be composed of the long-term memory characters, and it would have more predictability.

Study on the flood frequency analysis for the annual exceedance series -Centering along the Geum River basin- (연초과치 계열의 홍수빈도 분석에 관한 연구 -금강유역을 중심으로-)

  • 박영근;이순혁
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 1982
  • This study was attempted to find best fitted distribution and the equations for probable maximum flow with the evaluation of parameters by the method of moment for the rat- ional design of hydraulic structures in the annual exceedance series. Six subwatersheds were selected as studying basins along Geum River basin. The results obtained through this study were analyzed and summarized as follows. 1. Fitted probability distribution was showed in the order of Three Parameter Lognorm al, Type 1 Extremal, Exponential, Pearson Type III, and Log Pearson Type I distribu- tion as the results of x$^2$ goodness of fit test. 2. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test showed in the order of Three Parameter Lognormal, Exp- onential' Pearson Type III, Log Pearson Type III and Type 1 Extremal distribution for the fitted probability distribution. 3. It can be concluded that Three parameter Lognormal distribution is a best fitted one among some other distributions out of respect for each both tests. An Exponential distribution was proposed as a suitable one by Chow, V.T. showeci lower fittness than that of Three Parameter Lognormal in Geum River basin. 5. Probable flood flow equations followins the return periods for each station were obt- ained by Three Parameter Lognormal distribution. 6. It is urgently essential that best fitted probability distribution should be established for the annual exceedance series in the main river systems of Korea.

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Development and validation of BROOK90-K for estimating irrigation return flows (관개 회귀수 추정을 위한 BROOK90-K의 개발과 검증)

  • Park, Jongchul;Kim, Man-Kyu
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.87-101
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted to develop a hydrological model of catchment water balance which is able to estimate irrigation return flows, so BROOK90-K (Kongju National University) was developed as a result of the study. BROOK90-K consists of three main modules. The first module was designed to simulate water balance for reservoir and its catchment. The second and third module was designed to simulate hydrological processes in rice paddy fields located on lower watershed and lower watershed excluding rice paddy fields. The models consider behavior of floodgate manager for estimating the storage of reservoir, and modules for water balance in lower watershed reflects agricultural factors, such as irrigation period and, complex sources of water supply, as well as irrigation methods. In this study, the models were applied on Guryangcheon stream watershed. R2, Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NS), NS-log1p, and root mean square error between simulated and observed discharge were 0.79, 0.79, 0.69, and 4.27 mm/d respectively in the model calibration period (2001~2003). Furthermore, the model efficiencies were 0.91, 0.91, 0.73, and 2.38 mm/d respectively over the model validation period (2004~2006). In the future, the developed BROOK90-K is expected to be utilized for various modeling studies, such as the prediction of water demand, water quality environment analysis, and the development of algorithms for effective management of reservoir.