• Title/Summary/Keyword: location Area Design

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Full mouth rehabilitation with fixed implant-supported prosthesis using temporary denture and double digital scanning technique: a case report (임시 의치와 이중 디지털 스캐닝 기법을 활용한 전악 고정성 임플란트 수복 증례)

  • Seok-Hyun Shin;Chan-Ik Park;Se-Ha Kang;Ji-Eun Moon;Min-Seok Oh;Chul-Min Park;Woo-Jin Jeon;Seong-Gu Han;Sun-Jae Kim;Su-Jin Choi
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.61 no.3
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    • pp.245-256
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    • 2023
  • When restoring with a dental digital system for implant-supported prosthesis, a double digital scanning technique is required: an intraoral scan of the three-dimensional implant location and intraoral scan after placement of temporary denture or provisional prosthesis. During the intraoral scan, the use of scan body as a stable landmark can improve the accuracy of digital impression and simplify laboratory process. In this case, a full-digital system was used to plan and fabricate a custom abutment, provisional prosthesis, and definitive prosthesis. After implant placement, the scan area of the intraoral scan body connected with implant and the intraoral scan body marked on the inside of temporary denture were superimposed. Out of the superimposed files, a custom abutment and provisional prosthesis were fabricated which match the vertical dimension of temporary denture, and definitive prosthesis was fabricated based on provisional prosthesis. We report this case because result has been functionally and esthetically satisfactory by using vertical dimension and central relation set during the fabrication of temporary denture to the definitive prosthesis.

Development of Web-based Construction-Site-Safety-Management Platform Using Artificial Intelligence (인공지능을 이용한 웹기반 건축현장 안전관리 플랫폼 개발)

  • Siuk Kim;Eunseok Kim;Cheekyeong Kim
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.77-84
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    • 2024
  • In the fourth industrial-revolution era, the construction industry is transitioning from traditional methods to digital processes. This shift has been challenging owing to the industry's employment of diverse processes and extensive human resources, leading to a gradual adoption of digital technologies through trial and error. One critical area of focus is the safety management at construction sites, which is undergoing significant research and efforts towards digitization and automation. Despite these initiatives, recent statistics indicate a persistent occurrence of accidents and fatalities in construction sites. To address this issue, this study utilizes large-scale language-model artificial intelligence to analyze big data from a construction safety-management information network. The findings are integrated into on-site models, which incorporate real-time updates from detailed design models and are enriched with location information and spatial characteristics, for enhanced safety management. This research aims to develop a big-data-driven safety-management platform to bolster facility and worker safety by digitizing construction-site safety data. This platform can help prevent construction accidents and provide effective education for safety practices.

Numerical Analysis of the Stability of a High-Strength Joint Buried Pile Retaining Wall Method (수치해석을 이용한 고강도 결합 매입말뚝 흙막이 공법의 안정성 검토에 관한 연구)

  • Hyeok Seo;Yeongpan Ha;Junyoung Choi;Kyungho Park;Daehyeon Kim
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.249-262
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    • 2024
  • Retaining walls are widely used in the construction of underground structures. This study reviews the stability of the high-strength joint buried pile method at a site in Korea. [Consider giving details of the location.] The method is assessed by considering the amount of ground settlement, as calculated by finite element analysis and measured at the site. Comparison of the measured and numerical results confirmed the method's stability and field applicability. Settlement of 13.42~13.65 mm was calculated for seven cross-sections [The Abstract should be comprehensible without reference to the main text. The labels A-A' to G-G' should not be introduced here without explanation.] using numerical analysis, and the measured settlement reached a maximum of 2.00 mm. The observed differences and variations [Please state what differed/varied.] did not exceed the design expectations in any section. Instruments installed at the back of the excavation area were used to assess the conditions. An underground gradient meter recorded a cumulative horizontal displacement of between -0.40 and 0.60 mm, and an underground water meter recorded slight displacements of between -0.21 and 0.28 m compared with the initial measurements. A surface settlement meter observed very little movement, with a maximum of -2.00 mm compared with the initial measurement, thereby confirming the establishment of a stable state within the management criteria.

The Actual State of the Creation and Management of Public Open Spaces of Major Buildings - Focused on Daegu-City - (대형건축물 공개공지의 조성 및 관리실태 분석 - 대구시를 대상으로 -)

  • Eom, Boong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.36-45
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    • 2011
  • Public open space(Gong-Gae-Gong-Ji) is an important part of the open-space system in an urban environment. Though part of the private sector, it has a significant public function as there are as always open to the free use of every citizen for rest and amenities. A field survey of the public open space of 71 major buildings was carried out to investigate the actual state of public open spaces in the city of Daegu. As a result of this investigation, several point of issues were discussed. In distribution by 'Gu', newly-emerging sub-centers of Daegu-City, such as Bug-Gu and Dalseo-Gu as well as downtown area have many public open spaces. By the use type of buildings, retail buildings such as shopping centers and SSM account for36.6%, business buildings21.1%, and residential and commercial complexes 15.5%, respectively. Location wise, the front areas accounted for the greatest amount(42.9%) with 1 in side area(20%), and 2 in the front/side area(20%), respectively. Degree of division was 1 spot type(45.7%), 2 division type(35.7%). The misuse of public open space for private use, such as shopping and parking lots, was26.6%. On the basis and analysis of the actual status, 6 improvement devices for public open spaces were suggested: 1) The improvement of the legal regulative system, 2) the establishment of design guidelines and strengthening of deliberation, 3) administrative and financial support, 4) periodic supervision and guidance, 5) installment of signs that shows the space is open for use to every citizen, and 6) the participation of citizens in management of public open space.

Evaluation of the Measurement Uncertainty from the Standard Operating Procedures(SOP) of the National Environmental Specimen Bank (국가환경시료은행 생태계 대표시료의 채취 및 분석 표준운영절차에 대한 단계별 측정불확도 평가 연구)

  • Lee, Jongchun;Lee, Jangho;Park, Jong-Hyouk;Lee, Eugene;Shim, Kyuyoung;Kim, Taekyu;Han, Areum;Kim, Myungjin
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.607-618
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    • 2015
  • Five years have passed since the first set of environmental samples was taken in 2011 to represent various ecosystems which would help future generations lead back to the past environment. Those samples have been preserved cryogenically in the National Environmental Specimen Bank(NESB) at the National Institute of Environmental Research. Even though there is a strict regulation (SOP, standard operating procedure) that rules over the whole sampling procedure to ensure each sample to represent the sampling area, it has not been put to the test for the validation. The question needs to be answered to clear any doubts on the representativeness and the quality of the samples. In order to address the question and ensure the sampling practice set in the SOP, many steps to the measurement of the sample, that is, from sampling in the field and the chemical analysis in the lab are broken down to evaluate the uncertainty at each level. Of the 8 species currently taken for the cryogenic preservation in the NESB, pine tree samples from two different sites were selected for this study. Duplicate samples were taken from each site according to the sampling protocol followed by the duplicate analyses which were carried out for each discrete sample. The uncertainties were evaluated by Robust ANOVA; two levels of uncertainty, one is the uncertainty from the sampling practice, and the other from the analytical process, were then compiled to give the measurement uncertainty on a measured concentration of the measurand. As a result, it was confirmed that it is the sampling practice not the analytical process that accounts for the most of the measurement uncertainty. Based on the top-down approach for the measurement uncertainty, the efficient way to ensure the representativeness of the sample was to increase the quantity of each discrete sample for the making of a composite sample, than to increase the number of the discrete samples across the site. Furthermore, the cost-effective approach to enhance the confidence level on the measurement can be expected from the efforts to lower the sampling uncertainty, not the analytical uncertainty. To test the representativeness of a composite sample of a sampling area, the variance within the site should be less than the difference from duplicate sampling. For that, a criterion, ${i.e.s^2}_{geochem}$(across the site variance) <${s^2}_{samp}$(variance at the sampling location) was proposed. In light of the criterion, the two representative samples for the two study areas passed the requirement. In contrast, whenever the variance of among the sampling locations (i.e. across the site) is larger than the sampling variance, more sampling increments need to be added within the sampling area until the requirement for the representativeness is achieved.

A Study on the Potential Vegetation Recovery according to the Environment and Type of Tunnel Entrance and Exit (고속도로 터널 입·출구부 유형과 주변 환경에 따른 식생복구 잠재성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Cheol;Choi, Song-Hyun;Kim, Dong-Pil;Song, Jae-Tak;Oh, Hyun-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.161-172
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to classify, evaluate and grade the existing highway tunnels to increase landscape and natural statistics keeping the structural safety about tunnel gates area and induce the ones that will be constructed in the future by drawing the improvements and restoring the techniques as an environment-friendly. To examine the types of tunnel gate area, total 54 tunnels were investigated by selecting Gyeongbu Expressway, Yeongdong Expressway, and Jungang Expressway. Tunnel entrances and exit ports were classified as a Wall-closed type and Protruding type, which is based on tunnel gate type. Vegetation Landscape types were classified as Multilayer-Same as the surrounding landscape_(MS), Multilayer-Difference of surrounding landscape_(MD), Single layer-Same as the surrounding landscape_(SS), Single layer-Difference of surrounding landscape_(SD), and a Desolate type which based on vegetation layers and environment-friendly. Potential vegetation recovery was identified based on the structural stability and revegetation potential of the tunnel. The factors include the structural stability of the slope height and slope gradient were selected. Revegetation potential was identified as a growth potential. This factor was used in the step to classify vegetation recovery potential of a tunnel. The result, which investigated the types of tunnel entrances and exit parts has found that the most typical in 33 places was a Wall closed type with 61.1% of the total ones. The case of vegetation landscape types was created but different from the ones surrounding it with 85.2% of the total ones. It is judged that the currently constructed vegetation of tunnel entrance and exit parts had put convenience on the safety and management before landscape consideration. In addition, tunnel entrance and exit parts with excellent potential for vegetation recovery were all Protruding type. In addition, it is judged that slope stability can easily obtain growth. Therefore, entrance and exist of the highway tunnels, which will be constructed in the future, should reflect location and the result of the natural and ecological survey in design by performing it in advance and their types, which minimize the damage area range, should be applied to the local characteristics suitably. In addition, the ecologically healthy tunnel construction should be done by introducing active vegetation recovery techniques based on its safety.

Analysis of User Behavior for the Revitalization of Small Parks near Stations by the Location Types in Influential Subway Area (역세권내 역 인접 소공원의 유형별 이용행태분석을 통한 활성화 방안 연구)

  • Lee, Joo-Hee;Park, Jin-A.
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.9-20
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    • 2008
  • The government is planning to link a small park with the soon to be ready subway line 9 as a part of Seoul's policy, "The standard or plan for making a water-friendly space by water use" (2007). However, the specified concepts and instructions of the small parks need further work. Therefore, the policy is expected to expand to neighboring small parks near the subway station, but these are not supported by research or data which suggests the needs or actual user behavior and utilization of small parks. our country added the specified concept of small parks and theme parks to the classification of urban parks in the Urban Park Act Revision (2005.3.31), but the concept of small parks is not clearly settled in the law in the scopes of its function, scale, promotion nor particularly defined plans for small park projects. This study examines as small park near a subway station. The characteristics of there region and users vary from the characteristics of the station and region. In the "directions for concrete standards under the types of urban parks and green zones" (2007.2) the types of small parks are classified by "regional characteristics" and "user characteristics". Therefore, this study classifies the subject of neighboring small parks near subway stations as the neighborhood and small urban parks according to the Urban Park Act. The study was paralleled with observation and questionnaires on the analysis of the neighborhood and small urban parks. The actual conditions of park utilization and user behavioral characteristics were deducted by observation, while the questionnaire determined actual user utilization, importance and satisfaction level as well as the small park environment. This study largely focused on three aspects: park facility, design of this sentence isn't even complete. The second aspect isn't finished and the third isn't here.

Geoscientific land management planning in salt-affected areas* (염기화된 지역에서의 지구과학적 토지 관리 계획)

  • Abbott, Simon;Chadwick, David;Street, Greg
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.98-109
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    • 2007
  • Over the last twenty years, farmers in Western Australia have begun to change land management practices to minimise the effects of salinity to agricultural land. A farm plan is often used as a guide to implement changes. Most plans are based on minimal data and an understanding of only surface water flow. Thus farm plans do not effectively address the processes that lead to land salinisation. A project at Broomehill in the south-west of Western Australia applied an approach using a large suite of geospatial data that measured surface and subsurface characteristics of the regolith. In addition, other data were acquired, such as information about the climate and the agricultural history. Fundamental to the approach was the collection of airborne geophysical data over the study area. This included radiometric data reflecting soils, magnetic data reflecting bedrock geology, and SALTMAP electromagnetic data reflecting regolith thickness and conductivity. When interpreted, these datasets added paddock-scale information of geology and hydrogeology to the other datasets, in order to make on-farm and in-paddock decisions relating directly to the mechanisms driving the salinising process. The location and design of surface-water management structures such as grade banks and seepage interceptor banks was significantly influenced by the information derived from the airborne geophysical data. To evaluate the effectiveness ofthis planning., one whole-farm plan has been monitored by the Department of Agriculture and the farmer since 1996. The implemented plan shows a positive cost-benefit ratio, and the farm is now in the top 5% of farms in its regional productivity benchmarking group. The main influence of the airborne geophysical data on the farm plan was on the location of earthworks and revegetation proposals. There had to be a hydrological or hydrogeological justification, based on the site-specific data, for any infrastructure proposal. This approach reduced the spatial density of proposed works compared to other farm plans not guided by site-specific hydrogeological information.

The Memorial Park Planning of 5·18 Historic Sites - For Gwangju Hospital of Korea Army and 505 Security Forces - (5·18 사적지 기념공원화 계획 - 국군광주병원과 505보안부대 옛터를 대상으로 -)

  • Lee, Jeong-Hee;Yun, Young-Jo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.47 no.5
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    • pp.14-27
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    • 2019
  • This study presents a plan for a memorial park that respects the characteristics based on the historical facts for the concept of space of the Gwangju Hospital of Korea Army and the location of the 505 Security Forces, which were designated as historic sites after the 5-18 Democratization Movement. The Gwangju Metropolitan City as it is the location of the 5-18 historic sites, is taking part in the 5-18 Memorial Project, and plans to establish a city park recognizing the historic site of the 5-18 Democratization Movement, which has been preserved only as a memory space to this point. The park is promoting a phased development plan. This study suggests that the 5-18 historic sites can be modernized and that social consensus can establish the framework of the step-by-step planning and composition process to ensure the plans for the space heals wounds while preserving the history. In this paper, we propose a solution to a problem. We solve the approach for space utilization through an analysis of precedent research and planning cases related to park planning at historical sites. In addition to exploring the value of the site, we also describe the space utilization strategy that covers the historical characteristics and facts while maintaining the concept of park planning. As a result of the research, the historic site of the Gwangju Hospital of Korea Army is planned as a park of historical memory and healing in order to solve the problems left behind by the 5-18 Democratization Movement. The historic site of the 505 Security Forces was selected as an area for historical experiences and a place for learning that can be sympathized with by future generations of children and adolescents in terms of expanding and sustaining the memory of the 5-18 Democratization Movement. In the planning stage, the historical sites suggested the direction of space utilization for representation as did the social consensus of citizens, related groups, and specialists. Through this study, we will contribute to construction of a memorial park containing historical values in from 5-18 historic sites. It is meaningful to suggest a direction that can revitalize the life of the city as well as its citizen and can share with the history with future generations beyond being a place to heal wounds and keep alive the memory of the past.

The Landscape Meaning and Literary Group Culture Carved in Danguedae and Samgaeseokmun of Imshil (임실(任實) 단구대(丹丘臺)와 삼계석문(三溪石門)에 새긴 의미경관과 단구구로회(丹丘九老會)의 아회(雅會)문화)

  • Lee, Hyun-Woo;Lee, Jung-Han;Rho, Jae-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.170-181
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    • 2011
  • This Research will explore the meaning indicated in the landscape meaning and feature of literary group culture, focusing in Gurujeong(九老亭: pavilion for nine elders) and Samgaeseokmun(三溪石門: stone gate in three valleys) located in Dundeok-myun, Imshil-gun, and will seek to understand the implications by studying the cultural landscape spread out in the area. The place where Gurojeong and Samgaeseokmun is located is the meeting point of the three valleys, Dunnam stream, Osu stream, and Yul stream, which is the main location to view the beautiful scenery, which has the nickname as the dwelling place of a celestial being. Especially, based on the description of old maps, "Samgae(three valleys)" and "Samgaeseokmun" possesses significance as a landmark and shows a characteristic feature of landscape structures of low hills. Dangugurohwe(丹丘九老會: nine elders gathering on the dwelling of a celestial being) originated from Hyangsangurohwe(香山九老會: gathering of nine elders on a fragrant mountain), where Baekgeoi(白居易) of China was one of the main people. This group was organized by nine elders over the age of 60 desiring to view the scenery of Doyeonmyeong. The group enhanced the literary spirit on the low hill, erecting a tower, and enjoying the beautiful scenery changing every season with scholars from the same region. This phenomenon seems to have been formed upon the positive response to gatherings of elders, which were prevalent in the Joseon Dynasty. If the internal idea pursued by the group was "longevity," the external idea pursued can be summarized as "the spirit the respect for the elders." Naming the groups as 'Dangudae(place where the celestial being lives), Guseondong(valley of seeking a celestial life), Bangjangsan(mountain of a high priest), and Daecheondae(place of communicating with God) was likely a device to introspect oneself and symbolize one's life process. Furthermore, the reason Samgaeseokmun, which is an imitation of Choi, Chiwon's work, was built near Soyocheo, was probably to yearn the celestial land and based on the desire to follow Choi, Chiwon, who was the most self-fulfilling being presumed to have become a celestial being by practicing the pursuit of freedom, escaping from the reality. After tracing the symbolizing meaning of the four letters carved in the left side of the stone wall of Dangudae, the conclusion that this place was not only a place for literary gatherings of the nine elders of Saseong(four families), but was a place where the celestial being dwelled could be inferred. Corresponding with Dangudae and Gurojeong, which are places where the order of human and nature is harmonized and where its meaning associated with the location intensifies, arouses strong bond, can be said to be the symbol of the traces of celestial beings where the spirits of attachment to a certain place is embedded. The acts performed in Dangugurohwe were those of traditional leisure including strolling, viewing the scenery, drinking, composing poems, and playing instruments, and sometimes listening to stories, tea ceremony, prayers, and fishing were added, which indicates that the gathering had a strong tendency towards pastoral and hermit life.