• 제목/요약/키워드: local vision

검색결과 388건 처리시간 0.026초

Three-dimensional Head Tracking Using Adaptive Local Binary Pattern in Depth Images

  • Kim, Joongrock;Yoon, Changyong
    • International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.131-139
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    • 2016
  • Recognition of human motions has become a main area of computer vision due to its potential human-computer interface (HCI) and surveillance. Among those existing recognition techniques for human motions, head detection and tracking is basis for all human motion recognitions. Various approaches have been tried to detect and trace the position of human head in two-dimensional (2D) images precisely. However, it is still a challenging problem because the human appearance is too changeable by pose, and images are affected by illumination change. To enhance the performance of head detection and tracking, the real-time three-dimensional (3D) data acquisition sensors such as time-of-flight and Kinect depth sensor are recently used. In this paper, we propose an effective feature extraction method, called adaptive local binary pattern (ALBP), for depth image based applications. Contrasting to well-known conventional local binary pattern (LBP), the proposed ALBP cannot only extract shape information without texture in depth images, but also is invariant distance change in range images. We apply the proposed ALBP for head detection and tracking in depth images to show its effectiveness and its usefulness.

지역발전을 위한 향토자원 상품화의 사례로서 보령시 머드화장품 사업에 대한 고찰 (The Mud-based Cosmetic Business by the City of Boryeong in Korea as the Commodification of a Locality's Endowment or Assets for Local Development)

  • 변필성
    • 한국경제지리학회지
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.7-22
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    • 2006
  • 본 연구는 지방자치단체가 지역발전을 목적으로 향토자원의 상품화를 추진하는 사례로서 보령시 머드산업의 핵심인 머드화장품 사업을 고찰하였다. 구체적으로, 머드화장품 사업의 현황 및 위상, 발전 과정 및 요인, 항후 과제를 논의하였고, 특히, 국내의 많은 지자체가 향토자원의 상품화를 통해 주력산업을 육성하려는 노력에 대해 보령시 머드화장품 사업이 갖는 시사점을 제시하고자 하였다. 시사점은 지역발전이라는 목적 하에 자원을 효과적으로 활용하기 위해 광범위한 이해관계자들 간의 비전 공유와 그러한 주체들의 적극적이고 지속적인 참여와 협력을 유도하는 조직화 능력인 지역의 제도적 역량의 관점에서 주로 논의하고자 하였다. 또한 본 연구는 지역발전에 있어 중요한 제도적 역량을 면밀하게 분석할 필요가 있고, 더 나아가 그러한 분석은 다른 지역에 지침이 될 수 있는 체계화된 지식의 창출을 지향해야 함을 강조한다.

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전(全)방향 이미지를 이용한 환경 추정에 관한 연구 (Study on Environment Estimation from Omnidirectional Vision Sensor)

  • 박영미;구경모;차의영
    • 한국멀티미디어학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국멀티미디어학회 2003년도 추계학술발표대회(상)
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    • pp.265-268
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    • 2003
  • 파노라믹 이미지를 이용한 환경감시 및 탐사에 관한 지속적인 연구는 실시간으로 이미지를 얻고 탐사를 수행하는 연구형태로 발전하고 있다. 본 논문에서는, 한대의 카메라와 하나의 볼록 거울의 조합을 이용하여 실시간으로 얻어지는 전(全)방향 이미지로부터 바닥정보를 추출하여 지역정보(Local Map)를 얻고, 그 정보에 기반 하여 로봇의 이동을 제어하고 전역정보(Global Map)를 구성하는 새로운 방법을 제안한다.

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효율적인 인덱싱 기법을 이용한 3차원 물체인식:Part II-물체에 대한 가설의 생성과 검증 (Three-dimensional object recognition using efficient indexing:Part II-generation and verification of object hypotheses)

  • 이준호
    • 전자공학회논문지C
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    • 제34C권10호
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    • pp.76-88
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    • 1997
  • Based on the principles described in Part I, we have implemented a working prototype vision system using a feature structure called an LSG (local surface group) for generating object hypotheses. In order to verify an object hypothesis, we estimate the view of the hypothesized model object and render the model object for the computed view. The object hypothesis is then verified by finding additional features in the scene that match those present in the rendered image. Experimental results on synthetic and real range images show the effectiveness of the indexing scheme.

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Impressions of a Guest from Europe on the RailTech Vision Conference

  • Henn, Wolfgang
    • 한국철도학회지
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    • 제2권3호
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    • pp.5-7
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    • 1999
  • Ten years have passed since my last visit to Korea on the occasion of the International Symposium on High Speed Rail Systems organized by the Korean Transport Institute in October 1989. At that time, it was the objective to introduce the maglev and VHSR (very high speed rail) systems with their different areas of application and to discuss them with local partners against the background of the Seoul-Pusan HSR project. Congratulations on the success of the Centennial seminar. I am much pleased to be invited to the memorable seminar and I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Korean members' hospitality. (omitted)

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물체 인식을 위한 시각 주목 알고리즘 (Visual Attention Algorithm for Object Recognition)

  • 류광근;이상훈;서일홍
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 2006년도 심포지엄 논문집 정보 및 제어부문
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    • pp.306-308
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    • 2006
  • We propose an attention based object recognition system, to recognize object fast and robustly. For this we calculate visual stimulus degrees and make saliency maps. Through this map we find a strongly attentive part of image by stimulus degrees, where local features are extracted to recognize objects.

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Experimental characterization of a smart material via DIC

  • Casciati, Sara;Bortoluzzi, Daniele;Faravelli, Lucia;Rosadini, Luca
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • 제30권3호
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    • pp.255-261
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    • 2022
  • When no extensometer is available in a generic tensile-compression test carried out by a universal testing machine (for instance the model BIONIX from Material Testing Systems (MTS)), the test results only provide the relative displacement between the machine grips. The test does not provide any information on the local behaviour of the material. This contribution presents the potential of an application of Digital Image Correlation (DIC) toward the reconstruction of the behaviour along the specimen. In particular, the authors test a Ni-Ti shape memory alloys (SMA) specimen with emphasis on the coupling of the two measurement techniques.

Detection of Calibration Patterns for Camera Calibration with Irregular Lighting and Complicated Backgrounds

  • Kang, Dong-Joong;Ha, Jong-Eun;Jeong, Mun-Ho
    • International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
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    • 제6권5호
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    • pp.746-754
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    • 2008
  • This paper proposes a method to detect calibration patterns for accurate camera calibration under complicated backgrounds and uneven lighting conditions of industrial fields. Required to measure object dimensions, the preprocessing of camera calibration must be able to extract calibration points from a calibration pattern. However, industrial fields for visual inspection rarely provide the proper lighting conditions for camera calibration of a measurement system. In this paper, a probabilistic criterion is proposed to detect a local set of calibration points, which would guide the extraction of other calibration points in a cluttered background under irregular lighting conditions. If only a local part of the calibration pattern can be seen, input data can be extracted for camera calibration. In an experiment using real images, we verified that the method can be applied to camera calibration for poor quality images obtained under uneven illumination and cluttered background.

H_263 영상압축 방식을 이용한 인터넷 기반 탐사로봇의 원격 운용 시스템 (Teleoperation System of a Networked Mobile Robot Based on H_263 Video Codec)

  • 최준영;김재훈;강근택;이원창
    • 대한전자공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전자공학회 2003년도 하계종합학술대회 논문집 V
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    • pp.2577-2580
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    • 2003
  • In this paper we present a teleoperation system of an internet-based mobile robot based on H.263 image compression algorithm. We control remotely the networked mobile robot with vision over the internet under unknown environments in the real time. The main feature of this system is that local operators need to download and install a client program and so they can command the robot in a remote location. Image information of remote location is compressed by H.263 video codec algorithm and then transmitted to a local operator. We constructed and tested a networked autonomous mobile robot in the real field. The experimental results show the usefulness of the robot under test.

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신경회로망을 이용한 동적 손 제스처 인식에 관한 연구 (A Study on Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition Using Neural Networks)

  • 조인석;박진현;최영규
    • 대한전기학회논문지:시스템및제어부문D
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    • 제53권1호
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    • pp.22-31
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    • 2004
  • This paper deals with the dynamic hand gesture recognition based on computer vision using neural networks. This paper proposes a global search method and a local search method to recognize the hand gesture. The global search recognizes a hand among the hand candidates through the entire image search, and the local search recognizes and tracks only the hand through the block search. Dynamic hand gesture recognition method is based on the skin-color and shape analysis with the invariant moment and direction information. Starting point and ending point of the dynamic hand gesture are obtained from hand shape. Experiments have been conducted for hand extraction, hand recognition and dynamic hand gesture recognition. Experimental results show the validity of the proposed method.