• Title/Summary/Keyword: living style

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Regional Art and Power (지역 미술과 권력)

  • Park, Young-Taik
    • The Journal of Art Theory & Practice
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    • no.3
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    • pp.35-50
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    • 2005
  • For us, any regional art exist? Almost all art events today take place mostly in Seoul. Concentrating on the reinforcement of its power, the regional art world remains isolated without any connection with the Seoul art community. It is completely closed off from the central art scene. The regional art world seems to consider that more helpful in consolidating its status. It is in real sense suffering the absence of art criticism and art media, lack of an understanding of art and backwardness of art education. Many regional artists are dreaming of moving out from their domain, aspiring to be a member of the central art world. They make an effort to assimilate into a refined, modern style of the central art circle, rather than striving to create works imbued with regionality and locality. As the artists living in the provinces, the characteristics of their district should be above all else reflected in their art. Although they are less informed about the latest trend of culture and art, their art has to be something passionately and obstinately embodying the intrinsic quality of their regions. They have to find a practical solution more positively, instead of merely complaining about the poor condition of the regional art community. There is the need to bring about a turnabout in our awareness that regional art is confined to any limit and cannot be in the center of the entire art world. What' s most significant is to dissolve factionalism and not to depend on school ties or regional networks. As a reaction against authoritarianism, regional art has to put emphasis on attaining its originality. For this, regional art should respect regional tradition, history and background and break away from an old convention of wielding power.

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Obesity, Hypertension, and Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus: The Interrelationships and the Determinants among Adults in Gaza City, Palestine

  • Ellulu, Mohammed S.
    • Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.289-298
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: To describe the distribution of social factors, lifestyle habits and anthropometric measurements according to hypertension and Type-2 diabetes. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Gaza City, Palestine that included 379 patients (20-60 years) who had hypertension and/or diabetes. Three groups of patients were involved; 106 hypertensive (HT), 109 diabetic (T2DM) and 164 hypertensive diabetics (HT + T2DM). Results: The HT + T2DM group were older and had a higher body mass index compared to HT and T2DM groups. There were 62.3% patients who were female, 49.2% were highly educated HT patients, and 49.3% patients had a low level of education and were HT + T2DM. There were 55.8% patients who lived in large families. Patients who were passive smokers or never smoked before were mostly HT + T2DM, while active smokers and past smokers had T2DM. There were 48.2% patients who were highly physically active who had HT, 40.9% whom were moderately active had T2DM, and 53.8% of patients who had a low level of activity were HT + T2DM. Multivariate linear regression showed that having a diseased mother, living in a large family, being a past or passive smoker, or never having smoked, having a low or moderate level of activity, and having HT or HT + T2DM, were significantly associated with an increased body mass index. Conclusion: Parental health/disease conditions and environmental factors (social network and lifestyle habits) played the greatest role in the development of obesity and disease.

A Study on Xiao Quan's Documentary Portrait Focused on the Expression Method of (중국 사진가 샤오취안의 다큐멘터리적 초상사진에 관한 연구 : <우리들 세대>에 나타난 표현방식을 중심으로)

  • Liu, Yuan;Yang, Jong Hoon;Lee, Sang Eun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.108-117
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    • 2018
  • Xiao Quan is a leading documentary portrait photographer in China. He tried to shoot portrait photographs of celebrities in the literary and artistic world. By doing this, he represented their time period. We explored the way Xiao Quan implemented the times they lived in by analyzing their portrait photographs included in . Our research showed that Xiao Quan used images of their living environments, clothes and facial expressions and composition of portraits. Such various methods of creation are a means for the symbolic expressions of their times. This research not only finds the way Chinese documentary portraits are created but also provides an opportunity to increase the value of documentary portraits as historic documents.

Harmonious Union between Divine Beings and Human Beings or the Blending of God and Man: A Comparison between Daesoon Jinrihoe and the Local Church (神人調化或神人調和 - 以大巡真理會和召會的論述為比較 -)

  • Fan, Chun-Ming;Yao, Yun-Hui
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.35
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    • pp.509-539
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    • 2020
  • Daesoon Jinrihoe makes use of The Canonical Scripture as the main body to explain their thinking regarding divine beings and humankind as it relates to doctrine, sacredness, religiousness and other such contents. The traditional meaning of divine beings and humankind through the interpretation of The Canonical Scripture, transcends ethics, tradition, sociality, and the ultimate concern of secularity. The analysis from the perspective of The Canonical Scripture can help readers to understand the purpose of Daesoon Jinrihoe's implementation of its policies and their future direction. The local church takes the Bible as its main body and connects God with man as an implantation of divine life and temperament that harmonizes itself with human life and nature. The divine life is constantly reconciled with one's human life to make one a holy person, or a humanistic diviner. This is the rationale of the 'God-Man,' those whose human lives become lives of God-men. This style of living enables divine nature to mingle with human nature as an explicit behavioral act, mode of character development, and lifestyle. Therefore, the expression "the Blending of God and man" is an interpretation of the relationship between God and man which focuses on their sacred connection. Engagement in this extends to the scope of the local church. The different divisions between Daesoon Jinrihoe and the local church appear on the basis of things such as history, culture, language, and religion, but both posit a theology of "Harmonious Union between Divine Beings and Human Beings" and "the Blending of God and man" according to a transcendent interpretation of God and man. Through dialogue, they can discover similarities and differences in this shared notion with both systems of theological thought.

Usability Test of Rollator Walkers and Effect of Rollator Walkers on The Lives of The Senior Citizens (보행보조차의 사용성평가와 고령자의 생활에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Sua;Kim, Soohyun;Park, Chiwook;Sin, Hyewon;Lee, Jiyoung;Lee, Hyowon;Jeong, Myeongjin
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.385-390
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to provide primary data for R&D on rollator-walking frame through researching the usability test of the rollator-walking frame and the effect of rollator-walking frames on the lives of senior citizens. This study surveyed 60 senior citizens living in Sungnam City in South Korea. As the result of the usability test, we can find users' dissatisfaction with the folding, weight, shape of backrest and material of chair. The survey shows that the frequency of outdoor activity is mostly increased by the convenience of product. However, the inconvenience while using facilities, such as elevators or public transportations, gave a significant impact on the decrease in going out experiences. Therefore, for better outside lifestyle of senior citizens, it is important to improve the function of the product, however, we need to make improvement of urban infrastructure.

In the Western painting of Chinoiserie from the perspective of cosmetology Factor analysis for female hair design (미용학(美容學) 관점의 시누아즈리(chinoiserie) 서양화 속 여성 헤어디자인에 대한 요인분석)

  • Ko, Hee-Ja;Park, Jang-Soon
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.139-144
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    • 2021
  • Since the human act to pursue beauty is the most natural desire and instinct, the demand for a new beauty trend in line with the 4th industrial revolution era, in which aesthetic interest in human appearance management along with the importance of appearance is increasing day by day is very necessary at this time. In order to derive the source from art, which is closely related to beauty studies, the shape and texture of women's hair design appearing in 'Chinoiserie' style Western paintings that were popular in Europe and France in the 18th century. As a result of the study, the hair design of women appearing in four Western paintings showed characteristics of each individual shape, texture, and color. Through this study, the foundation stone for the development of a new mode hairstyle for modern people living in a rapidly changing era while quarreling with the village, and the foundation stone for the development of various beauty contents.

Evaluation of Efficacy for Menopausal Syndrome with Natural Dyed Apparel (천연염색의류의 갱년기 증후군에 대한 효능 평가)

  • Seo, Tae Soon;Jang, Eun Jin;Kim, Jeong Ja;Kim, Hee Sook;Koo, Jin Suk
    • The Korea Journal of Herbology
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.31-39
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    • 2017
  • Objectives : Menopausal symptoms are characteristic symptoms which are occur in women before and after menopause. In Western medicine, hormone therapies are mainly used but patients show reluctance because they exhibit serious side effects. In Oriental medicine, there are also limits to the treatment. So I tried to find a new easily accessible treatment. I performed the experiments to verify the effect of natural dyed apparel with Indigo and Schisandra fruit. Methods : This experiment was performed on 30 women who were experiencing menopausal symptoms. We checked the participant's general condition through questionnaire and physical condition with inbody test and made natural-dyed living suit style dresses. We asked the women to wear the apparel for four weeks. They checked for changes in symptoms weekly with kupperman's index. Results : The main symptoms of participants are sweating, hot flushes, joint pain. After wearing of the apparel, there were decreased hot flushes, sleep improvement, psychological stability etc. According to the kupperman's index, patients with mild symptoms were 13.3% at first week to start the experiment but four weeks later, patients with mild symptoms were increased to 50%. On the other hand, patients with severe symptoms were decreased 33.3% to 6.7%. In the test results, there was a significant decrease in 1, 2 and 3 weeks, there was a decrease in 4 weeks but no significance in the figure Conclusion : Natural dyed apprel with Indigo and Schisandra fruit was effective on treating women who were experiencing menopausal symptoms.

A Study on the Narration Characteristics of <The Book of Fish> Using the Analysis Frame of Historical Drama (역사극의 분석틀을 활용한 영화 <자산어보>의 내레이션 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Hee Sang Chae
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.351-356
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze how the movie <The Book of Fish> (2021) represents Joseon, which is slowly collapsing with the Neo-Confucian order of the 19th century shaking, and to discuss its meaning. Prior to the analysis, the analysis framework of the historical drama was presented considering the narration characteristics of the historical drama. Using the analysis framework of historical dramas, we confirmed that <The Book of Fish> is representing the image of Jeong Yak-jeon and Jang Chang-dae living their lives as independent individuals between the limitations and possibilities of the times based on the plot structure of the narrative of exile. Through the central memory and surplus memory created through plot and style elements such as contrast between black and white and color images, voice-over narration, chinese poetry subtitles and music, the film asks us universal questions about what it takes to live as an independent individual.

History of Organic Agricultural Movement and Perspective for Development of Organic Agriculture in Tasmania (호주 태즈메이니아 유기농운동의 전개과정과 발전과제)

  • Kim, J.S.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.25-43
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    • 2013
  • Tasmania with its clean air, isolated from mainland Australia, has been producing high-quality agricultural products and has been continually developing organic farming since 1946 when the Living Soil Association of Tasmania(LSAT) was established. The organic farming movement in Tasmania has been actively advocated through three steps: the philosophical embryonic period, the movement diffusion period and the industrialised development period. The campaigns for informing about the connection between healthy soil and life unfolded during the embryonic period. This was followed by the birth of publicity of organic farming and the certification system through the dissemination of organic farming techniques and various events related to agriculture in the diffusion period when the Organic Gardening and Farming Society(OGFS) was established in 1972. In the industrialised development period, The Organic Coalition of Tasmania (OCT) which is representative of Tasmania was organised in 2000 and has been leading the organic farming industry. The organic farming movement in Tasmania not only limits the use of artificial agricultural chemical but pursues the quality of food, environment, the health of life including all animals and plants, the issue of development in rural society, social justice, and equity in understanding. It is far more holistic in its philosophy. The output of organic food accounts for 1 % of the total amount of agricultural production and 150 certified organic farms have managed with 5,000ha of land in 2010. The supply channels for organic foods vary from farmer's market, specialty stores, supermarket chains, local store to the cooperative community. Also the consumers' behaviour for organic foods has been establishing as an alternative life style. The education of the value and role of organic farming on the environment should be enlarged for the consumption of the organic food. In addition, organising for small farmers who act individually and the link with differentiated local food have still remained issues.

The Dramatization of Habitus: A Bourdieun Reading of Pygmalion

  • Hwang, Hoon-Sung
    • Journal of English Language & Literature
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.383-398
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    • 2009
  • Based on the Greek myth of Pygmalion and the fairy tale of Cinderella, Shaw's Pygmalion demonstrates a masterful coalescence of these two narrative motifs into a coherent plot scheme. Even more significant is his keen insight into the conflicts created at the tripartite intersection of human activity concerning language/class/culture, which, as the leitmotif, revolves around lessons in language learning. This play basically deals with human transformation and by its very nature, Higgins's experimentation with transforming Eliza cannot stop at language alone. Her cultural transformation ripples over into the realms of gesture and even a unique way of living (modus vivendi) intimately associated with taste and manners, which Bourdieu terms as habitus. By acquiring a new fashion and language, Eliza is reborn as a new lady aspiring to be filled with a newly acquired habitus. While separating her from her old Cockney style, Higgins inculcates Queen's English in Eliza, in which process her changed speech styles gradually transforms and restructures her deportment and manners, finally generating new practices, perceptions and attitudes. The gist of Pygmalion is however less Eliza's ascent into the middle class than her battle for symbolic capital waged at the level of language. By problematizing his contemporary practice of habitus conventionalized and warped by class distinctions based on economic, social and cultural capitals, Shaw creates a new humanist model of man founded on spiritual and rational virtues. In conclusion, Eliza is not a frigid Galatea but a dynamic character that goes through a brilliant transformation of three stages: 1) linguistic; 2) cultural, and 3) humanist. Finally she is built into a "consort battleship" on an equal standing with her sculptor. The process of her character-building cannot be illuminated without resorting to the dynamic notion of habitus, which highlights the process of inculcation, structuring, generation and transposing. Given the overwhelming weight of the heroine's role and the dynamic process of her transformation as the major plot scheme, this play should be christened Galatea in lieu of Pygmalion.