• Title/Summary/Keyword: life aims

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A Study on Male High School Students' Smoking Patterns (일부 남자 고등학생의 흡연 실태에 관한 조사연구)

  • Lee, Gi-Yeong
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.91-100
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    • 1998
  • This study aims to investigate smoking patterns in high school student and to give student smoker effective information. The sample of 250 male highschool students out of two different schools in Tae-Jon was questioned from July 10th to 15th. 1995. In analyzing these date. the statistics shows the realities by means of number of students. The results are summarized into 17 items as follows. Regarding the level of smoking. 140 students out of 250 admit that they have ever smoked. 52.1% of smoking students say that the motivation of beginning smoking is mainly curiosity. The survey shows that 22.9% of smoking students feel very good when smoking. It also shows that 30.0% of smoking students began smoking in the first grade of high school. With regard to the volume of smoking per day. 41.4% of smoking students smoke variably. 42.1% drink when smoking. 15.0% spend more than W 70.000 a month. About the question who knows the fact of their smoking. 51.5% answer that their friends know the fact of their smoking. In regard to the resaltionship between smoking and school per-formance. 18.2% of non smoking students make poor grades as compared with 40% of smoking students. 9.3% of smoking students say that they are satisfied with the school life. but 35.7% of them are not satisfied. Regarding the attitude to smoking teachers. 35% of smoking students state that they are affected by them. 69.3% of smoking students say that they will stop smoking. while the remaining 30.7% say that they will keep smoking. The reason of 63.9% to stop smoking is that smoking is bad for the health. The reason of 46. 5% to keep smoking is the acquired habit of smoking. 97.2% know the fact that the major element of cigarettes is nicotine and it is very harmful to the health. 40.8% recognize the harmful effect of smoking by TV and radio programs. 97.2% know that smoking could cause lung cancer. From the above results. I propose as follows We should make specific plan to keep smoking by simple curiosity from being developed into habitual smoking. We should teach them how harmful smoking is and make them stop smoking by themselves. It is very essential for family members and teachers to give continuous interest since childhood. As the teacher affect the students very much, they should give up smoking first. The incidence of smoking should be identified in each of the middle and high schools. smoking prohibition programs relevant to each school should be developed and implemented. The local community should ban cigarette vending machines. Cigarettes should not be sold to adolescents. By setting every place where adolescents gather including schools nonsmoking area. we should decrease their impulse to smoke. then smoking opportunities. and harmful effects to them caused by passive smoking.

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Experiences of the Housing Improvement Service Utilization (주거빈곤층의 주택개보수서비스 이용 경험)

  • Kim, Ji-Hye;Kim, Se-Won
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.171-184
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    • 2015
  • This study aims to explore the realities of life and the utilizing experience of housing improvement service among the vulnerable living in the indecent house. For this purpose of this study, we conducted in-depth interview with nine interviewees. As the result of this study, we figured out that the vulnerable living in the poor house had experienced psychological withdrawals, restricted of social activities, health problems, and feelings of insecurity. However, they could not afford to improve their houses because they were living below or near the poverty line. Local government provided the housing improvement service to cope with this problem. The people received this service gave positive reviews. Since their residential environment was improved, they felt easiness, strengthened social relationships, and expected a warm winter. Despite of 'thankful service', the housing improvement service had some limitations. Because of the limited budgets, full-scale construction services were unfeasible. Also we figured out it is necessary to make a change in housing policies for the people living in the poor houses. In the conclusion, we discussed and proposed the policies and practical suggestions.

The Identified Self: Location-Based Technologies, Surveillance, and Non-place (식별되는 자: 위치기반기술, 원격성과 감시의 문제, 그리고 비-장소(non-place))

  • Yi, Doogab
    • Journal of Science and Technology Studies
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.1-31
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    • 2016
  • This essay examines the recent proliferation of location-based services (LBS) within the context the expansion of the technologies of remote identification, monitoring, and tracking. Following the spatial turn in the social sciences, this essay aims to analyze LBS as a surveillance technology that can re-shape the spatial configuration of its users and their identity. The analytic focus of this essay is on LBS within the global information infrastructure, and it utilizes key LBS examples in the US and South Korea. First, as a way to discuss the technical possibilities of LBS for spatial coordination and surveillance, this essay investigates its technical architecture in terms of information flow. It then discusses the issue of privacy in LBS by analyzing some of its key legal and regulatory issues. The combination of the global information infrastructure with location-related technologies has enabled LBS companies to expand the scope of surveillance over the ever-increasing computer-mediated activities, prompting heated discussions over whether LBS is capturing "Every Moment in Your Life." This essay concludes with a discussion on how location technologies have provided a key platform for the rise of surveillance capitalism through the creation of what Marc $Aug{\acute{e}}$ called a "non-place," a place where the identified self is constituted by LBS.

Efficacy and Safety of Sublingual Immunotherapy in Elderly Rhinitis Patients Sensitized to House Dust Mites

  • Kim, Ji Hye;Lee, Ji Ho;Ye, Young-Min;Lee, Jae-Hyun;Park, Jung Won;Hur, Gyu-Young;Kim, Joo-Hee;Lee, Hyn-Young;Shin, Yoo Seob;Yang, Eun-Mi;Park, Hae-Sim
    • Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Research
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.675-685
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: This study aims to determine the efficacy and safety of house dust mite (HDM)-sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) in elderly patients with AR. Methods: A total of 45 patients aged ${\geq}60years$ with HDM-induced AR who had ${\geq}3$ A/H ratio on skin prick test and/or ${\geq}0.35IU/L$ to both Dermatophagoides farinae and Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus by ImmunoCAP were enrolled in 4 university hospitals. To evaluate additional effects of HDM-SLIT, they were randomized to the SLIT-treated group (n = 30) or control group (n = 15). Rhinoconjunctivitis total symptom score (RTSS), rhinoscopy score, Korean rhinoconjunctivitis quality of life questionnaire, rhinitis control assessment test, asthma control test scores, and adverse reactions, were assessed at the first visit (V1) and after 1 year of treatment (V5); for immunological evaluation, serum levels of HDM-specific immunoglobulin A/IgE/IgG1/IgG4 antibodies and basophil response to HDMs were compared between V1 and V5 in both groups. Results: There were no significant differences in demographics, RTSS, skin reactivity to HDMs, or serum total/specific IgE levels to HDMs (P > 0.05, respectively) between the 2 groups. Nasal symptom score and RTSS decreased significantly at year 1 in the 2 groups (P < 0.05). There were no significant differences in percent decrease in nasal symptom score and RTSS at year 1 between the 2 groups (P > 0.05); however, rhinoscopic nasal symptom score decreased significantly in the SLIT-treated group (P < 0.05). Immunological studies showed that serum specific IgA levels (not specific IgE/IgG) and CD203c expression on basophils decreased significantly at V5 in the SLIT-treated group (P = 0.011 and P = 0.001, respectively), not in the control group. The control group required more medications compared to the treatment group, but there were no differences in adverse reactions. Conclusions: It is suggested that HDM-SLIT for 1 year could induce symptom improvement and may induce immunomodulation in elderly rhinitis patients.

The Role of Textbooks Pictures in the World Recognition (세계인식 형성에 있어서 교과서 삽화의 역할 : 일제 시대 간행된 초등 지리교과서의 인종·민족 삽화를 중심으로)

  • Han, Hyun-jung
    • Korean Journal of Comparative Education
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.213-238
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    • 2017
  • This paper aims to point out that the contemporary textbook is a common cognitive construct, and that the realistic drawings in the textbooks have played an important role in shaping the world recognition. The main subjects of this study are the racial-ethnic illustrations of elementary school geography textbooks, published by the Japanese Ministry of Education, the Japanese Government-General of Taiwan and Korea, the educational association of Manchu. By comparing the same factors in various textbooks, it examines how the temporal and spatial recognition of the world is adjusted by visual representation. The main findings of this study are three fold. First, the world was introduced to the extent of the sum that the census and the classifications of racial and ethnic groups were adopted. And the world appeared later in the year supported by the racial and ethnic minorities. Second, the expressive style of racial and ethnic groups changed from an emphasis on a heterogeneous part as an object of scientific observation in the early stage to a later one with a life culture similar to the reader. Third, racial ethnic illustrations have been used differently depending on the publishing region in the Empire, giving readers in different regions with different images of the same category. In many cases, it was possible to know the politics of representation and the use of certain racial ethnic illustrations. The textbooks of the first half of the 20th century gave great recognition to the people who could not meet with the readers by using the illustrations. A child in the mainland is aware of his position in a "viewing position" while viewing various empire people through the textbook. On the other hand, in the textbooks of the colonial children, they stood in the position of 'being seen', and showed a change in internalizing the position of the mainland along with the expansion of the empire.

A Study on Labor Market Precariousness of the Working High School Graduate Youths (고졸 청년 노동자의 노동시장 불안정 연구)

  • Nahm, Jae wook;Kim, Young min;Han, Ki myung
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.221-262
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to explore life experiences associated with poverty and discrimination in processes of growth, career exploration, entry into the labor market, and career accumulation of the working high school graduate youths. With this exploration, we also intent to grasp their difficulties and needs, thus look for policy tasks for them. The analysis is based on qualitative case study. The results are following. Typical working high school graduate youths choose not to go on to university under the influence of unfavorable economic situation of the original families. They enter the labor market without enough career exploration and try to continue working mainly in low-income and unskilled jobs. They usually work long hours to increase incomes, thus, do not have enough time to invest on their own human resources. They locate in a vicious circle of income poverty, time poverty, and skill poverty, but rarely protected by existing employment and income support programs. It is necessary to improve or introduces policy packages including labor market transition support for the high school graduate, education, training, and career exploration support, income support for the working poor, social network support, and support for reducing the dead zone of social insurances.

Analysis of the Context of Inclusion and Awareness of Classical Literature Materials in Literature - With a Focus on High School Literature Textbooks (고전문학 제재의 수록 맥락과 교육적 인식의 탐색 -고등학교 문학 교과서를 대상으로-)

  • Choi, Hong-won
    • Journal of Korean Classical Literature and Education
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    • no.35
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    • pp.5-46
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to investigate the context of materials in literature textbooks and the awareness about the educational value of classical literature, as part of an interest in literature education phenomena. This study accepts the premise that textbooks affect the practice of classical literature education and, in particular, materials in textbooks are chosen according to the intentions, demands, and perspectives of education in specific social conditions. I divided the educational value of classical literature into two categories, classical and literary value, and investigated the actual conditions and context of materials of literature textbooks based on the 2009 revised curriculum and the 2011 revised curriculum. Classical literature is generally alienated and excluded; contemporary literature materials are mostly included and organized in the domains of 'the role of literature', 'reception and production of literature' and 'literature and life.' In addition, the tendency to heighten classical value and diminish literary value is deepening. In order to solve the problem that classical literature is only included as the product of the past, changes must be made not just to the curriculum, which are external changes, but to the awareness of the essence of classical literature, which are internal changes. Above all, generality as 'literature' and the sense of distance about space and time as 'classic' should be connected to various relationships which respond to problematic situations and the demands of learners. Based on the relationships, we can expect a rich diversity of contexts and aspects of included classical literature. In addition, an extension of the width and scope of included classical literature is anticipated. The reduction of workload, the advent of the concept of capability and the dissolution of traditional literature concepts are the changes of external environment, which is continuously requiring renewed investigation into classical literature beyond simple appropriateness.

Reconsidering the Approach to (<황조가>에 대한 접근 방식 재고 - 편찬자의 의도를 중심으로 -)

  • Cho, Ha-youn
    • Journal of Korean Classical Literature and Education
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    • no.37
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    • pp.47-73
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    • 2018
  • This thesis aims to find out the purpose of recording . I tried to understand the reason that the compiler of included this song in the record of King Yuri. The result of tracking the intention of the compiler in this thesis is as follows. I think that was chosen as a symbol of King Yuri's character, especially connected with his inner side. By introducing a hobby that contained the inner side of King Yuri, the compiler implied that his failures and mistakes in subsequent governments stem from human limitations that did not adequately refine his qualities. I think that the compiler who showed the character of King Yuri through only one short song also showed the highest level of enjoying poetry. The enjoyment of literature is a pleasure in understanding the life of someone through literature and bring it back into their lives. In this respect, by pursuing the intend of the compiler, we will be close to the value of the song, .

Career Development Experience of Youth in Late Adolescence who Entered a Different University after Taking a Semester off (반수로 대학에 진학한 후기 청소년들의 진로발달 경험 : 도돌이표를 지나도 반복되는 길)

  • Kim, Seo Hyun;Yim, Hye Rim;Myung, So Yeon;Chung, Ick-Joong
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.183-216
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to investigate the career development experience of youth in late adolescence who entered a different university after taking a semester off (as known as Bansu in Korean), in depth, applying a phenomenological research method. For the research, this study selected seven adolescents as research participants to reveal the essential meaning of their experience, vividly. The data were analyzed by Giorgi's method to draw components of the experience of research participants. As a result of the research, the career development experience of youth in late adolescence who entered a different university after taking a semester off was systematized into 19 sub-categories and structured into four main categories: "high school years in which academic record was more important than aptitude", "the step away from the dream, being forced to proceed to college", "the time of study to take the exam again, which was an advantage and disadvantage at the same time" and "the wish unfulfilled even with the success of entering a different university." It turned out that the main topic was "the repeated way even after passing the repeat sign." They took the College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) once again and came back to the narrow way to enter a prestigious university, but they still compromised the standard made by the older generation. This study has significance for late adolescents' welfare and happiness in that it explored the in-depth meanings of the career development experience of youth who entered a different university by taking the CSAT again after taking a semester off. Lastly, based upon the situation of the increase in the number of students who take the CSAT again, this study suggested better measures for career development during adolescence and the promotion of their quality of life.

An Empirical Analysis on the Demand for Households with Disabilities (장애인 가구 주택수요 특성에 관한 실증 분석)

  • Go, Ha Hee;Hong, Jea Sung;Shim, Gyo Eon;Kim, Seong Hee
    • Korea Real Estate Review
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.35-50
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    • 2017
  • The Korean society is currently at the level of discussing the living environment and the housing welfare as factors for improving the quality of life, in addition to most individuals or households residing in a living environment and housing welfare, according to industrialization and urbanization. However, even though the overall housing welfare of Korea has improved, the number of households with disabilities belonging to the social special class is not as high as that of the non-disabled households. It is a reality that cannot be done. Therefore, this study aims to identify the present condition and demand characteristics of the housing for disabled people whose social importance is currently emphasized among the social special people who can be called the social special class, as well as present the housing welfare policy to them and explain the purpose of the improvement plan. In this study, 4,277 out of 8,004 households with disabilities surveyed by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport in 2015 were analyzed. The result of the analysis showed that the economic characteristics (permanent income indicating the income and the user cost indicating the expenditure) of the housing demand of a household with a handicapped individual are important. This analysis will provide more effective policy formulation and policy direction for the families of the disabled.