• Title/Summary/Keyword: job Analysis

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The Effects of Hotel Culinary Employee's Job Embeddedness on Job Satisfaction, Career Commitment and Turnover Intention (호텔 조리종사자의 직무착근도가 직무만족, 경력몰입 및 이직의사에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeon, Yoo-Myeong
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.41-55
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    • 2014
  • This study made frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis using SPSS 18.0 for 225 culinary employees working for super deluxe hotels in Busan and Ulsan areas in order to analyze the effects of job embeddedness on job satisfaction, career commitment and turnover intention. Results are as follows: first, as a result of testing the effects of hotel culinary employee's job embeddedness on job satisfaction, it was found that fitness, sacrifice, and links have positive (+) effects on job satisfaction. Second, it was found that fitness and sacrifice of a hotel culinary employee's job embeddedness have positive (+) effects on career commitment. Third, this study showed that fitness and sacrifice have negative (-) effects on turnover intention. Fourth, it was found that job satisfaction has a negative (-) effect on turnover intention. Fifth, it was found that career commitment has a negative (-) effect on turnover intention. These findings indicate that the higher hotel culinary employee's job embeddedness is, the less their intention to change jobs becomes by increasing job satisfaction and career commitment.

The Influence of Violence Experience on the Job Stress among Hospital Employees Working at Administration and Discharging Department (병원 원무행정근무자의 폭력경험이 직무스트레스에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Yun-young;Han, Mi Ah;Park, Jong;Choi, Seong Woo
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.325-332
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    • 2016
  • Background: Workplace violence was recognized to be social problems that might impact the health status and the job satisfaction of employee in hospitals. This study investigated the current status of violence and job stress among hospital employees working at administration and discharging department. Methods: The study subjects were 213 administrative employees working at 20 general hospitals. Data were collected by self-administered questionnaire that included information such as demographics, job-related characteristics, experience of violence, and job stress. The violence was classified as verbal violence, physical threat, and physical violence occurred by patients and caregivers. Analysis of variance, t-tests, correlation analysis, and multiple linear regression analysis were performed to examine the associated factors with job stress. Results: The levels of verbal violence, physical threat, and physical violence were $1.64{\pm}1.08$, $0.54{\pm}0.67$, and $0.04{\pm}0.17$, respectively. The score of job stress was $2.74{\pm}0.50$ and it was associated with age, existence of spouse, drinking frequency, subjective health status, disease history, night-time treatment, and public health administration career in simple analysis. In multiple linear regression analysis, the level of verbal violence experience was significantly associated with job stress (B=0.09, p=0.001). Also physical threats (B=0.18, p<0.001) and physical violence (B=0.48, p=0.008) showed positive association with job stress. Conclusion: This study attempted to examine the association between experience of violence and job stress in administrative employees at medical institutions. Levels of violence showed positive correlation with the job stress. Environment improvement to protect employee from violence and management of employees who experienced workplace violence are needed to reduce the job stress.

The Effect of Person-Job Fit and Perceived Organizational Support on Job Satisfaction on the Public Health Center Nurses : Moderating Effect of Full-time Public Servants and Temporary Public Servants (보건소 간호사의 개인-직무적합성과 조직지원인식이 직무만족에 미치는 영향 - 정규직과 비정규직의 조절효과 -)

  • Park, Si Hyun;Kone, Dong Youn;Nam, Hye Kyoung
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.188-199
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to provide a person-job fit as the basis for a better job environment and human resource development by examining the causal relationships with the perceived organizational support and job satisfaction of 45 public health center nurses located in Gyeonggi Province. Methods: Frequency analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis, path analysis, mediating effect, and moderating effect were verified for use by SPSS & AMOS 22 ver. to target to nurses located in Gyeonggi Province. Results: First, the person-job fit has a positive effect on the perceived organizational support and job satisfaction. Second, the perceived organizational support has a partial mediating effect. Third, there was no difference in verifying the moderating effect of full-time public servants and temporary public servants. Conclusion: This study examined the relationship among the person-job fit, job satisfaction as an organizational effectiveness, and the perceived organizational support of mediated effect for nurses working at public health centers. The nurses in government service containing permanent and temporal employees was the adjustment effect. The analysis results showed that the ability of public health center nurses to perform tasks related to person-job fit and the ability of the individual to perceived organizational support was high. In addition, and the job satisfaction was good.

Job Burnout of Restaurant Employees in Daegu City - With a Focus on 'Family-Work Conflict', 'Work-Family Conflict', Job Satisfaction, and Individual Job Performance - (대구 외식업 종사원의 직무소진에 관한 연구 - '가족-일 갈등', '일-가족 갈등', 직무만족 및 개인직무성과를 중심으로 -)

  • Ha, Dong-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.261-270
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between 'family-work conflict/work-family conflict', job burnout, job satisfaction, and individual job performance in the employees at the restaurants in Daegu City. The sample of this study consisted of employees at the restaurants in Daegu City who visited the 2010 Daegu Food Tour Expo between October 7 and October 10. A total of 302 questionnaires were analyzed using statistical methods of factor analysis, reliability test, and covariance structural analysis. The research findings were as follows; firstly, work-family conflict was positively related to job burnout, secondly, job burnout was negatively related to job satisfaction and individual job performance and thirdly, job satisfaction was positively related to individual job performance. However, there was no relationship between family-work conflict and job burnout. The reason for rejection of the relationship between family-work conflict and job burnout was that family-related affairs were not important enough to affect job burnout among restaurant employees in Korea. This phenomenon happened differently in the US. Therefore, currently, restaurant managers in Daegu City should pay much attention to work-related affairs so as to mitigate job burnout as much as possible among their employees.

The Effects of Job Vocational Calling on Job Behavior and Mediating Effect of Job Attitude of Child Care Teachers (보육교사의 직무소명의식과 직무행동 간 영향관계에서 직무태도의 매개효과 분석)

  • Lee, Jae-Moo;Cho, Kyung-Seu
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.7
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    • pp.574-586
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to obtain meaningful information about job management of child care center teachers, who take charge of child care policy at the front line, social meaning of which is being greatly highlighted these days. Especially, the research was designed with causal relationships in mind, in which certain job-related thoughts or consciousness forms attitudes, thus leading to behavior. In this light, the present study selected the following variables for analysis: job attitudes including job calling, job engagement, and job burnout; and job behavior such as creative behavior, active behavior, and ethical behavior. Data collected from 209 child care center teachers' response to structured questionnaires was analyzed, using t-test, one-way analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA), and hierarchical regression analysis. The results indicate that job burnout increased at a statistically significant level as extra workhours increased, and that only job engagement, among job attitude variables, and creative behavior and active behaviors, among job behavior variables, had significant effects. Moreover, job engagement was the only variable that was found to work as a mediator in relationships between job calling and active behavior.

Job-Matching Function Analysis Using Social Network Analysis (사회연결망분석을 이용한 잡매칭함수 분석)

  • Cho, Jang-Sik;Park, Sung-Ik
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.675-685
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    • 2011
  • This paper proposes a job matching function that calculates the job matching probability of a job-seeker to an employer taking the working conditions of a job-seeker and an employer into account. In addition, this study analysis the degree of centrality that means interactions of a job-seeker and an employer utilizing social network analysis. The results are follows. First, a degree of centrality is found to be severely concentrated in certain job-seekers or certain employers; in addition, there are many job-seekers and employers who have no matching results. Second, according to decision tree analysis, characteristics of a job-seeker that influences the degree of centrality are gender, age and degree of education in order of importance. The characteristics of a employer that influences the degree of centrality are proposed salary, industry classification and firm size in order of importance.

Categorization of Competencies and Description of Job Informations for Dietitians in Employee Foodservice by Wdorker-oriented Job Analysis Methodology (직영 및 위탁 사업체 급식소 영양사에 대한 작업자 지향적 직무분석(제 2 보) : 요인분석에 의한 직무수행 특성 영역 및 직무정보 기술)

  • 차진아;양일선;유태용
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.605-615
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    • 1997
  • The job characteristics and competencies of 285 dietitians in employee foodservices were investigated by worker-oriented job analysis methodology. The purposes of this study were to : a) determine the knowledge, abilities, skills and other characteristics(KASO) needed for dietitians in two types of employee foodservice groups(self-operated vs. contracted), b) categorize KASO items by factor analysis and c) provide job information and job descriptions for dietitians in employee foodservices. The job analysis questionnaire was consisted of questions concerning the 134 KASO items. The questionnaire was mailed to 250 dietitians who are members of The Korean Dietetic Association Practice Group in self-operated foodservices(group A) and 250 dietitians who are employed in contracted foodservice companies(group B). Completed questionnaires were received from 285 dietitians(121 in self-operated, 164 in contracted) ; with response rate of 57%. Statistical data analysis was completed using the SPSS/win and the SAS/win packages. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. 1) Through factor analysis, the 134 KASO items were regrouped into 6 categories :‘primary dietetic tasks concerning menu management and administrative work regarding merchants’, ‘primary dietetic tasks concerning procurement and purchasing of food and supplies and meal production and service control’, ‘primary dietetic tasks concerning facility, sanitation and safety control’, ‘secondary dietetic tasks concerning nutrition education and research’, ‘secondary dietetic tasks concerning foodservice operation management’and‘human attributes’. 2) Analysis of the total scores(average scores of degree of frequency, importance and entry requirements of KASO items within 6 categories), group A showed high priorities placed on‘human attributes’, ‘procurement and purchasing of food and supplies and meal production and service control’, ‘menu management and administrative work regarding merchants’, ‘whereas group B showed high priorities placed on’‘human attributes’, ‘foodservice operation management’. (Korean J Community Nutrition 2(4) : 605-615, 1997)

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Case Studies and Derivation of Course Profile in accordance with Video Graphics Job (영상그래픽 직무에 따른 교과목운영의 사례분석)

  • Park, Hea-Sook
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers P
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    • v.66 no.3
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    • pp.135-138
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    • 2017
  • This study analyzed with the case analysis of a series of processes from job analysis survey and results analysis, and academic achievement in order to transform the curriculum of existing courses of the NCS-based video broadcasting. Also this study analysed the existing curriculum and analyzed the trend of workforce trends and needs of the broadcasting content industry. Also through a needs analysis for the industry and alumni and students, video graphics, video editing and video directing were selected. In this paper it dealt mainly with respect to the video graphics in a dual job. Modeling capability into the unit through a job analysis, animation, effects and lighting were chosen accordingly based introduction of graphics and application of graphics were derived two courses and selected profiles and performance criteria. This training according to the NCS curriculum for students was evaluated based on the student's job was to investigate the learning ability.

Development of Evaluation Softwares for Job Hazard Analysis (유해요인조사용 평가 소프트웨어 개발)

  • Jeong, Byung-Yong;Lee, Jong-Hyup;Kim, Kuk
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.79-83
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    • 2005
  • Efforts to identify jobs or tasks having known risk factors for work-related musculoskeletal disorder can provide the groundwork for changes aimed at risk reduction. An effective identification method is the ergonomic job hazard analysis which breaks a job into its various elements or actions, describes them, measures and quantifies the ergonomics risk factors. Some analytical methods including OWAS, RULA, REBA, and NLE have been used as tools in quantifying the risk factors. But these traditional methods using worksheet or paper are difficult to explain to participants for performing the job hazard analysis in the field, and take a long time. We develop some software tools to implement the analytical methods using EXCEL programs or computer program. These tools developed in this study are faster and easier to perform the ergonomic job analysis than the traditional methods using worksheet.

The Effect of Person-Environment Fit on Organization Attractiveness, Commitment, and Job Satisfaction in TV Home Shopping Companies (TV 홈쇼핑업체에서 개인-환경 적합성이 조직 매력성, 몰입 및 직무 만족에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Eun-Jin;Hong, Byung-Sook
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.107-115
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    • 2011
  • This study analyzes how the person-environment fit on organization attractiveness, commitment, and job satisfaction in TV home shopping companies. The survey was conducted from May 3 to 31 in 2010, and 350 responses were used in the data analysis. The statistical analysis methods were frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The results show that person-environment fit of TV home shopping companies is composed of person-job fit, person-supervisor fit, and person-organization fit. The person-job fit, person-supervisor fit, and person-organization fit of TV home shopping companies influence the organization attractiveness and commitment. The organization attractiveness and commitment affect the job satisfaction in TV home shopping companies.