• Title/Summary/Keyword: job Analysis

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A comparative analysis of Leadership Competency Education System in Korea, US and UK (한국·미국·영국의 유아교육기관 원장 리더십역량 교육체계 비교분석)

  • Park, Soo-Jin;Kim, Mi-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Comparative Education
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.255-283
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the comtent of the education system of US and the UK in order to build an integrated system that can develop the leadership competency of preschool principle. Based on this, the implications are as follows. First, competencies can developed through learning rather than fixed. Therefore, re-conceptualization of leadership competence appropriate to the characteristics and organization of the individual as the presiding authority of the preschool can be considered as ability to show visible knowledge and skills, invisible self concept. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a capacity development plan based on this. Second, the introduction and implementation of continuous and systematic training programs such as the training system that strengthens the capacity of the directors and principals of the United States and the United Kingdom is necessary. To do this, we must introduce a system that renews certification every five years, like the United States, rather than a system that acquires and maintains certification with a single training. Third, various training methods should be carried out. In the case of the US and the UK, we think it is desirable to train in various ways in the training period, the university, the teacher center, and the private organization or association. Therefore, it is necessary to build a cooperation system with various institutions such as training institutes, universities, teacher centers, educational information research institutes, and private organizations in each province, and strengthen them in various ways. Fourth, the contents and methods of qualification training and future job training of the director of the preschool should be deviated from the uniform level. Therefore, the systematic research that reflects the knowledge and contents of the administration required in the field should be given priority by the university or research organization that is in charge of the training.

Contract Farming Through a Cooperative to Boost Agricultural Sector Restructuring: Evidence from a Rural Commune in Central Vietnam (베트남 농업구조개혁과 협동조합의 계약영농: 중부베트남의 농촌을 사례로)

  • Duong, Thi Thu Ha;Kim, Doo-Chul
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.109-130
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    • 2022
  • The Vietnamese government has proposed contract farming through a new type of cooperative as an institutional innovation which aims to restructure the agricultural sector. However, policy changes often impact farmers, who bear the primary effects of the transition process. Understanding households' strategies for land use and livelihood is crucial for policymaking in the agricultural development field. This study was conducted in the rural Binh Dao commune in Central Vietnam. We analyzed household members' labor force changes and their livelihood behaviors after their participation in a contract farming scheme using qualitative analysis methods combined with geographic information system (GIS) support, based on secondary data and in-depth interviews of 190 farmers. Simultaneously, we created a digital map of the cooperative's production area to investigate changes in land use and production activities. The findings show that contract farming shaped the vertical coordination of the value chain from the farmers to the cooperative and agricultural product trading companies. Subsequently, it encouraged land use and labor efficiency due to mechanical support. In addition, it also increased productivity and protected farmers from market risks. However, despite its positive effects on agricultural productivity in this case, the contract farming scheme could not achieve the restructuring of the rural labor force toward non-agricultural sectors. Ironically, farmers in the Binh Dao commune tended to increase cultivable land during the agricultural restructuring program, rather than switching their labor forces to non-agricultural sectors. The lack of stable non-farming job opportunities in rural Vietnam results in challenges to the efficiency of agricultural restructuring programs. Consequently, farmers in the Binh Dao commune are still smallholder farmers, depending on the family labor force.

The Effect of Perceived Loss of Financial·Market·Social Capital Based on Recurrence Intention of Failed Small Business : Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Fear of Failure and the Moderating of Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy (폐업 소상공인의 재무적자본·시장경쟁력·사회적자본 손실지각이 재기의도에 미치는 영향 : 실패두려움의 매개효과와 창업자기효능감의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Cho, Young-Ryong;Park, Ju-Young
    • Korean small business review
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.59-93
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    • 2021
  • This study surveyed 413 small business owners who experienced closure to see how the loss perception experienced by small business owners affects their comeback through fear of failure. The analysis results are as follows. First, the larger the received loss of financial capital, market capital, and social capital, the greater the fear of failure. Second, the greater the fear of failure, the less willingness to re-start-up, but it did not affect the willingness to work. Third, perceived loss of financial capital, market capital, and social capital grew fear of failure, which negatively affected the willingness to re-start. However, as for the willingness to work, only the perception of loss to market competitiveness strengthened the willingness to work through fear of failure. This suggests that if you think you are out of business due to market competitiveness, you are more likely to choose to get a job than to start a business. Fourth, those with higher entrepreneurial self-efficiency had less effect of perceived loss on fair of failure than those with lower entrepreneurial loss. In other words, it can be seen that a person with high entrepreneurial self-efficiency is likely to start-up. It is noteworthy that despite the tendency to fail due to market competition and lack of understanding of risks, small business operators were most aware of the loss of social capital. This is presumed to have had the greatest impact on fear of failure because small business owners try to receive funding or business revitalization support through social networks such as acquaintances and relatives. Based on the above results, this study requires sufficient market research to secure a competitive advantage when preparing for start-ups through policy practice suggestions, and suggests ways to reduce financial loss through the establishment of sophisticated business plans.

Grounded Theory Analysis on the Experience of Women from the Provinces Settling in Seoul (지방출신 여성들의 서울정착 경험에 대한 근거이론적 분석)

  • Yoonjung An;Yunseo Iem
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.273-300
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    • 2018
  • In order to analyze the experience of women from the provinces settling in Seoul, the current study conducts in-depth interviews on seven women who are working in Seoul after coming up to Seoul to attend and graduate from university. The results of the interview were analyzed using grounded theory methodology, under which the open coding extracted one hundred ten concepts, twenty-one sub-categories, and eleven categories encompassing them all. Causal condition is 'difficulty of settling in Seoul' and contextual conditions are 'intensification of psychological anxiety', 'reduction in quality of life', and 'continuation of economic instability'. The central phenomenon is 'dilemma of continuing life in Seoul' and intervening condition is 'diagnosis of ten years after coming up to Seoul'. Action/interaction strategies are 'changes in personal life', 'securing economic abilities through a stable job', and 'finding ways to participate in the society', while the result was 'choosing whether to continue living in Seoul'. The paradigm of experience of women from the provinces settling in Seoul proceed from coming up to Seoul for university to becoming independent, adapting to life in the city, experiencing growth and failures, facing challenge and searching for solutions, and conducting self-evaluation and making new choices. The participants reported that they were aware of differences and experienced anxieties as a stranger in Seoul even after living in the city for ten years; the problems they face have become more complex and diverse since when they were in university, and while they launched a career and making money, the gap between them and their peers from Seoul has not closed. The women also express desperation that they may need to leave Seoul to find alternatives to problems caused by accumulated stress and social problems that cannot be solved by an individual. In conclusion, the current study confirmed that efforts by individuals can only have limited effects in helping women from the provinces to settle in Seoul, indicating that detailed policy plans are required to solve social issues in the overall Korean society.

Redefinition of the Concept of Fishing Vessel and Legislation Adjustment (낚시어선 개념의 재정립과 법제 정비에 관한 연구)

  • Yeong-Tae Son
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.639-652
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    • 2023
  • The fundamental background behind the introduction of the fishing vessel system is to allow petty small fishers to engage in pure fishery business activities with fishing vessels during normal times and engage in fishing vessel business only during specific periods (closed fishing season, etc.) thereby granting a qualification as an auxiliary tool for the economic activities of petty small fishers. In addition, fishing boats are allowed to engage in excursion ship activities using fishing vessels registered under the Fishing Vessels Act, the form of fishing vessels should also have a general and universal structure that is practically easy to engage in fishing activities in the field in accordance with the relevant regulations. However, most fishing vessel proprietors are currently focusing only on increasing income, and rather than building fishing vessels in a reasonable form suitable for the original purpose of general fishing vessels, they prefer an abnormal hull form equivalent to expediency, that is biased hull structure biased toward the fishing vessel business. As a result, it is causing serious problems in safety management as well as conflict [damaging relative equity in government support measures (tax-free oil supply, etc.), and depletion of livelihood-type fish stocks] with fishing vessel forces who consider the fishing vessel business only to be a part of the side job among all fishery business activities. Meanwhile, the most fundamental cause of this problem is that the current Fishing Management and Promotion Act, limits the concept of fishing vessels to fishing vessels registered under the Fishing Vessels Act, and applies survey standards accordingly. Accordingly, in this study, through analysis of the distribution status of fishing vessels, structural characteristics, operation status of fishing vessels, and the government's fishing promotion policies, etc., the relevant laws (regulations) have been reorganized to suit the current reality of the concept of fishing vessels to separate the current fishing vessel from fishing vessels and operate it as a fishing-only vessel.

A Study on Entrepreneurship and the Effects of Entrepreneurship Education Program on Entrepreneurship Intention and Entrepreneurship Behavior of University Students (대학생의 기업가정신과 창업교육프로그램이 창업의지와 창업행동에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Bae, Byung Yun
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.115-125
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    • 2022
  • In today's era when the concept of a lifelong job has disappeared, starting a business is an essential consideration for university students not only as an alternative factor in finding employment, but also from the perspective of the entire life. Today, most universities in Korea are operating entrepreneurship education programs, such as entrepreneurship classes as a curriculum, and start-up clubs as a non-curricular program to foster entrepreneurship among university students. In previous studies, entrepreneurship is a factor influencing the entrepreneurship intention. The purpose of this study is to empirically examine the effects of university students' entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurship intention through a entrepreneurship education program (participation in a start-up club, taking an entrepreneurship course) on entrepreneurship behavior. There are some empirical studies on whether entrepreneurship education programs such as participation in startup contests affect the entrepreneurship intention of university students, but not much compared to their importance. It is difficult to find an empirical study examining the effects of entrepreneurship and start-up education programs on entrepreneurship intention and entrepreneurship behavior in domestic and foreign studies. Therefore, in this study, one domestic university that operates a start-up club and a entrepreneurship course was selected and the online questionnaire was distributed to all current students, and the collected 127 questionnaires were used for empirical analysis As a result of the study, first, it was confirmed that initiative and risk-taking, which are sub-factors of entrepreneurship of university students, had a significant positive effect on entrepreneurial intention, respectively, and that innovation did not have a significant positive effect. Second, it was confirmed that university students' participation in a start-up club, a sub-factor of the start-up education program, had a significant positive effect on their entrepreneurial intention, and that taking a start-up course did not have a significant positive effect. Third, it was confirmed that the entrepreneurial intention of university students had a significant positive effect on entrepreneurship behavior. Fourth, it was confirmed that the entrepreneurial intention had a mediating effect between each of the factors of risk-taking, and participation in a start-up club and entrepreneurial behavior. This study suggests that university students can increase their risk-taking, increase their entrepreneurial intention by participating in a startup club, and reach a entrepreneurial behavior through this as a medium.

The Effect of Entrepreneurial Knowledge Acquisition on Entrepreneurial Intention via Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy: The Moderated Mediation Effect of Family Entrepreneurship Background (창업지식습득이 창업자기효능감을 매개로 창업의도에 미치는 영향: 창업자 가족배경의 조절된 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Juyon
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.219-232
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    • 2022
  • Empirical studies on entrepreneurial intentions have been conducted from various perspectives over the past few decades. The unemployment rate has increased as the global economy stagnates in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, and entrepreneurship is emerging as an alternative to job creation. Although numerous antecedent variables have positive effects on entrepreneurial intention, this study focuses on entrepreneurial self-efficacy as an individual factor and the entrepreneur's family background as an environmental factor. This study analyzed the survey results of 300 global respondents through the online survey platform Prolific. The respondents were screened by asking a question about having had entrepreneurial education. Since the effects of entrepreneurial self-efficacy on entrepreneurial intention have been proved in numerous domestic studies, this study aims to generalize these results by investigating global samples. The moderated mediation analysis was performed using PROCESS to verify the research hypotheses. This research investigated the effect of entrepreneurial knowledge acquisition on entrepreneurial intention via entrepreneurial self-efficacy and the moderated mediation effect of the family background of entrepreneurs. The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, acquisition of entrepreneurial knowledge had a positive effect on entrepreneurial intention. Second, entrepreneurial self-efficacy mediated the relationship between entrepreneurship knowledge acquisition and entrepreneurial intention. Third, the entrepreneurship family background moderated this relationship. Specifically, when the family entrepreneurship background is strong (vs. weak), the positive effect of entrepreneurial knowledge acquisition on entrepreneurial intention via entrepreneurial self-efficacy significantly increased. The implications of this study are as follows. First, in the process of preparing for a own business, entrepreneurial education is a necessary condition to improve the entrepreneurial intention. Second, the higher the level of acquisition of entrepreneurial knowledge, the more positive attitudes toward entrepreneurial intention can be induced. Third, strong family background of entrepreneurship further promotes entrepreneurship intention by increasing entrepreneurial self-efficacy. In conclusion, in order to revitalize entrepreneurship, it is important to provide various entrepreneurial education programs. These educational programs will be able to improve entrepreneurial self-efficacy by providing more opportunities for students to acquire entrepreneurial knowledge, and thereby promote entrepreneurial intention. In addition, it is important to develop and provide advanced educational curriculum for those who have start-up business experiences in their families.

An Empirical Study on Influencing Factors of Venture Firm's CSR: Focusing on Slack Resources and Growth Strategy (벤처기업의 사회적책임(CSR)활동의 영향요인에 관한 연구: 기업의 여유자원과 성장전략을 중심으로)

  • Jang, Dong-Hyun;Yeon, Ju-Han;Kim, Chun-Kyu
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.27-40
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    • 2024
  • This study empirically derives the factors affecting the practice of corporate social responsibility (CSR) of venture firms in Korea from the perspective of Slack Resource Theory and the company's growth strategy, and provides implications for future expansion of venture firm's CSR activities. In Korea, venture firms have grown into important players in the national economy since the late 1990s through social contributions such as economic value creation, job creation, and technological development. As venture companies grow in status, positive relationships with stakeholders and responsibility for environmental and social values are required. Now, CSR is becoming an important strategic choice for SMEs and venture firms. However, until now, CSR-related academic research has mainly focused on large or listed corporations, and there is not much research on SMEs or venture firms. In particular, research on the factors that lead venture companies to make important business decisions of participating in CSR activities is not there yet. This study applied logistic multiple regression analysis using the '2023 Survey on Venture Firms' conducted by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups. As a result of this study, operating profit, which is an available resources of venture companies, and government support, which is a potential resource, have a positive impact on venture firms's CSR activities. Also, business relationships with large corporations and expectation for future cooperation also have a positive impact on CSR activities as the determinants. On the other hand, it was analyzed that in venture firms where ownership and management are not separated, the higher the CEO's shareholding ratio, the more negatively it affects CSR activities. This study contributes academically as the first empirical study on the determinants of CSR activities of venture firms in Korea and provides implications that government policy support and collaboration between large corporations and venture firms are important in order to expand CSR activities of venture firms.

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The effect of adult learners' motivation to participate in hair education and program satisfaction on lifelong learning happiness index (성인학습자의 헤어교육 참여동기와 프로그램 만족도가평생학습 행복지수에 미치는 영향)

  • Lim Soon Ja
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.367-372
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    • 2024
  • It was intended to explore the relationship between motivation for participation in hair education, program satisfaction, and lifelong learning happiness index for adult learners at the Lifelong Education Center, and to provide basic data for revitalizing lifelong education programs. Today, universities have conditions as a comprehensive educational institution with practicality that can meet various and high-quality lifelong educational needs. The university-affiliated Lifelong Education Center plays a role in ensuring the right to learn for all citizens as well as fulfilling the social service function and greatly expanding educational opportunities, which is one of the essential functions of universities, by making good use of the excellent transfer material resources of universities. Adults should now seek professional self-identity through retraining, and respond flexibly to various social situations such as increasing roles, expanding responsibility, and uncertainty in the job and employment structure toward professional socialization in the professional world The subject of the study was to collect data by distributing 90 questionnaires to adult learner hair education subjects in G area, and 85 copies were finally used for SPSS 26.0 for Windows analysis, excluding questionnaires with insufficient responses. The survey period was from November 1 to December 27, 2023. First, it was found that adult learners' motivation to participate in hair education has an effect on the lifelong learning happiness index. Second, it was found that adult learners' satisfaction with the program of hair care workers has an effect on the lifelong learning happiness index. Through this study, it is judged that it is necessary to understand what can maximize the high lifelong learning happiness index, and to meet the learning needs of modern people living in the age of 100, increase their potential, help them design a second life, contribute to self-realization and society, and help them have steady, self-directed lifelong learning opportunities.

Suggestion of Learning Objectives in Social Dental Hygiene: Oral Health Administration Area (사회치위생학의 학습목표 제안: 구강보건행정 영역)

  • Park, Su-Kyung;Lee, Ga-Yeong;Jang, Young-Eun;Yoo, Sang-Hee;Kim, Yeun-Ju;Lee, Sue-Hyang;Kim, Han-Nah;Jo, Hye-Won;Kim, Myoung-Hee;Kim, Hee-Kyoung;Ryu, Da-Young;Kim, Min-Ji;Shin, Sun-Jung;Kim, Nam-Hee;Yoon, Mi-Sook
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.85-96
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to propose learning objectives in social dental hygiene by analyzing and reviewing learning objectives in oral health administration area of the existing public oral health. This study is a cross-sectional study. The subjects of the study selected with convenience extraction were 15 members of the social dental hygiene subcommittee of the Korean Society of Dental Hygiene Science. Data collection was conducted by self-filling questionnaire. The research tool is from 48 items of A division in the book of learning objectives in the dental hygienist national examination, and this study classified each of them into 'dental hygiene job relevance', 'dental hygiene competency relevance', 'timeliness', and 'value discrimination of educational goal setting' to comprise 192 items. Also, to collect expert opinions, this study conducted Delphi survey on 7 academic experts. Statistical analysis was performed using the IBM SPSS Statistics ver. 23.0 program (IBM Co., Armonk, NY, USA). Recoding was performed according to the degree of relevance of each learning objective and frequency analysis was performed. This study removed 18 items from the whole learning objectives in the dental hygienist national examination in the oral health administration area of public oral health. Fifteen revisions were made and 15 existing learning objectives were maintained. Forty-five learning objectives were proposed as new social dental hygiene learning objectives. The topics of learning objectives are divided into social security and medical assistance, oral health care system, oral health administration, and oral health policy. As a result of this study, it was necessary to construct the learning objectives of social dental hygiene in response to changing situation at the time. The contents of education should be revised in order of revision of learning objectives, development of competency, development of learning materials, and national examination.