• Title/Summary/Keyword: job Analysis

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The impact of job quality on health status and job satisfaction (직무의 질적 수준이 건강수준과 직무만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Kishik;Rhee, Kyung Yong;Cho, Yunho
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.185-193
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    • 2015
  • There are so many definition of good work but generally job quality can be useful to analyze the good work. Good work may include some factors about health or working environment. This paper was planned to investigate the level of job quality in Korean employees. Especially comparison of health status between low an high job quality can be analyzed. Korean Working Conditions Survey was used. The various job characteristics were categorized into 6 component of job quality using factor analysis. Statistically mean difference test and cross-tabulation analysis were used to identify the difference of health status and distribution of the level of job quality. The result has shown the different distribution of the level of job quality by the economic sectors and occupations statistically significant. The positive cases of all of six components of job quality was 2.1% of Korean employees and the negative cases of all six components of job quality was 1.5%. The subjective general health status was correlated with job quality but work-related stress was negatively correlated with the level of job quality. This study was heuristic one, more depth analysis will be needed to identify the relationship and causation of job quality and health status.

Analysis of Structural Relationship of Job Satisfaction Levels Felt in Ultrasound Examination by Radiological Technologists (방사선사의 초음파검사 시 체감하는 직무만족도의 구조적 관계 해석)

  • Hye-Jin Kim;Youl-Hun Seoung
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.325-336
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the structural relationship between job satisfaction levels felt during ultrasound examination of radiological technologists (RTs) using a structural equation model. The subjects were a total of 203 RTs currently working in medical institutions. The method was conducted as a survey study using a questionnaire consisting of a total of 29 questions consisting of demographic characteristics and job satisfaction levels that were self-efficacy, job competency, extrinsic compensation, and job satisfaction. The reliability was secured with the Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.6 or higher. For statistical analysis, a significant difference between the frequency analysis of demographic characteristics and the mean of the job satisfaction levels were performed by independent sample T-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Scheffe's post hoc test. The correlation analysis between variables was tested with Spearman's and Pearson's correlation coefficient. We analyzed the structural relationships between variables by structural equations. As a result, first, job competency and extrinsic compensation had a positive effect on job satisfaction on ultrasound examination of RTs. Second, the self-efficacy of ultrasound examination RTs showed a high correlation with job competency. Third, the job satisfaction levels showed in the order of job competency, job satisfaction, self-efficacy, and extrinsic compensation. In conclusion, this study are expected to be provided as data to identify factors that could improve job satisfaction during ultrasound examination of RTs by empirically analyzing the structural relationship of self-efficacy, job competency, and external compensation.

The Effects of Job Satisfaction and Organizational and Job Commitment on Sale Goal Orientation - Focused on Small and Medium-sized City of Jeollanam-do - (의류매장 판매원의 직무만족과 직업몰입 및 조직몰입이 매출목표지향에 미치는 영향 - 전라남도 중소도시를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Ok-Hee
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.740-750
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    • 2011
  • Employees of sales departments of apparel makers play an important role in the success of a fashion-related business because they provide service through the direct contact with customers. This research tests several hypothesized relationships between internal marketing and its determinants, such as job satisfaction and organizational and job commitment, along with sales goal orientation. The subjects in this study were salespeople who worked at fashion stores in Yeosu and Sunchon. To measure the hypotheses, 200 questionnaires were handed out and 185 were collected. Finally, 163 questionnaires were used for the analysis, as 22 were found to be invalid. Frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, and multiple regression techniques were used after coding and cleaning the data with the software SPSS 18.0. It was found that job satisfaction in the subjects is affected by organizational and job commitment and by their sales goal orientation. Second, it was found that both organizational and job commitment have a significant impact on sales goal orientation. According the results of this study, the higher the salesperson's job satisfaction, the higher the organizational and job commitment are. This was also true for their sales goal orientation. Moreover, higher organizational and job commitment was correlated with a stronger sales goal orientation. On the basis of the results, marketing strategies related to personal management can be established.

Developing a Curriculum of School Hotelier Using a Job Analyis (호텔 종사원의 직무분석을 통한 전문대학의 교과과정 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jeong-Hwa
    • Journal of Applied Tourism Food and Beverage Management and Research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.109-123
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of the study is to develop a curriculum of school hotelier using a job analysis. A job analysis is used to reform the educational programs and to develop new ones. For the analysis New Analysis Method and Verification Method is applied. As the results of analysis are the following: Hotel Management, Food & Beverage Management, Cocktail, Hotel Marketing, Room Management, Service Management, Wine and Food, Principle of Cooking, Tourism Law, Hotel & Food Service Management Case study, On the Job Training in Hotel & Food Service, Out Eating Management, Introduction to English, Vocational English, TOEIC. English Conversation, Introduction to Japanese, Vocational Japanese, JPT, Japanese Conversation, Thesis, Language Study in Foreign Countries.

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The Effects of Personal Characteristics on Job Stress of Workers in Fashion and Textile Industries (개인적 특성에 따른 섬유패션산업 구성원의 직무스트레스 분석)

  • 박광희;유화숙
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.27 no.3_4
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    • pp.373-383
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of personal characteristics on job stressors, job stress symptoms, and job performance of workers in fashion and textile industries. Personal characteristics includes gender, marital status, educational level, age, type of industry, type of occupation, job position and work period. The data were obtained from questionnaire completed by 529 workers who were employed by textile or clothing manufacturers located in Seoul, Daegu, or Gyeongsang-do province. The SPSS package was used for data analysis which includes frequency, factor analysis, t-test, ANOVA and Scheffe's test. The results indicated that all personal characteristics had significant effects on job stressors, job stress symptoms, and job performance. Age and job position among personal characteristics showed to be the most important variables which influenced job stressor, job stress symptoms, and job performance.

The Effects of the Personality Traits and Customer Orientation on Job Satisfaction and Job Performance -Focused on Female Apparel Salespeople in Department Stores- (성격특성과 고객지향성이 직무만족 및 직무성과에 미치는 영향 -백화점 여성 의류판매원을 중심으로-)

  • Choi, Kyung-Wha;Park, Kwang-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.36 no.9
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    • pp.979-990
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    • 2012
  • This study explores the correlation between personality traits, customer orientation, job satisfaction, and job performance. This study examines the impacts of personality traits and customer orientation on job satisfaction and job performance. Data were collected using a questionnaire survey. A convenience sample was drawn from salespeople working for department stores in Daegu and Pohang between September $1^{st}$ to $7^{th}$ 2011. A total of 337 responses were complete and usable questionnaires. Data were tested through factor analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis, using SPSS 12.0. Three main points are shown through this study. First, the correlation of all five factors extracted from salespeople personality traits with customer orientation was statistically significant. Personality traits and customer orientation were partially correlated with job satisfaction or job performance. Second, the regression analysis was conducted to examine the influence of personality traits and customer orientation on job satisfaction; subsequently, only two factors extracted from customer orientation (consideration for customers and customer-centered thinking) were significant predictors of job satisfaction. Third, the result of the regression analysis between personality traits and job performance showed that the most influential predictor of job performance was conscientiousness, followed by likeability, openness and introversion. The most influential factor between customer orientation and job performance was competence in providing product information, followed by consideration for customers, customer-centered thinking, and a reliability-focused response.

The Effect of Job Autonomy, Job Feedback and Job Manualization on the Job Satisfaction of the non-regular employees in a Public Corporation (공기업 비정규직 근로자의 직무자율성, 직무피드백, 직무매뉴얼화가 직무만족에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Eui-Joong
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to empirically verify the impacts of job autonomy, job feedback and job manualization on the job satisfaction of the non-regular employees in a public corporation. For the empirical analysis, 163 non-regular employees(valid respondents) have been surveyed who are working in a public corporation. And the multiple regression analysis was used to statistically test the research hypotheses. The independent variables are 'job autonomy', 'job feedback', and 'job manualization'. The dependent variable is 'job satisfaction'. The results are as follows. The effects of 'job autonomy → job satisfaction(β=0.182, t=2.664, p<0.01)', 'job feedback → job satisfaction(β=0.208, t=2.927, p<0.01)' and 'job manualization → job satisfaction(β=0.397, t=5.785, p<0.01)' are all shown positive. Therefore, all the proposed hypotheses are accepted. From this result, we can get some lessons for the organizational management especially for the non-regular employees' job satisfaction. If you recognize that the non-regular workers are also valuable human resources for the company, it can be expected that strengthening the internal motivation of the employees through job enrichment such as autonomy, feedback, and manualization can positively influence the effectiveness of the organization.

The Effects of GWP Organization Culture on Need for Achievement, Job Satisfaction, and Job Performance - Comparison Analysis of Workers in Manufacturing, Service, and Finance Industries - (GWP 조직문화가 성취욕구, 직무만족, 직무성과에 미치는 영향 - 제조, 서비스, 금융업 종사자 간 비교 분석 -)

  • Shin, Hyo-Jin;Ko, Young-Hee
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.39-65
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    • 2015
  • This study is the empirical analysis of the effects of GWP organization culture on need for achievement, job satisfaction, and job performance. For this analysis, among the major companies that have been selected as good corporates to work (GWP), the survey was conducted by targeting the employees in manufacturing/service/finance industries and the comparison analysis is on the relationship between the effects and variables of the GWP organization culture are effected the professionals in the industries. As for the results of the studies, firstly, in manufacturing industry, GWP organization culture has significant impacts on need for achievement(+) and job satisfaction(+) and does not have significant effects on job performance. Also, need for achievement has significant effects on job satisfaction(+) and job performance(+) and job satisfaction has significant effects on job performance(+). Secondly, GWP organization culture in service industry has significant effects on need for achievement(+) and job satisfaction(+) but does not have significant effects on job performance. Need for achievement has significant effects on job satisfaction(+) but does not have significant effects on job performance and job satisfaction does not have significant effects on job performance. Lastly, GWP organization culture in finance industry has significant effects on need for achievement(+), job satisfaction(+), and job performance(-) and need for achievement has significant effects on job satisfaction(+) and job performance(+) and job satisfaction has significant effects on job performance(+). Based on the results of the analysis, this study suggests the meanings and implications on the similarities and differences on how GWP organization culture affects employees in different industries.

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The effect of self-efficacy and job satisfaction of Dental Hygienists' on the organizational commitment and turnover intention (치과위생사의 자기효능감과 직무만족이 조직몰입과 이직의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hye-Young;Choi, Jung-Ok;Seong, Mi-Gyung
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.213-223
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    • 2012
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study is to identify relationships between turnover intention and variable factors among dental hygienists. Methods : Each factor of validity and reliability were investigated using factor analysis and Cronbach's ${\alpha}$. The hypothesis of the data was proven and analyzed using the pearson correlation, regression analysis, and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results : The independent variables were based on self-efficacy, the dependent variables were based on job satisfaction. The results of the regression analysis were that self-efficacy is as high as job satisfaction. Independent variables based on self-efficacy and job satisfaction. The dependent variable is organizational commitment multiple regression analysis was used. The results showed that self-efficacy and job satisfaction are as high as organizational commitment. Independent variables based on organizational commitment. The dependent variable is the turnover-intention. Simple regression analysis showed that organizational commitment is as low as turnover-intention. Self-efficacy, job satisfaction and organizational commitment are different depending on individual traits and personal characteristics. Self-efficacy has been shown to have a positive relationship with job experiences, public work and turnover intention. Organizational commitment is also related with job experiences. However, there was no significant difference between job satisfaction, turnover intention and personal characteristics. Conclusions : According to the factor analysis of turnover intention, self-efficacy, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intention were correlated to each other. Self-efficacy, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment has a negative association with turnover intention.

A Study on the Resilience of Fire-fighters: Analysis of the Moderating Effect on the Relationship between Job Stress, Job Burnout, and Job Satisfaction (소방공무원 회복탄력성에 대한 연구: 직무스트레스와 직무소진, 직무만족 간 영향관계에서의 조절효과 분석)

  • Lee, Jae-Moo;Kim, Jun-Soo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.10
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    • pp.690-701
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    • 2021
  • This study examines the effects of job stress on fire-fighters' job performance on negative job factors, job burnout, and positive job factors, job satisfaction, respectively, and by examining whether resilience has a modulating effect in these influence relationships. This was done to provide useful information for planning management strategies. The analysis was done by regression analysis of data collected through a structured survey of 239 fire-fighters, and the moderating effect was confirmed by calculating and applying the interaction term. For the analysis, a structured questionnaire survey was conducted on 239 fire-fighters. As a result of the analysis, it was confirmed that job stress and job burnout of fire-fighters were low, job satisfaction was normal, and resilience was above average. Also, there was no significant difference in resilience according to demographic characteristics, and it was found that job stress had a positive(+) influence on job burnout at a statistically meaningful level, and a negative(-) influence on job satisfaction. In addition, it was found that impulse control power and cause analysis power had a moderating effect in the influence relationship between job stress and job burnout, and impulse control power had a moderating effect in the influence relationship between job stress and job satisfaction. Based on these results, it was proposed to preemptively apply various resilience programs suitable for the situation of fire-fighters, enhance emotional competence, and introduce coaching personnel to help self-reflection.