The Effect of Job Autonomy, Job Feedback and Job Manualization on the Job Satisfaction of the non-regular employees in a Public Corporation

공기업 비정규직 근로자의 직무자율성, 직무피드백, 직무매뉴얼화가 직무만족에 미치는 영향

  • 이의중 (한국토지주택공사 토지주택연구원)
  • Received : 2018.04.05
  • Accepted : 2018.04.20
  • Published : 2018.04.30


This study aims to empirically verify the impacts of job autonomy, job feedback and job manualization on the job satisfaction of the non-regular employees in a public corporation. For the empirical analysis, 163 non-regular employees(valid respondents) have been surveyed who are working in a public corporation. And the multiple regression analysis was used to statistically test the research hypotheses. The independent variables are 'job autonomy', 'job feedback', and 'job manualization'. The dependent variable is 'job satisfaction'. The results are as follows. The effects of 'job autonomy → job satisfaction(β=0.182, t=2.664, p<0.01)', 'job feedback → job satisfaction(β=0.208, t=2.927, p<0.01)' and 'job manualization → job satisfaction(β=0.397, t=5.785, p<0.01)' are all shown positive. Therefore, all the proposed hypotheses are accepted. From this result, we can get some lessons for the organizational management especially for the non-regular employees' job satisfaction. If you recognize that the non-regular workers are also valuable human resources for the company, it can be expected that strengthening the internal motivation of the employees through job enrichment such as autonomy, feedback, and manualization can positively influence the effectiveness of the organization.



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