• Title/Summary/Keyword: investment network

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MNC Subsidiary's Entrepreneurship and Knowledge Transfer: Evidence from MNC Subsidiaries in South Korea

  • Lee, Kangmun;Yang, Ji Yeon;Roh, Taewoo
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • v.24 no.8
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    • pp.189-206
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    • 2020
  • Purpose - This paper attempted to verify the process by which a multinational corporation (MNC)'s subsidiary practices entrepreneurship to create effective knowledge (KC) in the local market. We have looked at whether subsidiary entrepreneurship (SENT) has a moderation effect in creating knowledge for the local market when a subsidiary has been given autonomy (AUT) from the headquarters (HQ). We also argue that when a subsidiary creates meaningful knowledge, the effect of the increased status by the HQ within the MNC network position (NP) has an indirect effect on whether knowledge is transferred to other overseas subsidiaries (KTO). Design/methodology - This paper used a structural equation model (SEM) of 282 effective foreign companies invested in Korea. To test the hypothesis about the process of SENT on KTO, descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability, convergent and discriminant validities, and common method bias were analyzed using STATA. In addition, the moderation effect was verified along with SEM. The moderation effect of AUT on SENT and KC was presented graphically by confirming \mathrm{\pm1} standard deviation of AUT for the main effect. Findings - Our findings are as follows. First, while the hypothesis about the direct effect of SENT and KC on KTO was not supported, all other hypotheses were supported. Second, both the AUT and moderating effect and the indirect effect of NP were significant. In the conclusion, these findings are discussed in relation to its various theoretical and practical implications. Originality/value - This study attempted to contribute to the knowledge creation theory of MNC by contemplating how subsidiaries can move away from HQ and grow in the local market. Although there is still a shortage of foreign investment in the Korean market, our practical implications offer guidance for how current subsidiaries can develop more than other overseas subsidiaries.

An exercise algorithm for mezzanine products using artificial neural networks (인공신경망을 이용한 메자닌 상품의 행사 알고리즘)

  • Jae Pil, Yu
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2023
  • Mezzanine products are financial investment products with both bond and stock characteristics, which are mainly issued by low-grade companies in the financial market to secure liquidity. Therefore, bondholders investing in mezzanine products must make decisions about when they want to convert to stocks, along with whether they invest in mezzanine products issued by the company. Therefore, in this paper, a total of 2,000 learning data and 200 predictive experimental data with stock conversion events completed by major industries are divided, and mezzanine event algorithms are designed and performance analyzed through artificial neural network models. This topic is meaningful in that it proposed a methodology to scientifically solve the difficulties of exercising mezzanine products, which are of high interest in the financial field, by applying artificial neural network technology.

Innovative Educational Technologies in Management Training: Experience of EU Countries

  • Vitaliy, Kryvoshein;Nataliia, Vdovenko;Ievgen, Buriak;Volodymyr, Saienko;Anna, Kolesnyk
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.45-50
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    • 2022
  • The article substantiates the feasibility of using and actively implementing innovative technologies in the practice of organizing the educational process. The need for the use of telecommunication technologies, which provide constant communication between students and the teacher outside the classroom, has been identified. Particular attention is paid to the latest approaches to the use of various forms of multimedia technologies in student education, which intensify the process of acceptance and assimilation of educational material by foreign students. The advantages of using innovative means of distance education are determined, which thanks to modern electronic educational systems allow students to receive quality higher education. Innovative technologies promote the development of cognitive interest in students, they learn to systematize and summarize the material studied, discuss and debate. In this regard, the reorientation of the system of higher education in Europe towards innovation is becoming the most important tool in ensuring the competitiveness of graduates in the labor market. In addition, the investment attractiveness of a university often depends on the innovative nature of the development of scientific, educational and practical activities of the subjects of the educational process, their inclusion in the national innovation system. The article analyzes that in the universities of the European Union in the training of specialists in the management of basic interactive methods, forms and tools are binary lecture, briefing, webinar, video conference, video lecture, virtual consultation, virtual tutorial, slide lecture, comp. utheric tests. Various classes on slide technology took active forms during the training of management specialists.

Guarantees of Applying Disclosure and Transparency on the Companies Listed in the Saudi Capital Market

  • Moanes, Hani Mohamed
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.274-284
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    • 2022
  • By explaining the essence of corporate governance as well as disclosure and transparency, the study examined the guarantees of applying disclosure and transparency to firms listed on the Saudi stock exchange. The research also addressed the disclosure and transparency duties of firms listed on the Saudi stock exchange. Finance to prepare a prospectus, as the Capital Market Authority's regulations required that the prospectus includes information that enables the investor in securities to make his investment decision based on real foundations based on the issuing company's financial position and to ensure that companies fulfill that disclosure in the prospectus. Firms who fail to disclose are required by law to do so, and the Capital Market Authority's laws mandate companies listed on the financial market to regularly report fundamental events linked to the issuer or the securities issued by it. The Capital Market Authority must make it available to the public dealing with the business issuing the securities, and The Capital Market Authority's Law and Regulations have imposed fines on corporations that do not comply with disclosure and make the Board of Director's report available. The research focused on activities that the legislator deemed to be a breach of the obligation of openness, such as the danger of many measures aimed at ensuring the impartiality and transparency of trading in the Saudi financial market, as well as the absence of conflicts of interest. The research also addressed the sanctions imposed on The source for failing to meet the obligation of disclosure and openness, as well as the mechanisms of compensating persons harmed by the failure to meet that responsibility.

A Model of Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security of SCADA to Enhance Public Safety in UAE

  • Omar Abdulrahmanal Alattas Alhashmi;Mohd Faizal Abdullah;Raihana Syahirah Abdullah
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.173-182
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    • 2023
  • The UAE government has set its sights on creating a smart, electronic-based government system that utilizes AI. The country's collaboration with India aims to bring substantial returns through AI innovation, with a target of over $20 billion in the coming years. To achieve this goal, the UAE launched its AI strategy in 2017, focused on improving performance in key sectors and becoming a leader in AI investment. To ensure public safety as the role of AI in government grows, the country is working on developing integrated cyber security solutions for SCADA systems. A questionnaire-based study was conducted, using the AI IQ Threat Scale to measure the variables in the research model. The sample consisted of 200 individuals from the UAE government, private sector, and academia, and data was collected through online surveys and analyzed using descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling. The results indicate that the AI IQ Threat Scale was effective in measuring the four main attacks and defense applications of AI. Additionally, the study reveals that AI governance and cyber defense have a positive impact on the resilience of AI systems. This study makes a valuable contribution to the UAE government's efforts to remain at the forefront of AI and technology exploitation. The results emphasize the need for appropriate evaluation models to ensure a resilient economy and improved public safety in the face of automation. The findings can inform future AI governance and cyber defense strategies for the UAE and other countries.

Comparison of regression model and LSTM-RNN model in predicting deterioration of prestressed concrete box girder bridges

  • Gao Jing;Lin Ruiying;Zhang Yao
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.91 no.1
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2024
  • Bridge deterioration shows the change of bridge condition during its operation, and predicting bridge deterioration is important for implementing predictive protection and planning future maintenance. However, in practical application, the raw inspection data of bridges are not continuous, which has a greater impact on the accuracy of the prediction results. Therefore, two kinds of bridge deterioration models are established in this paper: one is based on the traditional regression theory, combined with the distribution fitting theory to preprocess the data, which solves the problem of irregular distribution and incomplete quantity of raw data. Secondly, based on the theory of Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), the network is trained using the raw inspection data, which can realize the prediction of the future deterioration of bridges through the historical data. And the inspection data of 60 prestressed concrete box girder bridges in Xiamen, China are used as an example for validation and comparative analysis, and the results show that both deterioration models can predict the deterioration of prestressed concrete box girder bridges. The regression model shows that the bridge deteriorates gradually, while the LSTM-RNN model shows that the bridge keeps great condition during the first 5 years and degrades rapidly from 5 years to 15 years. Based on the current inspection database, the LSTM-RNN model performs better than the regression model because it has smaller prediction error. With the continuous improvement of the database, the results of this study can be extended to other bridge types or other degradation factors can be introduced to improve the accuracy and usefulness of the deterioration model.

A study on the local government's Sustainable expansion plan of volunteer (지방정부의 지속가능한 자원봉사자 확대 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seong-Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.19 no.9
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    • pp.177-184
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    • 2014
  • This study suggested the necessity of efficient volunteer management plan and continuous volunteer expansion plan to enhance the continuity of volunteer activity by local government and induce more systematic and stable volunteer activity. As a prior concrete plans for volunteer expansion, this study suggested establishing the incentive for expanding continuous volunteers through coexisting and cooperation, enhancing the propulsion will and providing an institutional strategy of local and metropolitan government heads, improving volunteer's internal capability, and reinforcing administrative support and financial aid. Also this study emphasized the effectiveness of various volunteer-related matters such as daring support and investment to drastically expand continuous volunteers and their activities.

A Virtual Laboratory to Practice Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks: A Case Study on Energy Efficient and Safe Weighted Clustering Algorithm

  • Dahane, Amine;Berrached, Nasr-Eddine;Loukil, Abdelhamid
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.205-228
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we present a virtual laboratory platform (VLP) baptized Mercury allowing students to make practical work (PW) on different aspects of mobile wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Our choice of WSNs is motivated mainly by the use of real experiments needed in most courses about WSNs. These experiments require an expensive investment and a lot of nodes in the classroom. To illustrate our study, we propose a course related to energy efficient and safe weighted clustering algorithm. This algorithm which is coupled with suitable routing protocols, aims to maintain stable clustering structure, to prevent most routing attacks on sensor networks, to guaranty energy saving in order to extend the lifespan of the network. It also offers a better performance in terms of the number of re-affiliations. The platform presented here aims at showing the feasibility, the flexibility and the reduced cost of such a realization. We demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithms that contribute to the familiarization of the learners in the field of WSNs.

A study on the MVNO Wholesale Price in Competitive Communication Service Market (경쟁적인 통신서비스 시장에서 MVNO 도매대가 산정에 관한 연구)

  • Sawng, Yeong-Wha;Bae, Khee-Su;Jeon, Heung-Joo
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.217-231
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    • 2012
  • In the past, companies should make enormous facility investment and acquire a right to do business in order to join communication markets, but now they can do business without important facilities, such as communication networks. Such a movement to ease regulations about companies which want to newly join the communication industry is expected not only to change a competition frame of the mobile communication market but also to greatly affect the entire communication industry. Through this study aiming to look into a way to calculate a reasonable wholesale price related to the government's introduction of the Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) system, I came up with a following result. I applied the operating profit percentage and the ratio of operating gain to cost to the cost plus model and retail minus model, respectively, to calculate the wholesale price and found that when I calculated with the cost plus model applying the operating profit percentage, I could get the highest wholesale price. On the other hand, I got the lowest wholesale price with the retail minus model by applying the operating profit percentage. Division of expenses and calculation of profit percentage are important factors in calculating the wholesale price and such results are expected to help accurate calculation of the MVNO wholesale price.

Regional Strategic Industry (RSI) Promotion Projects and Their Impact on Regional Economic Growth: Focused on Chungbuk Province Cases (지역전략산업육성사업과 지역경제성장 파급효과: 충북 사례를 중심으로)

  • Choi, Nam-Hee;Jo, Byung-Seol;Ahn, Yoo-Jeong;Lee, Man-Hyung
    • Korean System Dynamics Review
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.5-29
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    • 2013
  • This study tries to measure the direct and indirect effects of the Regional Strategic Industry (RSI) promotion projects in Chungbuk Province in Korea. In specific, it critically examines whether there exists policy consistency and connectivity between the hardware-oriented Stage I (2002~2007) and the software-centered Stage II (2008~2012) RSI promotion projects. Applying System Dynamics (SD) techniques, this study examines complex system characteristics of RSI promotion projects, all of which have been derived from the causal and stock-flow models and their simulated results. Major findings are as follows: Firstly, 'the continuous investment' is regarded as the most crucial policy leverage for the strategic industry promotion and regional economic growth. Secondly, without exceptions, the RSI promotion projects should switch their evaluation criteria to performance-oriented ones. Thirdly, in selecting their subprojects, the RSI promotion projects should pay due attention to evaluating technology value and marketability. Fourthly, it should put policy priority in strengthening cluster networking and interconnectivity among projects, inevitably supporting a selective number of virtuous network systems. Fifthly, auxiliary projects such as marketing, technology aid, and knowledge-based services should not be overlooked.

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