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Innovative Educational Technologies in Management Training: Experience of EU Countries  

Vitaliy, Kryvoshein (Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Faculty of Social Sciences and International Relations, Department of Sociology)
Nataliia, Vdovenko (Department of Global Economics, Department of Economics National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Faculty of Economics, Global Economics)
Ievgen, Buriak (Management Department Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University)
Volodymyr, Saienko (Academy of Management and Administration in Opole)
Anna, Kolesnyk (Academy of the National Aviation University, Faculty of Management, Department of Information Technology)
Publication Information
International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security / v.22, no.6, 2022 , pp. 45-50 More about this Journal
The article substantiates the feasibility of using and actively implementing innovative technologies in the practice of organizing the educational process. The need for the use of telecommunication technologies, which provide constant communication between students and the teacher outside the classroom, has been identified. Particular attention is paid to the latest approaches to the use of various forms of multimedia technologies in student education, which intensify the process of acceptance and assimilation of educational material by foreign students. The advantages of using innovative means of distance education are determined, which thanks to modern electronic educational systems allow students to receive quality higher education. Innovative technologies promote the development of cognitive interest in students, they learn to systematize and summarize the material studied, discuss and debate. In this regard, the reorientation of the system of higher education in Europe towards innovation is becoming the most important tool in ensuring the competitiveness of graduates in the labor market. In addition, the investment attractiveness of a university often depends on the innovative nature of the development of scientific, educational and practical activities of the subjects of the educational process, their inclusion in the national innovation system. The article analyzes that in the universities of the European Union in the training of specialists in the management of basic interactive methods, forms and tools are binary lecture, briefing, webinar, video conference, video lecture, virtual consultation, virtual tutorial, slide lecture, comp. utheric tests. Various classes on slide technology took active forms during the training of management specialists.
Innovative technologies; innovative training; Innovative pedagogical technology; educational process; education; university; teaching system; management specialists;
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