• 제목/요약/키워드: inverse analysis

검색결과 1,701건 처리시간 0.027초

Classification Using Sliced Inverse Regression and Sliced Average Variance Estimation

  • Lee, Hakbae
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.275-285
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    • 2004
  • We explore classification analysis using graphical methods such as sliced inverse regression and sliced average variance estimation based on dimension reduction. Some useful information about classification analysis are obtained by sliced inverse regression and sliced average variance estimation through dimension reduction. Two examples are illustrated, and classification rates by sliced inverse regression and sliced average variance estimation are compared with those by discriminant analysis and logistic regression.

세장비가 큰 타원형 컵 성형 공정의 다단계 유한요소 역해석 (Multi-stage Finite Element Inverse Analysis of Elliptic Cup Drawing Processes with the Large Aspect Ratio)

  • 김승호;김세호;허훈
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제9권3호
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    • pp.304-312
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    • 2000
  • An inverse finite element approach is employed to efficiently design the optimum blank shape and intermediate shapes from the desired final shape in multi-stage elliptic cup drawing processes. The multi-stage deep-drawing process is difficult to design with the conventional finite element analysis since the process is very complicate with the conventional finite element analysis since the process is very complicated with intermediate shapes and the numerical analysis undergoes the convergence problem even with tremendous computing time. The elliptic cup drawing process needs much effort to design sine it requires full three-dimensional analysis. The inverse analysis is able to omit all complicated and tedious analysis procedures for the optimum process design. In this paper, the finite element inverse analysis provides the thickness strain distribution of each intermediate shape through the multi-stage analysis. The multi-stage analysis deals with the convergence among intermediate shapes and the corresponding sliding constraint surfaces that are described by the analytic function of merged-arc type surfaces.

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직접격자 사상법을 이용한 차체 구조물의 유한요소 역해석 및 성형효과를 고려한 충돌해석 (Inverse Finite Element Analysis of Autobody Structures with a Direct Mesh Mapping Method for Crash Analysis Considering Forming Effets)

  • 김승호;허훈
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제11권5호
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    • pp.457-464
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    • 2002
  • A finite element inverse analysis is utilized to consider forming effects of an S-rail on the assessment of the crashworthiness with small amount of computation time. A crash analysis can be directly performed after the inverse simulation of a forming process without a smoothing or remeshing scheme. The direct mesh mapping method is used to calculate an initial guess from a sliding constraint surface that is extracted from the die and punch set. Analysis results demonstrate that energy absorption of structures is increased when simulation considers forming effects of thickness variation and work hardening. The finite element inverse analysis is proved to be an effective tool in consideration of forming effects for the crash analysis.

확산지배 난류 연소현상에서 역해석을 이용한 CH4/O2의 초기 질량분율 추정에 관한 연구 (Study on Estimations of Initial Mass Fractions of CH4/O2 in Diffusion-Controlled Turbulent Combustion Using Inverse Analysis)

  • 이균호;백승욱
    • 대한기계학회논문집B
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    • 제34권7호
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    • pp.679-688
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    • 2010
  • 본 연구에서는 기존의 역열전달 문제(inverse heat transfer problem)와 같이 역해석(inverse analysis)을 통해 미지의 파라미터를 추정(estimation)하는 개념을 복잡한 연소문제에 도입하였다. 기존의 연구에서는 역해석 기법을 연소문제 자체에 보다는 대부분 연소현상을 동반한 복사열전달과 같은 역열전달 문제에 국한해서 적용하고 있기 때문에, 열전달 문제에 한정되어 사용되고 있는 기존의 역해석을 새로운 공학문제에 확장하여 적용함과 동시에 효율적인 연소기 설계 및 최적화 개념을 제시하는데 본 연구의 의의가 있다고 할 수 있다. 이를 위해 실제적으로 많이 사용하고 있는 축대칭 원통형 연소기 내부로 주입되는 메탄($CH_4$)과 산소($O_2$) 성분의 초기 질량분율 값을 연소기 입구 근방에서 측정한 개스의 온도 데이터를 이용하여 역추정하였다. 이때, 복잡한 확산지배 연소 현상을 효율적으로 역해석하기 위해 최적화 방법 중의 하나인 반발 입자 군집 최적화 방법을 역해석 기법으로 적용하였다.

굽힘이력을 고려한 딥드로잉공정의 유한요소역해석 (Finite Element Inverse Analysis of the Deep Drawing Process Considering Bending History)

  • 허지향;윤종헌;바오이동;허훈
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제16권8호
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    • pp.590-595
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    • 2007
  • This paper introduces a new approach to take account of bending history in finite element inverse analysis during sheet metal forming process. A modified membrane element was adopted for finite element inverse analysis so that bending-unbending energy was additionally imposed in the total plastic energy, predicting bending-unbending regions using the geometry of the final shape and tools. An algorithm was applied to a cylindrical cup deep drawing process. The blank shape and the distribution of the thickness strain were compared with those obtained from the incremental finite element analysis in order to evaluate the effect of the bending history. The algorithm reduced the difference between the results of the inverse analysis from those of the incremental analysis due to bending history. The analysis was also carried out with the variation of the thickness of the initial blank to investigate the effect of bending deformation. The results showed that the difference was remarkably reduced as the thickness of the initial blank increased. This indicates that the finite element inverse analysis cooperated with the suggested scheme is useful to obtain more accurate results, especially when bending effects are significant.

기구학적 조인트에서 마찰력을 고려한 구속 다물체계의 역동역학 해석 (Inverse Dynamic Analysis of Constrained Multibody Systems Considering Friction Forces on Kinematic Joints)

  • 박정훈;유홍희;황요하;배대성
    • 대한기계학회논문집A
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    • 제24권8호
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    • pp.2050-2058
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    • 2000
  • A method for the inverse dynamic analysis of constrained multibody systems considering friction forces acting on kinematic joints is presented in this paper. The stiction and the sliding which represent zero and non-zero relative motions are considered during the inverse dynamic analysis. Actuating forces to control the position or the orientation of constrained multibody systems are usually calculated in the inverse dynamic analysis. An iterative procedure need to be employed to calculate the actuating forces when the friction is considered. Furthermore, the actuating forces are not uniquely determined during the stiction. These difficulties are resolved by the method presented in this paper.

기능적 여유자유도를 가지는 CTS 시스템의 기구학/역기구학 해석 (Kinematic/Inverse Kinematic Analysis of Captive Trajectory Simulation System with Functional Redundancy)

  • 이도관;이상정
    • 한국생산제조학회지
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.263-271
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    • 2017
  • A captive trajectory simulation (CTS) system is used to investigate the separation behavior of the store model by moving the model to an arbitrary pose and position based on aerodynamic data. A CTS system operated inside a wind tunnel is designed to match the structure of the wind tunnel facility. As a result, each CTS system has different kinematic structure, and inverse kinematic analysis of the system is necessary. In this study, kinematic/inverse kinematic analysis for the CTS system with functional redundancy is performed. Inverse kinematic analysis with combined numerical and analytical approach is especially proposed. The suggested approach utilizes the redundancy to improve the safety of the system, and has advantages in real time analysis.

직접 격자 사상법을 이용한 직사각컵 및 S-Rail 성형공정의 3차원 유한요소 역해석 (Three Dimensional Finite Element Inverse Analysis of Rectangular Cup and S-Rail Forming Processes using a Direct Mesh Mapping Method)

  • 김승호;허훈
    • 한국소성가공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소성가공학회 2001년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.81-84
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    • 2001
  • An inverse finite element approach is employed for more capability to design the optimum blank shape from the desired final shape with small amount of computation time and effort. In some drawing or stamping simulation with inverse method, it is difficult to apply inverse scheme due to the large aspect ratio or steep vertical angle of inclination. The reason is that initial guesses are hard to make out with present method for those cases. In this paper, a direct mesh marring scheme to generate initial guess on the sliding constraint surface described by finite element patches is suggested for one step inverse analysis to calculate initial blank shape. Radial type mapping is adopted for the simulation of rectangular cup drawing process with large aspect ratio and parallel type mapping for the simulation of S-Rail forming process with steep vertical angle of inclination.

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스튜어트 플랫폼의 순방향/역방향 힘 전달 해석 (The Forward/Inverse Force Transmission Analyses of the Stewart Platform)

  • 김한성;최용제
    • 한국정밀공학회지
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    • 제16권5호통권98호
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    • pp.200-208
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    • 1999
  • The statics relation of the Stewart platform has been investigated from the viewpoint of the forward and inverse force transmission analyses. Two eigenvalue problems corresponding to the forward and inverse force transmission analyses have been formulated. The forward force transmission analysis is to determine the ranges of the magnitudes of the force and moment generated at the end-effector for the given magnitude of linear actuator forces. In reverse order, the inverse force transmission analysis is to find the range of the magnitude of actuator forces for the given ranges of the magnitudes of the force and moment at the end-effector. The inverse force transmission analysis is important since it can provide a designer with a valuable information about how to choose the linear actuators. It has been proved that two eigenvalue problems have a reciprocal relation, which implies that solving either of the eigenvalue problems may complete the forward/inverse force transmission analysis. A numerical example has been also presented.

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Inverse Dynamic Analysis of Flexible Multibody Systems with Closed-Loops

  • Lee, Byung-Hoon;Lee, Shi-Bok;Jeong, Weui-Bong;Yoo, Wan-Suk;Yang, Jin-Saeng
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • 제15권6호
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    • pp.693-698
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    • 2001
  • The analysis of actuating forces (or torques) and joint reaction forces (or moments) are essential to determine the capacity of actuators, to control the system and to design the components. This paper presents an inverse dynamic analysis algorithm for flexible multibody systems with closed-loops in the relative joint coordinate space. The joint reaction forces are analyzed in Cartesian coordinate space using the inverse velocity transformation technique. The joint coordinates and the deformation modal coordinates are used as the generalized coordinates of a flexible multibody system. The algorithm is verified through the analysis of a slider-crank mechanism.

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