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The internet perceived risk segments: clothing benefits sought, internet shopping attitude, and internet purchase intention (인터넷 위험지각 집단의 의복추구혜택, 인터넷 쇼핑태도 및 구매의도)

  • 황진숙
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.27 no.7
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    • pp.746-757
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the internet perceived risk segments in regard to clothing benefits sought, internet shopping attitude, and internet purchase intention. The subjects used for the study were 210 male and 338 female college students. The internet perceived risk consisted of size/defect risk, social psychological risk, privacy risk, delivery risk, and price risk. The clothing benefits sought had impression improvement, fashion, individuality, figure flaws compensation, and comfort factors. The results showed that consumers were segmented by four groups based on internet perceived risk factors : 1) privacy risk group, 2) size risk group. 3) low risk group, and 4) price/social psychological risk group. The four segmented groups differed in regard to clothing benefits sought, internet shopping attitude, and internet purchase intention. For example, in regard to clothing benefits sought, the price/social Psychological risk group sought fashion more than other groups. The low risk group considered figure flaws compensation benefit less important than other groups. Concerning internet shopping attitude, the low risk group had more favorable altitude toward trust, safety, diversity, exchange/return attributes of internet shopping than other groups. The privacy risk group had more favorable attitude toward convenience and price attributes of internet shopping. Regarding internet purchase intention, the low risk group had higher intention to purchase formal, casual, and sportswear. The size risk group had higher intention to purchase fashion accessories. Further group differences and implications of the results were discussed.

A Study on The Internet Connectivity in The Philippines

  • Salac, Romeo Agan;Kim, Yun Seon
    • Asia Pacific Journal of Business Review
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.67-88
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to help address concerns about the growing demand of wider bandwidth Internet connection in the Philippines. Using articles and research of international organizations and content from official websites of the Philippine government, this paper has carefully examined the slow Internet connectivity and the high cost that the end-users pay for it. This paper suggests that this inefficiency hampers the motivation of users to innovate in a way that could contribute to inclusive growth and the development of an inclusive information society. Through a comparison of the current global ICT situation with the current situation in the Philippines, this paper shows that the country's Internet infrastructure lags behind among those of contemporary developing countries in Asia, particularly in terms of Internet connectivity. In 2015, Thailand had an average Internet speed of 7.4 Mbps, Sri Lanka 7.4, and Malaysia 4.3. Meanwhile, the Philippines had a meager average Internet speed of 2.8 Mbps, placing the country at 104 among 160 countries, with developed countries in Asia such as South Korea (23.6 Mbps) and Singapore (12.9 Mbps) ranking 1 and 12, respectively. Findings show that the lack of competition in the Internet connectivity market, among other reasons, is at the root of the dilemma of slow and costly Internet connection. Assessing the accomplishments of the Republic of Korea and other broadband-leading countries has provided practical insights and recommendations that can promote competitiveness. Furthermore, related literature argues how ISP practices may affect Internet speed and cost. This study offers an approach in improving Internet connectivity in the Philippines by bridging the gap between the Internet infrastructure market and government policies.

The Influence of Parental Attachment on School Life Adjustment in Early Adolescence: The Mediating Effect of Internet Use Type (초기 청소년의 부모애착이 학교생활적응에 미치는 영향: 인터넷사용유형의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Seung Ryeol;Song, Jin Yeong
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.95-108
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    • 2016
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating effect of internet use type on the relationship between parental attachment and school life adjustment. Methods: For this study, data were drawn from 4th wave panel data of Korea Children and Youth Panel Survey. 1,537 1st graders of middle school were used for analysis. Results: The results of this study were summarized as follows. First, adolescents' parental attachment positively influenced school life adjustment. Second, study oriented internet use positively influenced school life adjustment. However, entertainment oriented internet use negatively influenced school life adjustment, and relation oriented internet use did not influence school life adjustment. Third, study and entertainment oriented internet use mediated parental attachment and school life adjustment. However, relation oriented internet use did not mediate parental attachment and school life adjustment. Conclusion: The discovery that study oriented internet is a factor that can improve school life adjustment carries a significant meaning. Based on the results, some implications are discussed to improve school life adjustment in early adolescence.

A Study on the Charge of Using the Internet Network - Focusing on U.S. Internet History and Charter Merger Approval Conditions Litigation - (인터넷 망 이용의 유상성에 대한 고찰 - 미국 인터넷 역사 및 Charter 합병승인조건 소송 중심으로 -)

  • Cho, Dae-Keun
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.123-134
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    • 2021
  • This paper suggests that the Internet is not free through analysis of U.S. Internet history and lawsuits related to the Charter merger in 2016. Generally speaking, the players in internet connectivity market agree to Non-Disclosure Agreement, when connecting their facilities and networks each other. So, I adopted the case study & analysis as research methodologies due to limitation of collecting the transaction data between them. The former finds that Internet access has never been free in U.S Internet history. As we know, some including Content Providers(CPs) argue that the Internet is a free network and there are many cases to use the internet for free, so they came to conclusion that ISPs have no right to charge the users like CPs. This study refutes these arguments in two ways. One is that using the internet has never been free. From ARPANET, known as the beginning of the U.S. Internet, to the commercialization of backbone, no Internet has been considered or implemented for free since the early Internet network was devised. Also, the U.S government was paying subsidies or institutions were paying fees to secure network operations for the NSFNET backbone. the other is that "free peering" refers to barter transactions between ISPs, not to free access to counterpart internet networks. Second, this study analyze the FCC' executive order of conditioned merger approval and the court's related ruling and verify that using the internet is not free. According to the analysis, this study finds that it's real situation to make paid settlements between ISP-CPs (including OTTs) in the US Internet market at the moment. This study concludes that the Internet has never been free in terms of its technical characteristics, network structure, network operation, and system. Also it proposes how to improve the domestic settlement system between ISPs-CPs in terms of policy and regulation.

The Study of Factors Related to Internet Auctions Participation (인터넷 경매참여 관련변인에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Eun-Hee;Nam, Su-Jung
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.25 no.2 s.86
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    • pp.123-135
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    • 2007
  • This study investigated the influence of values associated with internet auctions and risks associated with participating in internet auctions. The results of this study were as follows: First, the values associated with internet auctions consisted of hedonic value, information value, and practical value. Among these values, hedonic value was the highest, and information value was the lowest. Second, He risks consisted of functional risk, privacy risk, socio-psychological risk, md financial risk. Among these risks, functional risk was the highest, and socio-psychological risk was the lowest. Results of regression analysis using demographic elements to inspect risk factors revealed sex, age, and income were statistically significant finally, with respect to demographic characteristics and influences of the aforementioned values and risks, the factors influencing participation in internet auctions were sex, age, hedonic value, functional risk and financial risk.

The Effect of Internet Use on the Changes in Family Systems

  • Lee Hyunah;Lee Kiyoung
    • International Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.61-80
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    • 2004
  • The introduction of the Internet in homes had an effect on family systems. The purpose of this study is to investigate the changes in family systems due to Internet use in South Korea. This study classified the types of changes in the family systems and analyzes the characteristics of each type. Systems approach provides the theoretical framework for this study. First, the cluster analysis demonstrated the three types of the changes in the family subsystems due to housewives' Internet use: 'positive changes', 'negative changes', and 'no changes'. Second, there are different characteristics among the types of changes according to demographic, Internet-related, and intra-system dynamic factors. These results suggest several implications for public policy. To utilize the Internet as a useful tool to improve the quality of family life, housewives must have the ability to control the Internet use and to manage their resources. In order to enhance their abilities of using the Internet, it may be necessary for the government to provide public educational programs for housewives.

IP기반 유선인터넷전화 가입요인 도출을 위한 분석적 연구: 통신상품결합서비스의 영향

  • Ha, Seong-Ho;Yang, Jeong-Won
    • Proceedings of the Korea Database Society Conference
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.187-199
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    • 2010
  • Recently, Internet Telephony has become increasingly popular in telecommunication industry. However, previous research on Internet Telephony has focused on analyzing specific Internet Telephony solutions, identifying the Internet Telephony movement itself. The research on prediction models about Internet Telephony adoption has been minimal. The main propose of this study is to develop models for predicting transition intention from using traditional telephones to using Internet Telephony. To do so, this study uses data mining methods to analyze demands in the IT communications market and to provide management strategies for Internet telephony providers. Especially this study uses discriminant analysis, logistic regression, classification tree, and neural nets to develop the prediction models for the Internet Telephony adoption. The models are compared with each other and a superior model is chosen.

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A Comparative Study on College Students Consumer's Attitude and Intention to Use Internet Shopping between Korea and China (한.중 대학생 인터넷쇼핑에 대한 태도 및 이용의도에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Young-Se;Qu, Xiaoai
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.33-49
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    • 2008
  • Many foreign enterprises have begun to pay attention to China market recently, and enter this big market successively. Thus, it is very essential and valuable to understand China internet market well, especially the internet shopping mall market, and to find out the best strategy to build the internet shopping mall in China. The purpose of this comparative study is; (a) to compare with college students consumer's attitude and intention to use internet shopping, (b) to understand the use status of China internet shopping and the purchase situation of Chinese consumer, (c) basing on existing research, to master consumers' consideration items while making the purchase decision, and also master the advantages and disadvantages of internet shopping which consumers realized.

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A study on the mobile Internet portal service types (무선인터넷 포털서비스의 유형과 유망 컨텐츠 분석 이동전화를 통한 무선인터넷을 중심으로)

  • 김주성;김태성;고석하
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.151-164
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    • 2002
  • This paper predicts how mobile Internet portal services will go ahead and what contents will be needed at the portal site. Mobile Internet interface needs to be concise and compressed because of the size of terminals Thus mobile internal service wants integrated portal service We study the service strategy for mobile internet portal Service according to the product life cycle Many Korean people who have used 'wired and fixed' Internet services and mobile phones want the mobile Internet portal to provide many attractive functions and high quality of service Thus we consider the current Korean mobile Internet service as the maturity phase of its life cycle The maturity phase needs the strategy of diversifying and focusing on, thus we recommend the hub portal model for Korean mobile Internet service, In this paper, we survey contents of mobile Internet portal service as a case study. With the result of the analysis, we present the promising contents as follows: video conference service, financial service, stock trading service, traffic information service, location map service, emergency rescue service, and so on.

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Research Model for Internet Shopping Addictive Buying on Fashion Products: Mediating Effect of Internet Addiction (인터넷 쇼핑 중독구매에 관한 연구모형: 인터넷 중독의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Lee Seung-Hee;Jung Jin Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.29 no.1 s.139
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    • pp.167-176
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study were to examine the relationship with respect to internet addiction and internet shopping addiction among internet fashion shoppers, and to find if internet addiction had mediating effects on internet shopping addictive buying. 550 females and males who had purchased fashion goods were used for the survey. For data analysis, descriptive statistics and Amos 5.0 were used. As the results, approximately 32.7%and3.82% of subjects were revealed as light internet addictive shoppers and heavy internet addictive shoppers. Also, 14.0% of the internet shoppers in this study were found to have internet shopping addictive tendencies. Psychological factors such as self-esteem, impulsiveness, materialism, and compensatory buying were directly related to internet shopping addiction as well as to internet addiction. Internet-related factors such as flow, skill and usage time also were directly related to internet addiction, but not to internet shopping addictive buying. That is, internet addiction had a mediator effect between psychological factors and internet shopping addictive buying. Also, internet shopping variables such as buying frequency and shopping mall visit frequency were related to internet shopping addiction. Finally, internet addiction was directly related to internet shopping addiction. Based on these results, fashion marketing strategies and implications regarding internet shopping addiction were suggested.