• Title/Summary/Keyword: intake of snacks

검색결과 262건 처리시간 0.027초

모(母)의 로하스(LOHAS) 라이프스타일이 자녀의 식습관, 식행동 및 건강생활습관에 미치는 영향 연구 (A Study of the Effects of a Mother's LOHAS Lifestyle Attitude on Children's Dietary Habits, Food Behavior, and Health-related Lifestyles)

  • 이연정
    • 한국식품조리과학회지
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    • 제27권4호
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    • pp.75-87
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to examine the effect of children's dietary quality, dietary habits, food behavior and health-related lifestyles according to the mother's lifestyles of health and sustainability (LOHAS). The subjects were 580 children. Mother's LOHAS attitude index was 66.85 points and 100 points was a perfect score. The mother's high LOHAS attitude items that children perceived were "My mother often communicates with the family"(3.99 points) and "My mother thinks that the family's health is more important than her health"(3.93 points). In contrast, the LOHAS attitude items for "My mother does community service activity on weekends"(2.78 points), and "My mother participates in environmental protection service activity for the local community"(2.78 points) were very low. The high LOHAS behavior index of mothers was "resource saving", whereas "social welfare" scored low. When self-perceived health status and monthly income of children was high, the mother's LOHAS score was high. The LOHAS attitude index of mothers had a meaningful impact on the children's dietary quality, dietary habits, food behavior and health-related lifestyles. The most frequent food behavior variables were "high skipping rate", "frequency of snacks is 2~4 times per week", "speed of eating is rapid", and 'meals' amount is sufficient. The highest daily life habits item was "I try to maintain a pleasant and enjoyable life style"(3.42 points). The highest nutrient intake attitude score was "I tend to eat rice everyday."(3.41 points). They were highly recognized with "moderate physical activity", "high exercise preference", "positive posture exercise", "exercise <2 days per week", and "over 30 minutes exercise time per day" for the exercise performance status items. It was verified that the higher mother's LOHAS lifestyle score is, the higher children's food behavior, daily life habits, nutrient intake, exercise performance state score are.

마산.창원지역 대학생의 거주형태에 따른 편의식품 이용 실태 (A Study on Consumption of Convenience Foods of University Students by Residing Types in Changwon and Masan Area)

  • 이경아;조은정;윤현숙
    • 대한영양사협회학술지
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.279-290
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the dietary habits and the consumption patterns of convenience foods by university students according to where they reside. The subjects were 572 university students in Changwon and Masan who were divided into three groups by their residential type; students living with their parents (n=297), self-boarding students (n=139), and students living in a dormitory (n=136). This survey was conducted using a self-administered questionnaire. Among all students, 22.4% skipped breakfast, and the major reason was lack of time (38.1%). Convenience food intake at lunch was 39.1%, and that of snacks was 35.4%. In particular, convenience food intake at lunch was 45.9% for students living with their parents, 30.9% for those self-boarding, and 32.6% for those living in a dormitory (P<0.01). Approximately 66% of the students said that the reason they bought convenience food was that it was easy to cook. Those who were residents of a house (P<0.001) believed that nutritional imbalance was a problem with convenience food. The students who lived in the dormitory ate frozen fried pilaff (P<0.01), canned vegetables (P<0.05), packed kimchi (P<0.001), and Ramyon cups (P<0.001) more, while the self-boarding students ate Ramyon (P<0.05) more. The results suggest that it is necessary to educate people how to buy reasonably by understanding the interrelationship between convenience food and health care and by checking the nutrition index label on convenience foods.

충청지역 일부 대학생의 코로나-19 이후 식생활 변화, 가정간편식과 배달음식 이용 실태 (Change of dietary habits and the use of home meal replacement and delivered foods due to COVID-19 among college students in Chungcheong province, Korea)

  • 김미현;연지영
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제54권4호
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    • pp.383-397
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    • 2021
  • 충청지역 소재 대학에 재학 중인 남녀 대학생 460명을 대상으로 2020년 12월에 학업방식과 식생활 실태에 대한 조사를 통해 코로나-19로 인한 대학생의 식생활 문제를 제시하고자 하였다. 조사 항목은 일반사항, 비대면 수업 실태, 최근 6개월 동안의 신체활동 및 체중변화, 식습관 (코로나-19 발생 전·후의 식습관 변화, 가정간편식 및 배달음식의 이용 실태)으로 구성하였다. 연구대상자가 재학 중인 대학교의 소재지는 '시'의 비율이 69.4%였으며, 주요 거주지는 '가족과 함께 자택'이 59.1%로 가장 높았다. 주된 수업참여 방식은 '70.0% 이상 비대면'이 40.4%, '100% 비대면'이 40.2%로 나타났고, 수업을 수강한 장소는 97.6%가 '집이나 기숙사의 자기 공간(방)'이었다. 최근 6개월 동안의 신체활동 변화는 전체 연구대상자의 52.8%가 신체활동이 감소한 것으로 응답하였고, 체중변화는 남학생의 47.8%가 체중 증가로 나타나 여학생의 32.2%에 비해 높았다 (p < 0.01). 가정간편식의 이용 빈도 분석결과, 코로나-19 발생 전에는 '주 1~2회/한 달에 2~3회/한 달에 1회 이하'로 응답한 비율이 남학생 62.7%, 여학생 69.6%로 높았던 반면, 코로나-19 발생 후에는 '주 3-4회/주 5-6회/하루 1회 이상'으로 응답한 비율이 남학생 57.4%, 여학생 46.7%로 높게 나타나 코로나-19 발생 후 가정간편식의 이용 빈도가 증가한 것으로 나타났다 (p < 0.05, p < 0.001). 배달음식의 이용 빈도는 여학생의 경우 코로나-19 발생 전 '한 달에 2-3회/한 달에 1회 이하'로 응답한 비율이 58.3%로 높았던 반면, 코로나-19 발생 후에는 '주 1-2회/주3-4회/주 5-6회/하루 1회 이상'으로 응답한 비율이 64.6%로 높게 나타났다 (p < 0.001). 코로나-19로 인해 비대면 수업이 진행되면서 식습관에 미친 부정적인 변화로는 '불규칙한 식사' (56.7%)의 비율이 가장 높았으며, '배달음식 섭취 증가' (42.2%), '간식 섭취 증가' (33.3%), 'HMR과 같은 가공식품 섭취 증가' (30.4%)의 순으로 나타났다. 대상자가 경험한 긍정적인 식습관의 변화로는 '음주빈도 감소'가 33.9%로 가장 높았고, '외식 빈도 감소' (26.1%), '직접 조리 증가' (24.4%)로 나타났다. 이상의 결과에서 대학생들은 코로나-19로 인해 비대면 수업 참여 비율이 높았고, 이 시기 동안 대학생들은 활동량 감소와 체중 증가, 불규칙한 식생활, 가공식품·배달음식·간식 섭취 증가와 같은 바람직하지 못한 식습관 문제의 증가를 경험하였다. 따라서 코로나-19로 인해 제한된 외부 활동과 식생활의 변화로 나타날 수 있는 대학생의 건강과 영양문제의 예방과 관리를 위한 영양교육과 정책적 지원의 필요성이 높은 것으로 사료된다.

다양한 식사섭취 조사방법을 활용한 비만 초등학생의 식생활 실태 분석 (Analysis of the diet of obese elementary school students using various dietary intake survey methods)

  • 윤혜빈;송진선;한영신;이경아
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제56권1호
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    • pp.97-111
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    • 2023
  • COVID-19로 인한 사회적 거리 두기 실천으로 소아 비만 증가하였고 비만 학생 대상 영양교육 및 상담의 필요성이 증가하고 있다. 이에 비만 초등학생의 식생활 문제점을 분석하여 비만 개선을 위한 영양교육 및 영양상담 시 활용할 수 있는 기초자료를 제공하고자 하였다. 본 연구는 2020년 부산시교육청 주관 영양캠프에 참여한 초등학생 4-6학년 88명을 대상으로 사진 활용 24시간 식사기록, 한 달 간의 식품섭취빈도 조사, DST 식습관 조사를 활용하여 식생활 실태를 분석하였다. 조사 대상자는 남학생 46.6%, 여학생 53.4%로 정상체중군 15.7%, 과체 중군 30.3%, 비만군 53.9%이다. 조사대상자의 평균 연령은 11.77 ± 0.77세, 평균 신장은 147.44 ± 8.08 cm, 평균 체중은 53.47 ± 1.56 kg, 평균 체질량지수는 23.96 ± 3.01 kg/m2 이었다. 사진활용 24시간 식사기록 조사 결과, 과체중군과 비만군이 정상체중군보다 녹색 채소류 (p < 0.001)와 흰색 채소류 (p < 0.01)의 섭취가 적었으며, 한 달 간의 식품섭취빈도 조사를 식품군으로 묶어 조사한 결과에서는 어패류 (p < 0.01)와 녹색 채소류 (p < 0.05)의 섭취빈도가 낮아 유의한 차이를 보였으며, 81가지 식품을 나누어 분석한 결과에서는 비만군이 정상체중군보다 라면 (p < 0.01)과 스넥과자류 (p < 0.05)의 섭취빈도가 높고 비만군이 정상체중군과 과체중군보다 탄산음료 (p < 0.01), 햄, 소시지 (p < 0.05)의 섭취빈도가 높은 반면, 과체중군과 비만군이 정상 체중군보다 멸치 (p < 0.05)와 브로콜리 (p < 0.05), 단호박 (p < 0.05)의 섭취가 낮아 유의한 차이를 보였다. DST 식습관 조사를 비교한 결과, 과체중군과 비만군이 정상체중군보다 채소류 (p < 0.01) 섭취가 낮은 반면, 유제품 (p < 0.05)과 단 간식 (p < 0.05) 섭취가 높게 나타나 유의한 차이를 보였다. 이상의 결과는 비만 아동의 문제를 해결하기 위해 다양한 방법을 활용하여 식생활 문제를 평가하고 개인 문제에 맞는 해결 방법으로 접근해야 함을 시사한다.

일부(一部) 고소득(高所得) 아파트 단지내(團地內) 유치원(幼稚園) 어린이의 성장발육(成長發育) 및 영양(營養)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (The Dietary Status of Kindergarten Child from a High Socioeconomic Apartment Compound in Seoul)

  • 현화진;모수미
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 1980
  • A dietary survey of 100 children, aged 5 to 6, of Y.C. Kindergarten located in Yowido apartment compound of Seoul, was conducted July 18 to August 21, 1979. The results are summarized as follows: General family environment: Ninety four percent of the subjects were from families having two to three children, without grandparents in the home. One hundred percent of fathers were educated at or above the college level, while 83.9% of mothers had completed college. Mothers' ages ranged from 30 to 40 years, with 58% in the $31{\sim}35$ age bracket. Nearly 60% of the fathers were office and government employees, 10% were professors and teachers, 30% were engaged in businesses and other work, while 91.3% of mothers were unemployed. Anthropometric measurements: Mean values of standing height, body weight, girth of head and girth of chest, ranged from the 75th to the 90th percentile of Korean standards. None of the subjects had anthropometric indicators below the 5th percentile, representing the malnutrition borderline, of the Korean standards; while 12%, 24%, 17% and 14% of subjects supposed the 97th percentile in standing height, body weight, girth of head, and girth of chest, respectively. Furthermore, 58% of subjects exceeded Jelliffe's standard in arm circumferences; 60%, in triceps skinfold thickness; and 14.5% of subjects exceeded 120% of the latter standard. From this data, a certain number of these children were judged to he rather overweight. Dietary intake: Mean intake per day of energy and of nutrients, excluding iron, reached or exceeded Korean recommended dietary allowances. The energy input ratio of carbohydrate: protein: fat was 61.4 : 13.2 : 25.4, showing lower dependance on carbohydrates and higher dependance on fat for energy needs, compared with the average for Korean children of the same age group. Mean FAO-protein score of each subject's diet was shown to be as high as 90.6. Energy intake was divided among breakfast, lunch, and evening meal, on the average, in a ratio of 19.6 : 24.1 : 23.0. Approximately 33.3% of the daily caloric intake came from the snacks. Nutrition Knowledge of mothers: Nutrition knowledge of mothers was highly scored. Mothers' self-evaluations of their knowledge of nutrition was highly correlated with attitudes toward nutrition behavior.

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모발의 아연과 납 합량 : 학령 전 아동의 영양소 섭취 상태와 신장 및 체중과의 관계 (Hair Zinc and Lead: Relationship to Nutrient Intake and Height and Body Weight in Korean Preschool Children)

  • 박현서;신경옥
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제37권3호
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    • pp.193-201
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    • 2004
  • The objective was to evaluate the factors influencing on the growth of children aged 3 - 6 years by mini dietary assessment and anthropometric indices in 556 children and by analyzing mineral contents of hair from 273 children by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The mean concentration of zinc (Zn) in hair was 68.9 $\pm$ 31.1 ppm and the zinc level of 91 % children was less than 60% of the reference value of 180 ppm. The mean content of lead (Pb) in hair was 1.76 $\pm$ 1.20 ppm, but only 67% of 273 children was within the reference value of 2 ppm and the lead level of 33% of children was 2 - 4 times higher than the reference value. The level of Zn was negatively correlated with Pb content (r = -0.305, p 〈 0.01). Hair Zn content, regardless of age, was significantly positively correlated with height (r = 0.214) and body weight (r = 0.159). The height of 95.3% children was belonged to the normal range of 90 - 109.9% of standard value and the body weight of 49.8% children was in the range of 90 - 109.9% of standard value. However, 8.1 % children was overweighted (110 - 119.9% of standard) and 9.4% children was obese (120 - 149.9% of standard) and 0.9% children was severe obese (〉 150%) which resulted in total 10.3% obese. Contrary to our expectation, 32.8% children was underweight (70 - 89.9% of standard) and 36% of the underweight children showed the low content of zinc (10 - 49 ppm) in hair. There was no significant correlation between dietary intake of Zn and hair Zn content. Hair Zn content was low even though children consumed greater than 75% of their requirement for zinc. Regardless of dietary intake of Zn, hair Zn level was rather negatively correlated to the content of Pb in hair. 38.8% children had an unbalanced diet which resulted in lower intake of calorie, Ca, Zn, vitamin B$_2$ compared with those consuming variety of foods. Therefore, it would be needed that new approach for nutrition education to improve eating habit having the unbalanced diet in preschool children. It might be also suggested to develop new food products to complement the nutrients of Zn, Ca, Fe as snacks or dietary supplement for Korean preschool children.

유병기간에 따른 한국인 파킨슨병 환자의 영양소 섭취 상태 및 식사의 질에 관한 연구 (Nutrients Intake and Dietary Quality of Korean Parkinson's Disease Patients According to the Duration of Disease)

  • 이주연;안태범;전범석;김윤영;조여원
    • 대한지역사회영양학회지
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    • 제13권4호
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    • pp.582-591
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    • 2008
  • Both genetic and environmental factors play important roles in the pathogenesis of Parkinson Disease(PD). The contribution of many environmental factors including dietary factor remains unproven. The purpose the study was to investigate the dietary habits, nutrient intake and dietary quality of Korean PD patients according to the duration of disease. PD patients were recruited from K and S university hospitals from May 2005 to January 2006. This study was carried out after approval by the Institute Review Board(IRB). British Brain Bank criteria was used to diagnose PD. The subjects were classified into 2 groups based on the duration of PD: <25 months and $\geq$25 months groups. General characteristics, anthropometric measurements, food habits and dietary intakes were investigated. The results of this study were as follows: 1) The mean age of <25 months group($66.9{\pm}8.0$ yr) was significantly higher than that of $\geq$25 months group($62.2{\pm}8.8$ yr)(p<0.05). No significant differences were found for academic background, occupation, living status and social activity, however, numbers of diseases, exercise and family history of PD were significantly different. 2) Anthropometric measurements were not different between the two groups. 3) The frequency of taking snacks was significantly higher in <25 months group and the amounts of alcohol consumption were significantly higher in $\geq$25 months group. 4) Daily intakes of most nutrients were very low compared with DRI. 5) The MAR score was significantly lower in <25 months group(p<0.05;) however, the scores of DVS, DDS and DQI were not significantly different. As a conclusion an overall nutrient intake and dietary quality of the Parkinson's Disease patients need to be improved regardless of duration of the disease and a well-balanced diet should be emphasized.

남제주군 학교급식대상 초.중등학생의 음식 기호와 영양소 섭취량의 비교 (Comparisons of Food Preference and Nutrient Intake of Students of Elementary School and Middle School Providing School Food Service in Nam Jeju Gun)

  • 박명희;최영선;김연주
    • 대한영양사협회학술지
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    • 제8권4호
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    • pp.342-358
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate differences of food preference and nutrient intake of students between elementary school and middle school in the same area and to provide data for better school food service. The subjects were 486 students, third to sixth grade of 3 elementary schools and first to second grade of 1 middle school in Nam jeju gun, Jeju, and the survey was conducted during June 1999. Food preference was assessed using questionnaires and 24-hour food intake was assessed using dietary record method. Data of weight and height were obtained from annual physical examination conducted at schools in May 1999. All the variables were compared among 3 groups in each gender: third and fourth grade elementary school(ES3,4), fifth and sixth grade elementary school(ES5,6), and first and second grade middle school(MS1,2). The results were summarized as follows. The average height, weight and BMI for the 3th grade boys in elementary schools met the national averages, but those of the others are below the national averages. Although general pattern of food preference looked similar among groups, food preference scores were significantly different among groups in 38 kinds foods for boys, and 27 kinds of foods for girls. MS1,2 group showed significantly lower food preference scores for most of foods as compared to those of ES3,4 and ES5,6 in both genders. Students of higher grade took more starch foods such as instant noodle, stewed rice cake and snacks. Average energy intakes of all the groups except MS1,2 girls were lower than recommended dietary allowances(RDA), and average intakes of protein, vitamins B1 and C met RDA, but the other nutrients were taken less than RDA and especially the intakes of iron, calcium and vitamins B2 were poor. Most of nutrients taken by school food service meal provided a major proportion of intakes. In conclusion, students of middle school were more particular about their foods served at school food service and marked lower food preference score than elementary school children and more conscious about their weight and appearance. These points should be reflected in planning food service menu at middle school.

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대전지역 일부 대학생의 영양소 섭취상태 식사의 질과 식습관에 있어서 남녀의 차이에 관한 연구 (The Comparison in Daily Intake of Nutrients, Quality of Diets and Dietary Habits between Male and Female College Students in Daejeon)

  • 이미숙;곽충실
    • 대한지역사회영양학회지
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.39-51
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    • 2006
  • This study was conducted to investigate the differences in daily nutrient intakes, dietary habits and nutrition knowledge between male and female college students. Male undergraduate students 004 subjects) and female undergraduate students (229 subjects) , enrolled at H University in Daejeon, were recruited for this study. The mean age of the subjects was 22.9 year in male and 20.4 year in female students. Daily intakes of energy and nutrients were calculated from the records of one day of dietary food intakes by 24-hour recall method, and general information, dietary habits and attitudes, food intake frequency and food preferences and knowledge for food and nutrition were surveyed through a questionnaire. About $70.1\%$ of male and $66.1\%$ of female students were in the normal range of BMI (18.5 - 23), and $25.2\%$ of male students were over-weighted in contrast to $27.7\%$ of female students were underweight. Males and females were taking $77.2\%$ and $77.9\%$ of RDA for energy, respectively, and $54.8\%$ of male and $48.0\%$ of female students were taking energy under $75\%$ of RDA. Many of them showed deficient intakes of calcium, iron, vitamin A and riboflavin. Average of MAR was 0.75 in male and 0.72 in female students. NAR for calcium, iron, vitamin A and riboflavin in male students were 0.55, 0.69,0.75 and 0.61, respectively, compared to 0.53, 0.51, 0.70 and 0.67 in female students. The nutrients, which have INQ less than 1, were calcium and riboflavin in male, compared to calcium, iron, and riboflavin in female students. There were no gender differences in meal regularity and meal skipping rates, but female students showed higher rates of skipping dinner than males (p < 0.001) About $50.8\%$ of female students were ingesting snacks 1 - 2 time/day, compared to $27.1\%$ of male students. For the food intake frequency, fruit group was significantly eating more for female than male students (p< 0.001) Though female students got higher scores for nutritional knowledge test (p < 0.001) than male students, they did not show better dietary habits or dietary attitudes than male students actually. Therefore, a more active and actual education program accustomed to the different genders and ages with focus on real changing of dietary behaviors needs to be developed and run in schools and local departments.

20대 성인의 과체중 식생활 패턴과 간이평가표 개발 (Development of a Simple Evaluation Questionnaire for Screening the Dietary Patterns of Overweight Young Adults)

  • 박영숙;이정원
    • 대한지역사회영양학회지
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    • 제7권5호
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    • pp.675-685
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    • 2002
  • A study was performed to develop as a screening tool, the Simple Evaluation Questionnaire for screening Overweight Dietary Patterns in people in their 20's. We used the data from the 20 to 29 year old subjects who participated in the three surveys: the health behavior survey, the dietary habit survey and the food intake survey - as part of the National Health and Nutrition Survey of 1998. The 1,493 adults were classified into two body fatness groups, that of normal (including the underweight) , and the overweight (including the obese) on the basis of their relative body weight (RBW). When comparing general variables between the two groups, significant differences (11 variables) were found in gender, sadness/depression state, stress level, age, number of diseases, age when overweightedness started, maximum body weight, sleep length, presently a smoker, everyday smoking habits, number of alcoholic drinks in the past month, and the number of alcoholic drinks when dunk, as well as snacking frequency and fatty food consumption. There were significant differences between the two groups in the three variables of daily soup/kuk, pan fried fish/meat/poultry and cooked fish paste/ham/dried squid in terms of cooked food intake, and 11 variables of food size, cooked rice, stews, vegetables and kimchi at breakfast, panfried foods and beverage/teas at lunch, cooked rice and stews (liquid) at dinner, cooked fish paste/ham/dried squid at snacks and cooked fishpaste/ham/dried squid at snack between lunch and dinner. In terms of raw food intake, we observed significant differences (8 variables) in daily food intake and grains, grains/vegetables/fishes (shellfish) at breakfast, meat at lunch and milt at snack after dinner. After developing questions with indicators and analyzing the indicators by logistic regression analysis using 34 variables, including these 33, plus eating-out frequency, we chose 10 questions for the simple evaluation of dietary patterns for the overweight category, in order to give each one point each. Among them we assigned an additional point to one question and two points to another question. The average scores of the overweight and normal groups, as shown by the questionnaire developed, were 5.97 $\pm$ 2.36 and 7.36 $\pm$ 2.21, respectively. A score of seven points was selected as the cut-off point. We examined the sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive value of the questionnaire to the results of 49.3%,75.4% and 68.8%, respectively. The total score categorized as an overweight dietary pattern was 30.2%.