• 제목/요약/키워드: intake intention

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여대생에 있어서 흡연양상과 흡연이 영양섭취 및 식습관에 미치는 영향 : 서울시내 여자대학생을 중심으로 (A Study on Nutrient Intake and Food Habits influenced by Smoking for Female College Students in Seoul)

  • 송미숙
    • 보건교육건강증진학회지
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.71-94
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    • 1987
  • Aiming to investigate nutrient intake and food habits influenced by smoking for female college students in Seoul, the questionnaire survey for 763 students was carried out. The results of the survey was summarized as follows: 1. 9.7% of students were found as the current smokers and 18.9% of students had experienced of smoking, however stopped smoking at present(experienced smokers) respectively. 2. In the current smokers, they started smoking with friends at the first (58.9%), alone (27.4%), and with seniors (11.0%) respectively. The psychological frustration (52.2%), curiosity (28.4%) respectively motivated smoking behavior at the beginning. The most had smoking usually at the entertaining place such as restaurant. Only 6.4% of current smokers consumed more than 10 cigarettes daily, and 55% of current smokers inhaled deeply into the lung while they smoked. Even 26% of current smokers explained their intention of not smoking after marriage, and also about 95% of current smokers explained to stop smoking in the case of pregnancy. 3. It was found as the fact that the school age, economic status, and parental smoking affected their prevalence of cigarette smoking. The higher their schoolage, the higher smoking showed; the more their money spent and the lower father smoking showed ; the more their money spent and the lower father's educational level, the higher smoking showed; the more drink, the higher smoking showed. 4. The value evaluation of cigarette smoking also affected the prevalence of cigarette smoking. Of the students recognized advantageous parts of smoking, the prevalence of cigarette smoking was higher. 5. Logistic regression analysis was to determine the most effective factor which determined prevalence of cigarette smoking. The most effective factor was value evaluation of cigarette smoking. The order of effective factors was health value of cigarette smoking, their drinking capacity and the value evaluation of change in body weight due to smoking and smoking's advantages. 6. Cigarette smoking showed signs of affecting to food habits. In the case of smoking, the missing rate of taking regular meals was higher, and the frequency rate of taking regular meals was lower. Also, smokers took meals less regularly. Even the smokers took less candy than non-smokers, however, smokers liked to take more coffee, alcohol, and hot tasting food than non-smokers. 7. Smoking seemed to affect the nutritional status. It was found that smokers took many kinds of nutrients insufficiently, therefore their calory intake by age was not reached to RDA.

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Customers' perception of the attributes of different formats of menu labeling: a comparison between Korea and the U.S.

  • Bosselman, Robert;Choi, Hyung-Min;Lee, Keum Sil;Kim, Eojina;Cha, Jaebin;Jeong, Jin-Yi;Jo, Mina;Ham, Sunny
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • 제14권3호
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    • pp.286-297
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    • 2020
  • BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: This study compared the perception of customers from Korea and the U.S. on the attributes of different formats of menu labeling The specific objectives were 1) to compare the customers' perceived usefulness, ease-of-understanding, clarity, and attractiveness of different formats of menu labeling between Korea and the U.S.; and 2) to compare the customers' use intention to different formats of menu labeling between Korea and the U.S. SUBJECTS/METHODS: A survey was conducted in Korea and the U.S. The participants were allocated randomly to view 1 of the 7 restaurant menus that varied according to the following types of menu labeling formats: (type 1) kcal format, (type 2) traffic-light format, (type 3) percent daily intake (%DI) format, (type 4) kcal + traffic-light format, (type 5) kcal + %DI format, (type 6) traffic-light + %DI format, and (type 7) kcal + traffic-light + %DI format. A total of 279 Koreans and 347 Americans were entered in the analysis. An independent t-test and 1-way analysis of variance were performed. RESULTS: Koreans rated type 4 format (kcal + traffic light) the highest for usefulness and attractiveness. In contrast, Americans rated type 7 (kcal + traffic light + %DI) the highest for usefulness, ease-of-understanding, attractiveness, and clarity. Significant differences were found in the customers' perceived attributes to menu labeling between Korea and the U.S. Americans perceived higher for all the 4 attributes of menu labeling than Koreans. CONCLUSIONS: The study is unique in identifying the differences in the attributes of different formats of menu labeling between Korea and the U.S. Americans rated the most complicated type of menu labeling as the highest perception for the attributes, and showed a higher use intention of menu labeling than Koreans. This study contributes to academia and industry for practicing menu labeling in different countries using different formats.

A randomized controlled trial of an individualized nutrition counseling program matched with a transtheoretical model for overweight and obese females in Thailand

  • Karintrakul, Sasipha;Angkatavanich, Jongjit
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • 제11권4호
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    • pp.319-326
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    • 2017
  • BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVE: Effective weight reduction remains a challenge throughout the world as the prevalence of obesity and its consequences are increasing. This study aimed to determine the effects of an individualized nutrition counseling program (IC) matched with a transtheoretical model (TTM) for overweight and obese subjects. SUBJECTS/METHODS: Fifty overweight and obese subjects aged 19-60 years with a body mass index ${\geq}23kg/m^2$ were enrolled in the weight reduction study. They were randomized into two groups: Intervention group received an IC matched with a TTM; control group received an educational handbook. Body weight (BW), body fat (BF), waist circumference (WC), waist to height ratio (WHtR), stages of change (SOC), processes of change (POC), food intake, and physical activity (PA) were assessed at baseline and at 4, 8, and 12 weeks after program initiation in both groups. All data were analyzed by intention-to-treat, using SPSS software for hypothesis testing. RESULTS: Forty-five female subjects were included in the 12-week trial at Ramkhamhaeng Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand. The results showed significant weight loss ($1.98{\pm}1.75kg$; 3% loss of initial weight) in the intervention group at 12 weeks, compared to a $0.17{\pm}1.67kg$ loss in the control group. There were significant differences between intervention and control groups in BF mass ($-1.68{\pm}1.78$, $-0.04{\pm}1.62kg$); percentage BF ($-1.54{\pm}2.11$, $0.08{\pm}2.05$); WC ($-5.35{\pm}3.84$, $0.13{\pm}3.23cm$); WHtR ($-0.0336{\pm}0.02$, $-0.0004{\pm}0.02$), and energy consumption ($-405.09{\pm}431.31$, $-74.92{\pm}499.54kcal/day$) in the intervention and control groups, respectively. Intragroup SOC was improved in both groups. The POC for the weight management action (WMA) process was significantly different with POC scores increasing by $16.00{\pm}11.73$ and $7.74{\pm}14.97$ in the intervention and the control groups, respectively. PA level did not change in either group. CONCLUSIONS: The IC matched with a TTM resulted in reductions in BW, BF, and WC, thus reducing likely health risks by decreasing energy intake and inducing positive behavior changes while enhancing the WMA process.

당뇨병 환자의 건강기능식품에 대한 이용 실태 및 주관적인 인식에 관한 조사 (A Study on Status and Subjective Recognition of Functional Foods Among Diabetic Patients)

  • 박영미;손정민;장학철
    • 대한영양사협회학술지
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.216-222
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    • 2005
  • In Korea, there are many kinds of functional foods to manage diabetes, however, they have not been evaluated or investigated systematically. The purpose of this study was to investigate the status of recognition and intake of functional foods among diabetic patients. The study subjects were 307 patients(male 135, female 172), who diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at Seoul National University of Bundang Hospital. Questionnaire survey was done from July to October, 2004 for the characteristics of patients and factors related to the use of functional foods. The mean age of the subjects was 64$\pm$10.2 years, and the mean duration of disease was 9.5$\pm$8.90 years. Approximately 49.8% of the subjects had experience to use functional foods at least once in past. Total number of functional foods used were 56 types. Red ginseng was used most frequently(27.9%), then followed by Silkworm powder(13.6%), Vitamin supplements(10.4%), Mulberry tree(7.1%), Cordyceps sinensis(6.8%) and Ginseng(4.2%). Functional foods were introduced by their friends.relatives(38.4%), family(29.1%), internet(13.9%), and the mass media(10.6%). Among respondents, 94.7% took functional foods with conventional diet therapies(diet, exercise and medication). The purpose of functional food use was to control blood glucose level(49.0%), to relieve fatigue and improve stamina(19.9%), to treat and prevent a disease(17.2%) and to help blood circulation(7.9%). Upon the question of further recommendation of functional foods to others, 74.8% of the subjects answered negative response. However, 12.6% of the subjects showed the further intention of using new product. Therefore, to guide the appropriate use of functional foods for diabetic patients, diabetic educator should provide the knowledge of the efficacy of functional foods and the desirable guidelines.

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인천지역 일부 여중생의 비만도에 따른 섭식장애경향과 식습관의 비교 (Comparisons of Dietary Habits and Eating Disorder by Obesity Index on One of Middle School Girls in Incheon)

  • 이효정;이승교;원향례
    • 한국지역사회생활과학회지
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.157-169
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    • 2008
  • On the general trends of weight control for slimness, this study surveyed and compared eating attitude influenced by eating disorder, eating habits, and nutrition knowledge by obesity index in middle school girls. The purpose of this study was to investigate the eating disorders and eating habits, and analyzed these data by degree of obesity. This will provide basic information of nutrition education for adolescents who need to have proper body shape and dieting habits. This survey was conducted to one of girls' middle school in Incheon and all the data was analysed by SAS(Statistical Analysis System) program. The average height, weight and PIBW were 158.7cm, 48.2kg, and 93.9% in students. However, 50.8% of students were underweight or severely underweight. Most of female students perceived that they were normal or overweight even though they had underweight or normal. There was a significant difference in experience and intention of weight control by degree of obesity. In the overweight group, EAT-26 score tendency was high, especially preoccupation with losing weight(factor 1). It shows that obesity index had meaningful correlation with EAT-26 score and factor1. In dietary habit, overweight group showed more irregular meals tendency, and overeat frequently. On the other hand, this group had lower frequency and of smaller amount snacks. The intake frequency of meals and snacks showed in the affirmative way regardless of degree of obesity. The average score for nutrition knowledge about calorie and weight control was low. Correct answer rates were increased in higher overweight group. In conclusion, teenage girls who concerned too much about their slim body image need to be educated about accuracy concept of the body image. Also, practical and systematic nutrition education should be done for the correct nutrition knowledge and its application ability of individuals.

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김치에 대한 중국 산동성 지역 성인의 기호도 조사 (A Survey on Chinese's Preference for Korean Kimchi in Shandong Province)

  • 장향매;남은숙;박신인
    • 한국식품영양학회지
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.29-40
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    • 2009
  • This study investigates the preferences Chinese have of Korean Kimchi and improvements for Chinese market adaptation of Kimchi through a survey. The questionnaire was conducted on 298 Chinese(108 males, 190 females) residing in Weihai, Yantai and Qingdao in Shandong province. The questionnaire form was developed and used for self-administration. The collected data were analyzed by SAS package. Among the subjects, 88.9% had experienced eating Kimchi and 58.8% liked Kimchi. The preference of Kimchi was significantly higher among males, workers, persons who had visited Korea, and persons interested in Korea compared to females, university students, persons who hadn't visited Korea, and persons with no interest in Korea. The reasons for liking Kimchi, in order of popularity, were for its 'refreshing taste'(64.9%), 'spicy taste'(57.7%), 'chewy texture'(47.2%), and 'sour taste'(35.1%). The reasons for disliking Kimchi were for its 'smell'(19.6%), 'sour taste'(16.2%), 'salty taste'(14.3%), and 'appearance'(8.7%). Of those surveyed, 97.6% had a positive opinion of Kimchi intake in the future. The intention of future consumption of Kimchi was significantly higher in females than males. The type of Kimchi wanted by Chinese was 'less seasoning'(53.4%), 'less spicy'(46.0%), 'sweeter taste'(39.3%), 'less salty'(37.2%), and 'no fish-like smell'(35.6%). Improvements for increasing Chinese Kimchi consumption were 'development of Kimchi according to Chinese preference'(81.2%), 'improvement of sanitation'(73.5%), 'decrease in the sale price of Kimchi'(72.8%), and 'convenient place for the purchase of Kimchi'(63.8%).

일부지역 남자고등학생의 구강보건인식과 구강보건교육에 관한 연구 (A study on the oral health recognition and oral health education for man high school students)

  • 유미선;구경미;김윤정
    • 한국치위생학회지
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.89-98
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    • 2009
  • This study did question, and got following conclusion to ready necessary basic data to develop school oral health educational programs because grasp 388 man high school students in Jeolla-bukdo Namwon per June, 2008 realization about oral health and oral health education actual conditions. 1. Students of 56.7% recognized own oral health as is not healthy in realization about subjective oral health, and students of 72.2% were interested in oral health, and was recognizing oral fitness by important health problems. 2. Oral health realization by class was significant difference in toothbrushing reason, cause of dental caries, cause of periodontal disease. Students who respond that know adjusted water fluoridation did only for 10.3%, and it was 43.0% of students who responded that students of 57.0% do toothbrushing because of draft cleanliness, and responds that cause of dental caries is food dregs. 3. Responded that 87.1% is right toothbrushing by oral disease preservative, and next time was on-time oral medical examination 79.4%, smoking resection 58.5%, sugar intake limitation 55.4% round. 4. Students, who oral health education by interest degree of oral health is interested in oral health, is oral health educational experience and the need rate, participation intention was high when educate.

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Comparison of sweetness preference and motivational factors between Korean and Japanese children

  • Takemi, Yukari;Woo, Taejung
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제50권1호
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: This study was performed to examine motivational factors affecting sweetness preference in Korean and Japanese children. We identified meaningful variables that could be targeted to nutrition education interventions designed to overcome innate barriers and reduce sweetness preference and sweet food intake in Korean and Japanese children. Methods: Questionnaire surveys and sweetness preference test were conducted to examine variables affecting behavioral intention (BI) regarding sweetness preference. Questionnaire variables were based on the theory of planned behavior. Participants were recruited from one urban school from each country. In total, 166 children (mean age: 8.4 years) and their guardians (n = 166) participated in the study. A trained research assistant provided all children with personal guidance regarding completion of the sweetness preference test and survey questionnaire at school. The data were analyzed using Pearson's correlation coefficients, t tests, repeated measure ANOVA, and stepwise multiple regression analysis (significance level: p < 0.05). Results: Perceived behavioral control (PBC) and parenting practice were significantly associated with BI in both groups. Motivation to comply affected BI only in Japanese children, whereas affective attitude was associated with BI only in Korean children. In predicting sweetness preference, BI was associated only in Japanese children, whereas sweets consumption frequency had a significant effect in Korean children. Conclusion: The study shows similarities and differences in motivational factors, which could be considered when developing nutrition education programs in Korea and Japan. PBC and parenting practice were common factors in predicting BI. In predicting sweetness preference, BI had a significant effect on Japanese children, whereas sweets consumption frequency was the greatest contributor in Korean children.

RE-AIM 프레임워크를 이용한 프로그램 평가: 체계적 고찰과 어린이 대상 건강증진 프로그램 평가 (Program Evaluation using the RE-AIM Framework: A Systematic Review and Application to a Pilot Health Promotion Program for Children)

  • 이지은;심재은;김기랑;강재헌;황지윤
    • 대한지역사회영양학회지
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    • 제27권4호
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    • pp.296-308
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    • 2022
  • Objectives: This study aimed to develop evaluation criteria for the elementary-school-based health promotion program using the RE-AIM framework and to examine their feasibility. Methods: Previous evaluation studies on health interventions for elementary-school students using the RE-AIM framework were reviewed systematically to identify appropriate evaluation criteria. A diet and physical activity intervention based on the transtheoretical model was implemented in a pilot study using the "Happy Me" application. The feasibility of using the RE-AIM framework to evaluate it was examined. Results: The review yielded the following evaluation criteria: "reach," the ratio of participants out of the total target population; "efficacy/effectiveness," the difference in outcomes between the intervention and control groups, or between a pre- and post-test; "adoption," the rate of use of the program and participation in the next stage of the program; "implementation," the progress on the program components; "maintenance," the participants' and teachers' intention to continue using the program. The pilot study reached 76.6% of the targeted population. The intake of sugar-sweetened beverages decreased (P < 0.0001), and the duration of walking increased (P < 0.0001). Other indicators could not be evaluated; therefore, potential indicators were suggested. Conclusions: This study produced feasible evaluation criteria for elementary-school-based health promotion using the RE-AIM framework. Nevertheless, the feasibility needs to be validated with a broader range of studies and long-term interventions.

Lactulose as a potential additive to enhance the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and microbial shedding, and diminish noxious odor emissions in weaning pigs

  • Vetriselvi, Sampath;Jae Hong, Park;Sureshkumar, Shanmugam;In Ho, Kim
    • 농업과학연구
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    • 제48권4호
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    • pp.965-973
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    • 2021
  • The intention of this research is to analyze the effects of lactulose (LAC) supplementation on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, microbial shedding, and fecal noxious gas emissions on weaning pigs in a 42-day trial. Based on the initial body weight and sex, a total of 255 piglets (21 day old) were randomly allocated into one of three dietary treatments with 15 replications and five pigs (two female and three male) per pen. The dietary treatments were as follows: a corn-soybean meal-based basal diet (CON) supplemented with 0, 1, and 2 g·kg-1 of LAC. During phase 1, significant (p < 0.05) increases in the average daily feed intake and average daily gain (ADG) were observed, whereas during phase 2 and overall experimental period, significant improvements (p < 0.05) in the body weight, ADG, and gain to feed ratio were observed in pigs fed a graded level of LAC compared to those fed the CON diet. Additionally, dietary LAC supplementation significantly improved (p < 0.05) the nutrient digestibility dry matter, nitrogen, and gross energy in both phase 1 and phase 2. Moreover, the inclusion of LAC supplementation significantly increased (p < 0.05) the fecal Lactobacillus counts and reduced (p > 0.05) the E. coli counts in pigs. Furthermore, LAC supplementation reduced (p > 0.05) fecal ammonia and hydrogen sulfide gas emissions during phase 2. The results here indicate that the addition of lactulose at 1 g·kg-1 and/or 2 g·kg-1 would be optimal to improve the performance outcomes of weaning piglets.