• Title/Summary/Keyword: instrumental teacher

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A Study of 'Policy Learning' as a Lesson of Education Policy Failure : Focusing on the case of Teacher Incentive Policy (교육정책 실패의 교훈으로서 '정책학습'에 관한 연구 : 교원성과급 정책사례를 중심으로)

  • Song, Kyoung-oh
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.221-233
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    • 2021
  • This study analyzed the contents of changes in educational policy from the perspective of policy learning, based on the awareness of the lack of academic efforts to identify such phenomena despite repeated policy failures in educational policy. To this end, it has been more than 20 years since the policy was established, but it was analyzed using the policy analysis case of the teacher incentive policy, which still had severe conflicts between the government and teacher unions. As a result of the analysis, first, there were 11 changes in the policy content from the Kim Dae-jung administration to the Moon Jae-in administration. Whenever the government was newly launched, not only the contents of the policy for teacher incentives changed, but also the policy changes continued during the same government period. Second, when analyzing what kind of policy learning took place at the stage of change in each government's policy content, most of them were 'political policy learning' or 'instrumental policy learning'. Rather than a fundamental discussion about the goal of the policy, it has only repeated policy learning that adjusts only the ratio of differential payments to defend the teacher incentive policy. In order to recover from this current situation, this study suggests that it is necessary to present an alternative policy that can change the rigid society of teachers through 'social policy learning', which examines the basic values and strategies of teacher incentive policies.

Is It an 'Educational' Activity?: The Case of a High School Biology Laboratory Class

  • Han, Soo-Youn
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.660-673
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    • 2006
  • There have been many attempts to determine the value and the role of school laboratory experiment, but it seems hard to find consensus among these attempts from the perspective of education. This difficulty seems mainly due to disagreement on the concept of education, which has caused an instrumental attitude considering the school laboratory only as a means of developing science or pursuing various functions of school. However, the Endogenous Theory of Education (ETE), which claims education as 'a form of life', has recently paved the way for laboratory experiment to be justified as an opportunity of 'educooperation' allowing students to experience the intrinsic values of education in the medium of science. According to this theory, it is not the detailed practicals but the whole context where the laboratory activity is situated that matters in revealing the inherent educational phenomena. Through this new perspective, I observed two biology laboratory classes in a high school and analyzed the pattern of teacher-student and student-student interactions. Some meaningful educooperation was found in students' chattering, which has been traditionally considered as merely noise in the classroom, rather than in teacher-student interactions. This study discusses the reasons for these findings in detail and culminates in suggesting ways for accentuating the educational aspect of school laboratory activity.

The Study of Comparison on Teaching Methods between a Public education and a Private education (공교육과 사교육에서 교수자의 교수방법 분석)

  • Kim Sook;Whang Woo-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.273-289
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    • 2005
  • This research was implemented to know how mathematics education is performed both in a school and in the private institute based on Skemp' Theory that strongly takes an emphasis on understanding of mathematics principle. On this study, I compare the method of a teacher in a school with in a private institute accompanying the analysis of textbook in teaching. The results are the followings: First, textbooks used in a school and an institute are not helpful for relational understanding of students, and the textbook used in school was more suitable for students than that in institute. Second, in the case of teaching methods, school teacher has focused more relational schema with the students than an private institute institutor, As we said, in school mathematics education is implemented focusing on the understanding of mathematics. According to this, students should to trust public education more than private institute in constructing schema in mathematics learning.

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A case study of assessment items construction through the teacher's training for making up questions utilizing GeoGebra (GeoGebra 활용 문항 출제 연수를 통한 평가 문항 제작 사례 연구)

  • Yang, Seong Hyun;Huh, Nan
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.73-90
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    • 2015
  • When teachers make up assessment questions regarding the content area that contains shapes and graphs, they should present the pictures so that their role might be represented properly. We exhibited the process of constructing shapes and graphs utilizing GeoGebra, and simultaneously analyzed the process of developing and revising questions using this and awareness changes in teachers who participate in the teacher's training focused on improving professionalism for making up questions such as CSAT(College Scholastic Ability Test). Through the survey they mentioned that making questions utilizing algebraic construction overcame the limitations of making up questions and played an instrumental role in developing creative questions. Based on the results, We suggested effectiveness of making up questions utilizing algebraic construction. Our intention was to improve the skills of teachers for making up questions such as CSAT and to suggest implications about it.

A Study on the Relationship between Curriculum Orientations and Professional Teaching Practices of Home Economics Teachers (가정과 교사의 교육과정 방향과 교수행동과의 관련성 연구)

  • 류상희
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.38 no.8
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    • pp.159-168
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    • 2000
  • The purpose in this study is to determine the relationship between the curriculum orientations and professional teaching practices of Korean secondary school home economics teachers for the development of home economics curriculum. The instruments, Individual Curriculum Orientation profile(ICOP) and Professional Teaching Practice(PTP) were used to survey randomly selected 525 home economics leachers. The curriculum orientations explored were academic rationalism, technical, cognitive process, personal relevance, and social reconstruction. The professional teaching practices examined were customary-instrumental, interactive and reflective practices. Using canonical correlation, home economics teacher's teaching practices were found to be significantly related to their curriculum orientations. However, only 17.7% of the variability in professional teaching practices was explained by the five curriculum orientations.

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A Study on Creative Music Drama Teaching Plans for Pre-service Early Childhood Teachers using Piano Ensemble - Focusing on 'Peter & The Wolf' - (피아노앙상블을 활용한 예비유아교사의 창의적 음악극 지도 방안 - 피터와 늑대를 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Joo-Won
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.117-129
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    • 2021
  • Nowadays, the trend of early childhood education has focused on finding educational activities to enhance quality of learning with integrative, learner-centered experience by combining each subject and domain. Pre-service early childhood teacher's music drama activity is a sort of integrated education including literature, instrumental music, play, art and movement that are included in the culture and art for preschoolers to help them understand role and value of the art and directly influence personality and creativity and motive to arouse interest in various learning directly. It's expected to see that development of creative teaching plan for the music drama using piano ensemble could support basic research in integrated educational activity in the teacher training course and also, activate the music drama activity. Research findings and suggestion are as follows. First, the music drama activities are systematically and step-by-step implemented according to the audience according to the cooperative learning and creative plans of pre-service early childhood teachers. Second, if understanding characteristics of casts in the music drama and assigning their roles efficiently, it enhances approach of pre-service early childhood teacher music drama activity and activate it. Third, making music in music drama activities can be composed and arranged to suit the musical literacy and level of pre-service early childhood teacher. Fourth, pre-service early childhood teachers could have integrated experience and evaluation efficiently in the short term to use as reference for the teaching plan and data for the music drama.

Preservice secondary matheamtics teachers' understanding of irrational numbers (예비 중등 교사들의 무리수에 대한 이해)

  • Lee, Sunbi
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.499-518
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the preservice secondary mathematics teachers understanding and dimensions of knowledge about definition of irrational numbers and irrational numbers and operations. I adopted a framework consisting of formal dimensions, intuitive numbers, algorithmic dimentions suggested by Tirosh et al.(1998) by adding instrumental dimension for his study. I surveyed 65 preservice secondary mathematics teachers who are in bachelor program and post-bachelor program for teacher certificate by using a questionnaire suggested by Sirotic and Zazkis(2007). The results of this study suggest that 83.1% of the participants gave correct answers in definitions of irrational numbers. 43% of the preservice secondary teachers gave correct answers in adding with irrational numbers. Also 91% of the preservice teachers gave correct answers in multiplying irrational numbers. The preservice teachers appeared to understand irrational numbers and operations at formal dimension. More than half of the preservice teachers gave incorrect answers in adding irrational numbers and a few participants gave incorrect in multiplying irrational numbers. The preservice teachers seemed to understand irrational numbers and operations at intuitive or instrumental dimension. The results also suggest that the preservice secondary mathematics teachers have incorrect understanding about irrational numbers.

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The Effects of Math Textbook Project Learning(MtPL) on Affective Domain (수학 교과서 프로젝트 학습이 정의적 영역에 미치는 영향)

  • Yoo, Ki Jong;Kim, Chang Il
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.479-501
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    • 2016
  • This study was conducted as a learning project for 20 pre-third graders in high school by means of math textbooks, G+, and sample questions from previous CSAT as learning tools for 9 weeks from Dec. 24, 2015. The purpose of the study was to develop 'math textbook project learning(MtPL)', a mixed learning method combined on-line with off-line, and analyze the effects of MtPL on the affective domain of high school students. As a result of the study, it was found that MtPL had positive effects on self-efficacy and self-confidence of students, while the collaborative learning using a textbook and teacher's role worked as instrumental motivation in mathematics learning. The result also implies that the perception of high school students, who think to resolve more difficult math problems to succeed in CSAT, about mathematics learning method has to be modified. Furthermore, it is shown that the preparation of CSAT by utilizing textbook and the use of textbook in math learning have been worked positively for the students.

Environmental Factors, Types of Bullying Behavior, and Psychological and Behavioral Outcomes for the Bullies (괴롭힘 가해자의 환경적 요인, 괴롭힘 행동유형, 가해자의 심리.행동적 결과에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Myung-Shin
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.51
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    • pp.29-61
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    • 2002
  • This study was designed to find out the determinants of types of bullying behavior, and the effects of types of bullying behavior on the bullies. For this purpose, a hypothetical model which explains the relationships among 6 environmental factors, 5 types of bullying behavior, and 5 outcome variables for the bullies was developed. Using the data collected from 177 junior and high school students who have bullied the other students, the hypothetical model was tested. For data analysis, a path analysis was used, and the best-fitting model was found (df=78, GFI=0.953, CFI=1.00). As a result of analyzing the model, types of bullying behavior were found to be determined by the different environmental factors: Isolation was determined by 2 factors (feeling of isolation from friends, exposure to bullying), social bullying by 2 factors (lack of support from parents, exposure to bullying), verbal bullying by conflicts with parents, physical bullying by 3 factors (lack of support from parents, exposure to isolation and exposure to bullying), and instrumental bullying by lack of support from parents. On the other hand, the pleasure that the bullies feel after bullying behavior was increased by isolation, verbal bullying and physical bullying, while decreased by instrumental bullying. Guilt feeling was decreased by isolation and instrumental bullying, while increased by physical bullying. Isolation increased the tendency of blaming the victim. Isolation and instrumental bullying increased bullies' self-esteem, while social bullying decreased self-esteem. Verbal bullying increased the extent of bullying, while instrumental bullying decreased the extent of bullying. Based on the findings, the intervention strategies to change the bullies' attitudes toward victim, and to increase social support from the significant others as well as the effective ways to reorganize the school environment in order to reduce and prevent bullying behavior were suggested.

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A Study on the Family Concept and Values among Pre-service Home Economics Teachers (예비 가정과 교사의 가족 개념 및 가치관에 관한 연구)

  • Cheon Hyejung;Lee Jung-Soo
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.63-80
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    • 2005
  • This study examines the family concept and family-related values among pre-service home economics teachers. Questionnaires are completed by 242 pre-service home economics teachers. The results indicate that the respondents defined the family as a blood ties, a resting place, affection, and warmth. They tend to regard divorced, remarried, and adopted members as families, while classifying homosexual couples, members living together in a communal fashion, and great-great grandparents into nonfamily groups. Majority of them agree that it had better to get married or it depends on personal circumstances. In terms of cohabitation, they think it can be an opportunity to check the compatibility before marriage. Also, they perceive parenthood as a personal lifestyles, statement of social maturation, sound mind, and realization of morality. They agreed to divorce relatively high in case of unfaithfulness and relative troubles, but agreement of divorce was relatively low because of instrumental reason and psychological factors, The group majoring clothing and textile perceives the most negatively the influence of divorce to children. Further discussion and implications are discussed.

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