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A Study of 'Policy Learning' as a Lesson of Education Policy Failure : Focusing on the case of Teacher Incentive Policy  

Song, Kyoung-oh (조선대학교 교육학과)
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This study analyzed the contents of changes in educational policy from the perspective of policy learning, based on the awareness of the lack of academic efforts to identify such phenomena despite repeated policy failures in educational policy. To this end, it has been more than 20 years since the policy was established, but it was analyzed using the policy analysis case of the teacher incentive policy, which still had severe conflicts between the government and teacher unions. As a result of the analysis, first, there were 11 changes in the policy content from the Kim Dae-jung administration to the Moon Jae-in administration. Whenever the government was newly launched, not only the contents of the policy for teacher incentives changed, but also the policy changes continued during the same government period. Second, when analyzing what kind of policy learning took place at the stage of change in each government's policy content, most of them were 'political policy learning' or 'instrumental policy learning'. Rather than a fundamental discussion about the goal of the policy, it has only repeated policy learning that adjusts only the ratio of differential payments to defend the teacher incentive policy. In order to recover from this current situation, this study suggests that it is necessary to present an alternative policy that can change the rigid society of teachers through 'social policy learning', which examines the basic values and strategies of teacher incentive policies.
Teacher Incentive Policy; Policy Learning; Policy Failure; Teacher Union;
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  • Reference
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