• Title/Summary/Keyword: inquiry-based instruction

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Pre-service Teachers' Development of Science Teacher Identity via Planning, Enacting and Reflecting Inquiry-based Biology Instruction (예비교사들의 과학 교사 정체성 형성 -생명과학 탐구 수업 시연 및 반성 과정을 중심으로-)

  • An, Jieun;Kim, Heui-Baik
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.519-531
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    • 2021
  • This study investigates the science teacher identity of pre-service science teachers (PSTs) in the context of a teaching practice course. Twenty-two PSTs who took the 'Biological Science Lab. for Inquiry Learning' course at the College of Education participated in this study. Artifacts created during the course were collected, and the teaching practices and reflections were recorded and transcribed. In addition, semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine PSTs, recorded, and transcribed. We found the science teacher identity was not well revealed at the beginning of the course. Authoritative discourse appeared in the early oral reflections of PSTs, indicating that the PSTs perceived oral reflection activities as 'evaluation activities for teaching practice'. This perception shows that pre-service teachers participate in teaching practice courses as students attending a university, performing tasks and receiving evaluations from instructors. After the middle of the course, discourses showing the science teacher identity of the PSTs were observed. In the oral reflection after the middle part, dialogic discourses often arose, showing that the PSTs perceive the oral reflection activities as a 'learning activity for professional development'. In addition, in the second half, discourse appeared to connect and interpret one's experience with the teacher's activity, indicating that the PSTs perceive themselves as teachers at this stage. In addition, the perception of experimental classes was expanded through the course. During the course, the practice of equalizing the authority of the participants, providing a role model for reflection, and experiencing various positions from multiple viewpoints in the class had a positive effect on the formation and continuation of the teacher identity. This study provides implications on the teacher education process for teacher identity formation in PSTs.

Middle School Student’s Conceptual Change from Geocentricism to Heliocentricism Using Science History Materials (과학사 자료를 활용한 중학생들의 천동설에서 지동설로의 개념 변화)

  • Choi Jin-Hee;Kim Hee-Soo;Chung Jung-In
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.489-500
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    • 2005
  • The objective of this study is to examine the cognitive process that undergoes a middle student’s conceptual change about the universe by the cognitive conflict, using science history materials as a teaching strategy. Four eighth graders were selected and classified by three cognitive level. Students were interviewed and conducted to an inquiry activities regarding their viewpoint about the universe after each class, and their conceptual change patterns were analysed from pre-test and post-test. This study showed that each student held dissimilar astronomical preconceptions and various misconceptions about celestial motion. Students at the formal operational stage and transitional stage experienced the conceptual change from geocentricism to heliocentricism by instructional model upon the science history materials. Student at the concrete operational stage had either unscientific conception, no conception, or could not have a conceptual change even when being presented with an environment that arouses cognitive conflict ($R^2$: Phase change of Venus and its Rise and set time). They ended up having a cognitive change from geocentricism to heliocentricism by solving another problem ($R^2$: Relation between visible diameter and position of Mars). After the instruction, a conceptual achievement progress was reported with a $10\%$ improvement. Therefore, the instruction model based upon science history was effective on student’s scientific conceptual change.

Exploration of Changes in TIMSS Science Achievement and Educational Context Variables of Cohort Groups with Grade Change (학년 변화에 따른 코호트 집단의 TIMSS 과학 성취도 및 교육맥락변인의 변화 탐색)

  • Kwak, Youngsun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.119-130
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    • 2019
  • The TIMSS assessment is conducted every four years, and Korean fourth grade cohort in TIMSS 2011 participated in TIMSS 2015 again as eighth graders, which produced the first achievement data of the cohort group of elementary and middle schools. In this study, in order to investigate the causes of the decline in Korean students' science achievement with grade changes from the fourth to the eighth grade, we analyzed educational context variables such as characteristics of students, teachers, and classroom instructions of the top 5 achievement countries participated in both TIMSS 2011 and TIMSS 2015. According to the results, students' sense of school belonging increased, whereas students' positive attitudes toward science teaching decreased with the grade change from the fourth to the eighth. As for the teacher characteristics, the teacher's professional development activity increased, and the teacher's confidence in science teaching showed similar tendency to the international average. Regarding classroom instruction characteristics, the frequency of inquiry-related science activities was highest at the fourth grade, and lower than the international average at the eighth grade. Based the results, we suggested implications for science teaching and learning as well as further studies including development of differentiated strategy by the school level to improve students' achievement, the necessity of converting into more student-engaging science classes, and the necessity of in-depth study on the teacher related educational contextual variables.

Teaching-Learning Effects Using Self-Regulated Learning Strategy: For Students of Scientific High School (자기조절학습 전략을 이용한 교수-학습 효과:과학고 학생들을 중심으로)

  • Jeong, Si Hwa;Kwak, Ock Keum;Kim, Bong Gon;Park, Jong Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.58 no.5
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    • pp.463-477
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the teaching-learning effects in the experimental classes for the 'Redox' unit of science textbook of 11th grade using self-regulated learning strategy. Simultaneously, the effects of teaching-learning through the student's characteristics of the scientific high school were also included. The experimental and the controlled groups were selected by the teaching-learning method established on self-regulated learning strategy and regular laboratory activity based on the teacher' instruction, respectively. The questionaries of the scientific inquiry and scientific attitude were examined by the student. For their achievement, the total score which was obtained from the formative evaluation and performance assessment was utilized. After the laboratory activity for the unit grounded on the self-regulated learning strategy, the mean values of the scientific inquiry, scientific attitude, and achievement by the experimental group were higher than those of the controlled group. There was significant difference between the two groups in the post-test. By the results of the post-test for the experimental group, there has been somewhat relationship between the self-regulated learning strategy and the scientific inquiry, the scientific attitude, and the scientific achievement.

The Effects of Formative Assessment Using Mobile Applications on Interest and Self-Directedness in Science Instruction (모바일을 활용한 형성평가가 과학수업의 흥미성과 자기주도성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kwak, Hyoungsuk;Shin, Youngjoon
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.285-294
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    • 2014
  • This study investigates the effects of formative assessment utilizing mobile applications on interest and self-directedness in science instruction. The study subjects are two 6th grade classes from H elementary school located in Incheon, and the experimental group and the comparative group are composed of 21 students, respectively. The students from the experimental group have been taught with mobile devices while the comparative group has been taught in methods consistent with the current teaching standards. For the sake of research, the results of the method applied to the mobile device focus group have been edited using Google Drive Forms, entered as QR codes and stored in order for them to later be utilized for teaching and learning process. In the process, the teacher has provided the students with feedback based on their answers. The students of comparative group are to solve the same formative assessment in paper. As a result, the teacher of the mobile device focus group has been able to go through twenty-nine questions on formative assessment in the teaching and learning process, confirm the correct answers five times and provide feedback twenty-five times for additional explanation. In the inquiry about interest, the mobile device group scored 4.64 points and the standard one scored just 1.99 points (p<0.01). Fifteen students answered in the interview that and the major reason why they scored high has been because it was fun to study with mobile devices. When it comes to self-directedness over the process of teaching and learning, the mobile device focus group has answered positively but the standard group has scored relatively low (p<0.01).

Exploring Limitations in Applying Blosser's Question Category System for Science (Blosser의 과학 발문 분류 체계 적용의 제한점 탐색)

  • Chung, Heekyung;Shin, Donghee
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.221-244
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    • 2021
  • To examine the limitations of the the Blosser's (1973) 'Question Category System for Science', which is mainly applied to research in science education in Korea, we analyzed 30 hours of class conversation in a small group program (for first-year middle school students) with a researcher participating as a teacher. When classified according to Blosser's (1973) classification system, distinguishing between 'open and closed questions' was difficult. Questions with the same content were classified into different types depending on their context, whereas some questions could not be classified appropriately. Additionally, higher-level questions (open questions) were not more effective than lower-level questions (closed questions) in improving students' thinking ability or participation in class. The questionnaire's effect differed depending on the information provided by the teacher before questioning, and in many cases, previous question influenced the next questions. However, in the science education questionnaire research based on Blosser's (1973) classification, which is mainly conducted in Korea, each individual question is classified according to the cognitive level, disregarding the influence of context and prior and subsequent questions and the quality of instructions is evaluated by the frequency of higher level questioning. The results of this study indicate that the method of evaluating instruction quality based on the frequency of high-level questioning, which is currently conducted in domestic science education inquiry research, should be avoided.

Qualitative Inquiry on Ways to Improve Science Instruction and Assessment for Raising High School Students' Positive Experiences on Science (고등학생의 과학긍정경험 향상을 위한 교수학습 및 평가 개선 방안에 대한 질적 탐구)

  • Kwak, Youngsun;Shin, Youngjoon;Kang, Hunsik;Lee, Sunghee;Lee, Il;Lee, Soo-Young;Ha, Jihoon
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.337-346
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    • 2020
  • In this study, we investigated the characteristics of students participating in Science Core high schools classes and their relevance to Positive Experiences on Science (hereinafter, PES), and factors causing PES, presented by the students of Science Core high schools. A total of 20 students and five teachers in four regions across the country participated in the in-depth interview, which were conducted with the focus group of students first, and then in-depth interviews with teachers. Based on the interview results, we explored teaching and learning experiences helpful to the PES, assessment experiences resulting in the PES, and ways to support Science Core high schools to enhance their PES. Students and teachers of Science Core high schools argued that students' participation will increase only if they engage in classes while drawing attention within the range that students can understand, students' PES such as scientific interest can be improved through experiments in which students choose topics or design their own exploration process, science competencies such as science problem solving ability and scientific thinking ability should be developed through exploratory experiment activities that fit the nature of science, etc. In addition, regarding ways to improve and support Science Core high schools to enhance PES, securing science class hours, restructuring the contents of science elective courses, and necessity of maintaining Science Core high schools are suggested. Based on the research results of science high school students' PES, ways to improve the PES of general high school students are discussed.

A Case Study on Teachers' Teaching Professionalism for Secondary Science-Gifted Students (중등 과학영재 지도교사의 수업 전문성에 관한 사례연구)

  • Pae, Mi-Jung;Kim, Heui-Baik
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.412-428
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the teaching professionalism of the two teachers for secondary science-gifted students in perspective of teaching orientations. Both teachers have been taught biology to secondary science-gifted students for more than six years and they have received in-service training in gifted education. Teachers' orientations were investigated through in-depth interviews and observing lessons. For the data collection, videotapes were recorded during two lessons and two in-depth interviews for each participant were conducted. All recorded data were carefully transcribed and analyzed. Some unique characteristics of teaching were identified from the class instruction of each participant. Both teachers revealed 'Open Inquiry' orientation. This was reflected by their educational goals and beliefs that they should help science-gifted students to grow themselves as scientists by enhancing their inquisitiveness and creative problem solving ability. However, each teacher had shown different teaching orientations such as 'Academic Rigor' and 'Discovery' that seemed to have influence on the level or the range of subject matter covered in the classes. Teachers' science teaching orientations have been changed by their subject of teaching and their experiences in teaching the gifted. In the process, teachers' educational philosophy about gifted education plays an important role in teaching orientation. Based on the ongoing teachers' efforts for enhancing his/her professionalism, the teachers seemed to critically review theoretical knowledge of the science teachers in gifted education through self-reflection on their own teaching methods. When teacher's educational philosophy about gifted education was established and internalized, science teaching orientations in teaching practice seemed to be consistent with his/her goal of teaching.

The Effect of the Program of Ecological Experience on the Emotional Intelligence of Young Children (생태체험 프로그램 활동이 유아의 정서지능 향상에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Young-Sik;Park, Jung-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.3680-3689
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to inquire into the changes to the emotional intelligence of young children by giving them pleasure and memory through the program of ecological experience. A survey was made on 40 young children in two classes out of 5-year-old children's classes in nurseries located at Chungcheong-do. They were divided into the experiment group and control group to consist of 20 persons, respectively. For young children of the experiment group, the experiment was conducted while observing and experiencing through the division of the group into 5 persons on fixed days according to the program of ecological experience. Analysis showed that the program of ecological experience in the experiment group relatively higher effect of increase for the emotional intelligence of young children, and the use of self emotion, the cognition and consideration of other's emotion, the cognition and expression of self emotion, the regulation and impulse control of emotion, the relationship with teacher and the relationship with peer by sub-factors than that in the control group. In other words, close relationships with nature and inquiry instruction of ecological experience have provided the attitude-based formation living together with the understanding of natural world and eco-friendly attitude, the cognition of ecological crisis and social cooperation that couldn't feel in indoor education. Consequently, the program of ecological experience should prove useful for the emotional intelligence of young children.

Implications of the 'Sontanda' Phenomenon of Scientists for Science Education: Focusing on Ian Hacking's Creation of Phenomena (과학자의 '손탄다' 현상이 과학교육에 주는 함의 -이언 해킹의 현상의 창조를 중심으로-)

  • Choi, Jinhyeon;Jeon, Sang-Hak
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.253-264
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the practice of scientists from the perspective of Ian Hacking's 'creation of phenomena'. Scientific phenomena, according to Hacking, are regular and do not exist in nature without the intervention of scientists or experimental tools. This study tries to derive scientific educational meaning by analyzing the thoughts and episodes of the 'Sontanda (inter-individual variability)' phenomenon experienced by four life scientists. The Sontanda phenomenon is a common term used by scientists to describe phenomena in which findings do not appear consistently even when studies are carried out using the same experimental procedure and materials. The following four educational implications were discovered as a result of the research. First, we confirmed the importance of embodied knowledge, or non-verbal knowledge, which solves issues by making appropriate judgments and reactions at all times, rather than simply becoming accustomed to the experimental method. This argues that propositional knowledge and non-verbal knowledge should be handled equally in order to provide students with a practical scientific inquiry. Second, we tried to reconsider the picture of the experiment. The phenomenon revealed in the interviews of scientists is rare, and it takes a long time to stabilize the phenomenon. On the other hand, the image of school experiments is always positive and consistent, necessitating a shift in perspective. Third, the precise meaning of scientific practice could be confirmed. This study confirms that scientists use their knowledge effectively in line with the circumstances, and we examined strategies to apply scientific practice to school instruction based on this. Finally, by provoking uncertainty, the Sontanda phenomena may give students with an opportunity to engage in meaningful scientific involvement. By breaking away from the cookbook experiment, this study expects school experimental education to help in efforts to experience scientific practice.