• Title/Summary/Keyword: innovative technologies

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Theoretical Principles Of Using Innovative Modern Technologies In Higher Education Institutions

  • Komar, Olha;Bazhenkov, Ievgen;Vnukova, Оlga;Kolomoiets, Halyna;Yanchyshyn, Anatolii;Polishchuk, Oksana
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.9
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    • pp.185-190
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    • 2021
  • The article is assigned to a prelude to the joke of effective pedagogical technologies in professional education in the minds of її continuity. Analyzed the definitions "innovation", "technology", "pedagogical technology", "Innovation pedagogical technology". Blocks have been added, which are stored in innovation processes in the light. The significant role of innovation in education is stated. Presented warehouses pedagogical technologies: conceptual, conceptual-processual and professional. The purpose of introducing innovative technologies into the educational process of vocational education institutions has been clarified. The reasons for finding and implementing innovative pedagogical technologies in education are analyzed.

The Use Of Elements Of Innovative Pedagogical Technologies In Educational Activities

  • Barba, Ihor;Riazantsev, Lev;Koturha, Oleh;Poliakov, Serhii;Bondarets, Nadiia
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.117-122
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    • 2021
  • The article considers the position of scientists on the concept of "pedagogical technology", identifies the signs of pedagogical technology and existing classifications, considers non-traditional (innovative) learning technologies, as well as their practical forms of application in the educational process, summarizes the results, makes recommendations for the practical application of the studied material. The article considered the basic concepts of pedagogical technology, as well as some types of non-traditional (innovative) teaching technologies. Also, examples of the use of some elements of innovative technologies in practical educational activities are given. The choice of specific non-traditional pedagogical technologies is determined by the target orientation, content specificity, individualization of training, technical equipment of the educational institution, etc.

The Use of Innovative Technologies in Education

  • Stratan-Artyshkova, Tetiana;Bilyk, Ruslana;Vitsukaieva, Kateryna;Drozich, Iryna;Kalimanova, Olha;Vasiutynska, Yelena;Bida, Olena
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.11
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    • pp.93-100
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    • 2022
  • The use of innovative technologies is one of the promising areas of education development, so the article clarifies the content of the terms "innovation" "pedagogical technology". Our goal is to justify the need to use innovative technologies in education. Innovative technologies are divided into four groups, depending on the appropriate form of educational activity for their use. The development of innovative pedagogical technologies at the present stage of education development should be carried out in accordance with the criteria of technological efficiency, which are presented in the article: scientific; systematic; guaranteed; manageable; mass. Based on the analysis of the process of formation of pedagogical education, the main trends in the information support of teachers in the system of pedagogical education were revealed. Its theoretical and methodological foundations were determined, promising directions and main ways of improving the information support of teachers' education as an organic component of continuous pedagogical education in Ukraine were justified. The conducted study of the state of information support for teachers allowed us to establish that the main functions of scientific and pedagogical information - analytical and predictive, integrative, operational and purposeful informing of various categories of specialists - teachers-are not being implemented enough. This is due to the versatility and complexity of the pedagogical process, the low level and limited range of development of systems of operational differentiated scientific and methodological services for various categories of teachers. Ways to improve the information function of teacher education are determined.

Innovative Educational Technologies in Management Training: Experience of EU Countries

  • Vitaliy, Kryvoshein;Nataliia, Vdovenko;Ievgen, Buriak;Volodymyr, Saienko;Anna, Kolesnyk
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.45-50
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    • 2022
  • The article substantiates the feasibility of using and actively implementing innovative technologies in the practice of organizing the educational process. The need for the use of telecommunication technologies, which provide constant communication between students and the teacher outside the classroom, has been identified. Particular attention is paid to the latest approaches to the use of various forms of multimedia technologies in student education, which intensify the process of acceptance and assimilation of educational material by foreign students. The advantages of using innovative means of distance education are determined, which thanks to modern electronic educational systems allow students to receive quality higher education. Innovative technologies promote the development of cognitive interest in students, they learn to systematize and summarize the material studied, discuss and debate. In this regard, the reorientation of the system of higher education in Europe towards innovation is becoming the most important tool in ensuring the competitiveness of graduates in the labor market. In addition, the investment attractiveness of a university often depends on the innovative nature of the development of scientific, educational and practical activities of the subjects of the educational process, their inclusion in the national innovation system. The article analyzes that in the universities of the European Union in the training of specialists in the management of basic interactive methods, forms and tools are binary lecture, briefing, webinar, video conference, video lecture, virtual consultation, virtual tutorial, slide lecture, comp. utheric tests. Various classes on slide technology took active forms during the training of management specialists.

The Use of Innovative Distance Learning Technologies in the Training of Biology Students

  • Biletska, Halyna;Mironova, Nataliia;Kazanishena, Natalia;Skrypnyk, Serhii;Mashtakova, Nataliia;Mordovtseva, Nataliia
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.11
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    • pp.115-120
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    • 2022
  • The main purpose of the study is to identify the key aspects of the use of innovative distance learning technologies in the training of biology students. Currently, there is a modernization, the evolution of the education system from a classical university to a virtual one, from lecture material teaching to computer educational programs, from a book library to a computer one, from multi-volume paper encyclopedias to modern search databases. During studies in higher education, distance learning ensures the delivery of information in an interactive mode through the use of information and communication technologies. The main disadvantage of distance learning is the emotional interaction of the teacher with students. It is necessary to increase the level of methodological developments for independent studies of students. The methodology includes a number of theoretical methods. Based on the results of the study, the main elements of the use of innovative distance learning technologies in the training of biology students were identified.

Use of Innovation and Information Technologies In Music Lessons

  • Potapchuk, Tetiana;Fabryka-Protska, Olga;Gunder, Liubov;Dutchak, Violetta;Osypenko, Yaroslav;Fomin, Kateryna;Shvets, Nataliia
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.300-308
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    • 2021
  • The processes of informatization of the modern educational space are inextricably linked with the active introduction of innovative information technologies, which diversify the forms of education and upbringing. The use of these technologies in education due to their specific properties significantly enhances the clarity of learning, emotional impact on students, helps to deepen interdisciplinary links, intensifies students' work, and improves the organization of educational activities. Innovative information technologies offer new opportunities for the use of text, audio, graphic, and video information in lessons, enriching the methodological possibilities of the lesson. Today, the use of these technologies is becoming an integral part of the study of any subject. Using multimedia presentations, publications, and websites created by students in the learning process, they can develop learning skills. According to researchers, there are many multimedia programs for working with a computer in a music lesson, namely: a music player, a program for singing karaoke, a music constructor, music encyclopedias, and training programs. The introduction of innovative information technologies in the system of music education allows expanding learning opportunities.

Information and Communication Technologies for the Innovative Development of Tourism Training in the Context of COVID-19

  • Krupa, Oksana;Panchenko, Vladimir;Dydiv, Iryna;Borutska, Yuliia;Shcherbatiuk, Nataliia
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.262-268
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    • 2022
  • The main purpose of the study is to determine information and communication technologies for the innovative development of tourism training in higher education institutions in the context of COVID-19. Innovative development is associated with the rejection of well-known cliches, stereotypes in teaching, upbringing and personal development, creates new standards for personal-creative, individually directed tourism activities, develops pedagogical technologies implemented in this activity. As a result, the main aspects of information and communication technologies for the innovative development of tourist training in higher education institutions in the context of COVID-19 were characterized.

Innovative Teaching Technologies as a Way to Increase Students' Competitiveness

  • Olena M. Galynska;Nataliia V. Shkoliar;Zoriana I. Dziubata;Svitlana V. Kravets;Nataliia S. Levchyk
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.24 no.7
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    • pp.157-169
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    • 2024
  • The article presents an analysis of innovative teaching technologies as a way to increase students' competitiveness. The author found that innovative technologies in education are information and communication technologies relying on computer-based learning. The structure, content of educational software, organization of Web-space are important when using innovative teaching technologies in English classes. We conducted the study in several stages: comparative analysis, synthesis, classification and systematization of the results of psychological and pedagogical, educational and methodological research; study of legislative acts, periodicals in order to identify the state of the research issue, and determining the directions of its solution, as well as subject, goal and objectives of the study. We used modelling to create situations of foreign language professional communication of future IT specialists. Empirical methods involved questionnaires used for identifying the motives of professional development and determining the features of the educational activities of future IT specialists in the process of training. The methods of mathematical statistics allowed to scientifically describe and systematize the obtained data, to identify the quantitative relationship between the studied phenomena, to analyse and summarize the results. We conducted a socio-psychological study during 2016 - 2019. It involved 255 first- and fourth-year students of National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Poly-technic Institute." Innovative information and communication technologies that improve the educational and cognitive activity of students, as well as increase the level of their knowledge have become important in teaching a foreign language in higher educational institutions. These technologies include MOODLE - Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment, business game, integrated pedagogical technology, case study technology. Thus, the information-rich learning process in combination with the use of innovative technologies, well-organized e-learning, interactive training courses, multimedia tools improves the program of teaching and learning foreign languages in general, and English in particular, improves the level of knowledge of future IT specialists and motivation to study and learn foreign languages, allows students to use a variety of authentic materials. We state that all these factors influence the process of individualization of learning and contribute to the successful mastery of a foreign language.

Innovative Approaches to Training Specialists in Higher Education Institutions in the Conditions of Distance Learning

  • Oksana, Vytrykhovska;Alina, Dmytrenko;Olena, Terenko;Iryna, Zabiiaka;Mykhailo, Stepanov;Tetyana, Koycheva;Oleksandr, Priadko
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.12
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    • pp.116-124
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    • 2022
  • Information and communication technologies used in the social sphere are born due to the development of computer technologies. The main task of the distance learning process in higher education institutions is not to provide information, but to teach how to obtain and use it. The purpose of the article: to identify innovative approaches in the training of specialists in higher education institutions in the context of distance learning. Various innovative approaches to organizing the work of students of higher educational institutions in the context of distance learning are considered. Based on the conducted research, it is concluded that each of the approaches described by us outlines the study of the phenomenon of professional training of a specialist in the condition of distance learning. All the described approaches significantly contribute to the improvement of professional training of specialists, encourage students to self-improvement, professional development and enrich their professional competence in modern conditions. The emergence and spread of innovative technologies means not only a change in the activity itself and its inherent means and mechanisms of its implementation, but also a significant restructuring of goals, value orientations, specific knowledge, skills and abilities. Therefore, the current stage of the development of civilization, scientific and technological progress requires the emergence of such specialists who would have broad humanitarian thinking, would have good psychological training, would be able to build professional activities according to laws that take into account the relationship between economic productivity and creativity, as well as the desire of the individual for constant renewal, self-realization. Only such qualities will help you master the specifics of innovative technologies well. We see the prospects in the study of innovative approaches to training specialists in higher education institutions in the condition of distance learning in foreign countries.

Application Of Innovative Technologies In Higher Education Institutions Of Ukraine: Forms And Methods

  • Dovgal, Olena;Havrylova, Olena;Potryvaieva, Natalia;Tolstova, Natalia;Ostapchuk, Taras;Onyshchenko, Nataliіa
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.43-47
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    • 2021
  • In the course of this article, the concept of "innovation" was considered and analyzed, which is considered not only as a subject, something new, but also as a process. The process of introducing something new into life, and in our case, into the educational process. Innovative educational technologies are varied and plentiful. In this article, the most commonly used. Among them: the use of ICT, game techniques, the portfolio method, personality-oriented, information support of the learning process, educational and health-saving technologies, and others.