• Title/Summary/Keyword: independent study

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The Effect of Company Characteristics and Individual Characteristics Perceived by Employees of Small Businesses on Job Satisfaction : Focusing on Intermediary Role of Company Innovation (중소기업 종업원의 지각된 기업특성과 개인특성이 직무만족에 미치는 영향 : 기업 혁신성의 매개 역할을 중심으로)

  • Yoo, Eun Hee;Ha, Kyu Soo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of company characteristics and individual characteristics perceived by employees of small businesses on job satisfaction and especially to seek activation of the organization by extending from previous studies to examine the intermediary role of company innovation and applying management measures focusing on the environment of changing global society where CEOs of small businesses cause job satisfaction of organizational members and present the direction for the improvement of management and institutional development. This study was carried out for about 2 months targeting employees of small businesses and the results of empirical analysis are as follows: First, company characteristics and individual characteristics perceived by employees of small businesses turned out to have a positive (+)effect on job satisfaction but the hypothesis that job stress affects job satisfaction was not significant. Second, of the effects of company characteristics and individual characteristics perceived by employees of small businesses on company innovation, organization flexibility and CEO's leadership, company communication and degree of cooperation between departments, individuals, challenge of individuals perceived individual characteristics were found to affect company innovation but the hypothesis that job stress affects it was not significant. Third, company innovation was found to have a positive (+)effect on job satisfaction and fourth, in the intermediary effect verification of company innovation between company characteristics and individual characteristics perceived by employees and job satisfaction, organization flexibility and communication, collaboration turned out to perform partial intermediation and CEO's leadership to perform full intermediation and individual challenge performance to perform full intermediation and the intermediary effect of job stress was not proven. These results are company characteristics and individual characteristics that is the perception of the independent variables in SME employees is not only a direct relationship with job satisfaction, suggesting that also has an indirect effect is mediated depending on the innovation of the company. Therefore, it can be seen that even for the innovation performance of enterprises is important to increase the job satisfaction of employees of SMEs. In particular, the conductivity of the leadership and individual parameters so completely over the innovativeness of the company is the result of job satisfaction itgetda can be said that the innovation efforts of the organization is effective at the same time be pursued.

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Assessment of Patency of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafts Using Segmented K-space Breath-hold Cine Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Clinical Feasibility Study (호흡멈춤상태에서 K-space분할 CINE 자기공명 영상기법을 이용한 관상동맥우회로의 혈류개방성의 검사)

  • Oh-Choon Kwon;Sub Lee;Jong-Ki Kim
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.22-30
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    • 2003
  • Purpose : The efficacy of magnetic resonance imaging for evaluating coronary artery disease has been reported. In this study, we evaluated the usefulness of breath-hold segmented K-space cine MR imaging for evaluating the patency of coronary artery bypass grafts (CABG). Materials and Method s : Thirty eight patients with a total of 92 CABGs (36 internal thoracic arteries and 56 saphenous vein grafts) were evaluated using segmented K-space cardiac-gated fast gradient echo sequence (2D-FASTCARD) MR imaging. MR magnitude images were evaluated from the hard copies by two independent observers. A graft was defined as patent if it was seen as a bright small round area on at least two consecutive images throughout the cardiac cycle at a position consistent with the expected location for that graft. Results : MR images were obtained successfully for 23 patients (61%). The sagittal planes were most helpful in visualizing the cross-section of sapheneous vein bypass graft to left circumflex artery branch, whereas the transverse planes were used for identification of internal mammary artery grafts to left anterior descending coronary artery or its branch and identification of saphenous vein grafts to right coronary artery. Forty five grafts were visible using this MR technique, while the grafts were not visible on seven saphenous vein grafts and two internal mammary artery grafts. In two patients showing symptoms of myocardial ischemia, one or two bypass grafts were not visible. Imaging, perpendicular plane to a CABG was important to visualize the flow inside the CABG with maximum sensitivity. Conclusion : Evaluation of patency of the bypass graft was clinically feasible by 2D-FASTCARD MR imaging, whereas any invisible bypass grafts should be further studied by contrast-enhanced MR angiography or by conventional angiography for confirmation of abnormalities.

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Establishing a Nomogram for Stage IA-IIB Cervical Cancer Patients after Complete Resection

  • Zhou, Hang;Li, Xiong;Zhang, Yuan;Jia, Yao;Hu, Ting;Yang, Ru;Huang, Ke-Cheng;Chen, Zhi-Lan;Wang, Shao-Shuai;Tang, Fang-Xu;Zhou, Jin;Chen, Yi-Le;Wu, Li;Han, Xiao-Bing;Lin, Zhong-Qiu;Lu, Xiao-Mei;Xing, Hui;Qu, Peng-Peng;Cai, Hong-Bing;Song, Xiao-Jie;Tian, Xiao-Yu;Zhang, Qing-Hua;Shen, Jian;Liu, Dan;Wang, Ze-Hua;Xu, Hong-Bing;Wang, Chang-Yu;Xi, Ling;Deng, Dong-Rui;Wang, Hui;Lv, Wei-Guo;Shen, Keng;Wang, Shi-Xuan;Xie, Xing;Cheng, Xiao-Dong;Ma, Ding;Li, Shuang
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.9
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    • pp.3773-3777
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    • 2015
  • Background: This study aimed to establish a nomogram by combining clinicopathologic factors with overall survival of stage IA-IIB cervical cancer patients after complete resection with pelvic lymphadenectomy. Materials and Methods: This nomogram was based on a retrospective study on 1,563 stage IA-IIB cervical cancer patients who underwent complete resection and lymphadenectomy from 2002 to 2008. The nomogram was constructed based on multivariate analysis using Cox proportional hazard regression. The accuracy and discriminative ability of the nomogram were measured by concordance index (C-index) and calibration curve. Results: Multivariate analysis identified lymph node metastasis (LNM), lymph-vascular space invasion (LVSI), stromal invasion, parametrial invasion, tumor diameter and histology as independent prognostic factors associated with cervical cancer survival. These factors were selected for construction of the nomogram. The C-index of the nomogram was 0.71 (95% CI, 0.65 to 0.77), and calibration of the nomogram showed good agreement between the 5-year predicted survival and the actual observation. Conclusions: We developed a nomogram predicting 5-year overall survival of surgically treated stage IA-IIB cervical cancer patients. More comprehensive information that is provided by this nomogram could provide further insight into personalized therapy selection.

Ichthyofauna and Community Structure from 21 Lakes in the Yeungnam Area including Gyeongsangbukdo and Gyeongsangnam-do Provinces, Korea (영남지역 21개 호소의 어류상과 군집구조)

  • Kim, Sang-Ki;Kang, Yeong-Hoon;Hong, Gi-Bung;Yoo, Dong-Uk;Suk, Ho-Yeong;Chae, Byung-Soo;Kim, Han-Sun;Hwang, Ui-Wook
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.288-299
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    • 2011
  • Freshwater fish fauna and community structure were surveyed through 21 lakes in the Yeungnam area including Gyeongsangbukdo and Gyeongsangnamdo provinces, Korean Peninsula from April 2008 to October 2009. Among 21 lakes, 16 lakes belong to the Nakdong River and 5 are independent drainages. From the present study, 61 species (44 genera, 15 families) were collected including 32 cyprinid species (52.5%), 6 cobitid species (9.8%) and so on. The dominant and subdominant species in aspect of the number of individuals were Hypomesus nipponensis (26.6%) and Squalidus gracilis majimae (14.8%), respectively. On the other hand, in aspect of in biomass, dominant and subdominant species were Lepomis macrochirus (19.8%) and Cyprinus carpio (14.7%), respectively. Among 61 examined species, there were found 20 Korean endemic species and 2 Korean endangered species (Pseudobagrus brevicorpus and Pungitius kaibarae). P. brevicorpus was found in Yongyeonji and Yeongcheonho, and P. kaibarae in Yongyeonji. In addition, 5 exotic species were identified such as Cyprinus carpio nudus (leather carp), Carassius cuvieri, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, Lepomis macrochirus and Micropterus salmoides. Interestingly, a bluegill L. machrochirus appeared dominant or subdominant species in 5 of 21 examined lakes. Five species introduced from the other rivers in Korean Peninsula were additionally described. In the present study, it was first reported that Micropercops swinhonis inhabits in the Nakdong river basin. The fish species diversity, evenness and dominant indices were examined, and a dendrogram based on similarity indices of inhabiting species among the 21 examined lakes was constructed and discussed.

Factors Affecting Blood Pressure of Aged People in Rural Area (일부농촌지역노인(一部農村地域老人)들의 혈압(血壓)과 관계(關係)된 제요인분석(諸要因分析))

  • Kil, Sang-Sun;Ki, No-Suk;Hwang, In-Dam
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.42-48
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    • 1985
  • This study was carried out to obtain the basic data for epdemiological survey of hypertension in old population (60 years or more). From May, 1983 to April, 1984, 365 males and 335 females who inhabit in Ko-Chang Gun, Chonbuk Province were investigated for several factors as their socio-econmic status and laboratory examinations with blood pressure, and which factors were analysed by simple correlation and multiple regression analysis. The results are summarized as follows; 1) Sample size of this study is equivalent to 5.2%(male;6.7%, female;4.3%) of population in 60 years or more age group, and the mean age of samples is 70.6${\pm}$5.3 (yr.) in males and 71.4${\pm}$5.3 (yr.) in female (P>0.05). 2) Mean blood pressure of males are 135.9${\pm}$21.3mm Hg in systolic and 85.3${\pm}$13.4mm Hg in diastolic phase and in female, 131.0${\pm}$23.6 mm Hg and 84.1${\pm}$19.9 mm Hg (P < 0.01). Their prevalence rates of hypertension (${\geq}$ 140 mm Hg in systolic, ${\geq}$ 95 mm Hg in diastolic phases) are 33.7% in males, 40.6% in females (P < 0.01). 3) Serum cholesterol levels and other independent variables are revealed in normal ranges, and except to Vervaeck index (89.4${\pm}$5.6 in males, 87.5${\pm}$6.7 in females, p<0.01), other are not significant sexual differences (P>0.05). 4) In the simple correlation analysis, the main factors that affect to blood pressure are serum cholesterol levels (P < 0.05) and Vervaeck index (P < 0.01) in males, age (P <0.05) and Vervaeck index (P <0.01) in females. 5) In multiple regression analysis, prediction equations for blood pressure are calculated as follows; Ysm=-64.55+0.161(X1)+0.124(X2)-0.047(X3)+1.953(X4) Ydm=18.61-0.125(X1)+0.060(X2)+0.032(X3)+0.720(X4) Ysf=-0.22+0.536(X1)+0.134(X2)+0.068(X3+0.788(X4) Yaf=-14.46+0.685(X1)+0.033(X2)+0.176(X3)+0.362(X4) Ysm : Systolic blood pressure in male, Ydm : Diastolic blood pressure in male, Ysf : Systolic blood pressure in female, Ydf : Diastolic blood pressure in female. X1 : Age(year), X2 : Serum cholesterol level (mg%), X3 : Fastin blood sugar (mg% ), X4 : Vervaeck index.

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Factors Influencing the Regular Oral Check-Ups: Based on the Data of the 2014 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (우리나라 경제활동자의 구강검진 수진 영향요인: 국민건강영양조사 제6기 2차년도(2014) 자료를 바탕으로)

  • Kim, Dong-Hwi;Seo, Young-Joon
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.323-332
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    • 2017
  • This study aimed to investigate the factors influencing the decision on whether to receive regular oral check-ups among the national health insurance beneficiaries with income and aged over 20 years in Korea. This was a cross-sectional study, using the data from the 2014 6th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES VI-2), conducted by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The final sample included 2,843 subjects who participated in the health examination survey and oral check-ups. The IBM SPSS Statistics ver. 20.0 was used for the statistical analysis, based on the complex sampling design. The Rao-Scott chi-square test was used to verify the difference in the distribution of independent variables with regard to oral check-ups. The binary logistic regression analysis was used to determine the influencing factors. The ratio of beneficiaries who received oral check-ups was less than half of those who received medical examinations. The Rao-Scott chi-square test, revealed significant differences in the age group (p<0.05) of the predisposing factors, toothache within a year (p<0.001), untreated dental caries (p<0.001) of the need factors, personal income level (p<0.001), educational level (p<0.001), type of medical insurance (p<0.001), and private health insurance (p<0.01) of the enabling factors. In the binary logistic regression analysis, factors influencing oral check-ups were age group, personal income level, educational level, toothache within a year, and untreated dental caries. These findings show a variety of factors influencing the utilization of regular oral check-ups.

A Study on Development of Energy Education Materials for Middle School Students (중학교용 에너지 교육 자료 개발 연구)

  • 최돈형;이양락
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.46-87
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    • 1994
  • Our country has been consuming a huge amount of energy in the course of industrialization and its demand is expected to increase enormously in the future. However, the deposits of energy resources are so limited that the settlement of energy problem comes up the essential subject. To solve the energy problem, it is requested that new resources to gain energy stably should be developed and also energy should be economized and used effectively. The effective use of energy and an the wisdom of economy in energy are requested to everybody and these things should be habitualized from very young age through education. Nevertheless, almost every school in our country hasn’t been concerned about energy education. Even though they have a concern, they are very short of the energy education materials and the quality of the materials is not so good. Therefore it is very meaningful to the settlement of energy problem of the country to make the students who will lead our country to make the students who will lead our country in the future realize the seriousness of energy problem and to provide them the necessary knowledge and methods to solve this problem so that they practice those things in everyday life. Having these necessities, this research, supported by The Korea Energy Management Corporation(KEMCO), was performed for 8 months from April 17, 1994 to December 17, 1994. Many peoples participated in this study such as 30 staffs of researchers and authors, 5 staffs of photographers and illustrators, and 3 VCR program producers developing an energy education material set for middle school students that includes a printed material for student, a diskette for computer simulation, a teacher's guidebook, VCR material and its guidebook. The following main development direction was established : First, the material for student should be consisted of units that let students know the seriousness of energy problem. Second, the focus should be put on the necessary method and practice to economize energy actually in real life based on the basic knowledge learned in elementary school. Third, material for student should be consisted of modules to be student activity-oriented teaching-learning rather than lecture-oriented one. The activity, to maximize student's interests, should be presented in various forms such as experiments, investigation, play, data interpretation, computer simulation, visits, expression and appreciation, etc. To develop the energy education materials for middle school students, a research plan was made first. After literature review about domestic and foreign energy education materials, several research trips home and abroad, and discussion meetings, the basic theory of energy education such as the principle, objective, contents, teaching-learning method, and evaluation method was established. Material for student was developed through the following procedures : The activities in the existing energy education materials were analysed and were divided into four categories related to energy using places of home, school, community, and country, and which were again divided into three categories related to time of past, present, and future, Considering these division, nine modules which are structure units of material for student were chosen, Each module comprises 2-4 activities. Totally 31 activities were designed in this way. The syllabi were made out for each activity and writing was asked for to experts related to each activity after several discussions and revision. To complement the draft, another several discussions and revision were also made on it and then pictures and illustrations were asked for. All these procedures complete the material for student, titled ; Energy Inquiry of Middle School Students', which totals 129 pages and is all in color. As the manuscript of material for student was fixed, writing for teacher's guidebook was asked for to the same writers. The draft of teacher's guidebook was also complemented through the several concentrated works and discussions. Teacher's guidebook focused on the teaching-learning principle and methods of energy education and on the concrete instruction cases for effective instruction of material for student. It is organized with two parts : the one is 'general outline' which introduces theoretical contents and the other is 'details' which are practically helpful to teaching-learning. It is totally 131 pages including both 'general outline' and 'details'. The VCR material and its guidebook consist of contents that cultivate the good attitude trying to economize energy and raise student's interests with a purpose of strong motivation to recognize the necessity of economy and practice it. After establishing development direction of VCR material through discussion meetings and research trips, its script was made by relevant experts. Then the script was also reviewed two times. The drafted VCR material made by a video material developing expert was examined and modified by previews twice. After completion of VCR material, the VCR guidebook was made. All these procedures led to the development of VCR material which runs 20 minutes in VHS type. The VCR guidebook shows a production purpose of the program, structure of contents, evaluation methods, and contents of the program in detail to give help to instructors when they use this VCR material, When these energy education materials are used, it is desirable that the VCR material should be presented first to induce student's motive, and then material for student is introduced Since the material for student is composed of activity-oriented modules and each module is independent one another in general, and each activity is, too. the necessary module or activity can be chosen and utilized in any order according to school or class conditions. This energy education materials will contribute to the development of student's ability to solve energy problem in everyday life and teacher's ability to teach the fundamental knowledge and method in solving energy problem.

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The Relationship Between Son Preference and Fertility (남아 선호와 출산력간의 관계)

  • 이성용
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.31-57
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    • 2003
  • This study is intended to examine (l)whether the value of son-for example, old age security and succession of family lineage- causing son preference in the traditional society can be explained at the individual level, (2)whether women without son in the son preference country continue her childbearing until having at least one son or give up the desire of having a son at a certain level. To accomplish these purposes, the 1974 Korean National Fertility Survey data are analyzed by the quadratic hazard models controlling unobserved heterogeneity. Unlike ordinary regression model, even omitted variables that affect hazard rates and are uncorrelated with the included independent variables can distort the parameter estimates in the hazard model. Therefore the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator(NPMLE) of a mixing distribution developed by Heckman and Singer is used to control unobserved heterogeneity. Based on the statistical result in this study, the value of son causing son preference is determined at the societal level, not at the individual level. And Korean women without a son did not continue endlessly childbearing during child bearing ages until having a son. In general, they gave up the desire having a son when she had born six daughters continuously. Thus, 30-40 years ago, the number of daughters that women without a son giving up the desire of son was six, which is about the level of total fertility rate during 1960s. In these days, we can often see many women who have only two or three daughters and do not any son. This means that the level of giving up the desire of son, which is one factor representing the strength of son preference, becomes lower. If the strength of son preference did not become much weaker, then the fertility rates in Korea could not reach the below replacement level.

Renal Expression of TonEBP and Urea Transporter in the Water-deprived Mongolian Gerbil(Meriones unguiculatus) (절수시 Mongolian Gerbil 콩팥에서 TonEBP와 Urea transporter의 발현 변화)

  • Park, Yong-Deok;Kim, Sung-Joong;Jung, Ju-Young
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.271-280
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    • 2007
  • Tonicity-responsive enhancer binding protein(TonEBP) is a transcriptional factor essential in the function and development of the renal medulla. TonEBP plays a critical role in protecting renal medullary cells from the deleterious effect of hypertonicity. TonEBP is a key regulator of urinary concentration via stimulation of transcription of urea transporter(UT) in a manner independent of vasopressin. UT in the renal inner medulla is important for the conservation of body water due to its role in the urine concentrating mechanism. Mongolian gerbil(Meriones unguiculatus) has been as an model animal for studying the neurological disease such as stroke and epilepsy because of the congenital incomplete in Willis circle, as well as the investigation of water metabolism because of the long time-survival in the condition of water-deprived desert condition, compared with other species animal. In this study, we divide 3 groups of which each group include the 5 animals. In the study of 7 or 14 days water restricted condition, we investigated the TonEBP and UT-A by using a immunohistochemistry in the kidney. In the normal kidney, the distribution of TonEBP is generally localized on nuclei of inner medullary cells. Nuclear distribution of TonEBP is generally increased throughout the medulla in 7 and 14 days dehydrated group compared with control group. Increased nuclear localization was particularly dramatic in thin limbs. In control groups, UT-A was expressed in inner stripe of outer medulla(ISOM) and inner medulla(IM). UT-A was present in the terminal part of the short-loop of descending thin limbs (DTL) in ISOM and also present in the inner medullary collecting duct(IMCD), where the intensity of it gradually increased toward the papillary tip. In the dehydrated kidney, UT-A immunoreactivity was increased in the short-loop of DTL in ISOM and in the long-loop of DTL in the initial part of IM, where was expressed moderate positive reaction in the normal kidney. Also it was up regulated in the IMCD in initial & middle part of IM. However UT-A down regulated in the IMCD, where the intensity of it gradually decreased toward the papillary tip. These findings suggest that increased levels of TonEBP in medulla and UT-A in shot-loop of DTL and IMCD play a important role for maintain fluid balance in the water-deprived mongolian gerbil kidney.

Risk Assessment of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza by Comparison of Biosecurity Level in Domestic Poultry Farms (국내 가금농장의 차단방역수준비교에 따른 고병원성 조류인플루엔자 발생 위험도 평가)

  • So, Hyun Hee;Bae, Yeonji;Mo, Inpil
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.313-325
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    • 2019
  • In most cases of HPAI (highly pathogenic avian influenza) outbreaks, stamping-out operations are initiated by officially designating the affected premise, which is subsequently followed by depopulation of infected flocks. The primary objective of this study was to develop an evaluation method that correlates the level of biosecurity and the risk of having an HPAI outbreak in domestic poultry farms. A total of eight farms were selected nationwide, including layer farms, broiler farms, and an animal welfare type farm. The biosecurity level of the chosen poultry farms was assessed based on a total scoring index of 183 divided into three categories, general management (51), quarantine management (106), and sanitation management (26). Conclusively, the five layer farms (JS, GE, CS, HS, OE), scored higher overall scores compared to the animal welfare farm (CH) and broiler farms (JG, LB). In terms of scoring, which adds up to a total of 183 points, most layer farms scored between 130 and 157, while the two broiler farms and the welfare farm scored 45, 75 and 70, respectively. Next, an independent HPAI risk assessment of the farms was carried out. Regarding the correlation between biosecurity levels and HPAI risks, in the farms that presented a higher overall score in terms of biosecurity and outweighed the risks of HPAI, they tended to earn more points in the quarantine management category. The results of this study suggest that a viable system for evaluating biosecurity levels can establish strong correlations with the risk of having HPAI.