• Title/Summary/Keyword: image of science

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Analysis of the key Factors that Influence Emotional Web Design and its Effects on Brand Attitude - focus on Fastfood WebSites - (웹에서의 감성디자인이 브랜드태도에 미치는 효과와 영향요인 분석 - 패스트푸드 사이트를 중심으로 -)

  • 윤다연;이현주
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.153-162
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    • 2004
  • This paper focused on the effect of Kansei design on the web in branding as well as its influence factors. As a key of this research, it classified web users' Kansei into five categories; 1) functional Kansei, 2) sensoryKansei, 3) psychological Kansei, 4) relational Kansei and 5) cultural Kansei, and organized relevant factors. Online surveys were conducted on seven websites of the fast food brands in Korea (Lotteria, Mcdonald, BurgerKing, Popeyes, KFC, Pizza Hut, Domino's) which are targeting 463 male and females in 20s. As a result, an average of 58% responded that they had a positive Kansei experience and could enhanceits brand preference. Of the sensory Kansei, visual design factors were the one that gave the greatest effect on brand preference enhancement. Regarding the functional Kansei satisfaction, such as user convenience and access speed were also one of the most crucial variables for the whole Kansei satisfaction. Moreover, the preference enhancement brought not only a positive effect on its reliability but also its brand image and consumers' purchasing desire. Based on the survey results, the additional FGI (Focus Group Interview) had been conducted and determined \circled1 what kind of major Kansei that users wanted to have satisfied, \circled2 what type of design can give strong Kansei appeal to its users, and \circled3what design factors gave an effect on sensory emotion. In the course of this research, Itried to renew the awareness of the web importance as a major channel in non-mass interactive marketing, and suggest the effect and its possibility of emotional branding through Kansei design in the web as well as design principles of strategic Kansei design.

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Correlation between Head Movement Data and Virtual Reality Content Immersion (헤드 무브먼트 데이터와 가상현실 콘텐츠 몰입도 상관관계)

  • Kim, Jungho;Yoo, Taekyung
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.500-507
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    • 2021
  • The virtual reality industry has an opportunity to take another leap forward with the surge in demand for non-face-to-face content and interest in the metaverse after Covid-19. Therefore, in order to popularize virtual reality content along with this trend, high-quality content production and storytelling research suitable for the characteristics of virtual reality should be continuously conducted. In order for content to which virtual reality characteristics are applied to be effectively produced through user feedback, a quantitative index that can evaluate the content is needed. In this study, the process of viewing virtual reality contents was analyzed and head movement was set as a quantitative indicator. Afterwards, the experimenter watched five animations and analyzed the correlation between recorded head movement information and immersion. As a result of the analysis, high immersion was shown when the head movement speed was relatively slow, and it was found that the head movement speed can be used significantly as an index indicating the degree of content immersion. The result derived in this way can be used as a quantitative indicator that can verify the validity of the storytelling method applied after the prototype is produced when the creator creates virtual reality content. This method can improve the quality of content by quickly identifying the problems of the proposed storytelling method and suggesting a better method. This study aims to contribute to the production of high-quality virtual reality content and the popularization of virtual reality content as a basic research to analyze immersion based on the quantitative indicator of head movement speed.

A Design and Implementation of Fitness Application Based on Kinect Sensor

  • Lee, Won Joo
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, we design and implement KITNESS, a windows application that feeds back the accuracy of fitness motions based on Kinect sensors. The feature of this application is to use Kinect's camera and joint recognition sensor to give feedback to the user to exercise in the correct fitness position. At this time, the distance between the user and the Kinect is measured using Kinect's IR Emitter and IR Depth Sensor, and the joint, which is the user's joint position, and the Skeleton data of each joint are measured. Using this data, a certain distance is calculated for each joint position and posture of the user, and the accuracy of the posture is determined. And it is implemented so that users can check their posture through Kinect's RGB camera. That is, if the user's posture is correct, the skeleton information is displayed as a green line, and if it is not correct, the inaccurate part is displayed as a red line to inform intuitively. Through this application, the user receives feedback on the accuracy of the exercise position, so he can exercise himself in the correct position. This application classifies the exercise area into three areas: neck, waist, and leg, and increases the recognition rate of Kinect by excluding positions that Kinect does not recognize due to overlapping joints in the position of each exercise area. And at the end of the application, the last exercise is shown as an image for 5 seconds to inspire a sense of accomplishment and to continuously exercise.

A Study on Expression of the Film (2019) : Focusing on Genre-Shifting Characters and Actors' Acting (영화 <기생충>(2019)의 표현성 연구 : 장르를 변주하는 캐릭터와 배우의 연기를 중심으로)

  • Lee, A-Young
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.77-89
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    • 2020
  • The film "Parasite" portrays Korea's history and its present in a space that clearly represents the real world's hierarchy as a vertical structure. It demonstrates the problems of an insurmountable reality and the elements of various conflicts occurring below the surface of Korean society through a complex mix of human emotions and relationships. The most realistic yet unrealistic characters cross boundaries between being victims and perpetrators, defamiliarizing ordinary scenes from everyday life through their small mistakes, strange obsessions, bizarre behavior, anxious psychology, and desperate struggles. This study analyzes the expression of the film "Parasite" through its characters with the belief that the film expresses director Bong Joon-ho's consistent cinematic philosophy of taking reality beyond the traditional rules of film genres. By doing so, Bong creates a feature of the expression that shifts genres as the characters' personalities amplify related behaviors, conflicts and questions, and that this is the core of the unique nuance and distinct humor of this film. In addition, the personalities of the characters interact with all the film's elements (cinematic techniques, space, props, etc.), evoking effects of various meanings, which are transmitted through the actors'images and acting. In this respect, the study analyzes how the actors were cast in order to realistically reproduce the characters of the actors, how their acting was harmonized with the film's elements, and its features as well as how they were expressed.

Computer Vision Approach for Phenotypic Characterization of Horticultural Crops (컴퓨터 비전을 활용한 토마토, 파프리카, 멜론 및 오이 작물의 표현형 특성화)

  • Seungri Yoon;Minju Shin;Jin Hyun Kim;Ho Jeong Jeong;Junyoung Park;Tae In Ahn
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2024
  • This study explored computer vision methods using the OpenCV open-source library to characterize the phenotypes of various horticultural crops. In the case of tomatoes, image color was examined to assess ripeness, while support vector machine (SVM) and histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) methods effectively identified ripe tomatoes. For sweet pepper, we visualized the color distribution and used the Gaussian mixture model for clustering to analyze its post-harvest color characteristics. For the quality assessment of netted melons, the LAB (lightness, a, b) color space, binary images, and depth mapping were used to measure the net patterns of the melon. In addition, a combination of depth and color data proved successful in identifying flowers of different sizes and distances in cucumber greenhouses. This study highlights the effectiveness of these computer vision strategies in monitoring the growth and development, ripening, and quality assessment of fruits and vegetables. For broader applications in agriculture, future researchers and developers should enhance these techniques with plant physiological indicators to promote their adoption in both research and practical agricultural settings.

A Study on the Information Society of Baudrillards Theory and Designer's Thinking (보드리야르의 정보사회 이론과 디자이너의 사고에 대한 고찰)

  • 김태균
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2000
  • Due to the explosive growth of the internet, terminology like "information society" and "virtual space" is frequently used, but often in a confusing manner. Some Social theorists and many people are fascinated by "information" and "media" as key characteristics of the contemporary world and rely on the unproven opinion that "Knowledge is a source of value and information moves the world". In this regard, Boudllian defines contemporary culture as a culture of signs and insists that we are surrounded by signs and forms of meaning. There isn't anything behind the signs but signs only exsist, so we cannot escaped from its inauthenticity and consider it improper to insist on it. If people can understand that signs are just simulation of reality, that would be alright. But in fact anything cannot be alright.In this matter Boudllian's conclusion is that we produce images in bulk which are not worthy seeing. Today we reach the conclusion that most images are the letter(character) image itself which shows nothing special.Consequently, this kind of world is a postmodern-world that seems meaningless but has signs to experience and enjoy, many examples of which are shown in the media, such as the internet. We can get to the conclusion that the audience neither sees nor hears anything, but they just can experience many interesting things which characterize the present age. The purpose of this research is to help you to understand current design philosophy and the direction of media while considering both a positive social phenomenon about the new design paradigm of information and media, as well as critical thinking about it.

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A Study of Emotional Consumption Propensity and Preferences for Sensibility Factors of the Fabrics (감성적 소비성향과 패션소재의 감성요소에 대한 선호도 연구)

  • Kim, Yeowon;Choi, Jongmyoung
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.27-42
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    • 2016
  • The purposes of this study were to investigate the emotional consumption propensity and the preferences for sensibility factors of fabrics(color tone, pattern and texture image), and to analyse the differences according to demographic variables and relationships between emotional consumption propensity and preferences for sensibility factors of fabrics, focusing on male and female consumers in 20's, 30's and 40's. The emotional consumption propensity were classified into symbolic consumption propensity, individual consumption propensity, aesthetic consumption propensity and hedonic consumption propensity. The subjects attached great importance in the order of aesthetic consumption propensity, individual consumption propensity and symbolic consumption propensity. Those factors of emotional consumption propensity showed partially significant difference according to demographic variables. Female consumers preferred various color tones than men did, and preference for light color tone showed significant differences according to gender and occupation of consumers. The preferences for floral pattern showed significant difference according to gender, age, education, occupation and marital status of consumers. The factors of the texture images for the fabrics showed partially significant difference according to demographic variables except education of consumers. There were almost significant relationships between emotional consumption propensity and the preferences for sensibility factors for fabrics.

A study on 3D Modeling Process & Rendering Image of CAD Program-With Case study on Cellular Phone Design- (캐드에 의한 3차원 모델링 제작과정과 렌더링 이미지 연출에 관한 연구-무선 이동 전화기 디자인 사례를 중심으로-)

  • 이대우
    • Archives of design research
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    • no.18
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 1996
  • Industrial design development methods and processes have changed in accordance with Industrial Information Age. These days, problems are created by existing methods and evaluation of design value , all problems concerned with time and finances sitaution have been made a subject of discussion. Development of design processes have been changed by the development of problem recognition and solving tools, and dpsign tpchnulugy havp hppn replaced by computer technology,Thus. software design processes linking thoughtware to hardware are used in the solution of design problems with many parts. In this study, 3D Modeling samples are presented, 3D Modeling can realise ' Ideas' to '3Dimentional Virtual Ohjects'. These effect and value are anle to decisively influence the process of design problem conference-ebealuation-solution.Proxesses of actual modeling and rendering are made as follows. By compusition of simple 20 drawings and shaping them into 30 objects, 30 solid models can be made. To prssent effectivley, we can make a sample model by varying camera views,light sourses,materials and colours etc. This sample is evaluated by various cumposition, methods and PERT(Program Evaluation and Review Technique). This cuncrete sample (tentative plan)is changed within the CAD SYSTEM by design evaluation, and then converted to flowchart of mass productive conception through refined data. So, that tentative plan can be conformed to design desire actuillly, to the utmost degree. Finally, this design process can be proposed as il new method in cuntrast with current methods. The aim of this study is to suggest effective evaluation methods of design outcome among many evaluating elements.

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Relationship between fracture distribution and the acidity of mine drainage at the Il-Gwang Mine (일광광산의 절리분포 특성과 광산배수 산성도의 관계)

  • Choi, Jae-Young;Um, Jeong-Gi;Kwon, Hyun-Ho;Shim, Yon-Sik
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.425-436
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    • 2010
  • We established a stochastic 3-D fracture network system for fractured rock masses located in Il-Gwang Mine, Busan, to explore the relationship between the acidity of mine drainage and fracture geometry. A field scanline survey and borehole image processing were performed to estimate the best probability distributions of fracture geometry parameters. The stochastic 3-D fracture network system constructed for the rock masses was validated and deemed to be successful. The 3-D fracture network model was suitable for developing conceptual ideas on fluid flow in fractures at a field experimental site. An injection well and three observation wells were drilled at the field experimental site to monitor the acidity of mine drainage induced by the injection of fresh water. The field experiment, which was run for 29 days, yielded a significant relationship (with a high coefficient of determination) between the fracture geometry parameters and the acidity of mine drainage. The results show that pH increased with increasing relative frequency of fracture strike, and decreased with increasing fracture density. The concentration of $SO^{2-}_4$ decreased with increasing relative frequency of fracture strike, and increased with increasing fracture density.

What you see and what you want to see from public figures: Cognitive Representations of Politicians and Entertainers (이상적 공인에 대한 기대와 공인에 대한 실제 평가: 정치인과 연예인에 대한 인지적 표상을 중심으로)

  • Cho, Jeesun;Lee, Joo;Hong, A-Sung;Sohn, Young Woo
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.249-264
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    • 2013
  • Using social network analysis, this study examined cognitive representations of ideal public figures as well as politicians and entertainers who are often regarded as public figures in Korea. Participants expected ideal public figures to possess only positive characteristics, such as high morality, integrity, competence. However, their assessment of politicians and entertainers reflected in their cognitive representations turned out to be fairly different from the image of ideal public figures. Personality traits and behavioral characteristics featured in cognitive representations of politicians were dominantly negative. Cognitive representations of entertainers incorporated both positive and negative characteristics highly interconnected to each other. This study also explored how people respond affectively toward ideal public figures, politicians and entertainers. Participants showed only positive feelings toward ideal public figures. However, their' affective responses toward politicians were entirely negative and toward entertainers, both positive and negative affects were shown. We discussed the disjunction between the representations of politicians and entertainers and of ideal public figures and suggested directions of future research.

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