• Title/Summary/Keyword: human resources management

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The Status of Endangered Plants Distributed in the Middle Eastern Area of Korea and Evaluation of the Risk Factors (우리나라 중동부지역에 분포하는 멸종위기야생식물 현황과 위험요인 평가)

  • Kim, Young-Chul;Chae, Hyun-Hee;Hong, Bo-Ram;Oh, Hyun-Kyung;Lee, Kyeong-Hwa;Lee, Kyu-Song
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.291-307
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    • 2016
  • Evaluation of the extinction risk of endangered plants at international, national as well as at regional levels is essential to the implementation of plans for direct conservation activities. Reports indicate that 34 endangered plants are distributed in the middle eastern area of Korea. For each endangered plant, we investigated the sites, area of extents, population size, and factors that affect population extinction. We assessed risk factors based on 10 evaluation criteria including the results from the investigation and the life traits each endangered plant has. As a result of evaluating the risk factors, these 34 endangered plants are classified into 3 groups: the first category comprises 12 endangered plants that require active and urgent conservation of habitats due to multiple risk factors; the second group has 16 endangered plants that should be able to persist with the removal of a few direct risk factors; the third category has 6 endangered plants that can persist with minimal management due to comparatively large distributed area and numerous individuals. It was found that most major risk factors in the population of endangered plants are caused by disruption of habitats and population extinction due to the increase of human habitation in the concerned areas, development and illegal harvesting. Futhermore, ecological collapse from decreasing habitats and malfunctioning mechanism of extinction and regeneration due to the changes of vegetational environment can be the other causes. From the area of the present investigations, we selected 5 regions according to the number of species and the frequency of appearance and importance of conservation measures. Also, we suggested a conservation strategy according to the regional characteristics. We suggest that the method for evaluating extinction risk of endangered plants includes distributional data and life traits of species. In addition, we underscore the necessity for understanding population dynamics and ecological niche of the each target species.

A PLS Path Modeling Approach on the Cause-and-Effect Relationships among BSC Critical Success Factors for IT Organizations (PLS 경로모형을 이용한 IT 조직의 BSC 성공요인간의 인과관계 분석)

  • Lee, Jung-Hoon;Shin, Taek-Soo;Lim, Jong-Ho
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.207-228
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    • 2007
  • Measuring Information Technology(IT) organizations' activities have been limited to mainly measure financial indicators for a long time. However, according to the multifarious functions of Information System, a number of researches have been done for the new trends on measurement methodologies that come with financial measurement as well as new measurement methods. Especially, the researches on IT Balanced Scorecard(BSC), concept from BSC measuring IT activities have been done as well in recent years. BSC provides more advantages than only integration of non-financial measures in a performance measurement system. The core of BSC rests on the cause-and-effect relationships between measures to allow prediction of value chain performance measures to allow prediction of value chain performance measures, communication, and realization of the corporate strategy and incentive controlled actions. More recently, BSC proponents have focused on the need to tie measures together into a causal chain of performance, and to test the validity of these hypothesized effects to guide the development of strategy. Kaplan and Norton[2001] argue that one of the primary benefits of the balanced scorecard is its use in gauging the success of strategy. Norreklit[2000] insist that the cause-and-effect chain is central to the balanced scorecard. The cause-and-effect chain is also central to the IT BSC. However, prior researches on relationship between information system and enterprise strategies as well as connection between various IT performance measurement indicators are not so much studied. Ittner et al.[2003] report that 77% of all surveyed companies with an implemented BSC place no or only little interest on soundly modeled cause-and-effect relationships despite of the importance of cause-and-effect chains as an integral part of BSC. This shortcoming can be explained with one theoretical and one practical reason[Blumenberg and Hinz, 2006]. From a theoretical point of view, causalities within the BSC method and their application are only vaguely described by Kaplan and Norton. From a practical consideration, modeling corporate causalities is a complex task due to tedious data acquisition and following reliability maintenance. However, cause-and effect relationships are an essential part of BSCs because they differentiate performance measurement systems like BSCs from simple key performance indicator(KPI) lists. KPI lists present an ad-hoc collection of measures to managers but do not allow for a comprehensive view on corporate performance. Instead, performance measurement system like BSCs tries to model the relationships of the underlying value chain in cause-and-effect relationships. Therefore, to overcome the deficiencies of causal modeling in IT BSC, sound and robust causal modeling approaches are required in theory as well as in practice for offering a solution. The propose of this study is to suggest critical success factors(CSFs) and KPIs for measuring performance for IT organizations and empirically validate the casual relationships between those CSFs. For this purpose, we define four perspectives of BSC for IT organizations according to Van Grembergen's study[2000] as follows. The Future Orientation perspective represents the human and technology resources needed by IT to deliver its services. The Operational Excellence perspective represents the IT processes employed to develop and deliver the applications. The User Orientation perspective represents the user evaluation of IT. The Business Contribution perspective captures the business value of the IT investments. Each of these perspectives has to be translated into corresponding metrics and measures that assess the current situations. This study suggests 12 CSFs for IT BSC based on the previous IT BSC's studies and COBIT 4.1. These CSFs consist of 51 KPIs. We defines the cause-and-effect relationships among BSC CSFs for IT Organizations as follows. The Future Orientation perspective will have positive effects on the Operational Excellence perspective. Then the Operational Excellence perspective will have positive effects on the User Orientation perspective. Finally, the User Orientation perspective will have positive effects on the Business Contribution perspective. This research tests the validity of these hypothesized casual effects and the sub-hypothesized causal relationships. For the purpose, we used the Partial Least Squares approach to Structural Equation Modeling(or PLS Path Modeling) for analyzing multiple IT BSC CSFs. The PLS path modeling has special abilities that make it more appropriate than other techniques, such as multiple regression and LISREL, when analyzing small sample sizes. Recently the use of PLS path modeling has been gaining interests and use among IS researchers in recent years because of its ability to model latent constructs under conditions of nonormality and with small to medium sample sizes(Chin et al., 2003). The empirical results of our study using PLS path modeling show that the casual effects in IT BSC significantly exist partially in our hypotheses.

The Interpretation for Stand Structure in Natural Oak Forests (참나무 천연림(天然林)의 임분(林分) 구조(構造)에 대한 해석(解析))

  • Kim, Ji Hong;Lee, Don Koo;Kim, Zin-Suh;Lee, Kyung Joon;Hyun, Jung Oh;Hwang, Jae Woo;Kwon, Ki Won
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.82 no.3
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    • pp.235-245
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    • 1993
  • This study was carried out to understand the stand structure based on the compositional characteristics of natural deciduous forest dominated by Quercus species, which will provide with fundamental ecological and silvicultural information for effective forest management. Of two tracts selected from the Seoul National University Research Forests, one is located in Kwangju-Gun Kyunggi-Do, and the other in Kwangyang-Gun Chollanam-Do. Point-quarter sampling method w-as employed to survey woody vegetation confined to larger than 6cm in DBH. The numbers of sample points were 152 and 187, in Kwangju-Gun and Kwangyang-Gun, respectively. Comparative analysis for two forest tracts was made as follows ; 1) species composition by calculation of importance values ; 2) number of stems per hectare for major tree species ; 3) species diversity for the forests in two locations ; 4) inter-species association based on $X^2$ test. The relative dominate of Quercus speices showed 88% at Kwangju-Gun, Kyunggi-Do and 50% at Kwangy-ang-Gun. Chollanam-Do. Such high dominance occurred due to high importance values of Quercus variahilis and Q. mortgolica in both locations. Quercus serrata showed low value at Kwangju-Gun. Kyunggi-Do whereas Q. acutissirna, Q. dentata and Q. aliena did none at Kwangyang-Gun. Chollanam-Do. The species diversity and evenness in oak communities exhibited 0.82 and 0.61, respectively at Kwangju-Gun. Kyunggi-Do, while those did 1.09 and 0.73 at Kwangyang-Gun, Chollanam-Do. Therefore, it was considered that Ku-angju-Gun region was disturbed severely by human activities but Kwangyang-Gun region eras less disturbed. Frequent appearance of Carpinus and Acer species indicates increase in diversities and better development of succession at Kwangyang-Gun region.

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Status of Agrometeorological Information and Dissemination Networks (농업기상 정보 및 배분 네트워크 현황)

  • Jagtap, Shrikant;Li, Chunqiang
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.71-84
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    • 2004
  • There is a growing demand for agrometeorological information that end-users can use and not just interesting information. lo achieve this, each region/community needs to develop and provide localized climate and weather information for growers. Additionally, provide tools to help local users interpret climate forecasts issued by the National Weather Service in the country. Real time information should be provided for farmers, including some basic data. An ideal agrometeorological information system includes several components: an efficient data measuring and collection system; a modern telecommunication system; a standard data management processing and analysis system; and an advanced technological information dissemination system. While it is conventional wisdom that, Internet is and will play a major role in the delivery and dissemination of agrometeorological information, there are large gaps between the "information rich" and the "information poor" countries. Rural communities represent the "last mile of connectivity". For some time to come, TV broadcast, radio, phone, newspaper and fax will be used in many countries for communication. The differences in achieving this among countries arise from the human and financial resources available to implement this information and the methods of information dissemination. These differences must be considered in designing any information dissemination system. Experience shows that easy across to information more tailored to user needs would substantially increase use of climate information. Opportunities remain unexplored for applications of geographical information systems and remote sensing in agro meteorology.e sensing in agro meteorology.

The Multi-door Courthouse: Origin, Extension, and Case Studies (멀티도어코트하우스제도: 기원, 확장과 사례분석)

  • Chung, Yongkyun
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.3-43
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    • 2018
  • The emergence of a multi-door courthouse is related with a couple of reasons as follows: First, a multi-door courthouse was originally initiated by the United States government that increasingly became impatient with the pace and cost of protracted litigation clogging the courts. Second, dockets of courts are overcrowded with legal suits, making it difficult for judges to handle those legal suits in time and causing delays in responding to citizens' complaints. Third, litigation is not suitable for the disputant that has an ongoing relationship with the other party. In this case, even if winning is achieved in the short run, it may not be all that was hoped for in the long run. Fourth, international organizations such as the World Bank, UNDP, and Asia Development Bank urge to provide an increased access to women, residents, and the poor in local communities. The generic model of a multi-door courthouse consists of three stages: The first stage includes a center offering intake services, along with an array of dispute resolution services under one roof. At the second stage, the screening unit at the center would diagnose citizen disputes, then refer the disputants to the appropriate door for handling the case. At the third stage, the multi-door courthouse provides diverse kinds of dispute resolution programs such as mediation, arbitration, mediation-arbitration (med-arb), litigation, and early neutral evaluation. This study suggests the extended model of multi-door courthouse comprised of five layers: intake process, diagnosis and door-selection process, neutral-selection process, implementation process of dispute resolution, and process of training and education. One of the major characteristics of extended multi-door courthouse model is the detailed specification of individual department corresponding to each process within a multi-door courthouse. The intake department takes care of the intake process. The screening department plays the role of screening disputes, diagnosing the nature of disputes, and determining a suitable door to handle disputes. The human resources department manages experts through the construction and management of the data base of mediators, arbitrators, and judges. The administration bureau manages the implementation of each process of dispute resolution. The education and training department builds long-term planning to procure neutrals and experts dealing with various kinds of disputes within a multi-door courthouse. For this purpose, it is necessary to establish networks among courts, law schools, and associations of scholars in order to facilitate the supply of manpower in ADR neutrals, as well as judges in the long run. This study also provides six case studies of multi-door courthouses across continents in order to grasp the worldwide picture and wide spread phenomena of multi-door courthouse. For this purpose, the United States and Latin American countries including Argentina and Brazil, Middle Eastern countries, and Southeast Asian countries (such as Malaysia and Myanmar), Australia, and Nigeria were chosen. It was found that three kinds of patterns are discernible during the evolution of a multi-door courthouse model. First, the federal courts of the United States, land and environment court in Australia, and Lagos multi-door courthouse in Nigeria may maintain the prototype of a multi-door courthouse model. Second, the judicial systems in Latin American countries tend to show heterogenous patterns in terms of the adaptation of a multi-door courthouse model to their own environments. Some court systems of Latin American countries including those of Argentina and Brazil resemble the generic model of a multi-door courthouse, while other countries show their distinctive pattern of judicial system and ADR systems. Third, it was found that legal pluralism is prevalent in Middle Eastern countries and Southeast Asian countries. For example, Middle Eastern countries such as Saudi Arabia have developed various kinds of dispute resolution methods, such as sulh (mediation), tahkim (arbitration), and med-arb for many centuries, since they have been situated at the state of tribe or clan instead of nation. Accordingly, they have no unified code within the territory. In case of Southeast Asian countries such as Myanmar and Malaysia, they have preserved a strong tradition of customary laws such as Dhammthat in Burma, and Shriah and the Islamic law in Malaysia for a long time. On the other hand, they incorporated a common law system into a secular judicial system in Myanmar and Malaysia during the colonial period. Finally, this article proposes a couple of factors to strengthen or weaken a multi-door courthouse model. The first factor to strengthen a multi-door courthouse model is the maintenance of flexibility and core value of alternative dispute resolution. We also find that fund raising is important to build and maintain the multi-door courthouse model, reflecting the fact that there has been a competition surrounding the allocation of funds within the judicial system.

A Study on Correlation among Empowerment, Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention of Food Service Industry Employees (외식업체 종사자들의 임파워먼트가 직무만족과 이직의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jong-Ho
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.113-128
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    • 2012
  • This research was conducted targeting 269 employees working in the hotel and food service industry in the Busan area to provide human resources policy implications for food service companies by understanding the causal relationship between the empowerment of foodservice industry employees and job satisfaction and turnover intent. To achieve the research purpose, this research identified the demographic characteristics through a frequency analysis, obtained reliability and validity through a factor and reliability analysis, attaining a meaningful result in the significance level of p<.01 in all factors by conducting a correlation analysis to understand the overall relationship between the variables. As a result of the multiple regression analysis to verify a hypothesis, the explanatory adequacy of the regression model for the effect of self-determination and meaning, the sub-factors of empowerment, on job satisfaction was 34.6%, and the self-determination and meaning was respectively analyzed as (${\beta}$=.125, p<.05) and (${\beta}$=.511, p<.001), thus, the hypothesis that the empowerment of employees in the food service industry has a positive (+) effect was selected. In addition, the multiple regression analysis was conducted to examine the effect that empowerment (self-determination, meaning) has on job turnover intent, and as a result, the explanatory adequacy of the regression model was 11.2%, the self-determination was ${\beta}$=-.024, showing that it was not analyzed as a statistically meaningful result, and the meaning was analyzed as(${\beta}$=-320,p<.001). Thus, the hypothesis that the empowerment of employees in the food service industry has a negative (-) effect on job turnover intent was partially selected. In the regression analysis result of the effect of job satisfaction on turnover intent, the explanatory adequacy of the entire regression model appearing in the entire analysis was 25.3%, and the job satisfaction was analyzed as (${\beta}$=-.503,p<.001). Thus, the hypothesis that job satisfaction has a negative (-) effect on job turnover intent was selected.

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Development and Application of Training Program for RI-Biomics Manpower through Analysis of Educational Demands (교육수요 분석을 통한 RI-Biomics 전문인력 양성 프로그램 개발 및 적용)

  • Shin, Woo-Ho;Park, Tai-Jin;Yeom, Yu-Sun
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.159-167
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    • 2015
  • RI-Biomics is a promising radiation convergence technology that combines radiation with bio science as new growth power technology. Many developed countries are focusing active support and constant exertion to dominate the RI-Biomics market in advance. In order to achieve global leadership in the RI-Biomics field, we need more highly advanced technologies and professional manpower. In fact, we have less manpower compared to technology we currently hold. In this study, we established a basic infrastructure to train professional manpower in the RI-Biomics field by developing/operating optimum training program through expert interviews and survey. The developed program has four organized sections to understand overall procedure of RI-Biomics. To evaluate our training program, we performed test operations with eight students who have a major related to RI-Biomics for three weeks in KARA (Seoul) and KAERI (Jung-eup). In detail, radioisotope usage and safety management were conducted for one week as basic course, RI-Biomics application technology was conducted for two weeks as professional course. To verify performance results of training program, we conducted to journal research, daily reports, and survey on participants. The results show a high level of satisfaction with training programs and continuous intention of involvement in our program. We also need to develop an intensive course to train high-quality human resources and to operate training program continuously. This training program will be used as basic materials for the development of RI-Biomics curriculum for university. Hence, we will expect that our training program contributes in training a professional manpower and develop RI-Biomics technology.

A Study on the Brand Characteristics According to Trends in the Children's Apparel Market

  • Han, Gyung-Hee
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.160-174
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    • 2005
  • Despite the decrease in the number of children due to low birth rate, the domestic children's apparel market has been achieving steady growth as family income is rising thanks to more opportunities for working women, parents spend more on their children, and they prefer brand products that make their children look special. In addition, the market is suffering from hard competition as large enterprises have joined the race. The present study purposed to survey the children's apparel market in Korea, which is in a transitional period, and to contribute to the development of the market with Korean brands. For this purpose, we analyzed the characteristics of children's apparel brands in the 21st century based on the current state of the domestic children's apparel market and, based on the findings, forecasted the future trend of children's apparel brands, suggested improvements for expected problems, proposed standards for coping with changes such as diversification, high quality and differentiation in the children's apparel market, and provided consumers with information on how to purchase products. According to the result of analyzing the characteristics of children's apparel brands in the 21st century, brands are categorized largely into four types - life cultural brands, functional product brands, character brands and brands advancing to China. Life cultural brands equipped with all necessities for children are expanding, and with the deepening social problems of environmental pollution and the reduction of the child population, functional products made of environment-friendly materials are spreading widely, targeting infants and children. Furthermore, for extending age targets and diversifying products, children's apparel is using characters. The use of characters is expected to have a considerable effect on the growth of brands because children are more subjective as consumers than before and they are more easily persuaded with characters. Domestic children's apparel brands advancing to China have a high expectation of success in overcoming the limitation of the local market that has reached its peak and growing into global brands. Korean apparel makers are struggling to overcome the depressed domestic market, to recover consumers' consumption, to cope with market opening, to pursue high value of sensibility and to expand the seniors' market, etc. In this situation, future trends of children's apparel brands will be the expansion of family brands, brand totalization, quality price, niche market (pre-teen market), etc. In response to these trends, we made the following suggestions for improvement. 1. Children's apparel brands are evolving into family brands as well as into total brands through voluming. Today, however, apparel makers are advancing to the children's apparel market with the concept of adults' apparel and, as a result, children's apparel is merely adults' apparel of reduced size, having problems in design, color and materials. Thus, apparel makers must develop design considering the wide range of size and the characteristics of children's apparel, strengthen sourcing abilities to create revenues, and make thorough survey of customers to find common denominators between adults' apparel and children's apparel considering that characteristic that the target class is different from the buyer class. Furthermore, they must make active investments in human resources, develop outstanding products through advanced planning and design, and support marketing techniques and management systems to stores. 2. As the declining birth rate will continue to have a negative effect on the market, it may be difficult to expand the market size but there is still a margin for growth through high-sensibility and high-quality products. The competitiveness of brands is determined by their market shares. Accordingly, concepts should be specialized according to lifestyle, customers' diverse needs should be satisfied, and cross-coordination should be achieved within a brand. 3. Considering Korean parents who do not spare investment in their children despite shrinking consumption, functional products must be high value-added goods that can enhance efficiency. However, in the current situation of the infants' apparel industry where a textile manufacturer supply its products to multiple brands, it is difficult to develop unique products only based on materials. Thus, it is considered urgent to appeal to consumers not by relying on materials only but by finding methods of applying their own characters to children's dress.

A Study on the Reinforcement Effect Analysis of Aging Reservoir using Grout Material recycled Power Plant Byproduct (발전부산물을 재활용한 그라우트재의 노후 저수지 보강효과 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Se-Gwan;An, Jong-Hwan;Cho, Dae-sung
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2021
  • In Korea, many reservoirs have been built for the purpose of solving the food shortage problem and supplying agricultural water. However, the current 75.6% of the reservoirs are in serious aged as more than 50 years have passed since the year of construction. In the case of such an aging reservoir, the stability due to scour and erosion inside the reservoir is very reduced, and if concentrated rainfall due to recent abnormal weather occurs, the aging reservoir may collapse, leading to a lot of damage to property and human life. Accordingly, each agency that manages aging reservoirs uses Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) as an injection material and applies the grouting method. However, in the case of OPC, it may deteriorate over time and water leakage may occur again. And there are environmental problems such as consumption of natural resources and generation of greenhouse gases. So, there is a need to develop new materials and methods that can replace the OPC. In this study, an laboratory test and analysis were performed on the grout material developed to induce a curing reaction similar to that of OPC by recycling power plant byproduct. In addition, test in the field such as electric resistivity survey, Standard Penetration Test (SPT), and field permeability test were performed to analyzed to reinforcement effect and determine the possibility of using instead of OPC. As a results of the test, in the case of recycled power plant byproduct, the compressive strength was 2.9 to 3.2 times and the deformation modulus was 2.3 to 3.3 times higher, indicating that it is excellent in strength and can be used instead of OPC. And it was analyzed that the N value of the reservoir was increased by 1~2, and the coefficient of permeability (k) decreased to the level of 8.9~42.5%. showing sufficient reinforcing effect in terms of order.

Potential Habitat Area Based on Natural Environment Survey Time Series Data for Conservation of Otter (Lutra lutra) - Case Study for Gangwon-do - (수달의 보전을 위한 전국자연환경조사 시계열 자료 기반 잠재 서식적합지역 분석 - 강원도를 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Ho Gul;Mo, Yongwon
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.24-36
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    • 2021
  • Countries around the world, including the Republic of Korea, are participating in efforts to preserve biodiversity. Concerning species, in particular, studies that aim to find potential habitats and establish conservation plans by conducting habitat suitability analysis for specific species are actively ongoing. However, few studies on mid- to long-term changes in suitable habitat areas are based on accumulated information. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the time-series changes in the habitat suitable area and examine the otters' changing pattern (Lutra lutra) designated as Level 1 endangered wildlife in Gangwon-do. The time-series change analysis used the data on otter species' presence points from the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th national natural environment surveys conducted for about 20 years. Moreover, it utilized the land cover map consistent with the survey period to create environmental variables to reflect each survey period's habitat environment. The suitable habitat area analysis used the MaxEnt model that can run based only on the species presence information, and it has been proven to be reliable by previous studies. The study derived the habitat suitability map for otters in each survey period, and it showed a tendency that habitats were distributed around rivers. Comparing the response curves of the environmental variables derived from the modeling identified the characteristics of the habitat favored by otters. The examination of habitats' change by survey period showed that the habitats based on the 2nd National Natural Environment Survey had the widest distribution. The habitats of the 3rd and 4th surveys showed a tendency of decrease in area. Moreover, the study aggregated the analysis results of the three survey periods and analyzed and categorized the habitat's changing pattern. The type of change proposed different conservation plans, such as field surveys, monitoring, protected area establishment, and restoration plan. This study is significant because it produced a comprehensive analysis map that showed the time-series changes of the location and area of the otter habitat and proposed a conservation plan that is necessary according to the type of habitat change by region. We believe that the method proposed in this study and its results can be used as reference data for establishing a habitat conservation and management plan in the future.