• Title/Summary/Keyword: high-yield varieties

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Growth Characters and Productivities of Corn Varieties at Deakwanryoung District of Korea (대관령지역에서 사료용 옥수수 품종별 생육특성과 수량성)

  • 임영철;정종원;한성윤;최기준;임용우
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.39-44
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    • 2001
  • Growth characters and productivities of corn varieties were compared to provide the basic data to the famers that in order to select the good corn varieties at Deakwanryoung district of Korea. Currently cultivated 8 recommended corn varieties and Suwon 19ho as check variety were used in this experiment and experimental design was randomized complete block with three replications. Resarch results obtained at Deakwanryoung branch (sea love 800m) of National Livestock Research Institute in 1999 are summarized as follows. Culm lengths of DK501 and GL4899 among corn varieties were shorter as 180cm and 198cm, respectively and rest of varieties were more or less 230cm and no difference among varieties. Inflorescence height was lower in varieties showing low culm length, and inflorescence heights of PK3525 and DK729 were higher about 10~15cm than those of other varieties. Stem diameters of all varieties except DK501 were thicker compared to check variety, Suwon 19ho and P3144W was thickest. Leaf numbers of late maturing DK729 and G4743 were higher as average 12 and 12.3 per plant, respectively. Silking dates among varieties were ranged from August 10 to 20 showing 10 day difference and DK501 was earliest as August 10 and G4743 was latest as August 20. Ear rates of early silking varieties were more than 46% and late silking varieties were less than 40%(P>0.1). Dry matter and TDN yield of P3351 was highest as 24,710 and 17,470kg/ha respectively, and DK729 and G4743 were second and third in order. In conclusion. early and medium maturing variety. P3352 with high yield and good growth characters was desirable at Deakwanryoung district of Korea.

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  • 류점호;조천준;한철수;류익상
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Tobacco Science
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.179-184
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    • 1984
  • This experiment was carried out to select the suitable burley varieties for paddy field. Two varieties, two $F_1$ hybrids and three $F_1$ hybrids with pale yellow line which were all early maturing were tested in the paddy field condition. The results were as follows. 1. Va 528 and all $F_1$ hybrids flowered 4-8 days earlier than Burley 21. 2. Leaf maturity among varieties and $F_1$ hybrids were not significantly different at first priming, but significant differences were detected from second to forth primings. (MS Ky 12x JB 7802-30)Fl and (MS Br 21 x L8)$F_1$ hybrids matured 3-5 days earlier than Burley 21. Pale yellow hyorids matured early, yielded high and were favorable in physical properties, but were low in quality. 4. Va 528 and (MS Br 21 x L8) $F_1$ hybrid showed earthy maturing, high yield and good quality compared with Burley 21. So two varieties were considered suitable for paddy field cultivation.

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Studies on Combining Ability and Inheritance of Major Agronomic Characters in Naked Barley (과맥의 주요형질에 대한 조합능력 및 유전에 관한 연구)

  • Kyung-Soo Min
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 1978
  • To obtain basic information on the breeding of early maturing, short culm naked-barley varieties, the following 10 varieties, Ehime # 1, Shikoku #42, Yamate hadaka, Eijo hadaka, Kagawa # 1, Jangjubaeggwa, Baegdong, Cheongmaeg, Seto-hadaka and Mokpo #42 were used in diallel crosses in 1974. Heading date, culm length and grain yield per plant for the parents, $F_1's$ and $F_2's$ of the 10X10 partial diallel crosses were measured in 1976 for analysis of their combining ability, heritability and inheritance. The results obtained are summarized below; 1. Heritabilities in broad sense for heading date, culm length and grain yield per plant were 0.7831, 0.7599 and 0.6161, respectively. Narrow sense heritabilities for heading date were 0.3972 in $F_1$ and 0.7789 in $F_2$ and for culm length 0.6567 in $F_1$ and 0.6414 in $F_2.$ These values suggest that earliness and culm length could be successfully selected for in the early generations. Narrow sense heritability for grain yield was 0.3775 in $F_1$ and 0.4170 in $F_2.$ 2. GCA effects of the $F_1$ and $F_2$ generations for days to heading were high in the early direction for early-heading varieties, while for late-heading varieties the GCA effects were high in the late direction. Absolute values for GCA effects in $F_1$ were higher than in $F_2.$ SCA effects of the $F_1$ and $F_2$ generations were high in the early-heading direction for Shikoku # 42 x Mokpo # 42, Ehime # 1 x Yamate hadaka, Shikoku # 42 x Yamate hadaka and Shikoku #42 x Eijo hadaka. 3. The GCA effects for culm length in the $F_1$ and $F_2$ generations for tall varieties were high in the tall direction while short varieties were high in the short direction. Absolute values for the GCA effects in $F_1$ were higher than in $F_2.$ SCA effects were high in the short direction for the combinations of Mokpo # 42 with Ehime # 1, Yamate had aka and Eijo hadaka. 4. The GCA effects for grain yields per plant in the $F_1$ and $F_2$ generations for varieties with high yields per plant were high in the high yielding direction, while varieties with low yields per plant were high in the low yielding direction. Absolute values of the $F_1$ GCA effects were higher than the $F_2$ effects. The combinations with high SCA effects were Mokpo # 42 x Shikoku # 42, Mokpo # 42 x Seto hadaka and Mokpo # 42 x Cheongmaeg. 5. Mean heading dates of the $F_1$ and $F_2$ generations were earlier than those of mean mid-parent. Mean heading date of the $F_1$ generation was earlier than the $F_2$ generation. Crosses involving early-heading varieties showed a greater $F_1, $ mid-parent difference than crosses involving late-heading varieties. 6. Heading date was controlled by a partial dominance effect. Nine varieties excluding Mokpo # 42 showed allelic gene action. Ehime # 1, Shikoku # 42, Kagawa # 1 and Mokpo # 42 were recessive to the other tested varieties. 7. The $F_2$ segregations of the 45 crosses for days to heading showed that 33 cosses were of such complexity that they could not be explained by simple genetic inheritance. One cross showed a 3 : 1 ratio where earliness was dominant. Another cross showed a 3 : 1 ratio where lateness was dominant. Four other crosses showed a 9 : 7 ratio for earliness while six crosses showed a 9 : 7 ratio for lateness. 8. Many transgressive segregants for earliness were found in the following crosses; Eijo hadaka x Baegdong, Ehime # 1 x Seto hadaka, Yamate had aka x Kagawa # 1, Kagawa # 1 x Sato hadaka, Shikoku # 42 x Kagawa # 1, Ehime # 1 x Kagawa # 1, Ehime # 1 x Shikoku # 42, Ehime # 1 x Eijo hadaka. 9. Mean culm length of the F, and F. generations were usually taller than the mid-parent where tall parent were used. These trends were high in the short varieties, but low in the tall varieties. 10. Culm length was controlled by partial dominace which was gonverned by allelic gene(s). Culm length showed a high degree of control by additive genes. Mokpo # 42 was recessive while Baegdong was dominant. 11. The F_2 frequency for culm length was in large part normally distributed around the midparent value. However, some combinations showed transgressive segregation for either tall or short culm length. From combinations between medium tall varieties, Ehime # 1, Shikoku # 42, Eijo hadaka and Seto hadaka, many short segregants could be found. 12. Mean grain yields per plant of the F_1 and F_2 generations were 6% and 5% higher than those of mid-parents, respectively. The varieties with high yields per plant showed a low rate of yield increase in their F_1's and F_2's while the varieties with low yields per plant showed a high rate of yield increase in their F_1's and F_1's. 13. Grain yields per plant showed over-dominnee effects, governed by non-allelic genes. Mokpo # 42 showed recessive genetic control of grain yield per plant. It remains difficult to clarify the inheritance of grain yields per plant from these data.

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Relationships between the Second Cropping and Dried Cortex Yield of Wanggol(Cyperus iwasakii Makino) (왕골의 건피 수량과 2기작 재배와의 관계)

  • Shin, Dong-Young;Jung, Dong-Soo;Kae, Bong-Myung;Lim, June-Taeg;Hyun, Kyu-Hwan;Seo, Young-Nam;Shin, Jong-Sup;Kwon, Byung-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.212-215
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    • 2007
  • To select the most suitable variety of wanggol for productivity in first and second cropping. Imsil and Gogseong varieties of wanggol with first and second cropping were shown to have the highest productivity in comparison to other varieties of wanggol used in this experiment. It showed relatively early maturing, high stem length, number of stem, and dry cortex yield. Therefore, it were concluded that Imsil and Gogseong of wanggol with first and second cropping were the most suitable varieties with high yield in the southern part of Korea.

Growth Characteristics and Yield Potentials of Soybeans in Upland and Paddy Field (전과 답에서의 콩 생육특성과 수량성)

  • 황영현;박상구
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.336-342
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    • 1993
  • To obtain the basic information necessary for the development of soybean varieties well adaptable to upland-paddy field rotational croppings, the difference of growth characteristics between upland and paddy-field including yield potentials of current recommending soybean varieties were evaluated. The growth characteristics, both above and under-ground, which were measured at flowering stage were generally greater in paddy-field but the number of root nodules was much greater in upland, thus the artificial inoculation was practically recommended for soybean growing in paddy-fields. Mean seed yield was generally higher in paddy-fields than in upland. All soybean varieties showed higher seed yield in the early planting date, April 20, were somewhat susceptible to soybean mosaic virus(SMV), thus they could be escaped from the disasterous endemic necrotic soybean mosaic virus(SMV-N). Soybean varieties showed over 4.0 tons/ha seed yield in the paddy-field were Williams 79, Union, SS77053, and Namhaekong. At the same time, Jangyeobkong and Danyeobkong were the most stable soybean varieties among the tested soybean varieties with less than 10% of coefficient variation values in all planting dates in paddy fields. Compared with Hwangkeumkong which is most widely being cultivated on farmer's fields, soybean varieties showed high yields in paddy-field were higher in plant height, less in the number of branches, and more in the number of nodes on main stem. At the same time, they had medium seed size which would bring the good germination and stands. Disease resistance especially for necrotic soybean mosaic virus was also one of the most decisive factors in seed yields for the early planted soybeans.

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Comparison of Growth Characteristics and Ginsenoside Contents by Drainage classes and Varieties in 3-Year-Old Ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer) (논토양 배수등급 및 품종별 3년생 인삼의 생육과 진세노사이드함량 비교)

  • Lee, Sung-Woo;Kim, Gum-Sook;Yeon, Byeong-Yeol;Hyun, Dong-Yun;Kim, Yong-Burm;Kang, Seung-Won;Kim, Young-Churl
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.346-351
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    • 2009
  • To study the optimal cultivation for paddy soil, growth characteristics and ginsenoside content was investigated by both of poor drainage class (PDC) and imperfect drainage class (IDC) in three-year-old ginseng of varieties, Cheonpoong (CP), Yeonpoong (YP), Hwangsookjong (HS), and Jakyeongjong (JK). Root yield of IDC was higher than that of PDC by 3.6 times because stem length, leaf area, and chlorophyll contents were increased, while discolored leaf ratio was decreased. Root yield of HS in PDC was highest among four varieties because chlorophyll contents, leaf area, and survived plant ratio were relatively high. Root yield of CP in IDC was highest among four varieties because of high leaf area and survived plant ratio, and low discolored leaf ratio. Ratio of rusty-colored root showed significant difference by varieties, which was the highest in HS and the lowest in CP among four varieties irrespective of drainage classes. Total ginsenoside contents showed significant difference by drainage classes, which were high in IDC of good growth and low in PDC of poor growth. Total ginsenoside contents were high in JK and CP, while low in HS and YP both of drainage classes.

Effect of Fertilizer Level and Seeding Rate on Yield and Yield Components of Rapeseed in Upland Field

  • Kwon Byung-Sun;Kim Sang-Kon;Bang Jin-Ki;Choi Seung-Sun;Lim Jung-Mook;Choi Gab-Lim
    • Plant Resources
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.281-285
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    • 2005
  • In order to select suitable fertilizer level and sowing rate of Dangyo $^{#8}$(hybrid) rapeseed at the southern area of Korea, two varieties of Naehanyuchae (Normal) and Dangyo $^{#8}$(hybrid) rapeseed currently grown for oil production by two fertilizer level with 10-8-8 kg/10a and 15-8-8 kg/10a and three sowing rate with 500 g/10a, 1,000g/10a and 1,500g/10a with relatively high yield was grown at the same condition yield and yield components were observed. Dangyo $^{#8}$(hybrid) rapeseed was superior to oil-eed rapeseed for yield at the 15-8-8 kg/10a of fertilizer and 1,500 g/10a of sowing rate. Fertilizer level, $N-P_{2}O_5-K_{2}O$ = 15-8-8 kg/10a and sowing rate, 1,500 g/10a showed somewhat higher value in two varieties of Naehanyuchae(Normal) and Dangyo $^{#8}$(hybrid).

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The Cooking Characteristics of High-yielding Japonica and Tongil Type Rice (일반계 및 통일계 다수확 쌀 품종의 취반 특성)

  • Park, Sun-Jin;Park, Kyoung-Whan;Shin, Mal-Shick
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.735-743
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    • 2011
  • This study examined physicochemical properties of rice grains and qualities of cooked white rice of the high yielding, Japonica type, specifically Druryechanbyeo and Boramchanbyeo, and of the Tongil-type, specifically Hanarumbyeo and Andabyeo. The changes of water absorption rate of rice grains, their textural properties and a sensory evaluation of the cooked rice s were analyzed. All varieties were short grain. The length and width of Tongil type rice grains larger than those of Japonica type. The water absorption of white rice grains increased rapidly until 1 hr when soaking and after that increased slightly. The water absorption of Druryechan grain was higher than that of the Boramchan. The sensory evaluation results showed that the Japonica type cooked rices had a higher value for overall quality than the Tongil type cooked rices. With regard to the textural properties of the cooked rices, the hardness of Boramchan and Hanarum varieties showed higher than that of Druyechan and Anda varieties. Adhesiveness, springiness and chewiness were not significantly different between varieties (p<0.05).

Competition Responses between Two Different Growth Type Varieties of Barley (생육형이 다른 대맥 품종간의 경합에 관한 연구)

  • Min-Shin Cho;Deok-Hyeong Han;Sun-Mok Keun;J. D. Lee;J. C. Kang
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.97-101
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    • 1969
  • The experiment about the mixed sowing of two different growth type varieties of barley-Buheung and Suwon#18-has been conducted to determine the competition effect between two varieties, and its results are as follows: 1. Buheung-long stem variety-showed higher survived ratio than Suwon#18-short stem variety- and that tendency was significant under the high fertilized condition. 2. When tow varieties-Buheung and Suwon#18-were sowed together, the culm length of Buheung was shorter than the single planted Buheung and that of Suwon#18 was onger than the single planted Suwon#18, however, the panicle length showed the opposite tendency to the culm length variation. 3. The number of panicles and the number of grains did not show any differences among the treatments. 4. In case of the single sowing, Suwon#18 showed higher grain yield under the common fertilized condition but Buheung showed significantly increased grain yield under the heavy fertilized condition, however, in case of the mixed towing of two varieties, the grain yield was significantly increased in heavy fertilized plots than standard fertilization. 5. The competition power was significantly superior in Buheung to Suwon#18 and this tendency was rather definite according to the fertilizer application.

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