• Title/Summary/Keyword: health care clothing

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A Study on Folk-Belief Related to Korean Traditional Costume Culture (한국 전통 의생활문화에 나타난 속신 고찰(I))

  • 박덕미;황춘섭
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.77-91
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    • 1998
  • The present study collected and analyzed the Korean's folk-belief related to Koran traditional costume culture which are handed down from ancestor and are known to present Korean society as of 1990's. The purpose of the present study is to understand emotion and the view of Korean people, and to understand the social roles of the costumes in Koran traditional society more deeply and more comprehensively. The study was conducted by document analysis and interview. The results of the study are summerized as follows: Folk-belief related to spinning(gilssam), sericultural industry and weaving are mostly enduced from the hope for god quality of work and acquisition of good skill of weaving. There has been also a belief hat gilssam has a magic power to easy delivery and fecundity. Most Folk-belief of taboo related to clothing constraction proposed to people pay great care while they are sawing. Some ways of management of clothing has been related to the manners of which are associated with the differentiation between high and low level and predominance of men over women that was originated fro m confucianism. Socks(busun) and shoes are also considered to have magic power to prevent from exorcism and demon of ill health. This study suggests that folk-belief give us the wisdom a guideline and lessons for better life, high quality arts and techniques which are handed down from ancestors. Therefore, folk-beliefs having a great value, non-shaped treasures of traditional culture heritage should be collected as many as possible, recorded, and preserved.

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Attitudes and Acceptability of Smart Wear Technology: Qualitative Analysis from the Perspective of Caregivers

  • Park, Soonjee;Harden, Amy J.;Nam, Jinhee;Saiki, Diana;Hall, Scott S.;Kandiah, Jay
    • International Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.87-100
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    • 2012
  • Smart wear integrates computing technology into fabric or a garment for additional functionality. This research explored the attitudes and opinions of the use of smart wear from the viewpoint of caregivers. Thirty two individuals including care providers of children and adult family members with health problems participated in focus group interviews. Participants reported being interested in smart wear because of the potential to detect the location (GPS) of a dependent (e.g., child, elderly) and to monitor vital signs. Participants indicated perceived advantages of smart wear such as identifying geographical location and effectiveness. Perceived concerns mentioned were privacy/security issues and accuracy of data. Participants taking care of dependents without a specific disease were hesitant to adopt and pay for smart wear. However, caregivers of elderly individuals expressed positive adoption intentions and willingness to reasonably pay for smart wear. They indicated expectations that potential insurance would provide coverage for cost savings. Caregivers expressed the need of specific requirements for future adoption such as customizability, and comfort/safety. Specific to smart wear clothing, most respondents preferred it be an undershirt or a jacket with a sensor located in the shoulder area. The findings from this study can be used in product development, promotion and marketing of smart wear.

An Analysis of Fashion Styles of Middle-aged Actresses in Drama (드라마 속 중년 여배우의 패션스타일 분석)

  • Yu, Dong-Joo;Lee, Inseong
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.79-89
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    • 2016
  • Middle-aged women, who are rising as the main consumers of modern society spare no cost in health care and enjoying cultural activities along with various changes in life styles. They are active in self-realization and taking care of their appearances, and the lifestyle changes of middle-aged women who prefer fashion of young and trendy sensibilities are becoming a important theme in the media such as dramas. The middle-aged women in dramas have social positions and economic power who contribute to the completion of the drama as a main character, and so their fashion styles are receiving attention. Also, they play the role of providing trend information and various fashion information, which even leads to sales of these fashion products. Hence, this study aims to derive design formative characteristics and fashion styles that current middle-aged consumers prefer and provide basic data for promoting the growth of the Korean fashion industry by analyzing the fashion styles in accordance with the life styles of middle-aged women in dramas who are becoming admired by middle-aged women. The analysis of the fashion of middle-aged female characters in dramas allows to examine the fashion styles per various situations in accordance with the life styles of middle-aged women, and furthermore in the domestic and foreign fashion industry, arranges an opportunity to form a new market for potential fashion exports aimed at foreign consumers who view Korean dramas.

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The Effects of Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercise on Urinary Symptoms and Quality of Life in Women with Stress Urinary Incontinence (골반저 근육운동이 복압성 요실금 여성의 배뇨증상과 삶의 질에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, In-Hee
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.46-56
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of pelvic floor muscle exercise on reducing the symptoms of stress urinary incontinence and improving attitude toward exercise and quality of life. Method: The research adopted was a nonequivalent control group pretest posttest design. The subjects were 55 persons who were surveyed using a structured questionnaire, and 23 persons in the experimental group among the total sample were measured for the peak pressure and the duration of PMC and trained correct pelvic floor muscle contraction using peritron in the first week. Then, pelvic floor muscle exercise was implemented for 6 weeks. The data was analyzed by χ2-test and t-test with the SPSS 10.0 program. Results: 1) The degree of stress urinary incontinence, frequency of urination, nocturia, urgency, noctural incontinence, the frequency and quantity of incontinence, outer clothing change and incomplete emptying decreased significantly more in the experimental group than in the control group. 2) Attitude toward pelvic floor muscle exercise and the qualify of life were improved significantly more in the experimental group than in the control group. 3) The peak pressure and duration of PMC increased significantly more in the posttest. Conclusion: Based on the results above, it is judged that pelvic floor muscle exercise is an effective nursing intervention in order to care for stress urinary incontinence.

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Differences of Appearance Management Behaviors and Life Satisfaction among Lifestyle Groups (라이프스타일 집단별 외모관리행동과 삶의 만족도의 차이분석)

  • Park, Kwang Hee;Kim, In Sook
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.554-564
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    • 2013
  • We provide an empirical assessment that examines the differences in appearance management behavior, life satisfaction and demographic variables between groups classified by individual lifestyle. Questionnaires were administered to 513 female and male adults over 17 years of age in the Daegu and Kyungbok metropolitan regions. Descriptive statistics, cluster analysis, Cronbach's α, ANOVA, Duncan test and χ2 test were applied to analyze data from 513 respondents. The results are as follows. First, we did a cluster analysis on the appearance management behavior of weight training, skin care, hair care, make-up and clothing selection. Four groups (passive, rational, fashion oriented, and active typed) where classified according to individual lifestyle. Second, the rational and active groups were more interested in the social life, environmental stability, health, fashion and economic seeking life. They were also more involved in appearance management behavior and in a higher level of life satisfaction. However, the differences of life satisfaction among the lifestyle group (male) were not statistically significant. Third, females with higher level of income and education (among the demographic variables) belonged to the active group. We found significant differences in appearance management behavior, life satisfaction and demographic variables among male and female groups classified by lifestyle.

Self-consciousness, and Appearance Management Behavior according to Stress Typology of Adolescents (청소년의 스트레스 유형에 따른 자아의식과 외모관리행동)

  • Park, Eunhee
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.21-36
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to classify the stress into groups and analyze their differences in self-consciousness, and appearance management behavior. Questionnaires were administered to 377 middle and high school girls living in Deagu metropolitan City. Frequency, factor analysis, reliability analysis, cluster analysis, ANOVA, Duncant-test, and t-test are all used for data analysis. Our findings show that stress developed due to several reasons: the categories are as follows into grades-related low stress, exam-related high stress, and society-related high stress. For the purposes of our study, we labeled self-consciousness as a combination of being socially and privately self-consciousness and showing signs of social anxiety. Appearance management behavior deals with esthetic plastic surgery, clothing harmony, weight management, hair management, health care, skin care, and meal management. Stress shows a significant correlation with the sub-variable self-consciousness and appearance management behavior. The groups show a significant difference in the self-consciousness, and appearance management behavior. There is also a significant difference among stress, self-consciousness and appearance management behavior by grade. The students in seemed to recognize that their appearance can be improved by dressing up and managing their outwardly appearance. Teachers should educate students to have the variety of views on the meaning of beauty. In addition, schools need to develop programs to educate student about appearances, as the student's interests differ due to the stress type of the adolescent.

Effect of Module Design for a Garment-Type Heart Activity Monitoring Wearable System Based on Non-Contact Type Sensing (비접촉식 심장활동 모니터링 기능 의복형 웨어러블 시스템의 모듈 효과 탐색)

  • Koo, Hye Ran;Lee, Young-Jae;Gi, Sunok;Lee, Seung Pyo;Kim, Kyeng Nam;Kang, Seung Jin;Lee, Jeong-Whan;Lee, Joo Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.369-378
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    • 2015
  • Various forms of wearable bio-signal monitoring systems have been developed recently. Acquisition of stable bio-signal data for health care purposes needs to be unconscious and continuous without hindrance to the users' daily activities. The garment type is a suitable form of a wearable bio-signal monitoring system; however, motion artifacts caused by body movement degrade the signal quality during the measurement of bio-signals. It is crucial to stabilize the electrode position to reduce motion artifacts generated when in motion. The problems with motion artifacts remain unresolved despite their significant effect on bio-signal monitoring. This research creates a foundation for the design of garment-type wearable systems for everyday use by finding a method to reduce motion artifacts through modular design. Two distinct garment-type wearable systems (tee-shirt with a motion artifact-reducing module (MARM) and tee-shirt without a MARM) were designed to compare the effects of modular design on the measurement of heart activity in terms of electrode position displacement, signal quality index value, and morphological quality. The tee-shirt with MARM showed superior properties and yielded higher quality signals than the tee-shirt without MARM. In addition, the tee-shirt with MARM showed a better repeatability of the heart activity signals. Therefore, a garment design with MARM is an efficient way to acquire stable bio-signals while in motion.

Effects of a Dye from Artemisia, the Natural Dyeing Material, on the Functionality of Dyeing in Mind-Peace Education for the Silver Generation (실버세대 감성교육을 위한 천연염재 쑥속(Artemisia)식물의 염료가 염색의 기능성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jung-Eun;Kwon, Young-Suk
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.633-639
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    • 2015
  • The experience of natural dyeing is expected to be effective in promoting health through good exercise, in giving emotional stability based on the functional aromatic components of the dyeing material, and in improving self-esteem and increasing positive experiences through the behavior of creation. A natural dyeing material easily found around us, artemisia has long been used in food and Oriental medicine and was recently found to contain antioxidative, anticancer, deodorizing, antibacterial, anti-obesity, and anti-diabetes substances through chemical analysis. It has also been reported that group reminiscence therapy using the fragrance of artemisia is effective in relieving pain and depression and in promoting ego integrity in the elderly population. This study aimed to make a comparative analysis of dyeability, washing fastness, and deodorization between Artemisia princeps, Artemisia iwayomogi, and Artemisia annua, all of which are considered to be healthful and functional dyeing materials, among about thirty domestic plants in the genus of Artemisia and to provide basic data concerning natural dyeing in mind-peace education for the silver generation. The fabric dyed and post-mordanted at 80C for 40 minutes showed the greatest surface color variation; in this condition, artemisia princes (32.29) gave the greatest color difference, followed by artemisia iwayomogi (31.07) and artemisia annua (26.17). While all the types of artemisia were excellent in washing fastness, dry-cleaning fastness, and rubbing fastness at the fourth- or fifth-grade, light fastness was at the third grade for artemisia princes, at the second to third grade for artemisia annua, and at the second grade for artemisia iwayomogi; therefore, artemisia princes was found to give better fastness than the other two types of artemisia. In determining functionality of the fabric dyed with artemisia, deodorization test also found that the fabric dyed with artemisia princes had 20% higher deodorization.

A Qualitative Study on the Body-Esteem and Appearance Management Behavior of Generation MZ Female Consumers of Body-Exposing Sportswear (신체 노출 스포츠웨어 소비자의 신체존중감 및 외모관리행동에 대한 질적 연구: MZ세대 여성을 중심으로)

  • SooHyun Oh;KyuJin Chung;Ae-Ran Koh
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.61 no.4
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    • pp.647-661
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    • 2023
  • This study explored the relationship between Generation MZ female consumers' participation in sports activity, consumption of body-exposing sportswear, body-esteem, and appearance management behavior. In-depth interviews were conducted with twenty Generation MZ female consumers who regularly participate in sports activity and consume body-exposing sportswear. Based on transcriptions of in-depth interviews conducted with research subjects, the researcher and two assistant researchers collectively categorized and compared common characteristics found in their responses, categorized according to themes using units of words/terms and paragraphs. The main finding were as follows. Firstly, Generation MZ female consumers participated in various sports activities for an average of approximately one hour, three times per week. The effects of such participation were improvements in physical and psychological health. Secondly, Generation MZ female consumers considered aesthetical, functional, and economical factors when they consumed body-exposing sportswear, regardless of the activity in which they participated. This sportswear served to increase the efficiency of exercise and also played a motivational role. Thirdly, the overall body-esteem of Generation MZ female consumers who participated in sports activity regularly and consumed body-exposing sportswear was high. Fourthly, Generation MZ female consumers who regularly participated in sports activity and consumed body-exposing sportswear were practicing active appearance management behavior in order to show how their body had been shaped by sports activity. In addition, they were pursuing four self-images: "polished image pursue", "self-care image pursue", "natural image pursue", and "trustworthy image pursue".

Conditions of Chemicals Exposure and Work Clothing for Farm Workers Using Agricultural Chemicals (농약작업자의 농약에 대한 노출과 작업복 현황에 관한 분석)

  • 신정숙;김철주
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.142-153
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    • 1999
  • The objective of this study was to analysis the pesticide chemical-using of farm workers and working clothes for diminishing the possible damage by their improper chemicals usages. For the data Questionairs were collected 340 from the farm families of the 3 different districts in Yeoju, Kyonggido, and also inquired of the persons in charge of the chemicals and of the laundry in each family. Among the replies, 233 was classified as useful, and analyzed the frequency, the percentage and correlation. The results were as follows : 1. 64.3% of the farmers were using the chemicals for 5∼20 years, of whom 33.6% experienced stopping of chemicals-using for health. 2. The applicators experienced poisoning symptoms such as habitual fatigue, hadache, dizziness, chest discomfort, eye irritation, skin irritation, blurred vision, vomiting, nausea etc. after chemical work. 3. 74.7% answered they did not obtained educational information for the care of chemicals contaminated clothes. 69.1% said they need to obtain educational information about safety awareness of agricultural chemicals.

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