• Title/Summary/Keyword: health care clothing

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Subjective Hand and Preference of Washed Fabrics according to Detergent of Drum Type Washer (드럼세탁기용 세제 특성에 따른 세탁포의 주관적 태평가 및 선호도에 관한 연구)

  • Ryu, Hyo-Seon;Roh, Eui-Kyung;Ju, Jeong-Ah;Oh, Young-Kee;Cho, Kee-Heon;Kwak, Sang-Woon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.31 no.1 s.160
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the better washing condition, especially on detergent contents to satisfy the consumer's concern on fabric hand using Drum Type Washer. The hand and preference of washed fabrics by various detergent contents were analyzed through subjective evaluation using questionnaire method in dry and wet state. Wine rank's semantic differential scale questions were developed with 27 kinds of adjective pairs and seven rank's scale questions were to evaluate preference of washed fabrics oil holistic touch, washing and rinsing effect and purchase intention of detergent. Group of trained panelists and untrained women panelists of 3040 years old were participated. The factors affecting consumer's taste for the washed fabrics were analyzed by SPSS 12.0. Smoothness showed relatively higher correlation with preference of washed fabrics on holistic touch, washing and rinsing effect and purchase intention of detergent. There were significant differences in preference of washed fabrics on holistic touch, washing and rinsing effect and purchase intention of detergent by detergent contents when tested in wet state. Fabrics washed with detergents of non-zeolite were appeared to be the preferred ones.

The analysis of the characteristic types of motion recognition smart clothing products (동작인식 스마트 의류제품의 특징적 유형 분석)

  • Im, Hyobin;Ko, Hyun Zin
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.529-542
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to utilize technology as basic data for smart clothing product research and development. This technology can recognize user's motion according to characteristics types and functions of wearable smart clothing products. In order to analyze the case of motion recognition products, we searched for previous research data and cases referred to as major keywords in leading search engines, Google and Naver. Among the searched cases, information on the characteristics and major functions of the 42 final products selected on the market are examined in detail. Motion recognition for smart clothing products is classified into four body types: head & face, body, arms & hands, and legs & feet. Smart clothing products was developed with various items, such as hats, glasses, bras, shirts, pants, bracelets, rings, socks, shoes, etc., It was divided into four functions health care type for prevention of injuries, health monitor, posture correction, sports type for heartbeat and exercise monitor, exercise coaching, posture correction, convenience for smart controller and security and entertainment type for pleasure. The function of the motion recognition smart clothing product discussed in this study will be a useful reference when designing a motion recognition smart clothing product that is blended with IT technology.

Development of Smart Healthcare Wear System for Acquiring Vital Signs and Monitoring Personal Health (생체신호 습득과 건강 모니터링을 위한 스마트 헬스케어 의복 개발)

  • Joo, Moon-Il;Ko, Dong-Hee;Kim, Hee-Cheol
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.808-817
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    • 2016
  • Recently, the wearable computing technology with bio-sensors has been rapidly developed and utilized in various areas such as personal health, care-giving for senior citizens who live alone, and sports activities. In particular, the wearable computing equipment to measure vital signs by means of digital yarns and bio sensors is noticeable. The wearable computing devices help users monitor and manage their health in their daily lives through the customized healthcare service. In this paper, we suggest a system for monitoring and analyzing vital signs utilizing smart healthcare clothing with bio-sensors. Vital signs that can be continuously acquired from the clothing is well-known as unstructured data. The amount of data is huge, and they are perceived as the big data. Vital sings are stored by Hadoop Distributed File System(HDFS), and one can build data warehouse for analyzing them in HDFS. We provide health monitoring system based on vital sings that are acquired by biosensors in smart healthcare clothing. We implemented a big data platform which provides health monitoring service to visualize and monitor clinical information and physical activities performed by the users.

The effects of assistive products in Korean long-term care insurance system for the beneficiary older adults (노인장기요양보험 등급인정자의 복지용구 이용효과)

  • Lee, Tae-Bum;Chang, Hyun-Sook
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.126-138
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    • 2010
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of assistive products usage on activity of daily living for the beneficiary older adults people in Korean long-term care insurance system. The study subjects were divided to assistive products users and non-users among the beneficiary older adults based on Korean long-term care insurance system to compare function improvement of the activity of daily living. Methods : In national wide 12 community elderly care center enrolled the National Health Insurance Corporation, The numbers of 281 beneficiary older adults(long-term care Grade I: 66, Grade II: 58, Grade III: 157) participated in this study. This survey assessment tool for activity of daily living was used the long-term care assessment instrument of the physical functions in the law of Korean long-term care insurance. The function items of Activity of daily living were included in clothing, washing, tooth brushing, bathing, eating, posture converting, stand sitting, move sitting, out of room, using toilet, controlling of stool, controlling of urine, washing hair. According to independence to complete dependence functioning level, remarks pointed 1 to 3 points. The data were analyzed by chi-square, two-way anova using SPSS V. 12.0. Results : The results appeared that the mean score of the functions in activity of daily living of assistive products users was a 27.60, and that of non-users was a 30.66. Assistive products were not effected in Grade I and II recipients, but that effected in Grade III recipients. Conclusion : Preparing for activation of assistive products based Korean long-term care insurance system, the result application as follows is possible. The usage of assistive products could improve the function of daily living activity in older adults. Related to Grade III beneficiary elderly people were improved function in activity of daily living by using assistive products, it is necessary to extend coverage the non-eligible elderly people in Korean long-term care insurance system.

An Exploratory Research for Development of Design of Sensor-based Smart Clothing - Focused on the Healthcare Clothing Based on Bio-monitoring Technology - (센서 기반형 스마트 의류의 디자인 개발을 위한 탐색적 연구 - 생체 신호 센서 기술에 기반한 건강관리용 의류를 중심으로 -)

  • Cho Ha-Kyung;Lee Joo-Hyeon;Lee Chung-Keun;Lee Myoung-Ho
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.141-150
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    • 2006
  • Since the late 1990s, 'smart clothing' has been developed in a various way to meet the need of users and to help people more friendly interact with computers through its various designs. Recently, various applications of smart clothing concept have been presented by researchers. Among the various applications, smart clothing with a health care system is most likely to gain the highest demand rate in the market. Among them, smart clothing for check-up of health status with its sensors is expected to sell better than other types of smart clothing on the market. Under this circumstance, research and development for this field have been accelerated furthermore. This research institution has invented biometric sensors suitable for the smart clothing, and has developed a design to diagnose various diseases such as cardiac disorder and respiratory diseases. The newly developed smart clothing in this study looks similar to the previous inventions, but people can feel more comfortable in it with its fabric interaction built in it. When people wear it, the health status of the wearers is diagnosed and its signals are transmitted to the connected computer so the result can be easily monitored in real time. This smart clothing is a new kind of clothing as a supporting system for preventing various cardiac disorder and respiratory diseases using its biometric sensor built-in, and is also an archetype to show how smart clothing can work on the market.

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A Basic Survey for Management of Elderly Day Care Centers (노인주간보호시설의 운영을 위한 기초조사)

  • Nam, Ki-Seok;Hwang, Ok-Nam;Hwang, Hye-Yeon;Yoon, Sook-Rye
    • The Korean Journal of Rehabilitation Nursing
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.180-192
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to survey basic data for management of elderly day care centers. In this study, occupation, leisure life, and food, clothing and habituation, as well as social relationship, health state and behavior, and general characteristics of subjects were examined to identify the factors affecting their cognition, need and preference of the day care centers. The subjects of this study were 392 elderly, aged 60 years or over, living in Gangnung and neighboring districts. Data were collected by educated interviewers from November 4 through November 22, 2002. The subjects were interviewed face to face, one for one after the interviewee's agreements on the survey. The collected data were analysed with logistic regression analysis by SAS (statistical analysis system). Logistic regression analysis was done to identify affecting factors for cognition, need and preference of the elderly day care centers. The major findings are as follows: 1. The factors affecting cognition for the day care centers were analysed. The subjects with an occupation and a lower satisfaction level of living environment and friendship, who were economically secure enough to manage a sudden accident, showed a higher level of cognition of the day care centers. The subjects with a higher level of mental health state and a lower level of IADL also showed a higher level of cognition. On the general characteristics younger female subjects showed a higher level of cognition. 2. The subjects with a lower level of perceived economic condition who did not own their housing and were not economically safe enough to manage a sudden accident, had showed a higher level of need for the day care centers. It showed that the subjects with a high level of mental health state, a bad eye sight and dental condition, a good perceived health condition, and a lower level of IADL, needed the centers. 3. The subjects who had an occupation, however, not capable of making their own daily expenses, and a low occupation satisfaction level, and who did not own their housing, and were economically poor not enough to manage a sudden accident, showed a higher preference for the day care centers. The subjects with higher levels of friendship satisfaction and perceived health condition, not living with their spouse, and a higher education level, showed a higher preference for the centers. In conclusion, the common factors affecting their cognition, need and preference of the day care centers were occupation, economic security enough to manage accidents, and friendship satisfaction level. Especially, the subjects who had an occupation, however, not economically secure enough to manage accidents, and who did not live in their own housing with a good perceived health condition, showed high levels of need and preference for the day care centers. These results can be used as basic data to develop the efficient elderly day care centers, thus contribute to the elderly welfare in a local community.

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The Life Satisfaction, Appearance Satisfaction, Clothing Satisfaction, and Clothing Design Preferance of Women Aged 55years and Older in Seoul (노년기 여성의 생활만족도 및 외모만족도에 따른 의복만족도와 의복디자인 선호도에 대한 연구 -서울시내 거준 노년기 여성을 중심으로-)

  • 김진구;서미아;이유경;이선희
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.57-74
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    • 1996
  • The elderly population of Korea has been significantly increasing due to advances in public health, medical care, and quality of life. Social and economic influence of the elderly population has been also increasing. A elderly people become more interested in their appearance and clothing than before, clothing plays an important role in the elderly women's everyday life. The objectives of the research are to explore the life satisfaction, appearance satisfaction, clothing satisfaction, and clothing design preference of 416 women aged 55 years and older were residents of Seoul. Data were gathered through survey using a self-administered questionnaire from November, 1994 to January, 1995 in 8 senior schools and 3 senior centers which were scattered in Seoul. Descriptive statistics, t-test, and factor analysis were used in analysing the data. The results of this study indicated that life satisfaction have a positive relationship with clothing satisfaction. The respondents were divided into tow groups by life satisfaction. The higher life satisfaction group preferred skits and formal wear to the lower. But, two groups did not show any significant differences in terms of the colo preference, motif preference, and fabric preference. The result of factor analysis divided appearance satisfaction into body satisfaction and face satisfaction. Body satisfaction had a positive relationship with clothing satisfaction. And the group of lower physical satisfaction showed lower satisfaction in apparel fitness. Also the face satisfaction had a positive relationship with clothing satisfaction. The group of higher physical satisfaction preferred skirts and foraaml wear compared to that of lower physical satisfaction. The color preference and motif preference between two groups showed no significant difference. And the group of higher physical satisfaction preferred fabric that enhances the clothing style. Also, the group of higher ace satisfaction preferred fabric that enhances the clothing style. However, there was no significant difference in the color preference and motif preference between tow groups. The findings of this study amy contribute to knowledge about clothing satisfaction and preference of elderly women in Seoul since there have been few studies, and be useful to apparel manufacturers as well s clothing researchers. Also, research subjects of this study could be extended to aged men and various regions.

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The Effect of Well-being Disposition and Appearance Concern on Cosmetic Purchase Intention and Brand Loyalty for Elderly Women (노년 여성의 웰빙 성향과 외모관심도가 화장품 구매의도 및 충성도에 미치는 영향)

  • Hong, Byung-Sook;Cho, You-Hyun;Baik, In-Sun;Lee, Eun-Jin;Park, Sung-Hee;Kwon, Yoo-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.30 no.12 s.159
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    • pp.1778-1787
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    • 2006
  • Appearance concern of elderly women has been rapidly increasing with the expansion in aesthetic desire for growing old gracefully and pursuing a healthy and qualitative life. In this regard, the cosmetic industry has great possibilities and it is necessary to develop actively elderly women-oriented silver marketing. The purpose of this study was to review well-being disposition and appearance concern of elderly women. Furthermore, this study investigated the influence of well-being disposition and appearance concern on cosmetic purchase intention and brand loyalty. The sample of this research consisted of 209 elderly women over 55, which was selected from Seoul and the metropolitan area. Frequency analysis, factor analysis, the analysis of confidence level and regression analysis were used for the data analysis using SPSS. The study results showed that the factor of well-being disposition for elderly woman can be classified into an environment-oriented factor, an life satisfication factor and a physical health factor. In addition, the factor of appearance concern can be classified into 3 factors: serious consideration of appearance, appearance care and skin care. Among these factors, the physical health factor of well-being disposition and the factor for serious consideration of appearance related to appearance concern had effects on cosmetic purchase intention, which fumed out to be a potent influence on brand loyalty.

Application of a Textile-based Inductive Sensor for the Vital Sign Monitoring

  • Gi, Sun Ok;Lee, Young Jae;Koo, Hye Ran;Khang, Seonah;Kim, Kyung-Nam;Kang, Seung-Jin;Lee, Joo Hyeon;Lee, Jeong-Whan
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.364-371
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    • 2015
  • In this study, we developed a feasible structure of a textile-based inductive sensor using a machine embroidery method, and applied it to a non-contact type vital sign sensing device based on the principle of magnetic-induced conductivity. The mechanical heart activity signals acquired through the inductive sensor embroidered with conductive textile on fabric were compared with the Lead II ECG signals and with respiration signals, which were simultaneously measured in every case with five subjects. The analysis result showed that the locations of the R-peak in the ECG signal were highly associated with sharp peaks in the signals obtained through the textile-based inductive sensor (r=0.9681). Based on the results, we determined the feasibility of the developed textile-based inductive sensor as a measurement device for the heart rate and respiration characteristics.

Methods to improve infant clothing made with Hanji yarn - Investigating the image of Hanji and Hanji yarn infant clothing - (한지사 영·유아복 개선 방안 모색을 위한 연구 - 한지와 한지사 영·유아복 이미지 조사를 중심으로 -)

  • Ju, Jeong Ah;Shim, Joon Young;Kim, Hyun Chul
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2013
  • With environmental pollution becoming a serious problem, recently there has been increased interest in the environment and health. In addition, the development of materials for environmentally friendly and functional clothing has increased. Environmentally friendly products that use bark fibers of the mulberry(dak) tree are expressed in terms of dak fiber and Hanji yarn. This research analyzed consumer's perceived images of Hanji and Hanji yarn infant clothing. The research results are as follows. Based on analyzing images of Hanji and Hanji yarn, Hanji was categorized into four images that can be described as natural, pure, decorative, and functional, and Hanji yarn infant clothing was categorized into three images that can be described as natural, decorative, and functional. Based on the analysis of well-being elements in subjects' lifestyles, the following four inclinations were found: environmental friendliness, pursuit of novelty, life care, and environmental protection. On this basis, the subjects were categorized into three groups: the trend-pursuing group, the life-care group, and the social responsibility group. Subjects' perceived images of Hanji and Hanji yarn infant clothing were investigated, and these products were found to have a strong image of being Korean, traditional, and natural, while being weakly perceived as comfortable, functional, and practical. Analyzing the correlation between images of Hanji and Hanji yarn infant clothing and lifestyle groups revealed that these products were not perceived differently according to group. This study showed that Hanji and Hanji yarn are terms that are commonly associated with positive clothing material. However, both Hanji and Hanji yarn are perceived negatively in terms of functional image, which is an important factor in clothing material. In addition, even among consumers who pursue a lifestyle based on well-being, the functional image of Hanji yarn was not perceived highly. Hence, it is necessary to further examine the effect of terms such as Hanji and Hanji yarn on consumer choices. Therefore, caution is considered needed when using such terms in the marketing of related products.