• Title/Summary/Keyword: graphite current collector

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Improving the Electrochemical Properties of Lithium Terephthalate-based Lithium-Organic Battery with A Graphite Coated Current Collector (흑연 코팅 집전체를 이용한 Lithium Terephthalate 기반 리튬-유기 이차전지의 전기화학적 특성 개선)

  • Kwon, O Hyeon;Kim, Jong Bin;Kim, Jae-Kwang
    • Journal of the Korean Electrochemical Society
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.122-127
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    • 2019
  • In this study, we investigate the electrochemical performance of lithium terephthalate (LTA) battery using graphite coated metal current collector to overcome the disadvantages of organic batteries which is high interfacial resistance between current collector and electrode. The LTA anode material is synthesized by acid-based ion exchange reaction without impurities. The contact properties between stick-type LTA-based electrode and graphite coated current collector are estimated by the cross-section SEM and EIS. The graphite coated current collector significantly reduced the interfacial resistance of the LTA battery. The second discharge capacities of bare current collector LTA and graphite coated current collector LTA batteries are 107.6 mAh/g and 148.8 mAh/g at 0.1C, respectively. The graphite coated current collector LTA batteries show higher cycle life, higher discharge capacity, and higher rate-capability than bare LTA batteries.

Evaluation of Electrochemical Stability of Graphite Current Collector for Electric Double Layer Capacitor Based on Acid Electrolyte (산성 전해질 기반의 전기 이중층 커패시터용 흑연 집전체의 전기화학적 안정성 평가)

  • Park, Sijin;An, Geon-Hyoung
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.272-277
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    • 2021
  • Owing to its low cost, easy fabrication process, and good ionic properties, aqueous supercapacitors are under strong consideration as next-generation energy storage devices. However, the limitation of the current collector is its poor electrochemical stability, leading to low energy storage performance. Therefore, a reasonable design of the current collector and the acidic electrolyte is a necessary, as well as interfacial engineering to enhance the electrochemical performance. In the present study, graphite foil, with excellent electrochemical stability and good electrical properties, is suggested as a current collector of aqueous supercapacitors. This strategy results in excellent electrochemical performance, including a high specific capacitance of 215 F g-1 at a current density of 0.1 A g-1, a superior high-rate performance (104 F g-1 at a current density of 20.0 A g-1), and a remarkable cycling stability of 98 % at a current density of 10.0 A g-1 after 9,000 cycles. The superior energy storage performance is mainly ascribed to the improved ionic diffusion ability during cycling.

The Salt Removal Efficiency Characteristics of Carbon Electrodes Using Fabric Current Collector with High Tensile Strength in a Capacitive Deionization Process (인장강도가 뛰어난 직물집전체를 이용한 탄소전극의 축전식 탈염공정에서의 제염효과)

  • Seong, Du-Ri;Kim, Dae Su
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.58 no.3
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    • pp.466-473
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    • 2020
  • Fabric current collector can be a promising electrode material for Capacitive Deionization (CDI) system that can achieve energy-efficient desalination of water. The one of the most attractive feature of the fabric current collector is its high tensile strength, which can be an alternative to the low mechanical strength of the graphite foil electrode. Another advantage is that the textile properties can easily make shapes by simple cutting, and the porosity and inter-fiber space which can assist facile flow of the aqueous medium. The fibers used in this study were made of woven structures using a spinning yarn using conductive LM fiber and carbon fiber, with tensile strength of 319 MPa, about 60 times stronger than graphite foil. The results were analyzed by measuring the salt removal efficiency by changing the viscosity of electrode slurry, adsorption voltage, flow rate of the aqueous medium, and concentration of the aqueous medium. Under the conditions of NaCl 200 mg/L, 20ml/min and adsorption voltage 1.5 V, salt removal efficiency of 43.9% in unit cells and 59.8% in modules stacked with 100 cells were shown, respectively. In unit cells, salt removal efficiency increases as the adsorption voltage increase to 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 V. However, increasing to 1.6 and 1.7 V reduced salt removal efficiency. However, the 100-cell-stacked module showed a moderate increase in salt removal efficiency even at voltages above 1.5 V. The salt removal rate decreased when the flow rate of the feed was increased, and the salt removal rate decreased when the concentration of the feed was increased. This work shows that fabric current collector can be an alternative of a graphite foil.

A Study on the Fabrication of Porous Nickel Substrates Using Graphite Powder (흑연분말을 이용한 다공성 니켈지지체의 제조에 관한 연구)

  • 박성용;백지흠;조원일;조병원;윤경석
    • Journal of Surface Science and Engineering
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.276-288
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    • 1995
  • A nickel mesh and an expanded nickel sheet were used as a current collector for supporting active materials of cathode in rechargeable batteries, while a porous nickel substrate was extensively studied because of its 3-dimensional structure which has high capabilities for active materials and current collection. Optimum coating conditions were studied by SEM and two step d. c. constant current electrolysis for the graphite coating and electro-plated nickel on an urethane substance which was highly porous and 3-dimensional structure. The density and the porosity of nickel support obtained by using two step current density and 80 ppi urethane substance were 0.38∼0.40 g /㎤ and 94∼96%, respectively. It was possible to fabricate a highly porous and good packable nickel substrate using two step current density and surfactants at sulfamic acid nickel plating bath.

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Electric power generation from sediment microbial fuel cells with graphite rod array anode

  • Wang, Zejie;Lim, Bongsu
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.238-242
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    • 2020
  • Sediment microbial fuel cells (SMFCs) illustrated great potential for powering environmental sensors and bioremediation of sediments. In the present study, array anodes for SMFCs were fabricated with graphite rods as anode material and stainless steel plate as electric current collector to make it inconvenient to in situ settle down and not feasible for large-scale application. The results demonstrated that maximum power of 89.4 ㎼ was obtained from three graphite rods, twice of 43.3 ㎼ for two graphite rods. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy revealed that three graphite rods resulted in anodic resistance of 61.2 Ω, relative to 76.0 Ω of two graphite rods. It was probably caused by the parallel connection of the graphite rods, as well as more biomass which could reduce the charge transfer resistance of the biofilm anode. The presently designed array configuration possesses the advantages of easy to enlarge the surface area, decrease in anodic resistance because of the parallel connection of each graphite rod, and convenience to berry into sediment by gravity. Therefore, the as prepared array node would be an effective method to fabricate large-scale SMFC and make it easy to in situ applicate in natural sediments.

Evaluation of Electrochemical Stability and Performance of Graphite Sheets as Current Collectors for Lead Acid Battery (납축전지 전류집전체로서 그라파이트 시트의 전기화학적 안정성과 방전성능 평가)

  • An, Sang-Yong;Kim, Eung-Jin;Yoon, Youn-Saup;Kim, Hee-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Electrochemical Society
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.128-131
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    • 2010
  • Graphite sheet electro-deposited with lead was evaluated as a possible candidate for current collectors of lead acid batteries. Cyclic voltammetry was performed on the materials to evaluate the electrochemical properties. The graphite sheet electro-deposited with lead is electrochemically stable in the cathodic potential sweep. However, in the anodic potential sweep, the graphite sheet electro-deposited with lead is electrochemically unstable due to the oxygen evolution and the intercalation of sulfuric acid. Lead acid batteries were prepared by using a graphite sheet and a cast grid as current collectors for anode and performance test using those batteries was carried out. A lead acid battery with graphite sheets showed higher capacity and energy density than a conventional lead acid battery with cast grid.

Growth Mechanism of SnO Nanostructures and Applications as an Anode of Lithium-ion Battery

  • Shin, Jeong-Ho;Park, Hyun-Min;Song, Jae-Yong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2012.02a
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    • pp.598-598
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    • 2012
  • Rechargeable lithium-ion batteries have been considered the most attractive power sources for mobile electronic devices. Although graphite is widely used as the anode material for commercial lithium-ion batteries, it cannot fulfill the requirement for higher storage capacity because of its insufficient theoretical capacity of 372 mAh/g. For the sake of replacing graphite, Sn-based materials have been extensively investigated as anode materials because they can have much higher theoretical capacities (994 mAh/g for Sn, 875 mAh/g for SnO, 783 mAh/g for $SnO_2$). However, these materials generate huge volume expansion and shrinkage during $Li^+$ intercalation and de-intercalation and result in the pulverization and cracking of the contact between anode materials and current collector. Therefore, there have been significant efforts of avoiding these drawbacks by using nanostructures. In this study, we present the CVD growth of SnO branched nanostructures on Cu current collector without any binder, using a combinatorial system of the vapor transport method and resistance heating technique. The growth mechanism of SnO branched nanostructures is introduced. The SnO nanostructures are evaluated as an anode for lithium-ion battery. Remarkably, they exhibited very high discharge capacities, over 520mAh/g and good coulombic efficiency up to 50 cylces.

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Research for Electrochemical Properties by Surface Treatment of Bipolar Plate in Redox Flow Battery (레독스 플로우 배터리용 Bipolar plate의 표면 처리를 통한 전기화학적 성능 연구)

  • Han, Jae-Jin;Choe, Jin-Seop
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Surface Engineering Conference
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    • 2015.11a
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    • pp.338-338
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    • 2015
  • VRFB(Vanadium Redox Flow Battery)는 바나듐계 이온을 전해질로 사용하는 레독스 흐름 전지로, 전해질의 양이 전지의 용량을 결정하기 때문에 주로 대용량의 전력이 필요한 플랜트 등에서 주로 사용하는 전지이다. 이 VRFB내에는 Current collector의 부식 방지용으로 두꺼운 Graphite판을 BP(Bipolar plate)로 사용한다. 플랜트에서는 대용량 전지를 필요로 하여 Single stack으로는 사용되기 어렵고, Multi stack으로 주로 사용한다. Multi stack의 경우, 수 백장의 BP가 들어가 전지의 부피가 매우 커지게 되고, 이에 본 연구에서는 BP의 두꺼운 Graphite를 얇은 $TiO_2$ 기판으로 교체하여 성능을 비교하는 연구를 진행하였다. Ti 금속기판을 양극산화법으로 $TiO_2$ 나노튜브 구조를 만든 후, $TiO_2$의 전도도 향상을 목적으로 $IrO_2$를 코팅하였다. 결과적으로 기존의 Graphite에 비해 전기화학적 특성이 향상되었음을 확인하였으며, Cell test를 통해 VRFB의 성능을 평가하였다.

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The Structure Improvement of Microbial Fuel Cell to Generate Electricity from swine wastewater (가축분뇨를 이용하는 미생물연료전지 개발을 위한 구조개선)

  • Jang, Jaekyung;Sun, RyouYoung;Lee, SungHyoun;Kim, JongGoo;Kang, YounKoo;Kim, Young Hwa
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.252.1-252.1
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    • 2010
  • These studies convert to useful electricity from swine wastewater and to treat this wastewater. In order to operate the microbial fuel cell(MFC) for the swine wastewater, the anode volume of MFCs was scaled up with 5L in the vacant condition. Graphite felts and low-priced mesh stainless-less as electrode had mixed up and packed into the anode compartment. The meshed stainless-less electrode could also be acted the collector of electron produced by microorganisms in anode. For a cathode compartment, graphite felt loaded Pt/C catalyst was used. Graphite felt electrode embedded in the anode compartment was punched holds at regular intervals to prevent occurred the channeling phenomenon. The sources of seeding on microbial fuel cell was used a mixture of swine wastewater and anaerobic digestion sludge(1:1). It was enriched within 6 days. Swine wastewater was fed with 53.26 ml/min flow rate. The MFCs produced a current of about 17 mA stably used swine wastewater with $3,167{\pm}80mg/L$. The maximum power density and current density was 680 $mW/m^3$ and 3,770 $mA/m^3$, respectively. From these results it is showed that treatment of swine wastewater synchronizes with electricity generation using modified low priced microbial fuel cell.

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Investigation of Al-Ni Alloys Deposition during Over-discharge Reaction of Na-NiCl2 Battery

  • Kim, Jeongsoo;Jo, Seung Hwan;Park, Dae-In;Bhavaraju, Sai;Kang, Sang Ook
    • Journal of the Korean Electrochemical Society
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.57-62
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    • 2016
  • The over-discharging phenomena in sodium-nickel chloride batteries were investigated in relation to decomposition of molten salt electrolyte and consequent metal co-deposition. From XRD analysis, the material deposited on graphite cathode current collector was revealed to be by-product of molten salt electrolyte decomposition. In particular, the result showed that the Ni-Al alloys ($Al_3Ni_2$, $Ni_3Al$ and $Al_3Ni$) were electrochemically deposited on graphite current collectors in line with over-discharging behaviors. It is assumed that the $NiCl_2$ solubility in molten salt electrolytes leads to the co-deposition of Ni-Al alloys by increasing metal deposition potential above 1.6 V (vs. $Na/Na^+$). The cell tests have revealed that the composition of molten salt electrolytes modified by various additives makes a decisive influence on the over-discharging behaviors of the cells. It was revealed that NaOCN addition to molten salt electrolytes was advantageous to suppress over-discharge reactions by modifying the characteristics of molten salt electrolytes. NaOCN addition into molten salt electrolytes seems to suppress Ni solubility by maintaining basic melts. The cell using modified molten salt electrolyte with NaOCN (Cell D) showed relatively less cell degradation compared with other cells for long cycles.