• 제목/요약/키워드: germination rates

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비탈면녹화용 몇가지 자생식물의 종자발아특성 (Seed Germination Characteristics of Korean Native Plants for Slope Restoration and Revegetation)

  • 임재홍;김동욱;장성완
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제2권3호
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 1999
  • The differences in seed germination rates of Korean Native Plants were observed depending on the harvest years, the seed companies, the storage periods, the drying methods and the plant morphological types. The seed germination rates were changed significantly by the harvest years and the seed companies in all 4 species tested. The seed germination rates were decreased after 1 year storage at $4^{\circ}C$ in all 8 species tested and three of them did not germinate at all. A rapid drying method at $35^{\circ}C$ with a convection oven was not suitable for Chrysanthemum spp., but there were no significant changes of germination rates in Aster spp. The germination rates were decreased more at seeding in soil than at lab. test with Dicotyledon but no significant changes with Monocotyledon. Especially, the germination rates of fine seed on 5mm soil covering treatment were significantly decreased.

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생장조절제와 프라이밍 처리에 의한 지치종자의 발아특성과 단백질 발현 양상에 관한 연구 (Studies on Seed Germination Characteristics and Patterns of Protein Expression of Lithospermum erythrorhizon by Plant Growth Regulators and Seed Primings)

  • 김도현;안복주;안희정;안영섭;김영국;박춘근;박충범;차선우;송범헌
    • 한국약용작물학회지
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    • 제22권6호
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    • pp.435-441
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to investigate the quality of seeds, the germination rates and the days required for germination, to examine the patterns of protein expressions during the germination and to improve the techniques of managing and storing seeds and viability of the seeds of Lithospermum erythrorhizon Sieb. et Zucc. After collecting and harvesting seeds, they were classified to white and brown colors of seed coat through testing their seed size, weight, and quality. The germination rates, the days required for germination, and the protein expressions were examined with different colors of seed coats, storing temperatures and durations by treating the different plant growth regulators and primings. One hundred seed weight of white color was heavier about 1.17 g than those of brown one about 0.81 g. The germination rates in white color of seed coat was higher, 3.05 ~ 5.75%, than those in brown one. Its rates were decreased with getting longer in storage durations. There was no big differences on germination rates between storage temperatures. The plant growth regulator of $GA_3$ and Kinetin was affected to improve the seed germination. $GA_3$ increased the seed germination clearly at 25 ppm level, while kinetin increased it gradually from 25 to 100 ppm levels. In germination by seed primings, PEG6000 made higher germination rate with increasing their levels, whereas $KNO_3$ increased the germination until 100 mM level and then decreased it with 200 mM unlike PEG6000. The protein expressed during the seed germination were appeared more and clearer bands in the seed after germination, especially 20 ~ 30 kDa, compared to those in the seed before germination. These results showing more and clearer bands were positively related to the germination rates which were different by seed colors, storage temperatures and durations, and plant growth regulators and primings.

미생물에 의한 자귀나무·참싸리·비수리 종자의 발아촉진 (The Increase of Seeds Germination in Albizzia julibrissin, Lespedeza cyrtobotrya and Lespedeza cuneata by Microbial Treatment)

  • 차고운;허영진;안태영
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제11권3호
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    • pp.107-115
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    • 2008
  • Herbs and plants widely used for the ecological restoration were selected for germination rate analysis under treatment of microorganisms to determine ideal treatment conditions and medium for enhanced germination rate. Albizzia julibrissin, when submerged in a nutrient medium or distilled water, presented a decrease in germination period rather than increase in germination rate. When treated with microorganism culture solution (JM-2) for 24 hours, 90% germination was achieved in two days, which is sufficient evidence to conclude that such treatment accelerates the germination of Albizzia julibrissin. Germination period decreased for Lespedeza cyrtobotrya samples submerged in microorganism solution for 15 and 48 hours, however, increases in germination rates were not observed. Sample treated in the solution for 24 hours had increased germination rate and enhanced germination period. Microorganism solution treatment had a negative effect on germination for Lespedeza cuneata, unlike Lespedeza cyrtobotrya and Albizzia julibrissin. Microorganism treated seeds of Lepsedeza cuneata had a lower germination rate than that of the control with no treatment. However, submerging treatments in a nutrient medium or distilled water for 24 to 48 hours were proven effective with higher germination rates than control sample with no treatment. Herbs and plants widely used for the ecological restoration were selected for germination rate analysis under treatment of microorganisms to determine ideal treatment conditions and medium for enhanced germination rate. Albizzia julibrissin, when submerged in a nutrient medium or distilled water, presented a decrease in germination period rather than increase in germination rate. When treated with microorganism culture solution (JM-2) for 24 hours, 90% germination was achieved in two days, which is sufficient evidence to conclude that such treatment accelerates the germination of Albizzia julibrissin. Germination period decreased for Lespedeza cyrtobotrya samples submerged in microorganism solution for 15 and 48 hours, however, increases in germination rates were not observed. Sample treated in the solution for 24 hours had increased germination rate and enhanced germination period. Microorganism solution treatment had a negative effect on germination for Lespedeza cuneata, unlike Lespedeza cyrtobotrya and Albizzia julibrissin. Microorganism treated seeds of Lepsedeza cuneata had a lower germination rate than that of the control with no treatment. However, submerging treatments in a nutrient medium or distilled water for 24 to 48 hours were proven effective with higher germination rates than control sample with no treatment.

온도(溫度) 및 삽목조건(揷木條件)이 백리향의 발아(發芽)와 발근(發根)에 미치는 영향(影響) (Effect of Temperature and Cutting condition on Germination and Rooting of Thymus quinquecstaus)

  • 박노복;권영휴
    • 현장농수산연구지
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.95-101
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    • 2009
  • 약용 및 관상식물로 개발가치가 있는 백리향의 종자발아 및 삽목조건 구명을 위한 몇 가지 실험결과는 아래와 같다. 종자발아는 20℃ 광 조건에서 89%의 발아율로 가장 좋았다. 적정 삽목시기는 5월20일이 94%의 발근율로 가장 양호했고, 삽목용토는 단용보다는 peatmoss(50%) + perlite(50%) 혼용처리에서 좋았으며 삽목전 삽수의 IBA 처리농도는 100mg/L 침지처리에서 96% 발근율을 나타내었다.

생장조절제와 프라이밍 처리에 의한 우슬종자의 발아특성과 단백질 발현 양상에 관한연구 (Studies on Seed Germination Characteristics and Patterns of Protein Expression of Achyranthes japonica by Treating Plant Growth Regulators and Seed Primings)

  • 김도현;안복주;안희정;안영섭;김영국;박춘근;박충범;차선우;송범헌
    • 한국약용작물학회지
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.13-19
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted to improve the postharvest storage techniques of managing and storing seeds, to test qualities and viabilities of the seeds and to examine the germination rate and the protein expression of Achyranthes japonica Nakai. The seeds collected from different areas of Je-Cheon and Gwang-Ju were stored with different temperatures and durations. Two plant growth regulators and two seed priming were treated to investigate their effect on the germination rates and the days required for germination. The weight of one hundred seed collected in Gwang-Ju was heavier than those in Je-Cheon. Seed length collected in Gwang-Ju was also longer about 5.12 mm than those in Je-Cheon about 4.90 mm and seed width was longer in Gwang-Ju than those in Je-Cheon. The rates of seed germination in two different collection areas were higher about 2.9 to 13.0% in Gwang-Ju compared to those in Je-Cheon. Comparing its rates with the storing temperatures and durations, they were not clearly different in between $4^{\circ}C$ and $25^{\circ}C$ and they also were gradually decreased with getting longer storing durations. The germination rates treated by plant growth regulators were higher with $GA_3$ than those with Kinetin. The highest seed germination rate was appeared at 50 ppm of $GA_3$. Comparing its rates with different seed priming, they were relatively higher with $KNO_3$ than those with PEG6000. In protein expression patterns between before the germinating and after the germinating of seeds, more and clear bands were appeared in the seed after the germination compared to those before the germination of seeds, especially 10 ~ 20 kDa. These results showing more and clear bands were more clearly appeared in Gwang-Ju compared to Je-Cheon. Comparing the protein expression with plant growth regulators and seed primings, $GA_3$ was better expression than those with Kinetin and $KNO_3$ was better than those with PEG6000. More and clear bands were closely related to the germination rates of seeds and more detailed studies would be required.

Effects of Submerged Condition, Temperature, and Ripening Stages on Viviparous Germination of Rice

  • Ju, Young-Cheoul;Han, Sang-Wook;Cho, Young-Cheol;Park, Kyeong-Yeol
    • 한국작물학회지
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    • 제45권1호
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    • pp.20-25
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    • 2000
  • Viviparous germination causes yield loss and quality deterioration of rice. This study was conducted to investigate varietal differences of the viviparous germination with different days after heading (DAH) and different temperatures. In the laboratory examination, the averaged germination rate of all varieties at 45DAH and at 25DAH was 79.9%, and 27.5% under the incubation at the temperature of 3$0^{\circ}C$/2$0^{\circ}C$ (day/night) for 12 days. Andabyeo, Da- sanbyeo, and Nonganbyeo showed the lowest viviparous germination rates among the tested varieties. The shoot length of the viviparous germination measured 12days after incubation at 30/2$0^{\circ}C$ ranged from 21 to 53mm, indicating significant deterioration of rice quality. In the field test, the averaged viviparous germination rates of rice varieties at 25, 35, 45DAH with the underwater conditions for 4 days were 2.2, 6.2 and 9.2%, respectively, while their rates at 12 day after underwater conditions increased to 17.6, 44.2 and 43.8%, respectively. A variety that showed the highest viviparous germination rate at 25 and 35 and 45DAH was Heukjinjubyeo. When standing rice panicles without lodging were examined after consecutive raining for 7 days Juanbyeo showed the highest viviparous germination (45.5%), followed by Odaebyeo (16.0%), Jinbubyeo (14.5 %), Bongkwangbyeo (14.2 %) and Obongbyeo (12.6%). The viviparous germination of rice was greatly affected by variety, days after heading and temperature settings. Bongkwangbyeo, Juanbyeo, Dongjinbyeo, Hwasunchalbyeo, Naepoongbyeo and Heukjinjubyeo were classified as the most susceptible varieties to the viviparous germination in the field conditions.

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종자의 성숙도가 Burley종 담배의 발아에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Seed Maturity on Germination of Some Burley Tobacco Cultivars)

  • 류점호;배성국;한철수;추홍구
    • 한국작물학회지
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    • 제28권2호
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    • pp.258-261
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    • 1983
  • 본 시험은 발아가능한 담배종자를 조기 파종하여 파종에 이용하고자 몇가지 버어리종 담배를 공시하여 수분후 8일부터 30일까지 2일간격으로 채종 발아조사를 하였던 바 1. 종자는 수분후 12일 이상이면 발아가능하여 파종에 이용할 수 있었고 발아율은 낮았으며 품종에 따라 변이가 컸다. 2. 적기채종시기는 수분후 24-28일이였다. 3. 과숙종자는 후숙이나 일시휴면현상을 보여 발아율이 감소하였다.

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발아 및 입묘율 향상을 위한 파종전 종자처리 모형설정에 대한 제언 (A Proposed Model for Prosowing Seed Treatments to Promote Germination and Seedling Emergence)

  • 강진호;윤수영
    • 한국약용작물학회지
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    • 제11권5호
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    • pp.321-328
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    • 2003
  • Various presowing seed treatments have been used to enhance the rates of germination and afterward seedling emergence. Seeds treated by them occasionally have not shown the same rate in indoor and field. The presowing treatments considering germination mechanism and factors affecting germination should be totally included in indoor experiments so that the results drawn could be reproduced in the field. Seed drying after the treatments and field conditions after sowing especially able to show Phytochromemediated responses related to light treatment must be determined prior to force the treatments to seeds. After set up these prerequisites to promote the rates of germination and emergence, many seed treatments proposed so far must be fixed how to be done; alone, sequential and simultaneous.

Effects of Microwaves on the Germination of Weed Seeds

  • Sahin, Hasan
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • 제39권4호
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    • pp.304-309
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: Weeds cause significant losses in agricultural production. In this study, we investigated the effect of microwaves on the germination rates of cress and arugula seeds to determine whether microwaves could be developed as an effective alternative to conventional chemical-based herbicides. Methods: Seeds were planted at equal depths (8-10 mm) in a soil-turf mixture, and seeds were exposed to microwaves for 126 s, 70 s, and 50 s in a device constructed specifically for this study. A microwave tunnel was built using a variable speed conveyor belt and 4 magnetrons with a combined output power of 2.8 kW. Seeds that were not exposed to microwaves were germinated with regulated irrigation, temperature, and humidity controls in parallel with the treated seeds, and the germination rates were compared among the treatment groups. Results: We found that the exposure of cress and arugula seeds to microwaves for 126 s inhibited germination close to 100%. Cress seeds treated with microwaves for 50 s showed 95% germination compared to 65% germination of the untreated cress seeds. Conclusions: We predict that the thermal effect of microwave energy affects the germination ratio and germination rate of seeds.

한국 들잔디(Zoysia japonica)의 여러 가지 전처리가 발아에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Various Pretreatment on Germination in Zoysia japonica)

  • 장영선;허성일;최상릉;왕명현
    • 아시안잔디학회지
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.125-130
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    • 2005
  • 여러 가지의 전처리에 대한 한국 들잔디의 발아율에 미친 영향을 요약해 보면 다음과 같다. 저온 처리에 따른 발아율에서 $4^{circ}$C에서 7일 동안 처리 했을 때 $4^{circ}$C에서 3일, $-20^{circ}$C에서 1일 그리고 3일 동안 처리한 군에 비해 발아율이 높았다 종피약화 처리 후 침지온도에 따른 발아율에서 종피를 제거한 뒤 침지처리 하지 않은 것이 대조구와 종피 약화처리 후 침지처리를 한 구에 비해 다소 높은 발아율을 보여주었다. 호르몬 처리에 따른 발아율에서 각 호르몬 사이에 별다른 차이가 보이지 않으나 BA처리구에서 다소 높은 발아율을 보였다. 또한, 종피 약화처리 그리고 호르몬 처리 모두 6일째의 초기 발아율은 대조구에 비해 10$\sim$$60\%$ 이상의 높은 발아율을 보였으며, 종피약화 처리와 생장조절제인 BA 처리한 구에서 대조구에 비해 $20\%$의 높은 발아율의 차이를 나타냈다.