• Title/Summary/Keyword: geographical map

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The probabilistic estimation of inundation region using a multiple logistic regression analysis (다중 Logistic 회귀분석을 통한 침수지역의 확률적 도출)

  • Jung, Minkyu;Kim, Jin-Guk;Uranchimeg, Sumiya;Kwon, Hyun-Han
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.121-129
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    • 2020
  • The increase of impervious surface and development along the river due to urbanization not only causes an increase in the number of associated flood risk factors but also exacerbates flood damage, leading to difficulties in flood management. Flood control measures should be prioritized based on various geographical information in urban areas. In this study, a probabilistic flood hazard assessment was applied to flood-prone areas near an urban river. Flood hazard maps were alternatively considered and used to describe the expected inundation areas for a given set of predictors such as elevation, slope, runoff curve number, and distance to river. This study proposes a Bayesian logistic regression-based flood risk model that aims to provide a probabilistic risk metric such as population-at-risk (PAR). Finally, the logistic regression model demonstrates the probabilistic flood hazard maps for the entire area.

A study on the Transformation Process of Traditional Small City Structure in Jeollabuk-Do (근대(近代) 도시화(都市化)에 따른 전라도(全羅道) 전통(傳統) 소도읍(小都邑)의 공간구조변화과정(空間構造變化過程) 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Kyung-Chan
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.11 no.3 s.31
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    • pp.21-34
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    • 2002
  • This study is to analyse the transformation process of spatial structure of traditional small city structure in Jeollabuk-Do in the process of modern urbanization between 19th century and the year 2000. The small cities, IM-PI, YONG-AN, YEO-SAN, OK-GOO, GO-SAN, MU-JANG, GUM-MA, GO-BU, which have been local administrative center in CHO-SUN dynasty, have role of local administrative center of subdivision of country-myon, except OK-GOO. The method of this study is to investigate the transformation process of spatial structural elements of with the actual field surveys, the analysis of Gunhyun map made in 1872, land registration maps in 1910s and 2000, and various topological maps. The elements of analysis are the topological site and geographical situation conditions, the urbanized areas, the street systems, the function of streets, the focal points of urban land use, the land use systems, and the location of major facilities such as administration facilities, markets, bus terminals. The analytical point of view and the results are as follows. There is strong relationship between the transformation of internal matrix route system and the growth pattern of urbanized areas, Especially on the contrary to the matrix route with East-West direction which has the role of checking the growth of urbanized area, the South-North direction route acts as the leading line of the growth. The focal points structure of urban land use shows transformation process from the point of central space of administrative district in front of Nae-A, to the access point to administrative district or to the access point to housing and neighborhood commercial area. From the point of functional area structure and major facilities location, line-type commercial area is developed along the line of central axis route and access route to administrative district. Especially direction of the growth of commercial area is strongly connected with the interrelationship between the study area and its neighboring cities. Pattern of commercial district development is varied with the direction of matrix route. That is, commercial district, which shows one side development pattern along the East-West direction route, is developed on both sides of street along the South-North direction route.

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Application of Bayesian Multilevel Space-Time Models to Study Relative Risk of Esophageal Cancer in Iran 2005-2007 at a County Level

  • Rastaghi, Sedigheh;Jafari-Koshki, Tohid;Mahaki, Behzad
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.14
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    • pp.5787-5792
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    • 2015
  • Background: Reported age standardized incidence rates for esophageal cancer in Iran are 0.88 and 6.15 for females and males, at fifth and the eighth ranks, respectively, of cancers overall. The present study aimed to map relative risk using more realistic and less problematic methods than common estimators. Materials and Methods: In this ecological investigation, the studied population consisted of all esophageal cancer patients in Iran from 2005 to 2007. The Bayesian multilevel space-time model with three levels of county, province, and time was used to measure the relative risk of esophageal cancer. Analyses were conducted using R package INLA. Results: The total number of registered patients was 7,160. According to the results, the three-level model with adjustment for risk factors of physical activity and smoking had the best fit among all models. The overall temporal trend was significantly increasing. At county level, Ahar, Marand, Salmas, Bojnoord, Saghez, Sarakhs, Shahroud and Torbatejam had the highest relative risks. Physical activity was found to have significant direct association with risk of developing esophageal cancer. Conclusions: Given to great variation across geographical areas, many different factors affect the incidence of esophageal cancer. Conducting further studies at the individual level in areas with high incidence could provide more detailed information on risk factors of esophageal cancer.

Spatial analysis of Relative Risks for skin cancer morbidity and mortality in Iran, 2008 - 2010

  • Zayeri, Farid;Kavousi, Amir;Najafimehr, Hadis
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.13
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    • pp.5225-5231
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    • 2015
  • Background: One of the most prevalent cancers in whole world is skin cancer and its prevalence is growing. The present research sought to estimate relative risk of morbidity and mortality due to skin cancer. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study. The required data were gathered from the registered cancer reports of Cancer Control Office in the Center for Non Communicable Disease of the Iranian Ministry of Health (MOH). The data were extracted at province level in the time span of 2008-10. WINBUGS software was used to analyze the data and to identify high risk regions. ArcGIS10 was utilized to map the distribution of skin cancer and to demonstrate high risk provinces by using classic and fully Bayesian models taking into account spatial correlations of adjacent regions separately for men and women. Results: Relative risk of morbidity for women in Yazd and for men in Kurdistan and relative risk of mortality for women in Bushehr and for men in Kohgiluyeh were found to be the highest. Bayesian model due to regarding adjacent regions correlation, have precise estimation in comparing to classical model. More frequent epidemiological studies to enact skin cancer prevention programs. Conclusions: High risk regions in Iran include central and highland regions. Therefore it is suggested that health decision makers enact public education, using anti UV creams and sunglasses for those parts as a short preventing program.

A Study for Method of Curved Approach Using the GPS to Apply VFR Airport (GPS를 이용한 VFR 공항에서의 곡선접근 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Ju, Yo-Han;Jun, Hyang-Sig;Jeong, Myeong-Sook;Park, Soo-Bog;Hong, Seung-Beom;Hong, Gyo-Young
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.296-303
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    • 2014
  • Recently a system is being required to replace ILS due to increasing air traffic. In this paper, Curved approach is applied to an airport where ILS approach cannot be applied due to its geographical condition and restricted aerospace condition, and verified by flight test. After analysing conditions of Tae-an airfield of Hanseo University with virtual ILS approach, airfield applicability was evaluated by Curved approach using by GPS. Normally simulation is performed after establishing approach procedure using electric map, but recently verification is being performed by flight test without simulation because accuracy and reliability are increased. In this paper, established procedure is verified modified by flight test with Pilot Test and Auto Pilot test and controllability and passenger's stability were also checked.

Zoning Hydrologic Units for Geospatial Climatology in North Korea (북한지역의 소기후 추정을 위한 수문단위 설정)

  • Kim, Jin-Hee;Yun, Jin-I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.20-27
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    • 2011
  • High-definition, geo-referenced digital climate maps can be produced by applying watershed-specific modules to adjust synoptic observations for local effects including cold air drainage. Since there is no information available on North Korean watersheds, existing geospatial technology for digital climate mapping cannot be transferred to North Korea. We applied a watershed extraction algorithm based on ArcHydro to the North Korean portion of ASTER GDEM and utilized geographical information on major rivers and mountains to adjust the products. Proposed hydrologic zoning system for North Korean watersheds consists of 21 river basins, 93 stream basins and 885 catchments. Combined with the existing 840 South Korean hydrologic units, we now have a complete set of 1,725 catchments which may serve a framework for digital climate modeling across whole land area of the Korean Peninsula.

A Study on the Development of New Address Management System for Jecheon-city (제천시 새주소 관리시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Yeon, Sang-Ho;Kim, Jang-Soo
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.3 no.1 s.5
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    • pp.89-94
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is development of the management system for convenient use of new address guide system for systematic management and use of spatial information gained by mapping of numerical map of building and road to large basic new address, survey and input of main gate, decision of the road session, naming and input of road name, grant of numbering of all houses and buildings, new address guide, real life geographical information and added information service on Web-site in Jecheon-city area. In this study, the development and establishment of new address management in local cities are designed by making full use of GIS function of client server based system. In the result, the effectiveness of new address management system of Jecheon- city could be highly increased owing to not only citizens' easy access but also easy availability of various informations necessary in life by developed its system.

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Extracting Method The New Roads by Using High-resolution Aerial Orthophotos (고해상도 항공정사영상을 이용한 신설 도로 추출 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kyeong Min;Go, Shin Young;Kim, Kyeong Min;Cho, Gi Sung
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 2014
  • Digital maps are made by experts who digitize the data from aerial image and field survey. And the digital maps are updated every 2 years in National Geographic Information Institute. Conventional Digitizing methods take a lot of time and cost. And geographic information needs to be modified and updated appropriately as geographical features are changing rapidly. Therefore in this paper, we modify the digital map updates the road information for rapid high-resolution aerial orthophoto taken at different times were performed HSI color conversion. Road area of the cassification was performed the region growing methods. In addition, changes in the target area for analysis by applying the CVA technique to compare the changed road area by analyzing the accuracy of the proposed extraction.

Factors associated with community scaling rate: Using community health survey data (지역사회 스케일링경험률에 영향을 미치는 요인: 지역사회건강조사 자료이용)

  • Kim, Ji-Min;Ha, Ju-Won;Kim, Ji-Soo;Jung, Yeon-Ho;Kim, Dong-Suk;Lee, Ga-Yeong;Jang, Young-Eun;Kim, Nam-Hee
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.1053-1061
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    • 2015
  • Objectives: The purpose of the study is to investigate the influencing factors of community scaling rate using community health survey data. Methods: The data were extracted from 2013 Community Health Survey, Ministry of education, Korea Dental Association, Statistics Korea, Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service, and Ministry of the Interior. The resource factors of independent variables were analysed by Geographical Information System(GIS) using Map Wizard for Excel 17.0. The data were analyzed by descriptive analysis, pearson correlation and multiple linear regression analysis(p<0.05). Results: Seocho-gu in Seoul had the highest annual scaling rate(55.5%) and Goheung-gun had the lowest rate(11%) showing 44.5 percent gap. The influencing factors of scaling included the number of dental hygienists(r=0.316), dentists(r=0.332), dental hospitals(r=0.470), high school graduation rate(r=0.757) and equivalence scales household income(r=0.764)(p<0.05). Multiple linear regression analysis showed that community scaling rate was closely associated with community education level and monthly income(p<0.05). Conclusions: Community scaling rate was closely related to the community education and income level. It is necessary to provide the equal distribution of the oral health service to the community society.

Design and Implementation of the Postal Route Optimization System Model (우편 경로 최적화 시스템 모델 설계 및 구현)

  • Nam, Sang-U
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.3 no.6
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    • pp.1483-1492
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    • 1996
  • In this paper, related on the postal business with the GIS(Geographics Information System), it discusses design and implementation of the PROS(Postal Route Optimization System) model and its main module, the shortest path generation algorithm, for supporting to postal route managements. It explains examples requirements of postal route system, and suggests the efficient PROS model using our developed shortest path generation algorithm. Because the shortest path algorithm adopts not only consider the Dijkstra algorithm of graph theory, but also the method with the direction property, PROS can be implemented with fast and efficient route search. PROS is mainly constituted of the Shortest Generator, the Isochronal Area Generator, and the Path Rearrangement Generator. It also exploits the GIS engine and the spatial DBMS (Data Base Management System) for processing coordinates in the map and geographical features. PROS can be used in the management of postal delivery business and delivery area and route, and in the rearrangement of route. In the near future, it can be also applied to commercial delivery businesses, guides of routs and traffic informations, and auto navigation system with GPS(Global Positioning System).

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