• Title/Summary/Keyword: geographic map

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화물위치추적 기술 현황 및 개발 방향

  • 박남규;최형림;송근곤;오상환
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 1999.10a
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    • pp.199-206
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    • 1999
  • 본 연구에서는 웹기반의 화물차량위치추적시스템의 개발과 관련된 문제를 다루고 있다. 화물위치추적 시스템이란 이동하는 화물차량으로부터 위치데이터 및 관련 정보를 수신하여 중앙관제센터에서 이 정보를 데이터베이스에 저장하여 두고 화물위치 정보를 지도 위에 표시하는 시스템으로 화주, 운송회사 등 육상물류관련 기관에서 화물위치추적, 공동수배송, 화물차량 통제 등 다양한 목적으로 사용될 수 있다. 화물차량위치추적시스템은 AVLS(Automatic Vehicle Location System)라 불리우면서 산업계에서 활용되고 있으며 위치획득 방법의 종류에 따라 다양한 유형의 AVLS모델이 등장하고 있다. 예를 들면 전통적인 GPS(Global Positioning System) 위성 수신, DGPS(Differential GPS) 기지국, PCS(Personal Communication System) Cell, 도로기반 시설에 포함되는 비콘 등의 방법에 의해 AVLS는 구현되고 있다. AVLS는 정보통신 요소 기술과 정보통신 기반 시설로 구성되는데, 정보통신 요소기술로는 위치획측의 매개체인 AVL단말기와 관제시스템 S/W. 그리고 GIS(Geographic Information System)가 있고, 정보통신 기반 시설로는 차량의 단말기와 관제시스템 사이의 데이터 중계를 담당하는 네트워크가 있다. 화물차량위치추적시스템을 구성하기 위한 구비요건으로 중계망의 안정성과 신뢰성, 획득한 위치데이터의 정확성, 관제시스템의 완성도와 AVL단말기의 사용자 인터페이스, GIS S/W개발을 위한 Map API(Application Program Interface)등을 들 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 PCS Cell 방식에 의한 위치결정방식을 채택하였는데, 이것은 PCS망을 기반으로 데이터를 주고받이며 인터넷 단말기로 확장 가능한 PCS 단말기를 사용해서 위치추적을 하는 시스템이다. 이러한 시스템을 선정하게된 배경은 단말기아 망 이용료의 가격이 저렴하여 현실적으로 트럭이 쉽게 부착할 수 있다는 장점이 있으며 나아가 인터넷 단말기를 활용하여 차량과 관제센터사이에 메시지 전송 등 부가적인 서비스가 가능하기 때문이다.

GRID-based Daily Evapotranspiration Prediction Model (GRIDET) (격자기반의 일 증발산량 추정모형 개발)

  • Chae, Hyo-Seok;Kim, Seong-Jun;Jeong, Gwan-Su
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.721-730
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    • 1999
  • A Grid-based daily evapotranspiration(ET) prediction model which calculates temporal and spatial ET with a complementary relationship of Morton(1983) was developed. The model was programmed by C-language and uses ASCII formatted map data of DEM(Digital Elevation Model) and land use. Daily ET within the watershed is calculated and the results of temporal variations and spatial distributions of ET are presented by using GRASS(Geographic Resources Analysis Support System). To verify the applicability of the model, it was applied to the part of Bocheong stream basin (76.5$\textrm{km}^2$) located in the upstream of Dacheong Dam watershed. The result shows that the estimated evapotranspiration in 1995 was 766.1mm and 22% increased after correction radiation for slope and area.

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Classification of 3D Road Objects Using Machine Learning (머신러닝을 이용한 3차원 도로객체의 분류)

  • Hong, Song Pyo;Kim, Eui Myoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.535-544
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    • 2018
  • Autonomous driving can be limited by only using sensors if the sensor is blocked by sudden changes in surrounding environments or large features such as heavy vehicles. In order to overcome the limitations, the precise road-map has been used additionally. This study was conducted to segment and classify road objects using 3D point cloud data acquired by terrestrial mobile mapping system provided by National Geographic Information Institute. For this study, the original 3D point cloud data were pre-processed and a filtering technique was selected to separate the ground and non-ground points. In addition, the road objects corresponding to the lanes, the street lights, the safety fences were initially segmented, and then the objects were classified using the support vector machine which is a kind of machine learning. For the training data for supervised classification, only the geometric elements and the height information using the eigenvalues extracted from the road objects were used. The overall accuracy of the classification results was 87% and the kappa coefficient was 0.795. It is expected that classification accuracy will be increased if various classification items are added not only geometric elements for classifying road objects in the future.

Current and Future Status of GIS-based Landslide Susceptibility Mapping: A Literature Review

  • Lee, Saro
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.179-193
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    • 2019
  • Landslides are one of the most damaging geological hazards worldwide, threating both humans and property. Hence, there have been many efforts to prevent landslides and mitigate the damage that they cause. Among such efforts, there have been many studies on mapping landslide susceptibility. Geographic information system (GIS)-based techniques have been developed and applied widely, and are now the main tools used to map landslide susceptibility. We reviewed the status of landslide susceptibility mapping using GIS by number of papers, year, study area, number of landslides, cause, and models applied, based on 776 articles over the last 20 years (1999-2018). The number of studies published annually increased rapidly over time. The total study area spanned 65 countries, and 47.7% of study areas were in China, India, South Korea, and Iran, where more than 500 landslides, 27.3% of all landslides, have occurred. Slope (97.6% of total articles) and geology (82.7% of total articles) were most often implicated as causes, and logistic regression (26.9% of total articles) and frequency ratio (24.7% of total article) models were the most widely used models. We analyzed trends in the causes of and models used to simulate landslides. The main causes were similar each year, but machine learning models have increased in popularity over time. In the future, more study areas should be investigated to improve the generalizability and accuracy of the results. Furthermore, more causes, especially those related to topography and soil, should be considered and more machine learning models should be applied. Finally, landslide hazard and risk maps should be studied in addition to landslide susceptibility maps.

A Risk Assessment of Orchard Pollination Services using a Species Distribution Model for Wild Pollinators (야생화분매개곤충 분포 모형을 활용한 과수원 수분 서비스 위험도 평가)

  • Koh, In-Su;Choe, Hye-Yeong;Kwon, Hyuk-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.29-41
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    • 2020
  • Wild pollinators provide important pollination services for crops. However, their geographical ranges and impact on pollination services have not been fully explored within the scope of Korean agricultural land. This study aims to identify spatial supply-demand mismatches across orchard fields in the context of assessing pollination service risk. We first used National Ecosystem Survey data and a species distribution model (MaxEnt) to develop the geographic range of each of 32 wild pollinators belonging to three families (Diptera, Hymenoptera, and Lepidoptera). We then summed the modeled presence probability of each species to obtain a measure of spatially explicit pollinator richness. This modeled richness, defined as pollination supply, was compared with the summed area of orchard fields at the municipal boundary level to identify areas with supply-demand mismatches. The study found that Lepidoptera showed the highest species richness (8.3±1.5), followed by Hymenoptera (4.3±0.8) and Diptera (3.5±0.8) species. Median orchard area was 1.5 ㎢ (range of 0-176.7 ㎢) among 250 municipal regions in South Korea. The municipal regions were divided into three categories (tertiles) of low, middle, and high pollination supply and demand according to, respectivley, average polliator richness and orhard area. Finally, we found that 55 municipal regions (accounting for 49% of national orchard land) potentially faced high risk of pollination deficits, 81 regions (48% of national orchard land) faced intermediate risk, and 63 regions faced low risk (3% of national orchard land). In conclusion, this study revealed significant mismatch between pollination supply and demand and developed risk assessment map will guide our future efforts on pollinator habitat conservation and monitoring to conserve crop pollination services.

Monitoring the presence of wild boar and land mammals using environmental DNA metabarcoding - Case study in Yangpyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do - (환경 DNA 메타바코딩을 활용한 멧돼지 및 육상 포유류 출현 모니터링 - 경기도 양평군 일대를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Yong-Hwan;Han, Youn-Ha;Park, Ji-Yun;Kim, Ho Gul;Cho, Soo-Hyun;Song, Young-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.133-144
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to estimate location of land mammals habitat by analyzing spatial data and investigate how to apply environmental DNA monitoring methodology to lotic system in Yangpyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do. Environmental DNA sampling points are selected through spatial analysis with QGIS open source program by overlaying Kernel density of wild boar(Sus scrofa), elevation, slope and land-cover map, and 81 samples are collected. After 240 mL of water was filtered in each sample, metabarcoding technique using MiMammal universal primer was applied in order to get a whole list of mammal species whose DNA particles contained in filtered water. 8 and 22 samples showed DNA of wild boar and water deer, respectively. DNA of raccoon dog, Eurasian otter, and Siberian weasel are also detected through metabarcoding analysis. This study is valuable that conducted in outdoor lotic system. The study suggests a new wildlife monitoring methodology integrating overlayed geographic data and environmental DNA.

Calculating the Actual Surface Area for Gangneung Forest Fire Area Using Slope-Aspect Algorithm (Slope-Aspect 알고리즘을 활용한 강릉시 산불 피해지역 실표면적 산출 방법)

  • Jeong, JongChul
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.95-104
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to find the exact area of the forest fire in Okgye-myeon, Gangneung, April 4, 2019. Since there is a gradient in our country's forests, we should find a surface area that takes into account The 5th numerical clinical map provided by the DEM and the Korea Forest Service provided by the National Geographic Information Service was used. In DEM, the center point of each pixel was created and all points were connected. The length of the connecting line is determined by the spatial resolution of the pixel and the cosine value, and the surface area is obtained along with the height value, which is called the Slope-Aspect algorithm. The surface area and floor area of the forest were shown according to the tree species and types of forest, and their quantitative numerical differences proved the validity of this study.

Spatializing beta-diversity of vascular plants - Application of Generalized Dissimilarity Model in the Republic of Korea - (식생 베타 다양성의 공간화 기법 연구 - Generalized Dissimilarity Model의 국내적용 및 활용 -)

  • Choi, Yu-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.29-45
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    • 2022
  • For biodiversity conservation, the importance of beta-diversity which is changes in the composition of species according to environmental changes has become emphasized. However, given the systematic investigation of species distribution and the accumulation of large amounts of data in the Republic of Korea(ROK), research on the spatialization of beta-diversity using them is insufficient. Accordingly, this research investigated the applicability of the Generalized Dissimilarity Modeling(GDM) to ROK, which can predict and map the similarity of compositional turnover (beta-diversity) based on environmental variables. A brief overview of the statistical description on using GDM was presented, and a model was fitted using the flora distribution data(410,621points) from the National Ecosystem Survey and various environmental spatial data including climate, soil, topography, and land cover. Procedures and appropriated spatial units required to improve the explanatory power of the model were presented. As a result, it was found that geographical distance, temperature annual range, summer temperature, winter precipitation, and soil factors affect the dissimilarity of the vegetation community composition. In addition, as a result of predicting the similarity of vegetation composition across the nation, and classifying them into 20 and 100 zones, the similarity was high mainly in the central inland area, and tends to decrease toward the mountainous areas, southern coastal regions, and island including Jeju island, which means the composition of the vegetation community is unique and beta diversity is high. In addition, it was identified that the number of common species between zones decreased as the geographic distance between zones increased. It classified the spatial distribution of plant community composition in a quantitative and objective way, but additional research and verification are needed for practical application. It is expected that research on community-level biodiversity modeling in the ROK will be conducted more actively based on this study.

Archipeligiality as a Southeast Asian Poetic in Cirilo F. Bautista's Sunlight on Broken Stones

  • Sanchez, Louie Jon A.
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.193-221
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    • 2014
  • Archipeligiality, a concept continuously being developed by the scholar, is one that attempts to articulate the Filipino sense of place as discoursed in/through its literatures. As a country composed of 7,107 islands, the very fragmentation and division of the country, as well as its multiculturality and multilinguality, have become the very means by which Filipino writers have "imagined" so to speak-that is, also, constructed, into a singular, united frame-the "nation." This, the author supposes, is an important aspect to explore when it comes to discoursing the larger Southeast Asian imagination, or poetic, as similar situations (i.e. Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore), may soon compel for a comparative critico-literary perspective. This paper continues this exploratory "geoliterary" discourse by looking at a Filipino canonical work in English by Cirilo F. Bautista, the epic The Trilogy of Saint Lazarus, the title of which already signals a geographic allusion to the first map-name granted by the Spanish colonizer to the Philippines in the region, and consequently the first signification of the country's subjected existence in the colonial imagination. The work, published between 1970 and 1998, is composed of three parts: The Archipelago, Telex Moon, and Sunlight on Broken Stones, which won the 1998 Philippine Independence Centennial Literary Prize. In these epics, notions of Philippine history and situation were discoursed, and Filipino historical figures were engaged in dialogue by the poet/the poet's voice, with the end of locating the place [where history and time had brought it; or its direction or trajectory as a nation, being true to the Filipino maxim of ang di lumingon sa pinanggalingan, di makararating sa paroroonan (the one who does not look back to his origins would not reach his destination)]. of the Philippines not only in the national imagination, but in this paper, in the wider regional consciousness. The paper proposes that the archipelagic concept is an important and unique characteristic of the Southeast Asian situation, and thus, may be a means to explicate the clearly connected landscapes of the region's imagination through literature. This paper focuses on Sunlight on Broken Stones.

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Data issue and Improvement Direction for Marine Spatial Planning (해양공간계획 지원을 위한 정보 현안 및 개선 방향 연구)

  • CHANG, Min-Chol;PARK, Byung-Moon;CHOI, Yun-Soo;CHOI, Hee-Jung;KIM, Tae-Hoon;LEE, Bang-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.175-190
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    • 2018
  • Recently, policy of the marine advanced countries were switched from the preemption using ocean to post-project development. In this study, we suggest improvement and the pending issues when are deducted to the database of the marine spatial information is constructed over the GIS system for the Korean Marine Spatial Planning (KMSP). More than 250 spatial information in the seas of Korea were processed in order of data collection, GIS transformation, data analysis and processing, data grouping, and space mapping. It's process had some problem occurred to error of coordinate system, digitizing process for lack of the spatial information, performed by overlapping for the original marine spatial information, and so on. Moreover, solution is needed to data processing methods excluding personal information which is necessary when produce the spatial data for analysis of the used marine status and minimized method for different between the spatial information based GIS system and the based real information. Therefore, collection and securing system of lacking marine spatial information is enhanced for marine spatial planning. it is necessary to link and expand marine fisheries survey system. It is needed to the marine spatial planning. The marine spatial planning is required to the evaluation index of marine spatial and detailed marine spatial map. In addition, Marine spatial planning is needed to standard guideline and system of quality management. This standard guideline generate to phase for production, processing, analysis, and utilization. Also, the quality management system improve for the information quality of marine spatial information. Finally, we suggest necessity need for the depths study which is considered as opening extension of the marine spatial information and deduction on application model.