• Title/Summary/Keyword: forbidden number

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Bio-Medical Data Transmission System using Multi-level Visible Light based on Resistor Ladder Circuit (저항 사다리 회로 기반의 다중레벨 가시광을 이용하는 의료 데이터 전송 시스템)

  • An, Jinyoung;Chung, Wan-Young
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.131-137
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    • 2016
  • In this study, a multilevel visible light communication (VLC) system based on resistor ladder circuit is designed to transmit medical data. VLC technology is being considered as an alternative wireless communication due to various advantages such as ubiquity, license free operation, low energy consumption, and no radio frequency (RF) radiation characteristics. With VLC even in places where traditional RF communication (e.g., Wi-Fi) is forbidden, significant bio-medical signal including the electrocardiography (ECG) and photoplethysmography (PPG) data can be transmitted. More lives could be saved anywhere by this potential advantage of VLC with a fast emergency response time. A multilevel transmission scheme is adopted to improve the data capacity with keeping simplicity, where data transmission rate can increase by log2m times (m is the number of voltage levels) than that of conventional VLC transmission based on on/off keying. In order to generate multi-amplitudes, resistor ladder circuit, which is a basic principle of digital to analog convertor, is employed, and information is transferred through LED (Light-Emitting Diode) with different voltage level. In the receiver side, multilevel signal is detected by optical receiver including a photo diode. Then, the collected data are analyzed to serve the necessary medical care to the concerned patient.

A Study of Eighteen Incompatible Medicaments (십팔반(十八反) 에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Pil-Sang;Kang, Ok-Hwa;Lee, Go-Hoon;Lee, Kye-Suk;Shin, Dong-Won;Kwon, Dong-Yeul
    • Herbal Formula Science
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2006
  • ElM (Eighteen Incompatible Medicaments) is an important component in Oriental pharmacology and is directly related to clinical prescriptions. Medical practitioners argued that the definite cause and meaning of ElM was ambiguous and therefore debated the issue of clinical application of the ElM. This study conducted an in-depth literary research on the origin, meaning and contents of ElM with the purpose to contribute in its efforts to be used clinically. Even after thousands of years have past since establishment of Oriental medicine. ElM is still tabooed and was an obstacle that hindered ideologies. Modern herbal medicine texts claim that the use of ElM can reduce treatment effects and promote poisoning and side effects. However, since long ago, there has been medical practitioners who reject this as false. Recently, poisoning caused by ElM has been claimed to be from the toxicity of the drug itself, rather than the result of interaction between the drugs. and therefore they suggest that ElM is not a forbidden domain. In addition. ElM showed a difference in number depending on the era. However, this can be understood not as a definite number. but instead as a warning to be careful during combination of drugs for use as clinical medicine. Historically. there were very few cases in which ElM was used for clinical tests and thus, the clinical value is not yet clear. However. some medical practitioners clinically applied it and found clear results for it. while others applied ElM directly to their bodies. which showed signs for the usefulness and potential of ElM for us. A more concrete and in-depth study must be made on ELM.

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A Study on the Food and Drink Restriction in Public Libraries (공공도서관 음식물 반입제한에 대한 인식조사 연구)

  • Yoon, Hee-Yoon
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.33-53
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    • 2018
  • Many public libraries have restricted or forbidden most food and drink on the basis of a number of reasons, and it is necessary to demonstrate that it is legitimate or unfair. To this purpose, the researchers surveyed 485 public library users residing in Daegu City on the perception of food and drink policy. Based on survey results, the researcher suggested improvement directions from various perspectives. First, public library should proactive review the restriction policy in terms of social paradigm. Second, allowing food and drink is a strategy and a right way to justify the existing value and social role of public libraries and strengthen the ecosystem in terms of guaranteeing basic rights of users. Third, it is desirable to emphasize the pure function rather than the dysfunction due to food and drink allowance in terms of facilitating the collection and space use. Fourth, the totalitarian thinking that restrict all or most food and drink in the bylaws or library regulations should be avoided. Finally, public library should allow all food and drink, but it is necessary to prescribe a kind of the food which can be consumed by space, and actively promote to the user.

Improved and quality-assessed emission and absorption line measurements in Sloan Digital Sky Survey galaxies

  • Oh, Kyu-Seok;Sarzi, Marc;Schawinski, Kevin;Yi, Suk-Young K.
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.73.2-73.2
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    • 2011
  • We present a new database of absorption and emission-line measurements based on the entire spectral atlas from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) 7th data release of galaxies within a redshift of 0.2. Our work makes use of the publicly available penalized pixel-fitting(pPXF) and gas and absorption line fitting (gandalf) IDL codes, aiming to improve the existing measurements for stellar kinematics, the strength of various absorption-line features, and the flux and width of the emissions from different species of ionized gas. Our fit to the stellar continuum uses both standard stellar population models and empirical templates obtained by combining a large number of stellar spectra in order to fit a subsample of high-quality SDSS spectra for quiescent galaxies. Furthermore, our fit to the nebular spectrum includes an exhaustive list of both recombination and forbidden lines. Foreground Galactic extinction is implicitly treated in our models, whereas reddening in the SDSS galaxies is included in the form of a simple dust screen component affecting the entire spectrum that is accompanied by a second reddening component affecting only the ionised gas emission. Most notable of our work is that, we provide quality of the fit to assess reliability of the measurements. The quality assessment can be highly effective for finding new classes of objects. For example, based on the quality assessment around the Ha and [NII] nebular lines, we found approximately 1% of the SDSS spectra which classified as "galaxies" by the SDSS pipeline are in fact type I Seyfert AGN.

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A Study on the Aesthetic Characteristics of the Dance Costume of Jean Paul Gaultier (장 폴 고티에 무용의상의 조형성에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Kyeng-Ha;Geum, Key-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.60 no.9
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2010
  • Fashion designer Jean Paul Gaultier incorporated his own boundless and unique artistic Into his design of dance costumes, presenting an unobstructed imaginary world that was filled with freedom, which is no less than one would expect from the one-time enfant t\'e\'errible of Paris fashion. This creativity of Gaultier was made possible only through the fantastic partnership he formed with the French modern dancer, R\'egine Chopinot. Gaultier and Chopinot shared a deep-rooted sympathy that enabled their own artistic worlds to fully mingle and cross over, resulting in a doubled synergy of their talent and their fame. This study analyzed 11 dancing costumes created through the collaborated efforts of those two enfants t\'erribles, one from the fashion industry and the other from the world of dance. The following are the results of my analysis. Gaultier's dance costumes served as a artistic venue for experimenting with a number of creative inspirations lurking in his mind, which were sometimes expressed in pr\^et-\`a-porter collections. Instead of the decorative and expressive features of conventional dance costumes, his was the revival of the dancer's persona as a human being, ablaze with individuality and uniqueness. He pointed out that there is no good in the distorted turturro's fixed point of view, and the great joy of an opposing way of thinking that overturned the established. Leotard material was used as a second skin by transforming it into various styles and delivering his message. In addition, obscene and sexual expressions were delivered in a direct narrative. His eccentric ideas provided entertainment while showing his oppositional way of thinking. In the dance, the effect of the costumes was doubled by the use of cumbersome and exaggerated accessories, which is generally forbidden in modern dance.

A Study on a Novel Graph Visualization for the Tower of Hanoi (하노이의 탑의 새로운 그래프 시각화에 대한 연구)

  • Jho, Cheung-Woon;Kang, Dae-Ki
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.975-983
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we introduce extended problems of Tower of Hanoi (ToH) and propose a novel visualization method to express a state space of ToH. As for the extended problems, we introduce multi-peg ToH, multi-stack ToH, and regular state ToH. The novel visualization method in this paper is a natural extension of Hanoi graph visualization. In the proposed method, we assign one Cartesian coordinate point per each disk to provide an unified visualization that the marks on a link and the changes of a state should correspond with a peg position of a disk. Compared with Hanoi graph, the generated graph by the proposed method is isomorphic if we remove links of forbidden move, which indicates that our method is a generalization of Hanoi graph and thus is more expressive. To help the understanding of the readers, we show the generated graphs by our method when the number of disks is 2 and 3.

Reviews Analysis of Korean Clinics Using LDA Topic Modeling (토픽 모델링을 활용한 한의원 리뷰 분석과 마케팅 제언)

  • Kim, Cho-Myong;Jo, A-Ram;Kim, Yang-Kyun
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.73-86
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    • 2022
  • Objectives: In the health care industry, the influence of online reviews is growing. As medical services are provided mainly by providers, those services have been managed by hospitals and clinics. However, direct promotions of medical services by providers are legally forbidden. Due to this reason, consumers, like patients and clients, search a lot of reviews on the Internet to get any information about hospitals, treatments, prices, etc. It can be determined that online reviews indicate the quality of hospitals, and that analysis should be done for sustainable hospital marketing. Method: Using a Python-based crawler, we collected reviews, written by real patients, who had experienced Korean medicine, about more than 14,000 reviews. To extract the most representative words, reviews were divided by positive and negative; after that reviews were pre-processed to get only nouns and adjectives to get TF(Term Frequency), DF(Document Frequency), and TF-IDF(Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency). Finally, to get some topics about reviews, aggregations of extracted words were analyzed by using LDA(Latent Dirichlet Allocation) methods. To avoid overlap, the number of topics is set by Davis visualization. Results and Conclusions: 6 and 3 topics extracted in each positive/negative review, analyzed by LDA Topic Model. The main factors, consisting of topics were 1) Response to patients and customers. 2) Customized treatment (consultation) and management. 3) Hospital/Clinic's environments.

Analysis of Capacitance and Mobility of ZTO with Amorphous Structure (비정질구조의 ZTO 박막에서 커패시턴스와 이동도 분석)

  • Oh, Teresa
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.14-18
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    • 2019
  • The conductivity of a semiconductor is primarily determined by the carriers. To achieve higher conductivity, the number of carriers should be high, and an energy trap level is created so that the carriers can cross the forbidden zone with low energy. Carriers have a crystalline binding structure, and interfacial mismatching tends to make them less conductive. In general, high-concentration doping is typically used to increase mobility. However, higher conductivity is also observed in non-orthogonal conjugation structures. In this study, the phenomena of higher conductivity and higher mobility were observed with space charge limiting current due to tunneling phenomena, which are different from trapping phenomena. In an atypical structure, the number of carriers is low, the resistance is high, and the on/off characteristics of capacitances are improved, thus increasing the mobility. ZTO thin film improved the on/off characteristics of capacitances after heat treating at 150C. In charging and discharging tests, there was a time difference in the charge and discharging shapes, there was no distinction between n and p type, and the bonding structure was amorphous, such as in the depletion layer. The amorphous bonding structure can be seen as a potential barrier, which is also a source of space charge limiting current and causes conduction as a result of tunneling. Thus, increased mobility was observed in the non-structured configuration, and the conductivity increased despite the reduction of carriers.

Effects of Hwangryunhaedok-Tang and Geongangbuja-Tang on the Change of Interleukin-6 and TNFα Level Induced by LPS I.C.V. Injection in Mice (황연해독탕(黃連解毒湯)과 건강부자탕(乾薑附子湯)이 LPS유도에 의한 마우스 혈중 IL-6와 TNFα 변화에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Su-Hyun;Kwon, Yong-Uk;Lee, Tae-Hee
    • Herbal Formula Science
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.185-197
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    • 2007
  • Objective : This study was conducted to investigate the effects of Hwangryunhaedok-Tang and Geongangbuja-Tang on the change of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factorα (TNFα) level induced by LPS I.C.V. injection in mice. Method : We devided group into 6 mice and 6 mice were assingned to each group. In the normal group only saline was administered intragastrically, and in the control group LPS was injected intracerebroventricularly 1 hr after intragastric administration of saline. In the experiment groups Hwangryunhaedok-Tang(0.5g/kg, 1.0g/kg, 3.0g/kg) was administered intragastrically to mice 1 hr prior to LPS(100mg/mouse) I.C.V. injection.. Also Geongangbuja-Tang (0.5g/kg, 1.0g/kg, 3.0g/kg) was administered intragastrically to mice 1 hr prior to LPS(100mg/mouse) I.C.V. injection. To measure the plasma IL-6 and TNFα level of mice, their blood samples were collected from retro-orbital plexus, immediately centrifuged at 4C, and plasma was removed and stored frozen at 83C for later determination of IL-6 and TNFα. The level of IL-6 and TNFα production was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in the plasma. Result : Regarding IL-6 level, The 0.5g/kg and the 1g/kg groups of Geongangbuja-Tang decreased IL-6 level. Especially the 3g/kg control group decreased IL-6 level significantly than the normal group(p<0.01). Regarding TNFα level, the 3g/kg group of Geongangbuja-Tang decreased it significantly(p<0.05). Conclusion : These data revealed that Hwangryunhaedok-Tang might not have the anti imflammatory effect and Geongangbuja-Tang(3g/kg)might have the anti imflammatory effect by reducing the plasma IL-6 and TNFα level in mice LPS Injection.EIM (Eighteen Incompatible Medicaments) is an important component in Oriental pharmacology and is directly related to clinical prescriptions. Medical practitioners argued that the definite cause and meaning of EIM was ambiguous and therefore debated the issue of clinical application of the EIM. This study conducted an in-depth literary research on the origin, meaning and contents of EIM with the purpose to contribute in its efforts to be used clinically. Even after thousands of years have past since establishment of Oriental medicine, EIM is still tabooed and was an obstacle that hindered ideologies. Modern herbal medicine texts claim that the use of EIM can reduce treatment effects and promote poisoning and side effects. However, since long ago, there has been medical practitioners who reject this as false. Recently, poisoning caused by EIM has been claimed to be from the toxicity of the drug itself, rather than the result of interaction between the drugs, and therefore they suggest that EIM is not a forbidden domain. In addition, EIM showed a difference in number depending on the era. However, this can be understood not as a definite number, but instead as a warning to be careful during combination of drugs for use as clinical medicine. Historically, there were very few cases in which EIM was used for clinical tests and thus, the clinical value is not, while others applied EIM directly to their bodies, which showed signs for the usefulness and potential of EIM for us. A more concrete and in-depth study must be made on EIM.

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Study On the Geographic Locations of Gugoks and Dongcheons in Seoul, Gyeonggi-Do and Gangwon-Do (서울시·경기도·강원도지역 구곡·동천 위치연구)

  • Kang, Kee-Rae;Lee, Hae-Ju;Kim, Hee-Chae;Lee, Hyun-Chae;Kim, Dong-Phil
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 2017
  • The culture of Gugok (九曲) and Dongcheon (洞天), which tries to reach the ideological culmination in Confucianism, was widespread throughout the Joseon dynasty. This was an extension of the spirit of studying and honoring Zhu Xi (學朱子, 尊朱子); thereby, Confucian scholars in Joseon expressed the will to follow the teachings of Zhu Xi (朱子) and comforted themselves that they were in the course of attaining the truth. As a realization of this expression of will, scholars designated and operated various scenic sites as Gugoks, following the example of Zhu Xi's Mui Gugok (武夷九曲), and Dongcheons, as a representation of the utopia. These designations are widespread nationwide, with around sixty Gugok locations that have now been reported in academia. However, the actual number of Gugoks exceeds this number, and many of them are currently not identified concerning the exact locations. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the locations of Gugoks and Dongcheons scattered around Seoul, Gyeonggi and Gangwon regions. For the coordinates of Gugoks and Dongcheons, this study referred to the literature, web search and the books published by local cultural institutes. Based on the collected information, the researchers conducted field trips to investigate whether the record exists as a real location and, if so, acquired their coordinates. This study also provides the tables of Gugok or Dongcheon that only exists in the imagination, existed before but now are lost, or are inaccessible. Eight locations in Seoul, Gyeonggi, and Gangwon regions are understood as Gugok. Among them, Gogun Gugok and Okgye Gugok have relatively clear locations and records. Byeokgye Gugok and Suhoe Gugok, on the other hand, has many locations and titles overlapped, and their established time and managers are unclear. As for Ui Gugok in Seoul, it is known to be set by Hong Yangho, but some parts of its locations are confirmed, others are in dispute, and many locations are damaged. Thirty-eight locations in Seoul, Gyeonggi, and Gangwon regions are understood as Dongcheon. There are sixteen Dongcheons in Seoul area. Among them, those including Dohwa Dongcheon, Yangsan Dongcheon, and Ssangnyu Dongcheon actually exist but are forbidden to be accessed. There are thirteen Dongcheons in Gyeonggi area. The exact location of Onsu Dongcheon cannot be confirmed because of the development; Gwirae Dongcheon has historical records, but the actual existence cannot be confirmed. There are nine Dongcheons in Gangwon area. The researcher judged that Hwaeum Dongcheon is the misspelled record of Hwaeumdong Jeongsaji (華陰洞精舍址), which is located at the upstream of Gogun Gugok.