• Title/Summary/Keyword: flow field characteristics

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Scaling up of single fracture using a spectral analysis and computation of its permeability coefficient (스펙트럼 분석을 응용한 단일 균열 규모확장과 투수계수 산정)

  • 채병곤
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.29-46
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    • 2004
  • It is important to identify geometries of fracture that act as a conduit of fluid flow for characterization of ground water flow in fractured rock. Fracture geometries control hydraulic conductivity and stream lines in a rock mass. However, we have difficulties to acquire whole geometric data of fractures in a field scale because of discontinuous distribution of outcrops and impossibility of continuous collecting of subsurface data. Therefore, it is needed to develop a method to describe whole feature of a target fracture geometry. This study suggests a new approach to develop a method to characterize on the whole feature of a target fracture geometry based on the Fourier transform. After sampling of specimens along a target fracture from borehole cores, effective frequencies among roughness components were selected by the Fourier transform on each specimen. Then, the selected effective frequencies were averaged on each frequency. Because the averaged spectrum includes all the frequency profiles of each specimen, it shows the representative components of the fracture roughness of the target fracture. The inverse Fourier transform is conducted to reconstruct an averaged whole roughness feature after low pass filtering. The reconstructed roughness feature also shows the representative roughness of the target subsurface fracture including the geometrical characteristics of each specimen. It also means that overall roughness feature by scaling up of a fracture. In order to identify the characteristics of permeability coefficients along the target fracture, fracture models were constructed based on the reconstructed roughness feature. The computation of permeability coefficient was performed by the homogenization analysis that can calculate accurate permeability coefficients with full consideration of fracture geometry. The results show a range between $10^{-4}{\;}and{\;}10^{-3}{\;}cm/sec$, indicating reasonable values of permeability coefficient along a large fracture. This approach will be effectively applied to the analysis of permeability characteristics along a large fracture as well as identification of the whole feature of a fracture in a field scale.

Numerical Sensitivity Analysis on Hydraulic Characteristics by Dredging in Upstream of Abrupt Expansion Region (급확대 구간에서 준설영향으로 인한 상류 수리특성 변화에 대한 민감도 분석)

  • Jeong, Seok Il;Ryu, Kwang Hyun;Lee, Seung Oh
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.46-52
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    • 2017
  • Sediment exchange in river has been affected by artificial changes such as dredging and abnormal climate changes like intense rainfall. Over last decades in Korea, there were many constructions, restoration or rehabilitation in rivers. Therefore, deposition and erosion become more actively occurred than before, which may threaten the river safety such as flood defense. For safety's sake, the dredging of river bed, which is considered as the most typical measure, has been increased to extend hydraulic conveyance compared with previous conditions. However, since it might change the sediment mechanism, there would be another risk at which unexpected side effects such as headward erosion could be occurred. Particularly, sedimentation at abrupt expansion region is able to lead to hydraulic characteristics like water elevation in the upstream region in the beginning of dredging, which, however, has been barely studied in this field. Therefore in this study, the relationship between sediment mechanism at dredging section and hydraulic characteristics in upstream region were presented through numerical simulations in the idealized abruptly widen channel using Delft3D. The ideal channel of 2,000 m length with each side angle of 45 degrees at abruptly widen expansion region was employed to consider the sediment angle of repose. The sensitivity analysis was performed on the dimensionless factors consisted of upstream and downstream depths($h_u$, $h_d$), width($w_u$, $w_d$), water level(H), flow rate(Q) and discharge of sediment($Q_s$). And the sedimentation amount at dredging and the upstream hydraulic characteristics were investigated through that analysis. It showed that $h_d/h_u$, $H/h_u$ and $w_d/w_u$ were more influential in sequence of effect on sedimentation amount, while $h_d/h_u$, $w_d/w_u$ and $H/h_u$ on upstream region. It means that $h_d/h_u$ was revealed as the most significant factors on sedimentation, also it would most highly affect the rising of water level upstream.

Impacts of wave and tidal forcing on 3D nearshore processes on natural beaches. Part II: Sediment transport

  • Bakhtyar, R.;Dastgheib, A.;Roelvink, D.;Barry, D.A.
    • Ocean Systems Engineering
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.61-97
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    • 2016
  • This is the second of two papers on the 3D numerical modeling of nearshore hydro- and morphodynamics. In Part I, the focus was on surf and swash zone hydrodynamics in the cross-shore and longshore directions. Here, we consider nearshore processes with an emphasis on the effects of oceanic forcing and beach characteristics on sediment transport in the cross- and longshore directions, as well as on foreshore bathymetry changes. The Delft3D and XBeach models were used with four turbulence closures (viz., ${\kappa}-{\varepsilon}$, ${\kappa}-L$, ATM and H-LES) to solve the 3D Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible flow as well as the beach morphology. The sediment transport module simulates both bed load and suspended load transport of non-cohesive sediments. Twenty sets of numerical experiments combining nine control parameters under a range of bed characteristics and incident wave and tidal conditions were simulated. For each case, the general morphological response in shore-normal and shore-parallel directions was presented. Numerical results showed that the ${\kappa}-{\varepsilon}$ and H-LES closure models yield similar results that are in better agreement with existing morphodynamic observations than the results of the other turbulence models. The simulations showed that wave forcing drives a sediment circulation pattern that results in bar and berm formation. However, together with wave forcing, tides modulate the predicted nearshore sediment dynamics. The combination of tides and wave action has a notable effect on longshore suspended sediment transport fluxes, relative to wave action alone. The model's ability to predict sediment transport under propagation of obliquely incident wave conditions underscores its potential for understanding the evolution of beach morphology at field scale. For example, the results of the model confirmed that the wave characteristics have a considerable effect on the cumulative erosion/deposition, cross-shore distribution of longshore sediment transport and transport rate across and along the beach face. In addition, for the same type of oceanic forcing, the beach morphology exhibits different erosive characteristics depending on grain size (e.g., foreshore profile evolution is erosive or accretive on fine or coarse sand beaches, respectively). Decreasing wave height increases the proportion of onshore to offshore fluxes, almost reaching a neutral net balance. The sediment movement increases with wave height, which is the dominant factor controlling the beach face shape.

A Study on Space Creation and Management Plan according to Characteristics by Type in Each Small-Scale Biotope in Seoul - Base on the Amphibian Habitats - (서울시 소규모 생물서식공간 유형별 특성에 따른 조성 및 관리방안 연구 - 양서류 서식지를 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Ha-Ju;Han, Bong-Ho;Kim, Jong-Yup
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.110-126
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    • 2024
  • This study conducted a classification of small-scale biological habitats created in Seoul to analyze and synthesize location characteristics, habitat structure, biological habitat functions, and threat factors of representative sites, as well as derive creation and management problems according to the ecological characteristics. The aim was to suggest improvement measures and management items. Data collected through a field survey was used to categorize 39 locations, and 8 representative sites were selected by dividing them into location, water system, and size as classification criteria for typification. Due to the characteristics of each type, the site was created in an area where amphibian movement was disadvantageous due to low or disconnected connectivity with the hinterland forest, and the water supply was unstable in securing a constant flow and maintaining a constant water depth. The habitat structure has a small area, an artificial habitat structure that is unfavorable for amphibians, having the possibility of sediment inflow, and damage to the revetment area. The biological habitat function is a lack of wetland plants and the distribution of naturalized grasses, and threats include the establishment of hiking trails and decks in the surrounding area. Artificial disturbances occur adjacent to facilities. When creating habitats according to the characteristics of each type, it was necessary to review the possibility of an artificial water supply and introduce a water system with a continuous flow in order to connect the hinterland forest for amphibian movement and locate it in a place where water supply is possible. The habitat structure should be as large as possible, or several small-scale habitats should be connected to create a natural waterfront structure. In addition, additional wetland plants should be introduced to provide shelter for amphibians, and facilities such as walking paths should be installed in areas other than migration routes to prevent artificial disturbances. After construction, the management plan is to maintain various water depths for amphibians to inhabit and spawn, stabilize slopes due to sediment inflow, repair damage to revetments, and remove organic matter deposits to secure natural grasses and open water. Artificial management should be minimized. This study proposed improvement measures to improve the function of biological habitats through the analysis of problems with previously applied techniques, and based on this, in the future, small-scale biological habitat spaces suitable for the urban environment can be created for local governments that want to create small-scale biological habitat spaces, including Seoul City. It is significant in that it can provide management plans.

A Study on the Optimum Design of Multiple Screw Type Dryer for Treatment of Sewage Sludge (하수슬러지 처리를 위한 다축 스크류 난류 접촉식 건조기의 최적 설계 연구)

  • Na, En-Soo;Shin, Sung-Soo;Shin, Mi-Soo;Jang, Dong-Soon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.223-231
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate basically the mechanism of heat transfer by the resolution of complex fluid flow inside a sophisticated designed screw dryer for the treatment of sewage sludge by using numerical analysis and experimental study. By doing this, the result was quite helpful to obtain the design criteria for enhancing drying efficiency, thereby achieving the optimal design of a multiple screw type dryer for treating inorganic and organic sludge wastes. One notable design feature of the dryer was to bypass a certain of fraction of the hot combustion gases into the bottom of the screw cylinder, by the fluid flow induction, across the delicately designed holes on the screw surface to agitate internally the sticky sludges. This offers many benefits not only in the enhancement of thermal efficiency even for the high viscosity material but also greater flexibility in the application of system design and operation. However, one careful precaution was made in operation in that when distributing the hot flue gas over the lump of sludge for internal agitation not to make any pore blocking and to avoid too much pressure drop caused by inertial resistance across the lump of sludge. The optimal retention time for rotating the screw at 1 rpm in order to treat 200 kg/hr of sewage sludge was determined empirically about 100 minutes. The corresponding optimal heat source was found to be 150,000 kcal/hr. A series of numerical calculation is performed to resolve flow characteristics in order to assist in the system design as function of important system and operational variables. The numerical calculation is successfully evaluated against experimental temperature profile and flow field characteristics. In general, the calculation results are physically reasonable and consistent in parametric study. In further studies, more quantitative data analyses such as pressure drop across the type and loading of drying sludge will be made for the system evaluation in experiment and calculation.

Characteristics of Fish Fauna and Community Structure in Yongdam Reservoir by Inhabiting Environment Changes (서식환경이 변화된 용담호의 어류상 및 어류군집 특성)

  • Yang, Sang-Geun;Cho, Yong-Chul;Yang, Hyun;Kang, Eon-Jong
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.15-25
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    • 2012
  • From April to November 2009, we performed field investigation to survey the characteristics of fish fauna and fish community structure inhabited in Yongdam reservoir in the upper Geumgang, which is changed into flat-water zone from flow-water zone by blocking the continuity by the gigantic submerged weir built in the upstream of Geumgang. 15 species belonging to 8 families were collected from natural habitat (St. 1) where its natural characteristics is well preserved, and 11 species were korean endemic fish species. 24 species belonging to 10 families were collected at the down region of Yongdam dam (St. 3), which might be affected by the change of water environment due to the dam, and 11 species were korean endemic fish species. On the other hand, 20 species belonging to 7 families were collected inside Yongdam reservoir (St. 2) which is changed into flat-water zone from flow-water zone by the dam reservoir, and 6 species were korean endemic fish species. In the dam reservoir, due to Yongdam dam built in the upper Geumgang, the original flow-water zone fish such as $Acheilognathus$ $koreensis$, $Pseudopungtungia$ $nigra$, $Coreoleuciscus$ $splendidus$, and $Gobiobotia$ $macrocephala$ were disappeared, and instead, the kinds of fish habitating in the flat-water zone tend to increase rapidly, such as $Carassius$ $auratus$, $Opsarichthys$ $uncirostris$ $amurensis$, $Hemiculter$ $eigenmanni$, $Zacco$ $platypus$, and $Lepomis$ $macrochirus$. Relative abundance of the insective fish was 66.7% at St. 1, 40.0% at St. 2, and 54.2% at St. 3. In order to preserve endemic fish species and aquatic ecosystem, it is desirable to minimize the artificial installation in the upper river, such as a large scale dam which can affect the habitat and if inevitable, it is required to prepare preservation measures when building facilities.

Self-excited Variability of the East Korea Warm Current: A Quasi-Geostyophic Model Study

  • Lee, Sang-Ki
    • Journal of the korean society of oceanography
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 1999
  • A two-layer quasi-geostrophic numerical model is used to investigate the temporal variability of the East Korea Warm Current (EKWC), especially the separation from the Korean coast and the generation of warm eddies. An attention is given on the active role of the nonlinear boundary layer process. For this, an idealized flat bottom model of the East Sea is forced with the annual mean wind curl and with the inflow-outflow specified at the Korea (Tsushima) and Tsugaru Straits. Two types of separation mechanisms are identified. The first one is influenced by the westward movement of the recirculating leg of the EKWC (externally driven separation),the second one is solely driven by the boundary layer dynamics (internally driven separation). However, these two processes are not independent, and usually coexist. It is hypothesized that 'internally driven separation' arises as the result of relative vorticity production at the wall, its subsequent advection via the EKWC, and its accumulation up to a critical level characterized by the separation of the boundary flow from the coast. It is found that the sharp southeastern corner of the Korean peninsula provides a favorable condition for the accumulation of relative vorticity. The separation of the EKWC usually accompanies the generation of a warm eddy with a diameter of about 120 km. The warm eddy has a typical layer-averaged velocity of 0.3 m/s and its lifespan is up to a year. In general, the characteristics of the simulated warm eddy are compatible with observations. A conclusion is therefore drawn that the variability of the EKWC is at least partially self-excited, not being influenced by any sources of perturbation in the forcing field, and that the likely source of the variability is the barotropic instability although the extent of contribution from the baroclinic instability remains unknown. The effects of the seasonal wind curl and inflow-outflow strength are also investigated.

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Presenting the Development Direction Through the Analysis of Tool used to Measure Computational Thinking (컴퓨팅사고력 측정에 사용되고 있는 도구 분석을 통한 새로운 검사도구 개발방향 제시)

  • Kim, MinJeong;Lee, WonGyu;Kim, JaMee
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.17-25
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    • 2017
  • In order to ensure that the 2015 revised curriculum is successfully settled at the field of school, there are 68 national SW schools operated by 2015 and 2016 at national level, and an inspection tool was developed to measure the effectiveness of SW education. The purpose of this study is to present the direction of the computing thinking inspection tool which can verify the effectiveness of the curriculum from 2018 through the analysis of the previously developed computing thinking inspection tool. As a result of the analysis, the validity of the ability factors to measure the problem solving process based on computing thinking was not enough. In the analysis of the item characteristics, the degree of discrimination was good, but difficulty was not enough to accurately measure the competence of students because of the high percentage of easy questions. Based on the results, this study suggested the development of the items considering the problem solving process based on the computing thinking, the application of the students' empirical knowledge, and the constitution that can confirm the flow of the thinking power with materials in the real life.

Mixing Zone Analysis of Wastewater Effluent Discharged from Sokcho Ocean Outfall (속초 해양방류 하.폐수의 혼합구역에 대한 특성분석)

  • 강시환;박연숙;김상익;이호진
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.245-253
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    • 2001
  • Mixing zone characteristics of the wastewater effluents discharged from Sokcho ocean outfall have been investigated using an outfall mixing zone model which was developed on the basis of Huang et al.'s(1996) analysis method. The model was applied to Sokcho ocean outfall case and was used to simulate the concentration distribution of wastewater effluents using winter season's data, ie. daily effluent flowrate, ocean current and density stratification data which were measure for two months in the outfall area. Hourly concentration distribution of outfall effluent discharges was calculated and they were averaged for the period of 15 days which covers the ambient flow variability of the neap and the spring tidal currents. The results show that near-field dilution was relatively high with the minimum dilution of 130 for the winter season. The mixing zone was extended to the coastal beach area rather than offshore because of major direction of coastal currents. This may cause a deteriorating impact on coastal water quality, especially to the adjacent swimming beach area.

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Spatial and Temporal Variability of Residual Current and Salinity Distribution according to Freshwater Discharge during Monsoon in Nakdong River Estuary (낙동강 하구역의 홍수기 방류에 의한 수로별 유속 잔차 및 염분 분포)

  • Song, Jin Il;Yoon, Byung Il;Kim, Jong-Wook;Lim, Chae Wook;Woo, Seung-Buhm
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.184-195
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    • 2014
  • After building the dyke in Nakdong River Estuary, mixing of freshwater inflow to ocean and seawater to upstream is controlled by operating the sluice gates. Mixing and convergence of seawater and freshwater by opening the sluice gates, have a major impact on the circulation of seawater in the Nakdong River Estuary. Field measurement was carried out to study the characteristics of the estuary flow and environment of each channel of the Nakdong River Estuary. Vertical salinity distribution and residual current is different from each channel by the river discharge and topographic changes.