• 제목/요약/키워드: floury rice

검색결과 19건 처리시간 0.025초

Epistatic Relationships among Genes Related to Endosperm Starch Synthesis in Rice

  • Lee, Joohyun;Koh, Hee-jong
    • 한국육종학회지
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    • 제42권2호
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    • pp.151-156
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    • 2010
  • The mutants of sugary-2 (su-2), floury (flo), shrunken-1 (shr-1), and dull-1 (du-1) were crossed to waxy (wx) to produce $F_2$ seeds. Chi-square analysis on the segregating ratio of the $F_2$ seeds revealed that flo, su-2, and shr-1 were independently transmitted with wx, while wx was epistatic over du-1. The floury and sugary-2 were crossed to Hwasunchalbyeo, a waxy variety, and then the $F_4$ of floury-waxy and sugary-2-waxy seeds were developed, respectively. As the parents phenotypes of sugary-2 and floury, the grains of these two lines showed lower hardness and grain weight than normal grain of Hwacheongbyeo. For alkali digestive value (AVD), the sugary-2-waxy showed lower ADV than Hwacheongbyeo. For the gel consistency of grain flours, the floury was medium like Hwacheongbyeo, while those of the sugary-2, floury-waxy, and sugary-2-waxy were soft like Hwasunchalbyeo. The amylose contents in the grains of the sugary-2 and floury were decreased to ~15% whereas that of Hwacheongbyeo was 19.1%. All the lines showing waxy endosperm (Hwasunchalbyeo, floury-waxy, and sugary-2-waxy) showed less than 4% amylose contents. Interestingly, the free sugar content in the brown rice was increased to 9.27% in the sugary-2-waxy, showing transgressive segregation phenomenon where the free sugar contents in its parents, sugary-2 and Hwasunchalbyeo, were 5.98% and 3.98% respectively. Also, the floury-waxy showed transgressive segregation phenomenon, containing 6.15% of free sugar content in the grains.

남일벼 돌연변이 후대 계통 'Namil(SA)-flo1'의 분질배유 특성에 대한 유전분석 (Genetic Analysis on Floury Endosperm Characteristics of 'Namil(SA)-flo1', a Japonica Rice Mutant Line)

  • 모영준;정지웅;강경호;이점식;김보경
    • 한국작물학회지
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    • 제58권3호
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    • pp.283-291
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    • 2013
  • 쌀 가공산업을 활성화하고 소비를 촉진하여 국내 쌀 생산 기반을 유지하기 위해서는 쌀가루 제분적성을 보유한 가공용 벼 품종 개발이 시급하다. 농촌진흥청 국립식량과학원에서는 아지드화나트륨을 돌연변이원으로 활용하여 건식제분 적합성을 보유한 분질배유 돌연변이 후대계통인 'Namil(SA)-flo1'를 육성한 바 있다. 본 연구는 염색체 상에서 'Namil(SA)-flo1'의 분질배유 특성을 지배하는 유전자위를 탐색하고자 수행하였다. 주요 결과는 아래와 같다. 1. 'Namil(SA)-flo1' ${\times}$ '밀양23호'로부터 유래한 F2 94 개체로부터 종자 분질립 비율을 검정하고 54개 SSR 마커의 유전자형을 검정하여 연관성분석(association analysis)을 수행한 결과 목표 유전자위는 5번 염색체 중하단 부위로 추정되었다. 2. 목표 부위의 SSR 마커 밀도를 높여 추가 연관성분석을 실시하였고, F2:3 종자 분질립 변이의 79.7%가 5번 염색체 상의 RM164의 유전자형 변이에 의하여 설명된다는 것을 확인하였다. 3. 이를 통하여 분질배유 지배 유전자위를 5번 염색체 17.7~20.7 Mbp 부위로 추정하였으며, 추후 추가 분리집단을 이용하여 목표 유전자를 동정하고 쌀가루용 품종 개발에 활용할 수 있는 핵산정밀표지인자를 개발할 계획이다.

Characteristics Changes of Floury-type Rice depending on Water Immersion and Heat Treatment Time

  • Seon-Min Oh;Hyun-Jin Park;Yu-Chan Choi;You-Geun Oh;Jeong-Heui Lee;Jeom-Sig Lee;Hye Sun Choi;Jieun Kwak
    • 한국작물학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국작물학회 2022년도 추계학술대회
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    • pp.314-314
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    • 2022
  • In the production of rice flour, wet milling is a method of milling rice after soaking it in water, and it takes a lot of time and cost from milling to drying. To overcome this problem, the floury type rice was developed for dry milling and it is known to have round starch granules, low content of damaged starch after milling, and a starch structure similar to wheat. Because of its unique properties different from normal rice, it is necessary to research on processing and characteristics of floury-type rice to expand its utility in the food industry. Therefore, this study aimed to prepare the pregelatinized floury type rice (Baromi2) by autoclave and investigate their physicochemical properties. As the heat treatment time increased, the brightness decreased from 83.8 to 76.8, however, both redness and yellowness increased from 0.57 to 4.5 and from 14.58 to 21.13, respectively. Despite of same treatment time, soaking in water (10 min) before autoclaving increased the solubility and swelling power of Baromi2 over 2 times. The peak viscosity of native Baromi2 was over 2000 RVU, on the other hand, there was a significantly decrease to less than 1000 RVU of pregelatinized Baromi2. Heat treatment without immersion caused partial gelatinization of starch, resulting that some starch granules maintaining their integrity. Whereas there were no starch granules in heat treatment with soaking in water due to complete gelatinization. This study would be helpful to the suggestion of using heat-treated floury-type rice as an intermediate material in the food industry in the future.

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Pre-harvest Sprouting Tolerance Test in Rice with Floury Endosperm

  • Su Kyung Ha;Seo Ho Shin;Hyun-Sook Lee;Chang-Min Lee;Seung Young Lee;Jae-Ryoung Park;Ji-Ung Jeung
    • 한국작물학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국작물학회 2022년도 추계학술대회
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    • pp.213-213
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    • 2022
  • Pre-harvest sprouting(PHS) refers to germinating seeds in the mother plant before harvesting under low dormancy and humid climate, deteriorating grain quality, and rice yield. Rice varieties with floury endosperm(RFE) have been developed to boost domestic rice consumption by invigorating the processed rice industry, reducing milling and environmental cost. However, the PHS tolerance of RFE is relatively low in the rice varieties with transparent endosperm(RTE) since they soak moisture rapidly due to soft endosperm. In this study, Baromi2(BR2), floury endosperm, and Jomyeong1(JM1), PHS tolerance donor, were crossed to improve PHS tolerance. Major agronomic traits and PHS tolerance test of ten F7(BR2/JM1) lines were conducted in NICS, 2022. The evaluations of PHS were carried out according to the method of RDA(2012) with slight modifications. Briefly, three panicles were treated and incubated 25℃ in a growth chamber 35 days after the heading date. Ten PHS tolerance promising lines demonstrated floury endosperm. The heading date of BR2 and JM1 was 7/27 and 8/5, respectively. The heading date of promising lines was 7/23~8/10. The PHS rate of BR2 and JM1 exhibited 56.3% and 10.7%, respectively. However, the PHS rate often promising lines demonstrated 2.4%~52.4%, 3 lines significantly lower than BR2. Further studies such as ABA contents are necessary to elucidate the mechanism of PHS tolerance in BR2/JM1. These results may contribute to developing elite RFE lines with improved PHS tolerance.

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가루쌀 분말 첨가 프리믹스 이용 닭튀김의 품질 특성 (Quality Characteristics of Fried Chicken Using Pre-mix Made with the Addition of Floury Rice Powder)

  • 하혜민;이연경;이인선
    • 한국식생활문화학회지
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    • 제39권4호
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    • pp.226-233
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    • 2024
  • In this study, chicken fry was made using batter prepared from a frying pre-mix that replaced wheat flour (WF) with floury rice powder (FRP) at ratios of 0% (control group), 25% (FRP-25 group), 50% (FRP-50 group), 75% (FRP-75 group), and 100% (FRP-100 group). The physicochemical and acceptability of the finished chicken fry were assessed to provide basic data for product development studies using FRP. The experimental groups that replaced WF with FRP showed higher water binding capacity and lower fat binding capacity than the control group (p<0.05). The viscosity of the batter decreased significantly as the proportion of FRP increased (p<0.05). The pick-up rate measurement results showed significantly lower values in experimental groups compared to the control group (p<0.05). The color measurement results of the chicken fry showed that as the substitution ratio of FRP to WF increased, lightness decreased, and redness increased (p<0.05). The browning index also showed a significant increase as the substitution ratio of FRP increased. The acceptance test results showed that the FRP-100 experimental group was significantly higher in all acceptability characteristics than the control group (p<0.05).

분질배유를 지니는 흑미, '아로마티'의 주요 농업형질 및 가공적성 평가 (Agronomic and End-use Quality Analysis of 'AromaT', a Black Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Variety with Floury Endosperm)

  • 하수경;모영준;정종민;이현숙;김진희;서우덕;정지웅
    • 한국작물학회지
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    • 제67권1호
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2022
  • 흑미에서 생합성되는 안토시아닌에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있고, 환경 및 제분비용이 낮은 건식제분 쌀가루의 장점이 부각되고 있다. 이에 따라 국립식량과학원에서는 분질배유를 지녀 건식제분에 적합한 벼 '수원542호'에 흑미인 '흑진주'를 교배한 '아로마티'를 개발하였고, 2019년 특허 출원하였다(Ha et al., 2019). 2019년 국립식량과학원 작물육종과 포장에서 재배된 '아로마티'의 재배시기별 주요 농업형질, 분질배유 및 건식제분 적합성을 연구한 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. '아로마티'는 남부지방에서 이모작 또는 만기재배에 적합하다. 이모작 및 만기재배에서 '아로마티'의 출수기는 각 8월 14일 및 8월 26일으로써 부본인 '흑진주'보다 늦었다. '아로마티'와 '흑진주' 현미수량성은 보통기 재배보다 이모작 재배와 만기재배에서 격차가 더 컸다. '아로마티'의 안토시아닌 성분과 향기성분인 2AP 함량은 만기재배에서 유리하다. 따라서 '아로마티'는 '흑진주'에 비해 남부지방에서의 이모작 및 만기재배 환경에 더 적합할 것으로 판단된다. 2. '아로마티'의 분질배유는 모본인 '수원542호'에서 유래되었다고 유전적으로 규명하였다. '수원542호'의 분질배유는 5번염색체에 존재하는 열성 단인자 'flo7'에 의해 결정되고, 분질배유 유전자인 cyOsPPDK 유전자의 ORF 내 8번 Exon에 존재하는 SNP의 서열이 G에서 A로 치환되었다고 보고되었다. 해당 영역의 '아로마티'의 SNP 서열은 '수원542호'와 동일하게 G에서 A로 치환되었다. 또한, '아로마티'에서는 '수원542호'와 동일한 'Adenine' 염기가 확인되었고, '흑진주'에서는 'Guanine' 염기가 확인됨을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 '아로마티'의 분질배유는 '수원542호'에서 유래되었음을 유전적으로 확인할 수 있었다. 3. '아로마티'가 '흑진주'보다 등숙기간의 저온 및 고온 적응력이 더 우수하다. '아로마티'의 안토시아닌 함량은 모든 재배조건에서 '흑진주'보다 높게 생합성되기 때문이다. 특히, 만기재배에 생산된 '아로마티'는 부본인 '흑진주'보다 열수처리를 통해 용출되는 안토시아닌 함량도 높았고, 구수한 향을 발산하는 2AP의 함량이 높으므로 음용이 간단한 흑미차 소재로 활용가치를 확인하였다. 4. '아로마티'는 건식 흑미가루 생산에 적합하다. '아로마티'는 분질배유를 지니었기에, 가루로 제조할 경우 입도가 곱고, 손상전분이 낮다. 따라서 '아로마티'는 다양한 쌀 가공품 소재로 활용가능성이 높은 건식 흑미가루 생산에 적합할 것으로 판단된다. 5. 이상의 결과로 '아로마티'는 분질배유를 지니는 흑미이자 향이 존재하는 점을 고려할 때, 고품질 흑미가루 및 현미차 등으로 활용하여 쌀가공산업에 신소재로써 가치가 높다고 판단된다.

건열처리에 따른 경질미와 분질미 쌀가루의 이화학적 특성 비교 (Comparison of Physicochemical Properties of Hard and Floury Type Rice Flour by Dry Heat Treatment)

  • 정희남
    • 한국식생활문화학회지
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    • 제36권5호
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    • pp.484-491
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    • 2021
  • This study investigated the effect of dry heat treatment (DHT) on the physicochemical properties of hard type (HR) and floury type (FR) rice to improve the processing aptitude of rice flour. The rice flour was heated at 130℃ for 0, 2 and 4 hours, and the color value, water absorption index (WAI), water soluble index (WSI), swelling power, solubility, pasting properties, particle shape and the X-ray diffraction were measured. After DHT, the L value of rice flour decreased, and the b value increased. The WAI, WSI, swelling power and solubility of HR and FR increased with the increase of treatment time. The cold viscosity and setback increased, while breakdown decreased. Cracks and lumps formed with fine particles were observed. The X-ray diffraction pattern was A-type, while the diffraction intensity decreased. According to the results of the two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test, the hydration and pasting properties were significantly different between HR and FR and were affected by DHT time. The results suggest that the properties of modified rice flour by DHT can be used in the food industry.

쌀가루 가공용 벼 품종의 수발아 발생 감소를 위한 적합 이앙시기 설정 (Investigation of the Ptimum Transplanting Date for Floury Endosperm Rice to Reduce the Viviparity Rate)

  • 황운하;최명구;정재혁;이현석;양서영;이충근
    • 한국작물학회지
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    • 제66권4호
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    • pp.289-296
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    • 2021
  • 쌀가루 가공용벼 품종인 한가루, 설갱, 신길 및 바로미2의 수발아 발생 위험을 감소하기 위한 지역별 적합 이앙기 및 이에 따른 등숙기 생육온도, 수발아 발생 위험성을 변화를 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 쌀가루 품종의 출수기변화요인을 분석한 결과, 이앙부터 출수까지 일 평균온도 및 이앙시기변화는 포장생육일수와 부의 상관관계를 보이며 이앙시기변화에 따른 포장생육일수 변화는 유의한 상관관계를 보였다. 2. 이를 바탕으로 수발아 발생위험성 감소를 위해 등숙기 온도를 최저로 낮추기 위해 각 지역별로 안전출수한계기에 출수할 수 있는 이앙시기를 분석한 결과 대략 5월 초순(강원지역)~6월 중순(남부 내륙지역) 혹은 6월 하순(남부 해안지역)이 이앙적기로 판단되었다. 3. 각 품종별로 이앙적기에 이앙 시 수발아 발생 위험이 있는 등숙적산온도 700℃ 및 900℃의 평균온도를 분석한 결과 700℃의 경우 대체로 약 20℃, 900℃의 경우 18℃의 온도를 나타내었다. 4. 쌀가루 가공용 품종의 수발아 발생가능성을 분석한 결과, 바로미2을 제외하고는 등숙적산온도 700℃ 및 900℃에 등숙기 온도가 20℃ 미만 시 수발아 발생율은 높지 않은 것으로 판단되었다. 5. 바로미2의 경우 다른 품종에 비해 등숙기간중 수발아 발생위험성이 높아 낮은온도에서 수발아 발생위험성을 재검정하여 이앙시기를 재설정할 필요성이 있다.

남일벼 돌연변이 후대 분질계통, Namil(SA)-flo1의 건식제분 적합성 평가 (Evaluations on the Namil(SA)-flo1, a Floury Japonica Rice Line, for Dry Milling Process to Produce Rice Flour)

  • 정지웅;신영섭
    • 한국작물학회지
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    • 제56권1호
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    • pp.57-63
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구를 통하여 조생 다수성 벼 품종인 남일벼의 돌연변이 후대계통으로 'Namil(SA)2652-RGA-l-l-l-l'의 계보를 지니며 Namil(SA)-flo1로 명명된 분질계통의 건식제분 적성과 쌀가루의 이화학적 특성과 호화특성 등을 평가하였다. 배유절단면의 전자현미경 관찰결과 원품종인 남일벼는 배유절단면이 부드러우며 다변각의 전분립들이 치밀하게 배열된 반면 Namil(SA)-flo1은 원형모양의 전분립들이 매우 성기게 배열되어있었다. Namil(SA)-flo1의 작물학적 특성은 남일벼와 유사하였으나 등숙비율과 천립중이 낮았으며 이러한 특성은 백미수량 감소로 이어짐을 알 수 있었다. 조직분석기들 이용한 곡립경도측정 결과 Namil(SA)-flo1는 3,417 g으로 남일벼 (7,526 g)의 45% 수준으로 매우 낮았다. 건식제분기인 Buhler 제분기를 이용해 동일조건에서 생산된 쌀가루들에 대한 입도분석결과 Namil(SA)-flo1는 평균 $86.1{\mu}m$로서 원품종인 남일벼 ($109.1{\mu}m$)는 물론 화성벼($112.2{\mu}m$)나 설갱벼 ($97.6{\mu}m$)보다 매우 고운입자로 이루어져 있음을 확인하였다. 건식제분에 의한 쌀가루의 손상전분량 역시 Namil(SA)-flo1가 5.1% 수준으로 남일벼 (9.2%), 화성벼(10.3%) 및 설갱벼(7.1%) 보다 매우 낮아 Namil(SA)-flo1의 높은 건식제분 적합성을 확인할 수 있었다. 반면 Namil(SA)-flol에서 생산된 쌀가루의 이화학적 특성과 호화특성은 원품종인 남일벼의 고유한 특성을 견지하고 있는 것으로 사료되었다.

Development of dry milling suitable rice cultivar to invigorate rice processing products

  • Jeung, Ji-Ung
    • 한국작물학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국작물학회 2017년도 9th Asian Crop Science Association conference
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    • pp.10-10
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    • 2017
  • Rice consumption has been continuously decreasing as the eating habits of Koreans have become westernized and diversified. The per capita annual rice consumption in Korea has dropped sharply from 136.4 kg in 1970 to 61.9 kg in 2016. The Korean government, therefore, has been trying to promote rice consumption by invigorating the processed food industry using rice flour. To facilitate the market for processed rice foods, it is essential to develop proper milling technology in terms of flour particle size and damaged starch content to produce high quality rice flour at competitive cost. Dry milling and wet milling are the two major processes used to produce rice flour. Although the dry milling process is relatively simple with a lower production cost, damaged starch content increases because of the high grain hardness of rice. In wet milling, the quality of rice flour is improved by reducing flour particle size as well as damaged starch content through soaking procedures. However, the production costs are high because of the additional expenses associated with the disposal of waste water, sterilization and drying of the wet flour. Recently developed technologies such as jet milling and cryogenic milling also require expensive investment and production. Therefore, developing new rice cultivars with dry milling adaptability as well as good processing properties is an important goal of rice breeding in Korea. 'Suweon 542' is a floury endosperm mutant line derived from sodium azide treatment on a high-yield, early maturing, and non-glutinous japonica rice cultivar, 'Namil'. Compared with the wild type, after dry milling process, the grain hardness of 'Suweon 542' was significantly lower because of its round and loosely packed starch granules. Also, the flour of 'Suweon 542' had significantly smaller particles and less damaged starch than 'Namil' and other rice cultivars and its particle size distribution was similar to a commercial wheat cultivar. Recently, through collaborations with nine universities and food companies, a total of 21 kinds of processed prototypes, using the dry milling flour of 'Suweon 542', were evaluated. In the production of major rice processing products, there was no significant quality difference between the flours prepared by wet milling and dry milling. Although the amount of water added to the dough was slightly increased, it was confirmed that the recipe applying the wet flour could be used without significant change. To efficiently transfer the floury endosperm characteristics of 'Suweon 542' to other commercial rice cultivars, it is essential to develop DNA marker tightly linked to the target gene. Association analysis using 70 genome-wide SSR markers and 94 F2 plants derived from 'Suweon 542'/'Milyang 23' showed that markers on chromosome 5 explained a large portion of the variation in floury grains percentage (FGP). Further analysis with an increased number of SSR markers revealed that the floury endosperm of 'Suweon 542' was directed by a major recessive locus, flo7(t), located in the 19.33-19.86 Mbp region of chromosome 5, with RM18639 explaining 92.2% of FGP variation in the F2 population. Through further physical mapping, a co-segregate and co-dominant DNA marker with the locus, flo7(t) was successfully developed, by which, thereby, breeding efficiency of rice cultivars having proper dry milling adaptability with high yield potential or useful functional materials would be improved. 'Suweon 542' maintained the early maturity of the wild type, Namil, which can be used in rice-wheat double cropping systems in Korea not only for improved arable land but also for sharing flour production facilities. In addition to the high susceptibility against major rice diseases, nevertheless, another possible drawback of 'Suweon 542' is the high rate of viviparous under prolonged rainfall during the harvesting season. To overcome susceptibility and vivipary of 'Suweon 542', the progeny lines, derived from the crosses 'Suweon 542' and 'Jopyeong', an early maturing rice cultivar with multiple resistance against rice blast, bacterial blight, and rice strip virus, and 'Heugjinju', a anthocyanin pigment containing black rice cultivar, were intensively evaluated. As the outputs, three dry milling suitable rice elite lines, 'Jeonju614', 'Jeonju615', and 'Jeonju616' were developed.

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