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Evaluations on the Namil(SA)-flo1, a Floury Japonica Rice Line, for Dry Milling Process to Produce Rice Flour  

Jeung, Ji-Ung (National Institute of Crop Science, R.D.A.)
Shin, Young-Seop (National Institute of Crop Science, R.D.A.)
Publication Information
KOREAN JOURNAL OF CROP SCIENCE / v.56, no.1, 2011 , pp. 57-63 More about this Journal
Changes in food preferences and dietary habits of Korean prone to decrease consumption of the traditional energy source, rice. The exceeding condition of rice production in Korea is now not only impacting on the profit structure of farmers but also threatening food security. Although there have been several efforts to increase rice consumption rate, by developing various processed foods using rice flour, grain hardness of rice has been the most significant limiting factor. In this study, we addressed the suitability of the Namil(SA)-flo1, a mutant rice line has floury endosperm, in terms of producing rice flour by using dry-milling method, which is lower cost and more eco-friendly than other available methods such as wet-milling. Rice flour of the Namil(SA)-flo1 exhibited superior physico-chemical characteristics to any other check varieties including the wild type, Namil, in terms of distribution of granule sizes and content of damaged starch.
dry milling; floury; mutant; rice; sodium azide;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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