• Title/Summary/Keyword: flood control method

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Estimation of stream flow discharge using the satellite synthetic aperture radar images at the mid to small size streams (합성개구레이더 인공위성 영상을 활용한 중소규모 하천에서의 유량 추정)

  • Seo, Minji;Kim, Dongkyun;Ahmad, Waqas;Cha, Jun-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.51 no.12
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    • pp.1181-1194
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    • 2018
  • This study suggests a novel approach of estimating stream flow discharge using the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images taken from 2015 to 2017 by European Space Agency Sentinel-1 satellite. Fifteen small to medium sized rivers in the Han River basin were selected as study area, and the SAR satellite images and flow data from water level and flow observation system operated by the Korea Institute of Hydrological Survey were used for model construction. First, we apply the histogram matching technique to 12 SAR images that have undergone various preprocessing processes for error correction to make the brightness distribution of the images the same. Then, the flow estimation model was constructed by deriving the relationship between the area of the stream water body extracted using the threshold classification method and the in-situ flow data. As a result, we could construct a power function type flow estimation model at the fourteen study areas except for one station. The minimum, the mean, and the maximum coefficient of determination ($R^2$) of the models of at fourteen study areas were 0.30, 0.80, and 0.99, respectively.

A study on estimation of agricultural water usage in river consider hydrological condition (수문상황을 고려한 하천에서의 농업용수 사용량추정 연구)

  • Kwak, Jaewon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.54 no.5
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    • pp.311-320
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    • 2021
  • The agricultural water, which occupy about 61% of total water usage in the South Korea, is significantly objective to archieve effecitive water resources management. The objective of the study is to suggest a simple method in actual practice that could be used to estimate agricultural water usage in river considering hydrological condition. Historical record of agricultural water usage and runoff, which take account for hydrological condition of the basin, were obtained for totally 27 river basins. As the result, the high threshold value of the agricultural water usage rates compared to maximum usage amount has a particular correlations to the percent of normal year runoff for last 2 month, and threshold line of agricultural water usage rates was derived using the quantile regressions. Finally, two dimensionless threshold line and empirical formulas that described the correlation between the percent of normal year runoff for last 2 month and the agricultural water usage rate compared to maximum usage amount were derived. Also, the simple criteria to select which line and formula based on the characteristics of the basins was suggested but it need further studies. The result of the study could be used as an elemantary data in actual practice for water resoureces management.

Evaluation of hydrological applicability for rainfall estimation algorithms of dual-polarization radar (이중편파 레이더의 강우 추정 알고리즘별 수문학적 적용성 평가)

  • Lee, Myungjin;Lee, Choongke;Yoo, Younghoon;Kwak, Jaewon;Kim, Hung Soo
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.27-38
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    • 2021
  • Recently, many studies have been conducted to use the radar rainfall in hydrology. However, in the case of weather radar, the beam is blocked due to the limitation of the observation such as mountain effect, which causes underestimation of the radar rainfall. In this study, the radar rainfall was estimated using the Hybrid Sacn Reflectivity (HSR) technique for hydrological use of weather radar and the runoff analysis was performed using the GRM model which is a distributed rainfall-runoff model. As a result of performing the radar rainfall correction and runoff simulation for 5 rainfall events, the accuracy of the dual-polarization radar rainfall using the HSR technique (Q_H_KDP) was the highest with an error within 15% of the ground rainfall. In addition, the result of runoff simulation using Q_H_KDP also showed an accuracy of R2 of 0.9 or more, NRMSE of 1.5 or less and NSE of 0.5 or more. From this study, we examined the application of the dual-polarization radar and this results can be useful for studies related to the hydrological application of dual-polarization radar rainfall in the future.

Analysis of Tree Roughness Evaluation Methods Considering Depth-Dependent Roughness Coefficient Variation (수심별 조도계수 변화를 고려한 수목 조도공식 특성 분석)

  • Du Han Lee;Dong Sop Rhee
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.51-63
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    • 2023
  • Riverine tree management is crucial in realizing a balance between flood control and ecological preservation, which requires an accurate assessment of the impact of trees on river water elevations. In this study, eight different formulas for evaluating vegetation roughness considering the drag force acting on trees, were reviewed, and the characteristics and applicability of these methods were evaluated from a practical engineering perspective. The study compared the characteristics of vegetation roughness measurement methods for calculated roughness coefficients at different water depths and analyzed factors such as effects of tree canopy width, tree density and diameter, and tree stiffness coefficient, and water level estimation results. A comparison of roughness coefficients at the same water depths revealed that the Kouwen and Fathi-Moghadam formulas and the Fischenich formula yield excessive drag coefficients compared to other formulas. Factors such as channel geometry, tree diameter, and tree density showed varying trends depending on the formula but did not exhibit excessive outliers. Formulas considering the tree stiffness coefficient, such as the Freeman et al.'s formula and the Whittaker et al.'s formula, showed significant variations in drag coefficients depending on the stiffness coefficient. When applied to small- and medium-sized virtual rivers in South Korea using the drag coefficient results from the eight formulas, the results indicated a maximum increase in water level of approximately 0.2 to 0.4 meters. Based on this review, it was concluded that the Baptist et al., Huthoff et al., Cheng, Luhar, and Nepf's formulas, which exhibit similar characteristics and low input data uncertainties, are suitable for practical engineering applications.

The Effect of Forest Production on National Income (임업생산(林業生産)이 국민소득(國民所得)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Lee, Sung Yoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.61-74
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    • 1969
  • Forest area in Korea ocupies as much as 68 percent of the total land area, but forest production figure in the statistics is rather trifling: that is about 2 percent of Gross National Production (G.N.P.), on the average. In view of the primary industrial sector, its production only weighs no more than 5 percent of this whole sector. Forest production written above refers only to direct forest income of the whole forest income. For the primary forest products they are in many cases used as raw materials for other interrelated industries. The added value there-from, which arises from round about production Process, in other word, indirect income is of most singnificance. Nevertheless, until nowadays forest production has been merely refered to timber production i, e, direct production but indirect income has never been looked upon. In this regard, calculated indirect forest income by means of input ratio method. The material used were Leontiefls tables of two 1963 and 1966 fiscal years, surveyed and analysed by The Bank of Korea. Indirect forest income calculated were 42,688,200,000 won in 1963 and 74,789,800,000 won in 1966 compared direct forest income of 14,361,000,000 won in 1963 and 17,709,000,000 won in 1966. So far as indirect forest income is considered total forest production indices composed of direct and indirect forest income amount to 8.23% in 1963 and 10.12% in 1966 of Gross National Production. Invisuable forest income which originates from, what we cal, indirect benefit of forestry such as land conservation, flood and drought control, soil run off control, scenic beauty and many others is naturall, not included in the calculation. As already mentioned, primary forest products are, for the most part, utilized as raw materials for other industries, therefore indirect forest income is rather appreciable than direct forest income, contributing for the growth and development of other connected industries. In these points of view, forestry must not be evaluated trifling in deciding industrial importances.

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A Study on the Cultivation Processes and Settlement Developments on the Mangyoung River Valley (만경강유역의 개간과정과 취락형성발달에 관한 연구)

  • NamGoong, Bong
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.37-87
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    • 1997
  • As a results of researches on the cultivation processes and settlement developments on the Mangyoung river valley as a whole could be have four 'Space-Time Continuity' through a [Origin-Destination] theory model. On a initial phases of cultivation, the cultivation process has been begun at mountain slopes and tributory plains in upper part of river-basin from Koryo Dynasty to early Chosun Dynasty. At first, indigenous peasants burned forests on the mountain slopes for making 'dryfield' for a cereal crops. Following population increase more stable food supply is necessary facets of life inducing a change production method into a 'wetfield' in tributory plains matching the population increase. First sedentary agriculture maybe initiated at this mountain slopes and tributory plains on upper part of river basin through a burning cultivation methods. Mountain slopes and tributory plains are become a Origin area in cultivation processes. It expanded from up to down through the valleys with 'a bits of land' fashion in a steady pace like a terraced fields expanded with bit by bit of land to downward. They expanded their land to the middle part of river basin in mid period of Chosun Dynasty with dike construction techniques on the river bank. Lower part of river cultivated with embankment building techniques in 1920s and then naturally expanded to the tidal marshes on the estuaries and river inlets of coastal areas. 'Pioneer fringes' are consolidated at there in modern times. Changes in landscapes are appeared it's own characters with each periods of time. Followings are results of study through the Mangyoung river valley as a whole. (1) Mountain slopes and tributory plains on the upper part of river are cultivated 'dryfields' by indigenous peasants with Burning cultivation methods at first and developed sedentary settlements at the edges of mountain slopes and on the river terrace near the fields. They formed a kind of 'periphery-located cluster type' of settlement. This type of settlement are become a prominant type in upper part of river basin. 'Dryfields' has been changed into a 'wetfields' at the narrow tributory plains by increasing population pressure in later time. These wetfields are supplied water by Weir and Ponds Irrigation System(제언수리방법). Streams on the tributory plains has been attracted wetfields besides of it and formed a [water+land] complex on it. 'Wetfields' are expanded from up to downward with a terraced land pattern(adder like pattern, 붕전) according to the gradient of valley. These periphery located settlements are formed a intimate ecological linkage with several sets of surroundings. Inner villages are expanded to Outer villages according to the expansion of arable lands into downward. (2) Mountain slopes and tributory plains expanded its territory to the alluvial deposited plains on the middle part of river valley with a urgent need of new land by population increase. This part of alluvial plains are cultivated mainly in mid period of Chosun Dynasty. Irrigation methods are changed into a Dike Construction Irrigation method(천방수리방법) for the control of floods. It has a trend to change the subjectives of cultivation from community-oriented one who constructed Bochang along tributories making rice paddies to local government authorities who could be gather large sums of capitals, techniques and labours for the big dike construction affairs. Settlements are advanced in the midst of plains avoiding friction of distances and formed a 'Centrallocated cluster type' of settlements. There occured a hierarchical structures of settlements in ranks and sizes according merits of water supply and transportation convenience at the broad plains. Big towns are developed at there. It strengthened a more prominant [water+land] complex along the canals. Ecological linkages between settlements and surroundings are shaded out into a tiny one in this area. (3) It is very necessary to get a modern technology of flood control at the rivers that have a large volume of water and broad width. The alluvial plains are remained in a wilderness phase until a technical level reached a large artificial levee construction ability that could protect the arable land from flood. Until that time on most of alluvial land at the lower part of river are remained a wilderness of overgrown with reeds in lacks of techniques to build a large-scale artificial levee along the riverbank. Cultivation processes are progressed in a large scale one by Japanese agricultural companies with [River Rennovation Project] of central government in 1920s. Large scale artificial levees are constructed along the riverbank. Subjectives of cultivation are changed from Korean peasants to Japanese agricultural companies and Korean peasants fell down as a tenant in a colonial situation of that time in Korea. They could not have any voices in planning of spatial structure and decreased their role in planning. Newly cultivated lands are reflected company's intensions, objectives and perspectives for achieving their goals for the sake of colonial power. Newly cultivated lands are planned into a regular Rectangular Block settings of rice paddies and implanted a large scale Bureaucratic-oriented Irrigation System on the cultivated plains. Every settlements are located in the midst of rice paddies with a Central located Cluster type of settlements. [water+land] complex along the canal system are more strengthened. Cultivated space has a characters of [I-IT] landscapes. (4) Artificial levees are connected into a coastal emnankment for a reclamation of broad tidal marshes on the estuaries and inlets of rivers in the colonial times. Subjectives of reclamation are enlarged into a big agricultural companies that could be acted a role as a big cultivator. After that time on most of reclamation project of tidal marshes are controlled by these agricultural companies formed by mostly Japanese capitalists. Reclaimed lands on the estuaries and river inlets are under hands of agricultural companies and all the spatial structures are formed by their intensions, objectives and perspectives. They constructed a Unit Farming Area for the sake of companies. Spatial structures are planned in a regular one with broad arable land for the rice production of rectangular blocks, regular canal systems and tank reservoir for the irrigation water supply into reclaimed lands. There developed a 'Central-located linear type' of settlements in midst of reclaimed land. These settlements are settled in a detail program upon this newly reclaimed land at once with a master plan and they have planned patterns in their distribution, building materials, location, and form. Ecological linkage between Newly settled settlemrnts and its surroundings are lost its colours and became a more artificial one by human-centred environment. [I-IT] landscapes are become more prominant. This region is a destination area of [Origin-Destination] theory model and formed a 'Pioneer Fringe'. It is a kind of pioneer front that could advance or retreat discontinously by physical conditions and socio-cultural conditions of that region.

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Experimental Comparison and Analysis of Measurement Results Using Various Flow Meters (유량측정 기기별 측정성과에 대한 실험적 비교분석)

  • Lee, Jae-Hyug;Lee, Suk-Ho;Jung, Sung-Won;Kim, Tae-Woong
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.95-103
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    • 2010
  • Discharge data examine the process of hydrologic cycle and used significantly in water resource planning and irrigation and flood control planning. However, it needs lots of time and money to get the discharge data. So discharge rating curve is usually used in converting discharge data. Therefore reliability of discharge rating curve absolutely depends on quality of discharge data. Many engineers who study hydrologic engineering make high quality discharge data to develop reliable discharge rating curve. And they carry out research on standard and method of discharge measurement, and equipment improvement. Now various flow meters are utilized to make discharge data in Korea. However, accuracy of equipment and experimental research data from measurement are not enough. In this paper, constant discharge flowed through standard concrete channel, and the velocity is measured using various flow meters. Also Discharge is calculated by measured data to compare and analyze. The equipment for the experiment is Price AA(USGS Type AA Current meter), flow meter, ADC, C2 small current meter, flow tracker, Electromagnetic current meter. The discharge got form various flow meters which are widely used for discharge measurement. The various depths of water were examined and compared such as 0.30 m, 0.35 m, 0.40 m, 0.45 m, 0.50 m, 0.55 m. The experiment progresses a round-measurement on 6-case. Wading measurement(one point method : the 60 % height in surface of the water) was applied to improve creditability and accuracy among measurement methods. USGS Type AA current Meter, Flow Meter, ADC, C2 Small Current meter got the certificate of quality guaranteed. So the results of experiment were used to compare discharge. The Results showed the difference based on USGS Type AA current Meter at average discharge and velocity. Electromagnetic current meter made differences over $\pm$ 10 % and Flow Meter made differences under $\pm$ 10 %. Also ADC, Flow Meter, C2 Small Current meter made differences under $\pm$ 5 %.

A Composition and Role of Urban Water System in Connection with Historic City Structure - Focusing on Gyeongju, Gaegyeong, Hanyang, and Suwon Hwaseong - (역사도시구조와 연계한 도시수체계의 구성형태와 역할에 관한 연구 - 경주, 개경, 한양, 수원화성을 중심으로 -)

  • Kang, In-Ae;Lee, Kyung-Chan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.99-110
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    • 2021
  • This study intends to examine the characteristics of the construction method of the urban water system in the historical cities of Korea, focusing on Gyeongju, Gyeongju, Goryeo, Hanyang, and Suwon Hwaseong, which were created as new towns in the late Joseon Dynasty. It examines the meaning of waterways in connection with the urban skeletal structure, focusing on the location of cities, roads, and arrangement of urban facilities, and analyzes the compositional form of the water system. We tried to derive the relationship with the structure. In particular, it can be seen that water and natural water systems act as key factors in determining the location of a city, and have a close relationship with the urban structure, urban development process, and urban structure. In addition to the symbolic meaning of water in harmony with the geographical concept, realistic demands in terms of water level and water retention are an important background. In order to respond to various demands related to water space, various planning and technical elements for managing water space were introduced in the process of city formation and development. The planning elements of the urban water system in the process of urban formation and development are summarized as follows through the analysis of the research site. First, in the process of building the urban water system in Gyeongju, Goryeo, Goryeo, Hanyang, and Hwaseong, Suwon, which were selected as the research destinations, the water system in consideration of drainage and disaster is common, but the water system construction method and usability are common. shows the difference. Second, water and natural water systems act as symbolic elements to secure the legitimacy of the city location, and as a key factor in determining the location of the city in harmony with the geographical concept and determining the left direction of the city. Third, the natural water system prior to the formation of a city works as a basis for determining the compositional form of the urban water system constructed in the process of urban formation and development in harmony with the topographical conditions. Fourth, the urban water system built on the basis of natural water systems is constructed by linking natural waterways and planned artificial waterways. Fifth, the urban water system is being built in a planned manner in consideration of the utility in connection with the urban structure, such as securing of urban land, arrangement of urban facilities and areas, composition of functional areas, and land division, in addition to the perspective of drainage system and flood control in consideration of disasters.

Environmental Interpretation on soil mass movement spot and disaster dangerous site for precautionary measures -in Peong Chang Area- (산사태발생지(山沙汰發生地)와 피해위험지(被害危險地)의 환경학적(環境學的) 해석(解析)과 예방대책(豫防對策) -평창지구(平昌地區)를 중심(中心)으로-)

  • Ma, Sang Kyu
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.11-25
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    • 1979
  • There was much mass movement at many different mountain side of Peong Chang area in Kwangwon province by the influence of heavy rainfall through August/4 5, 1979. This study have done with the fact observed through the field survey and the information of the former researchers. The results are as follows; 1. Heavy rainfall area with more than 200mm per day and more than 60mm per hour as maximum rainfall during past 6 years, are distributed in the western side of the connecting line through Hoeng Seong, Weonju, Yeongdong, Muju, Namweon and Suncheon, and of the southern sea side of KeongsangNam-do. The heavy rain fan reason in the above area seems to be influenced by the mouktam range and moving direction of depression. 2. Peak point of heavy rainfall distribution always happen during the night time and seems to cause directly mass movement and serious damage. 3. Soil mass movement in Peongchang break out from the course sandy loam soil of granite group and the clay soil of lime stone and shale. Earth have moved along the surface of both bedrock or also the hardpan in case of the lime stone area. 4. Infiltration seems to be rapid on the both bedrock soil, the former is by the soil texture and the latter is by the crumb structure, high humus content and dense root system in surface soil. 5. Topographic pattern of mass movement spot is mostly the concave slope at the valley head or at the upper part of middle slope which run-off can easily come together from the surrounding slope. Soil profile of mass movement spot has wet soil in the lime stone area and loose or deep soil in the granite area. 6. Dominant slope degree of the soil mass movement site has steep slope, mostly, more than 25 degree and slope position that start mass movement is mostly in the range of the middle slope line to ridge line. 7. Vegetation status of soil mass movement area are mostly fire field agriculture area, it's abandoned grass land, young plantation made on the fire field poor forest of the erosion control site and non forest land composed mainly grass and shrubs. Very rare earth sliding can be found in the big tree stands but mostly from the thin soil site on the un-weatherd bed rock. 8. Dangerous condition of soil mass movement and land sliding seems to be estimated by the several environmental factors, namely, vegetation cover, slope degree, slope shape and position, bed rock and soil profile characteristics etc. 9. House break down are mostly happen on the following site, namely, colluvial cone and fan, talus, foot area of concave slope and small terrace or colluvial soil between valley and at the small river side Dangerous house from mass movement could be interpreted by the aerial photo with reference of the surrounding site condition of house and village in the mountain area 10. As a counter plan for the prevention of mass movement damage the technics of it's risk diagnosis and the field survey should be done, and the mass movement control of prevention should be started with the goverment support as soon as possible. The precautionary measures of house and village protection from mass movement damage should be made and executed and considered the protecting forest making around the house and village. 11. Dangerous or safety of house and village from mass movement and flood damage will be indentified and informed to the village people of mountain area through the forest extension work. 12. Clear cutting activity on the steep granite site, fire field making on the steep slope, house or village construction on the dangerous site and fuel collection in the eroded forest or the steep forest land should be surely prohibited When making the management plan the mass movement, soil erosion and flood problem will be concidered and also included the prevention method of disaster.

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Difference of Classification, Growth and Herbicidal Tolerance in Collected Weedy Rice(Oryza sativa) (수집(蒐集) 잡초성(雜草性)벼(Oryza sativa)의 분류(分類), 생장(生長) 및 제초제(除草劑) 내성차이(耐性差異))

  • Kuk, Y.I.;Guh, J.O.;Chon, S.U.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.31-43
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    • 1997
  • This study was carried out to investigate classfication of weedy rice (Oryza sativa) based on isozymes esterase and peroxidase, growth and developmental difference of weedy rices and rices grown under dry and water condition, and weedy rice control and tolerant difference of weedy rices in various herbicides using weedy rices collected from thirteen strains of Chonnam, one Chonbuk, two Kyeongki and two rice cultivars. 1. The collected weedy rices were classified into three groups based on isozyme esterase and peroxidase using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(PAGE) method. The classified groups were not same each other. 2. Plant height was taller in collected weedy rices than rice cultivars at 18 days after seeding under dry and water conditions, but number of leaves, shoot fresh weight, root fresh weight and root length were not significantly different between collected weedy rices and rice cultivars. In addition, growths of collected weedy rices were greater in dry- than water-condition. 3. After thiobencarb(S-4-chlorobenzyl diethythiocarbamate), molinate(S-ethyl hexahydro-1H-azepine-1-carbothioate) and oxadiazon(5-tert-butyl-3(2,4-dichloro-5-isopropoxyphenyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-one) were applied at 6 days before seeding, the weedy rices controlled 100% by thiobencarb at 2.1kg ai/ha and 024kg ai/ha oxadiazon treatment but controlled 26% to 67% by molinate at 6.5kg ai/ha. Rice due to the herbicides was injured severely(25% to 100%) in flood condition at time of rice seeding after oxadiazon at 0.48kg ai/ha and 2.1kg ai/ha thiobencarb application, except for molinate which injured rice slightly(4% to 13%) in drain condition. The collected weedy rices to all experimented herbicides showed slight intraspecific variations. The intraspecific variations of weedy rices decreased in the order of thiobencarb>molinate>oxadiazon.

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