• Title/Summary/Keyword: flat plate structures

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Buckling Strength Increment of Curved Panels Due to Rotational Stiffness of Closed-Section Ribs Under Uniaxial Compression

  • Andico, Arriane Nicole P.;Park, Yong-Myung;Choi, Byung H.
    • International journal of steel structures
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.1363-1372
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    • 2018
  • Recently, there have been studies about the increasing effect on the local plate buckling strength of flat plates when longitudinally stiffened with closed-section ribs and an approximate solution to quantitatively estimate these effects were suggested for flat plates. Since there are few studies to utilize such increasing effect on curved panels and a proper design method is not proposed, thus, this study aims to numerically evaluate such effect due to the rotational stiffness of closed-section ribs on curved panels and to propose an approximate method for estimating the buckling strength. Three-dimensional finite element models were set up using a general structural analysis program ABAQUS and a series of parametric numerical analyses were conducted in order to examine the variation of buckling stresses along with the rotational stiffness of closed-section ribs. By using a methodology that combine the strength increment factor due to the restraining effect by closed-section ribs and the buckling coefficient of the panel curvature, the approximate solutions for the estimation of buckling strength were suggested. The validity of the proposed methods was verified through a comparative study with the numerical analysis results.

Analysis of CFT Column-RC Flat Plate Interior Connections under Lateral Load (횡하중을 받는 CFT기둥-RC무량판 접합부의 해석연구)

  • Song, Jin-Kyu;Song, Ho-Bum;Oh, Sang-Won;Kim, Byung-Jo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.867-870
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    • 2008
  • Flat plate system has many advantages, story height reduction, a term of works shortening and changeableness of space, etc. However structures become a tendency of higher stories and when we use RC column, the size of column grow larger. For this reason the use of CFT column is increasing more and more. Accordingly, this study carried out the nonlinear finite element analysis. As a result of analysis moment strength of the connection increased but ductility decreased as the top reinforcement ratio in th effective width increased. And moment strength and ductility of the connection decreased as gravity load ratio decreased. In the case that shearhead length is not more than 0.27m, the effectiveness of shearhead length on the moment strength and ductility of the connection were small relatively to other variables. Initial stiffness and moment strength of connection increased as slab thickness increased

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Ballistic Analysis and Stacking Sequence of Laminate Plate for Enhancing Bulletproof Performance (방탄 성능 향상을 위한 적층 평판의 피탄 해석 및 적층 배열 연구)

  • Ki Hyun Kim;Min Kyu Kim;Min Je Kim;Myung Shin
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.331-338
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    • 2023
  • Modern bulletproof armor must be light and have excellent penetration resistance to ensure the mobility and safety of soldiers and military vehicles. The ballistic performance of heterogeneous structures of laminated flat plates as bulletproof armor depends on the arrangement of constituent materials for the same weight. In this study, we analyze bulletproof performance according to the stacking sequence of laminated bulletproof armor composed of Kevlar, ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene, and ethylene-vinyl-acetate foam. A ballistic analysis was performed by colliding a 7.62 × 51 mm NATO cartridge's M80 bullet at a speed of 856 m/s with six lamination arrangements with constituent materials thicknesses of 5 mm and 6.5 mm. To evaluate the bulletproof performance, the residual speed and residual energy of the projectile that penetrated the heterogeneous laminated flat plates were measured. Simulation results confirmed that the laminated structure with a stacking sequence of Kevlar, ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene, and ethylene-vinyl-acetate foam had the best bulletproof performance for the same weight.

Evaluation of vibroacoustic responses of laminated composite sandwich structure using higher-order finite-boundary element model

  • Sharma, Nitin;Mahapatra, Trupti R.;Panda, Subrata K.;Mehar, Kulmani
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.629-639
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, the vibroacoustic responses of baffled laminated composite sandwich flat panel structure under the influence of harmonic excitation are studied numerically using a novel higher-order coupled finite-boundary element model. A numerical scheme for the vibrating plate has been developed in the frame work of the higher-order mid-plane kinematics and the eigen frequencies are obtained by employing suitable finite element steps. The acoustic responses are then computed by solving the Helmholtz wave equation using boundary element method coupled with the structural finite elements. The proposed scheme has been implemented via an own MATLAB base code to compute the desired responses. The validity of the present model is established from the conformance of the current natural frequencies and the radiated sound power with the available benchmark solutions. The model is further utilized to scrutinize the influence of core-to-face thickness ratio, modular ratio, lamination scheme and the support condition on the sound radiation characteristics of the vibrating sandwich flats panel. It can be concluded that the present scheme is not only accurate but also efficient and simple in providing solutions of the coupled vibroacoustic response of laminated composite sandwich plates.

Autorotation of square plates, with application to windborne debris

  • Martinez-Vazquez, P.;Sterling, M.;Baker, C.J.;Quinn, A.D.;Richards, P.J.
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.167-186
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    • 2011
  • This paper presents the results of measurements relating to the aerodynamic forces on flat square plates which were allowed to rotate at different speeds about their horizontal axis, by modifying the velocity of the incoming flow. A 1 m square test-sheet and a 0.3 m square test-sheet were fitted with a number of pressure sensors in order to obtain information relating to the instantaneous pressure distribution acting on the test-sheet; a compact gyroscope to record the angular velocity during the rotational motion was also implemented. Previous work on autorotation has illustrated that the angular velocity varies with respect to the torque induced by the wind, the thickness and aspect ratio of the test-sheet, any frictional effects present at the bearings, and the vorticity generated through the interaction between the plate and the wind flow. The current paper sets out a method based on the solution of the equation of motion of a rotating plate which enables the determination of angular velocities on autorotating elements to be predicted. This approach is then used in conjunction with the experimental data in order to evaluate the damping introduced by the frictional effects at the bearings during steady autorotation.

Characteristics of Turbulent Impinging and Wall Jet Flow for a Circular Nozzle with Various Exit Wall Thickness (다양한 벽면 두께를 갖는 원형 노즐에서 분사되는 난류 충돌 및 벽면 제트 유동장 특성)

  • Yang, Geun-Yeong;Yun, Sang-Heon;Son, Dong-Gi;Choe, Man-Su
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.751-757
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    • 2001
  • An experimental study of impinging jet-flow structure has been carried out for a fully developed single circular jet impingement cooling on a flat plate, and the effect of the wall thickness at nozzle exit edge is investigated. Impinging jet flow structures have been measured by Laser-Doppler Velocimeter to interpret the heat transfer results presented previously by Yoon et al.(sup)(10) The peaks of heat transfer rate are observed near the nozzle edge owing to the radial acceleration of jet flow when the nozzle locates close to the impingement plate. The growth of the velocity fluctuations in the wall jet flow is induced by the vortices which originate in the jet shear layer, and consequently the radial distribution of local Nusselt numbers has a secondary peak at the certain radial position. As a wall of circular pipe nozzle becomes thicker for small nozzle-to-target distance, the entrainment can be inhibited, consequently, the acceleration of wall jet flow is reduced and the heat transfer rate decreases.

Welding Deformation Analysis of Plates Using the Inherent Strain-based Equivalent Load Method (고유변형률 기반 등가하중법을 이용한 판의 용접변형 해석)

  • Lee, Joo-Sung
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2010
  • IIn this study, used is the equivalent loading method based on the inherent strain to predict the welding deformation of panel members. Equivalent loads are computed from the inherent strain distribution around weld line, and then applied for the linear finite element analysis. Thermal deformation of panel members can be, of course, carried out through the rigorous thermal elasto-plastic analysis procedure but it is not practical in applying to predicting the welding deformation of large structures such as blocks found in a ship structure from view of computing time. The present equivalent load approach has been applied to flat plate model to verify the present approach, and to several curved plate models having the curvature in the welding direction to investigate the effect of the longitudinal curvature upon the weld-induced deformation. The results are compared with those by thermal elasto-plastic analysis. As far as the present results are concerned, it can be said that the present approach shows good agreement with the results by welding experiment and the rigorous thermal elasto-plastic analysis. The present approach has been also applied to predict the welding deformation of panel block as for application illustration to practical model.

Two-dimensional nonconforming finite elements: A state-of-the-art

  • Choi, Chang-Koon;Kim, Sun-Hoon;Park, Young-Myung;Chung, Keun-Young
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.41-61
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    • 1998
  • A state-of-the-art report on the new finite elements formulated by the addition of nonconforming displacement modes has been presented. The development of a series improved nonconforming finite elements for the analysis of plate and shell structures is described in the first part of this paper. These new plate and shell finite elements are established by the combined use of different improvement schemes such as; the addition of nonconforming modes, the reduced (or selective) integration, and the construction of the substitute shear strain fields. The improvement achieved may be attributable to the fact that the merits of these improvement techniques are merged into the formation of the new elements in a complementary manner. It is shown that the results obtained by the new elements give significantly improved solutions without any serious defects such as; the shear locking, spurious zero energy mode for the linear as well as nonlinear benchmark problems. Recent developments in the transition elements that have a variable number of mid-side nodes and can be effectively used in the adaptive mesh refinement are presented in the second part. Finally, the nonconforming transition flat shell elements with drilling degrees of freedom are also presented.

Study of Micro-Supersonic Impinging Jets and Its Application to the Laser Machining (마이크로 초음속제트의 충돌유동과 레이저 가공 응용에 관한 연구)

  • Min, Seong-Kyu;Yu, Dong-Ok;Lee, Yeol;Cheong, Jo-Soon
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.93-100
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    • 2009
  • Characteristics of micro-sonic/supersonic axi-symmetric jet impinging on a flat plate with a pre-drilled hole were both experimentally and numerically studied, to observe the role of assist-gas jet to eject melted materials from the cut zone in the laser machining. For various Mach numbers of the nozzle and the total pressures of the assist gas, detailed impinging jet flow structures over the plate and the variations of mass flux through the pre-drilled hole were observed. It was found that the present experimental and numerical results show a good agreement, which proves the accountability of the present work. From the present study, it was also observed that the mass flow rate through the hole was closely related with the total pressure loss caused by the Mach disc on the work piece, and that supersonic nozzle could perform more efficient roles as blowing the assist-gas jet in the laser machining, as compared to sonic nozzles.

Improvement of Flexural Performance for Deep-Deck Plate using Cap Plate (캡플레이트를 이용한 장스팬용 춤이 깊은 데크의 휨성능 개선)

  • Park, K.Y.;Nam, Y.S.;Choi, Y.H.;Kim, Y.H.;Choi, S.M.
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.555-567
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    • 2013
  • Slim floor system using deep decks has been developed and employed in Europe to reduce the floor height of steel structures. Although long span buildings involving the issue of reducing floor height are being increasingly built in Korea, employing deep decks in more than 7m long span structures is likely to cause problems associated with excessive deflection. This study is applied to the long-span concrete casting of the deep deck plate usability of deflection due to bending and torsional instability of open cross-section, as a way to improve the problem of cap plates are suggested, and the optimum length of reinforcement and location are derived from theoretic estimation. The cap plates are placed on the deep decks with regular intervals to overcome the instability of open sections, improve the stiffness of the sections and control the deflection at the centers. The improvement in flexural capacity associated with the location of the cap plates and the length of reinforcement are verified through analysis and test.