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Video UGC 제작 동기와 행위 과정에 관한 이해: 구현의도이론 (Theory of Implementation Intentions)의 적용을 중심으로 (Understanding User Motivations and Behavioral Process in Creating Video UGC: Focus on Theory of Implementation Intentions)

  • 김형진;송세민;이호근
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제19권4호
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    • pp.125-148
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    • 2009
  • UGC(User Generated Contents) is emerging as the center of e-business in the web 2.0 era. The trend reflects changing roles of users in production and consumption of contents on websites and helps us to understand new strategies of websites such as web portals and social network websites. Nowadays, we consume contents created by other non-professional users for both utilitarian (e.g., knowledge) and hedonic values (e.g., fun). Also, contents produced by ourselves (e.g., photo, video) are posted on websites so that our friends, family, and even the public can consume those contents. This means that non-professionals, who used to be passive audience in the past, are now creating contents and share their UGCs with others in the Web. Accessible media, tools, and applications have also reduced difficulty and complexity in the process of creating contents. Realizing that users create plenty of materials which are very interesting to other people, media companies (i.e., web portals and social networking websites) are adjusting their strategies and business models accordingly. Increased demand of UGC may lead to website visits which are the source of benefits from advertising. Therefore, they put more efforts into making their websites open platforms where UGCs can be created and shared among users without technical and methodological difficulties. Many websites have increasingly adopted new technologies such as RSS and openAPI. Some have even changed the structure of web pages so that UGC can be seen several times to more visitors. This mainstream of UGCs on websites indicates that acquiring more UGCs and supporting participating users have become important things to media companies. Although those companies need to understand why general users have shown increasing interest in creating and posting contents and what is important to them in the process of productions, few research results exist in this area to address these issues. Also, behavioral process in creating video UGCs has not been explored enough for the public to fully understand it. With a solid theoretical background (i.e., theory of implementation intentions), parts of our proposed research model mirror the process of user behaviors in creating video contents, which consist of intention to upload, intention to edit, edit, and upload. In addition, in order to explain how those behavioral intentions are developed, we investigated influences of antecedents from three motivational perspectives (i.e., intrinsic, editing software-oriented, and website's network effect-oriented). First, from the intrinsic motivation perspective, we studied the roles of self-expression, enjoyment, and social attention in forming intention to edit with preferred editing software or in forming intention to upload video contents to preferred websites. Second, we explored the roles of editing software for non-professionals to edit video contents, in terms of how it makes production process easier and how it is useful in the process. Finally, from the website characteristic-oriented perspective, we investigated the role of a website's network externality as an antecedent of users' intention to upload to preferred websites. The rationale is that posting UGCs on websites are basically social-oriented behaviors; thus, users prefer a website with the high level of network externality for contents uploading. This study adopted a longitudinal research design; we emailed recipients twice with different questionnaires. Guided by invitation email including a link to web survey page, respondents answered most of questions except edit and upload at the first survey. They were asked to provide information about UGC editing software they mainly used and preferred website to upload edited contents, and then asked to answer related questions. For example, before answering questions regarding network externality, they individually had to declare the name of the website to which they would be willing to upload. At the end of the first survey, we asked if they agreed to participate in the corresponding survey in a month. During twenty days, 333 complete responses were gathered in the first survey. One month later, we emailed those recipients to ask for participation in the second survey. 185 of the 333 recipients (about 56 percentages) answered in the second survey. Personalized questionnaires were provided for them to remind the names of editing software and website that they reported in the first survey. They answered the degree of editing with the software and the degree of uploading video contents to the website for the past one month. To all recipients of the two surveys, exchange tickets for books (about 5,000~10,000 Korean Won) were provided according to the frequency of participations. PLS analysis shows that user behaviors in creating video contents are well explained by the theory of implementation intentions. In fact, intention to upload significantly influences intention to edit in the process of accomplishing the goal behavior, upload. These relationships show the behavioral process that has been unclear in users' creating video contents for uploading and also highlight important roles of editing in the process. Regarding the intrinsic motivations, the results illustrated that users are likely to edit their own video contents in order to express their own intrinsic traits such as thoughts and feelings. Also, their intention to upload contents in preferred website is formed because they want to attract much attention from others through contents reflecting themselves. This result well corresponds to the roles of the website characteristic, namely, network externality. Based on the PLS results, the network effect of a website has significant influence on users' intention to upload to the preferred website. This indicates that users with social attention motivations are likely to upload their video UGCs to a website whose network size is big enough to realize their motivations easily. Finally, regarding editing software characteristic-oriented motivations, making exclusively-provided editing software more user-friendly (i.e., easy of use, usefulness) plays an important role in leading to users' intention to edit. Our research contributes to both academic scholars and professionals. For researchers, our results show that the theory of implementation intentions is well applied to the video UGC context and very useful to explain the relationship between implementation intentions and goal behaviors. With the theory, this study theoretically and empirically confirmed that editing is a different and important behavior from uploading behavior, and we tested the behavioral process of ordinary users in creating video UGCs, focusing on significant motivational factors in each step. In addition, parts of our research model are also rooted in the solid theoretical background such as the technology acceptance model and the theory of network externality to explain the effects of UGC-related motivations. For practitioners, our results suggest that media companies need to restructure their websites so that users' needs for social interaction through UGC (e.g., self-expression, social attention) are well met. Also, we emphasize strategic importance of the network size of websites in leading non-professionals to upload video contents to the websites. Those websites need to find a way to utilize the network effects for acquiring more UGCs. Finally, we suggest that some ways to improve editing software be considered as a way to increase edit behavior which is a very important process leading to UGC uploading.

식품에 대한 지식이 식품선택에 미치는 영향에 관한 조사연구 (The Effect of Knowledge about Foods on the Foods Purchasing)

  • 박윤정;조신호;이효지
    • 한국식품조리과학회지
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.63-73
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    • 1989
  • 가족의 식생활 관리자로서 중요한 역할을 담당하고 있는 주부들이 식품에 대한 지식을 식품 구입시 어떻게 활용하고있나를 알아봄으로서 좀더 과학적으로 선택할 수 있는 바람직한 기본자료를 제시하기 위하여 서울시내 주부 502명을 대상으로 설문지 조사를 통하여 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 영양지식의 수준은 평균 14.7점(최대 점수 20점, 정답율 73.6%, S.D=2.687 최빈수 16점)으로 비교적 높은 수준이었다. 집단간 영양지식은 월수입과 식생활비가 많고 교육정도가 높을수록 수준이 높아지는 경향을 보였다. 2) 식품구입시 남편을 우선으로 고려하였고 고려요인은 가족의 기호를 가장 많이 고려하였으며 월수입과 식생활비가 많고 교육정도가 높을수록 기호 중심의 식품구입을 하였다. 3) 대용식품을 구입할 때는 영양가를 고려했으며 영양지식과 교육정도가 높고 가족수가 적을수록 월수입과 식생활비가 많을수록 영양가를 고려하였다. 4) 수조육류·어패류·알류·과일 및 채소류를 선택할 때는 신선도를 우선으로 하였으며 해조류와 유지류는 영양을 우선으로 생각하였다. 수조육류는 학력이 높을수록 알류는 학력이 낮을수록 영양을 고려하는 율이 높아지는 경향을 보여 학력간의 단백질 식품선택시의 차이를 보여주었다. 5) 조리시 반찬의 가지 수는 3∼4가지가 가장 많았으며 월수입이 많을수록 반찬의 가지 수는 많아졌다. 1∼2가지의 반찬일 때는 주로 채소, 3∼4가지일 때는 수조육류와 어패류, 5가지 이상일 때는 대부분의 식품을 골고루 사용하였다. 이상과 같은 결과에서 볼 때 주부자신이 식품에 대한 지식을 가지고 식품 선택시에 활용하는 노력이 필요하며 배운 지식을 실제의 생활에 충분히 반영 할 수 있는 보다 적극적이고 구체적인 실천 프로그램이 마련되어야겠다.TR}$ $$\times$Y_{M}$ =1(8.4+82.3t)+0.392(8.4+82.3t)X-0.018(8.4+82.3t) $X^2$ 따라서 위의 공식은 각종 핵산함유조미료의 맛강도 계산에 사용될 수 있다. 마요네즈보다 선호되는 것으로 평가되었다. 또한, 난황의 첨가비율을 50 %로 감소시키고 l~3% Bovine Plasma를 첨가하여 제조한 마요네즈는 색을 제외하고는 모든 항목에서 표준 마요네즈와 유의적인 차이를 보이지 않았다. 반면에, 난황을 전혀 첨가하지 않고 5%의 Bovine Plasma만으로 제조한 마요네즈는 표준 마요네즈와 비교했을 때 다소 강한 기름냄새와 기름맛, 난황이 첨가되지 않아 색에 대한 기호도의 저하 등 관능적인 면에서 전반적으로 낮은 결과를 보였다.sim}30$명 편성, 현장 학습으로 수업 진행, 수업 시 이론과 실습의 3:1 비율 운영, 절대 평가에 의한 합격여부 판정 등에 대한 요구가 있었다. 따라서 사회의 변화를 반영하고 교사의 현장 요구를 적극 수용한 프로그램 개발이 이루어져야 할 것이다. 넷째, 연수자의 일반적 특성 변인에 따른 만족도 차이를 분석한 결과, 연수 기관이 유의미한 변수로 작용하였다. 즉, 어느 연수 기관에서 연수를 받았느냐에 따라 연수에 대한 만족도가 다르게 나타났다(p<.05). 즉 교과교육을 가장 많이 개설하고 운영하였던 기관에서 만족도가 가장 높았다. 따라서 현직 교사들의 요구가 많았던 교과교육에 대한 교과 개설이 확대된 표준화된 자격연수 프로그램 개발되어야 할 것이다. 탄수화물 식품들을 밥류, 죽류, 스프, 감자, 빵과 페이스트리, 시리얼 군으로 나누어 분류하여 보았다. 잡곡이나 콩 등을 혼식하는

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무가 '삼공본풀이'에 대한 분석심리학적 고찰 (A Study on the Korean Shamanistic Myth "Samgong Bonpoori" from the Perspective of Analytical Psychology)

  • 황명숙
    • 심성연구
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    • 제30권2호
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    • pp.145-186
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    • 2015
  • 본 연구는 제주도 무가 <삼공본풀이>를 분석심리학적 관점에서 고찰하고 해석한 것이다. <삼공본풀이>는 육지의 '내 복에 산다' 계 민담과 유사하고, 한국 뿐 아니라 일본과 중국 등 동아시아 지역뿐만 아니라 아일랜드에 까지 널리 퍼져 있는 신화이다. 누구 복에 사는가? 묻는 부모의 질문에 천지, 부모의 덕과 배꼽아래 선의 덕(배꼽에서 음부 쪽으로 내려 그어진 선)으로 산다고 대답한 셋째 딸 가믄장아기는 쫓겨난다. 가믄장아기는 부모와 자신을 이간시키려 했던 두 언니를 지네와 말똥버섯으로 전환케 하고, 부모는 장님이 되고 걸인이 되게 한다. 가믄장아기는 집을 나와 마를 캐는 마퉁이를 만나 결혼하게 되고, 마를 캐는 밭에서 금을 발견한다. 가믄장아기는 부자가 된 후 걸인잔치를 열어 장님이 된 부모를 만나게 되고 부모는 눈을 뜨게 되며, 두 언니들도 다시 만나 모두와 화해하며 '전생 신'임을 밝힌다. <삼공본풀이>는 신화로써 神의 이야기이다. 神은 완성된 존재로서 다른 것을 생각할 수 없지만 이를 민담 차원으로 내려와서 생각해 볼 수 있을 것이다. 가믄장아기는 아버지의 아니마 원형으로 볼 수 있으며, 이는 부성적인 의식이 변화되어 가는 과정을 나타낸 것이다. 아니마 원형인 가믄장아기는 처음에는 부모에게 배척을 받는다. 그러나 부모가 장님이 되는 고통과 시련의 과정을 겪고 마침내 눈을 뜨게 되는 것은 가믄장아기가 이 세상에 '소명'을 갖고 온 존재임을 알 수 있다. 가믄장아기는 기존의 가부장적인 집단의식을 새롭게 하고자하는 '여성성'의 창조적인 기능을 나타내는 것이다. 이러한 여성성의 의식화는 여성뿐 아니라 남성에게 더 중요함을 보여주는 것이다. 자신이 타고난 본성(여성성)을 알지 못하고 부모의 뜻과 인습적인 가치에 순종하기만 했던 두 언니들도 지네와 말똥버섯이라는 미물과 식물로 전환되어 그림자에 사로잡히는 고통과 시련을 겪음으로써 마침내 자기인식을 획득하게 된다. 가믄장아기는 마지막에 부모와 언니들과 모두 화해를 하여 전체가 되게 함으로써 진정한 의미의 자기실현의 모습을 보여준다. 결론적으로 여성의 자기실현은 가부장적인 집단의식을 새롭게 하는 중요한 목적의미가 있는 것이다.

대전광역시 공업고등학교 학생들의 학과별 굴절이상에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Refractive Error according to Subjects of Industrial High School Students in Deajeon Metropolitan City)

  • 류경호;이학준
    • 한국안광학회지
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    • 제10권3호
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    • pp.229-235
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    • 2005
  • 대전광역시 소재 공업계 고등학교 학생 920명을 대상으로 각 학과별 비정시 분포에 영향을 미치는 환경적 요인과 가족력과의 연관성을 파악한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 굴절이상도와 선천적 요인을 살펴보면 본인이 정시인 경우 아버지 또는 어머니의 안경 장용율은 22.6%이었고 형제가 안경을 장용한 경우가 22.8%로 조사되었으며, 본인이 비정시인 경우 아버지 또는 어머니의 안경 장용율은 42.4%이었고 형제의 안경장용융은 27.7%로 조사되어 자녀의 눈의 굴절상태가 부모의 굴절상태와 연관성이 있었다. 둘째, 굴절이상과 후천적 요인과의 상관성을 알아보기 위해 정시안과 비정시안의 하루 연속 3시간 이상 컴퓨터 하는 사람의 비율을 비교 하였더니, 정시안은 45.6%인 반연 비정시안은 70.1%로 비정시안이 24.5%나 많은 것으로 조사되어 굴절이상은 환경적 요인에 의해 많은 영향을 받는다고 할 수 있다. 셋째, 학과별 비정시 분포와 VDT 사용시간을 비교한 결과 학교 수업시간에 컴퓨터를 가장 많이 이용하고 하루 동안 컴퓨터를 가장 많이 하는 건설정보과의 학생들의 비정시율이 가장 높은 것으로 조사되었다.

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발달장애인 부모의 성년후견제도 이용욕구에 영향을 미치는 요인 (Major Factors Influencing the Usage Needs for the Adult Guardianship System in Parents of People with Developmental Disabilities)

  • 이용표;송승연
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제16권6호
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    • pp.334-344
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    • 2016
  • 본 연구의 목적은 발달장애인 부모의 성년후견제도 이용관련 예측요인을 탐색하는 것이다. 이러한 연구 목적의 달성을 위해 앤더슨 행동모형을 근거로 발달장애인 부모 451명을 대상으로 한 성년후견제도 이용욕구 설문조사자료를 분석하였다. 분석자료로는 2011년 서울시 중 장년 발달장애인가족 복지욕구조사를 활용하였으며, 분석방법은 SPSS 22.0을 이용하여 빈도분석, 기술통계분석, 로지스틱 회귀분석을 실시하였다. 분석결과 주돌봄자가 직업이 없는 집단일수록, 피후견 대상인 발달장애인이 남성인 집단이 성년후견 이용욕구가 통계적으로 유의미하게 높은 것으로 나타났다. 또한 소득이나 사회보장제도 관련요인에서는 가구월평균소득이 높을수록, 욕구요인 중에서는 제3자에 의한 돌봄욕구가 존재할수록 성년후견 이용욕구가 통계적으로 유의미하게 높은 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 발달장애인의 의사소통능력, 장애등급, 돌봄부담의 정도는 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 연구결과는 첫째, 성년후견제도의 활성화를 위해서는 이용에 관련되는 비용의 정부지원이 중요한 조건이 될 수 있다. 둘째, 발달장애인 부모의 성년후견제도 이용욕구와 관련된 제3자 돌봄욕구 개념 및 문화적 요인을 규명하기 위한 후속연구가 필요하다는 것이다.

중년여성의 건강증진 프로그램 개발에 관한 연구 (The Development of Health Promotion Programs for Middle Aged Women)

  • 차영남;김금자;임혜경;장효순;한혜실
    • 지역사회간호학회지
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.5-20
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was to develop health promotion programs for middle aged women and to identify the adaptability and the effectiveness of the program in order to provide a model for health promotion programs as a basis for nursing intervention. The research design was a quasi-experimental, nonequivalent control-group pretest -posttest design. The data were collected from October 30 to December 11, 1996. The study subjects were middle aged women residing in Chonju city, with ages from 40 to 59. The experimental group consisted of 42 subjects who were recruited through announcements of the local newspaper. The control group consisted of 49 subjects who were mothers of nursing college students. The health promotion program for middle aged women was based on the Bandura's self efficacy theory and Pender's heath promotion behavior theory consisting of exercise and heath diaries as performance accomplishments as well as education and group sessions as verbal persuasion and vicarious experiences. The study program was provided for 6 weeks, 3 hours a day per week. There was a pretest before the program and a posttest after the 6 week program. The instruments used for the study were a Self Efficacy Scale and a Health Promotion Behavior Scale developed by Park(1995). The data analysis was done by the use of a SPSS/PC. The study results were as follows: 1. In the analysis of the homogeneity between the experimental and control groups, there were significant differences in the socio-demographic characteristics, self efficacy and health promotion behavior. There were significant differences between the experimental and control groups in occupation, the number of children, and the status of involvement in social activities. 2. The first hypothesis, 'The level of self efficacy of the experimental group will be higher than that of the control group.' was supported(F=10.154, p=.002). The second hypothesis, 'The degree of health promotive behaviors in the experimental group will be higher than that of the control group.' was supported(F=17.349, p=.000). 3. There was a significant positive correlation between the self efficacy and the health promotion behaviors in pretest and posttests (pretest: r=.732, p=.000 ; posttest : r=.754, p=.000). 4. The significant variables for health promotion behaviors were religion(t= -1.97, p=.05), family income(F=4.85, p=.00), education level (F=6.38, p=.00) and involvement in social activities(t= -3.06, p=.00) in socio-demographic characteristics. In summary, a heath promotion program based on self efficacy theory has made an improvement on health promotion behaviors. Also, the results show that the higher the level of self efficacy, the better the health promotion is in middle aged women. The study has proved that nurses can provide nursing intervention for the improvement of health promotion in middle aged women through the adaptation of a program increasing the subject's self efficacy level.

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초등학교 아동의 사고예방행동과 사고발생의 관련성 연구 (A Study on the Relationship between Injury Preventive Behaviors and Accidents for Elementary School Children)

  • 이수정;이명선
    • 보건교육건강증진학회지
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.147-160
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    • 1997
  • Nowadays according to the complexity of our daily life due to the development of industry and transportation various kinds of injuries happen. Since 1993 the death rate among 5-14 age children by injuries amount to about 57%. Furthermore, the injury of children can give a direct damage to their own family and it can also bring a serious loss to the country as well as the community where they live in accord with degree of an injury. From this reason, the importance of safety education has been increasing. In this study, it is aimed to clarify the effect of injury preventive behaviors on injury incidence of the 6th grade students in the elementary school. This study is accomplished by the survey sampled from 9 elementary schools in seoul, each of which belong to different district. The survey took for 15 days from the date of september 10th 1996 to september 25th 1996 and the results were as follows; 1. For demographic characteristic, sexual distribution was 48.7% of male students and 47.1% of female students. The required time from home to school was 10-19 minutes(51.8%), and the most way of their going to school is to walk(89.7%). Mothers who graduated from high school were 46.6% and 49.4% of fathers were above university graduated level. The most vocation of mothers was housewife as 56.7%. 2. The results of analysis on the injury rates, 75.8% of children experienced more than one injury and the most was play injury. With regards to sites where injuries happened, the room, the kitchen, and the living room in the house ranked first(38.3%) and then injuries at school such as on the playground, in the classroom, and on the stairs was 34.1%. 3. Considering the rate of injury incidence in accordance with demographic characteristics, male students experienced more injuries than female students(p〈0.05). For the way from home to school, children who went to school by bicycle experienced the most injuries and then on foot, by bus in order of which differences were statistically significant(p〈0.05). 4. From the comparison of parents' safety education practice and the injury incidence, the less often parents practice safety education, the more often children experience injuries(p〈0.05). 5. The results of analysis on the effect of injury preventive behaviors on accidents children who didn't act injury preventive behaviors experienced much more injuries than those who did injury preventive behaviors of which differences were statistically significant(p〈0.01). 6. From the results of analysis of factors effecting on the elementary school children's injuries, children without injury preventive behaviors had more effect on accidents than those who had injury preventive behaviors as odds ratio 2.06(p〈0.01), and the odds ratio of male students compared with female students was 1.47(p〈0.05).

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이공계 대학생의 대학생활 경험과 취업의 질 : 성별차이를 중심으로 (Does College Experience Effect Job Quality Of Science And Engineering Graduates? -Focusing On Gender Gap)

  • 신하영;문보은
    • 공학교육연구
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    • 제20권5호
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    • pp.59-73
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to examine whether a gender works to make the difference on the university experiences of natural sciences and engineering major students; and the income and quality gap between the graduates. In this study, university experiences means job market and job searching related experiences such as job fair attending, The main research questions are as follows; fist, what are the significant university experiences related job preparation and application, and is there a gender gap on those experiences? Second, how is the job market performance of the national sciences and engineering graduates for their income level and quality job, and is there a gender gap on the job market performance of the sample? Third, which variables among the university experiences for job searching and application impacts the job quality and income level of the natural sciences and engineering graduates? To find out the research results, this study conducts a panel data analysis with GOMS (Graduates Occupational Mobility Survey) throughout survey year of 2006 to 2015, towards 568,264 as weighted value number. As analysis methods, this study carries out a descriptive analysis, ANOVA, discriminant analysis, linear regression and T-test. Therefore, here are the brief outputs of the study; first, for natural sciences and engineering students, the off-campus experiences such as job fair, job recruit festival and internship programs are more favored; second, female students are more likely to attend personal and self-driven job preparation programs; third, on job market performance, the graduates' income level and company scale rate are higher in the male but job stability is higher in the female; fourth, as a result of the linear regression, gender factor decides the income level in considerable degree; additionally, gender factor shows the difference of the job satisfaction and self-effectiveness on one's job as a qualitative variables. For obtaining strictness, university program factors are controlled through model fitness process. As above, this study finds out the main factors of university life of natural sciences and engineering graduates which are related their job searching and preparation experiences and figures out stronger factors in job market; and examines the statistically significance of the gender in this casual-effect relationship between job preparation and job quality of the graduates.

성교육(性敎育)이 여고생(女高生)의 성(性)에 대(對)한 지식(知識) 및 태도(態度)에 미친 효과 (The Effect of Sex Education on Knowledge and Attitude of High School Girls)

  • 방미라
    • 한국학교보건학회지
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.48-58
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    • 1990
  • 본 조사는 인문계 여고생 2학년에게 연구자가 정규적으로 주 l시간 총 24시간에 걸쳐 성교육을 지침서에 의거, 실시하고 1학년과 교육을 주지 않은 2학년 여고생과 비교하여 성에 대한 지식 및 태도에 준 효과를 설문지를 배부 후 회수하여 본 결과는 다음과 같다. 대상은 경남지역 1개교 542명을 교육군으로, 1학년 164명 그리고 비교육군 2학년 972명을 대상으로 하였으며 설문기간은 1988년 12월 21일 부터 23일 까지 3일간 이었다. 대상 여학생의 70.8%는 부모와 성문제를 상담하지 않았으며. 98.5%가 성교육이 필요하다고 응답하였다. 적절한 성교육 시기로 전체의 56.0%가 중학교라고 응답했으며 성지식의 출처로 선생님으로부터가 교육군의 30.1%인데 비해 비교육군은 19.1%로 양군간 유의한 차를 보였다(P<0.01). 성에 관련된 인간의 해부 생리 및 2차 성징, 성병, 피임 및 임신 생리 등의 지식의 정도를 1학년의 평균치를 기준으로 보았을 때 교육군은 평균치 이상인 여고생이 100.0%이었고 비교육군에 비해 (54.3%, 76.3%, 75.1%) 유의하게 높은 비율이었다(P<0.01). 성에 대한 긍정적 태도, 혼전 성관계와 인공유산에 대한 바른태도 및 가족계획 슬로건에 대한 긍정적 태도는 교육군과 비교육군간 찬성유무 및 생각해 본 일이 없다는 무관심 유무에서 유의한 차를 나타냈다(P<0.05, P<0.01). 고등학교 시절의 이성교제, 이성교제에 대한 지식, 친구, 부모, 선생님과의 자유로운 대화에 대한 찬성율이 교육군과 비교육군간 유의한 차(P<0.05, P<0.01)가 있었으며 생각해 본 일이 없다는 항목은 비교육군이 교육군보다 유의하게 높았다.

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암환자의 고통 측정도구 개발에 관한 연구 (Development of a Tool to Measure Suffering in Patients with Cancer)

  • 강경아
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제29권6호
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    • pp.1365-1378
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    • 1999
  • This study is a methodological research study to develop an instrument to measure in patients with cancer and to test the validity and reliability of the instrument. The research procedure was as follows : 1) The first step was to develop conceptual framework based on a comprehensive review of the literature and in-depth interviews with patients with cancer. This conceptual framework was organized in to three dimensions (the intrapersonal dimension, the significant-other and context related dimension, the transcendental dimension). Initially 59 items were adopted. 2) These items were analyzed through the index of content validity(CVI) and 53 items were selected which met more than 80% on the CVI. 3) The pretest was carried out with 87 patients with cancer. After the pretest results were analyzed by item analysis, 44 items were selected. A second test of content validity was conducted and 6 items were eliminated considering the 80% CVI. 4) To test for reliability and validity, data collection was done during the period from January 25, 1999, to February 26, 1999. The subjects for the test were 160 patients with cancer and 185 healthy persons. analysis, item analysis and multitrait-multimethod method to analyze validity. The findings are as follows : 1) The Cronbach's alpha coefficient for internal consistency was .92 for the total 38 items and .79, .82, .85, for the three dimensions in that order. 2) The item analysis was based on the corrected item to total correlation coefficient( .30 or more) and information about the alpha estimate if this item was dropped from the scale. 3) As a result of the initial factor analysis using principal component analysis and varimax rotation, one item was deleted because of factor complexity (indiscriminate factor loadings). In the secondary factor analysis, 7 factors with eigenvalue of more than 1.0 were extracted and these factors explained 56 percents of the total variance. The seven factors were labeled as 'family relationship', 'emotional condition', 'physical discomfort', 'meaning and goal of life', 'contextual stimuli', 'change of body image', 'guilt feelings'. 4) The convergence effect between this instrument and the life satisfaction scale was identified and there was significant positive correlation(r= .52, p= .00). The discriminant validity between this instrument and the depression scale(CES-D) was tested and there was significant negative correlation(r= -.50, p= .00). The instrument for accessing the suffering of patients with cancer developed in this study was identified as a tool with a high degree of reliability and validity. In this sense, this tool can be effectively utilized for assessment in caring for patients with cancer.

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