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Major Factors Influencing the Usage Needs for the Adult Guardianship System in Parents of People with Developmental Disabilities  

Lee, Yong-Pyo (가톨릭대학교 사회복지학과)
Song, Seung-Yeon (가톨릭대학교 사회복지학과)
Publication Information
The purpose of this research is to investigate usage related predictors to activate Adult Guardianship System of People with Developmental Disabilities. To achieve the purpose of this research, we have analyzed the survey of parents of People with Developmental Disabilities usage needs for Adult Guardianship System which is based on the Andersen's behavioral model. The study utilized data from 2011 Welfare Needs Assessment of Seoul middle and senior-aged Family with Developmental Disabilities, and the analysis method, the study applied used SPSS 22.0, frequency analysis, descriptive statistics analysis, logistic regression analysis. According to the result, the usage needs for Adult Guardianship System increases meaningfully if the parents does not have occupation, and the subject of Adult Guardianship System is male. In income and the social security system wise, the usage needs for Adult Guardianship System show remarkably large rating if the average income is high and the desire to be cared by others is high. But in case of People with Developmental Disabilities, communication skills, the degree of disability, burden of caring does not have effect on the usage needs for Adult Guardianship System. The conclusion for this research is, first, to activate vigorous usage of Adult Guardianship System, the government intervention is required. Second, the following study is needed to explain to the concept of the needs caring by others and the cultural factors relating to the usage needs for Adult Guardianship System.
Adult Guardianship System; People with Developmental Disabilities; Usage Needs; The Andersen's Behavioral Model;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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