• Title/Summary/Keyword: field information map

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Depth Map Pre-processing using Gaussian Mixture Model and Mean Shift Filter (혼합 가우시안 모델과 민쉬프트 필터를 이용한 깊이 맵 부호화 전처리 기법)

  • Park, Sung-Hee;Yoo, Ji-Sang
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.1155-1163
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we propose a new pre-processing algorithm applied to depth map to improve the coding efficiency. Now, 3DV/FTV group in the MPEG is working for standard of 3DVC(3D video coding), but compression method for depth map images are not confirmed yet. In the proposed algorithm, after dividing the histogram distribution of a given depth map by EM clustering method based on GMM, we classify the depth map into several layered images. Then, we apply different mean shift filter to each classified image according to the existence of background or foreground in it. In other words, we try to maximize the coding efficiency while keeping the boundary of each object and taking average operation toward inner field of the boundary. The experiments are performed with many test images and the results show that the proposed algorithm achieves bits reduction of 19% ~ 20% and computation time is also reduced.

Faster MapToPoint over $F_{3^m}$ for Pairing-based Cryptosystems (페어링 암호 시스템을 위한 $F_{3^m}$에서의 효율적인 MapToPoint 방법)

  • Park, Young-Ho;Cho, Young-In;Chang, Nam-Su
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.3-12
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    • 2011
  • A hashing function that maps arbitrary messages directly onto curve points (MapToPoint) has non-negligible complexity in pairing-based cryptosystems. Unlike elliptic curve cryptosystems, pairing-based cryptosystems require the hashing function in ternary fields. Barreto et al. observed that it is more advantageous to hash the message to an ordinate instead of an abscissa. So, they significantly improved the hashing function by using a matrix with coefficients of the abscissa. In this paper, we improve the method of Barreto et al. by reducing the matrix. Our method requires only 44% memory of the previous result. Moreover we can hash a message onto a curve point 2~3 times faster than Barreto's Method.

On-line Motion Planner for Multi-Agents based on Real-Time Collision Prognosis

  • Ji, Sang-Hoon;Kim, Ji-Min;Lee, Beom-Hee
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.74-79
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, we propose a novel approach to decentralized motion planning and conflict-resolution for multiple mobile agents working in an environment with unexpected moving obstacles. Our proposed motion planner has two characteristics. One is a real-time collision prognosis based on modified collision map. Collision map is a famous centralized motion planner with low computation load, and the collision prognosis hands over these characteristics. And the collision prognosis is based on current robots status, maximum robot speeds, maximum robot accelerations, and path information produced from off-line path planning procedure, so it is applicable to motion planner for multiple agents in a dynamic environment. The other characteristic is that motion controller architecture is based on potential field method, which is capable of integrating robot guidance to the goals with collision avoidance. For the architecture, we define virtual obstacles making delay time for collision avoidance from the real-time collision prognosis. Finally the results obtained from realistic simulation of a multi-robot environment with unknown moving obstacles demonstrate safety and efficiency of the proposed method.

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Automatic Extraction of the Land Readjustment Paddy for High-level Land Cover Classification (토지 피복 세분류를 위한 경지 정리 논 자동 추출)

  • Yeom, Jun Ho;Kim, Yong Il
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.443-450
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    • 2014
  • To fulfill the recent increasement in the public and private demands for various spatial data, the central and local governments started to produce those data. The low-level land cover map has been produced since 2000, yet the production of high-level land covered map has started later in 2010, and recently, a few regions was completed recently. Although many studies have been carried to improve the quality of land that covered in the map, most of them have been focused on the low-level and mid-level classifications. For that reason, the study for high-level classification is still insufficient. Therefore, in this study, we suggested the automatic extraction of land readjustment for paddy land that updated in the mid-level land mapping. At the study, the RapidEye satellite images, which consider efficient to apply in the agricultural field, were used, and the high pass filtering emphasized the outline of paddy field. Also, the binary images of the paddy outlines were generated from the Otsu thresholding. The boundary information of paddy field was extracted from the image-to-map registrations and masking of paddy land cover. Lastly, the snapped edges were linked, as well as the linear features of paddy outlines were extracted by the regional Hough line extraction. The start and end points that were close to each other were linked to complete the paddy field outlines. In fact, the boundary of readjusted paddy fields was able to be extracted efficiently. We could conclude in that this study contributed to the automatic production of a high-level land cover map for paddy fields.

Mobile Robot Localization in Geometrically Similar Environment Combining Wi-Fi with Laser SLAM

  • Gengyu Ge;Junke Li;Zhong Qin
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.1339-1355
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    • 2023
  • Localization is a hot research spot for many areas, especially in the mobile robot field. Due to the weak signal of the global positioning system (GPS), the alternative schemes in an indoor environment include wireless signal transmitting and receiving solutions, laser rangefinder to build a map followed by a re-localization stage and visual positioning methods, etc. Among all wireless signal positioning techniques, Wi-Fi is the most common one. Wi-Fi access points are installed in most indoor areas of human activities, and smart devices equipped with Wi-Fi modules can be seen everywhere. However, the localization of a mobile robot using a Wi-Fi scheme usually lacks orientation information. Besides, the distance error is large because of indoor signal interference. Another research direction that mainly refers to laser sensors is to actively detect the environment and achieve positioning. An occupancy grid map is built by using the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) method when the mobile robot enters the indoor environment for the first time. When the robot enters the environment again, it can localize itself according to the known map. Nevertheless, this scheme only works effectively based on the prerequisite that those areas have salient geometrical features. If the areas have similar scanning structures, such as a long corridor or similar rooms, the traditional methods always fail. To address the weakness of the above two methods, this work proposes a coarse-to-fine paradigm and an improved localization algorithm that utilizes Wi-Fi to assist the robot localization in a geometrically similar environment. Firstly, a grid map is built by using laser SLAM. Secondly, a fingerprint database is built in the offline phase. Then, the RSSI values are achieved in the localization stage to get a coarse localization. Finally, an improved particle filter method based on the Wi-Fi signal values is proposed to realize a fine localization. Experimental results show that our approach is effective and robust for both global localization and the kidnapped robot problem. The localization success rate reaches 97.33%, while the traditional method always fails.

Analysis Method of Digital Forgeries on the Filtered Tampered Images

  • Kim, Jin-Tae;Joo, Chang-Hee
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.95-99
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    • 2011
  • Digital forensics is the emerging research field for determining digital forgeries. Key issues of the tampered images are to solve the problems for detecting the interpolation factor and the tampered regions. This paper describes a method to detect the interpolation factors and the forged maps using the differential method and fast Fourier transform(FFT) along the horizontal, vertical, and diagonal direction, respectively from digital filtered tampered images. The detection map can be used to find out interpolated regions from the tempered image. Experimental results demonstrate the proposed algorithm proves effective on several filtering images by adobe $Photoshop^{TM}$ and show a ratio of detecting the interpolated regions and factors from digital filtered composite images.

Realization of Field Surveying on AutoCAD Using RTK-GPS (RTK-GPS와 CAD 결합에 의한 현지측량의 구현)

  • 강준묵;김홍진;조성호
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2004.04a
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    • pp.145-150
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, development of automation system for real time cadastral surveying and mapping is studied. This system is composed of interface between pc and GPS receiver, input-output-store of positioning information by RTK-GPS surveying. Also coordinates of surveying is displayed on CAD. As a results of this application on the field, transformed coordinates of points are displayed on the map at the real time as surveying. This system is applied to construct coordinate information for a parcel of land, and this could be specially used to realize the information of boundary points in the field.

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A study on the realtime renewal and update of digital map using general survey (일반측량 성과도를 활용한 수치지도의 실시간 수정갱신 체계화 연구)

  • Lee Sang-Gil;Kwon Jay-Hyoun;Yang Hyo-Jin;Jeon Jae-Han
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2006.04a
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    • pp.393-398
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    • 2006
  • Currently, 54 kinds of digital maps are provided by National Geographic Information Clearinghouse and the majority of those maps are based on aerial photographs or satellite image. The digital maps which symbolize and simplifies the topography and objects from ortho-photos does not reflect the objects 'shapes and facilities' changes. Especially, underground structures and complex building shapes are not correctly identifies by ortho-photos. Furthermore, the 1/1,000 and 1/500-1/2,500 maps for urban area produced by some local government or public organizations have detailed information with high precision, it is not easy to update the information due to the frequent changes of structures in the city. Although some efforts to solve this problem such as conducting field survey and shorten the survey period were tried, it is not the fundamental solution due to the high cost. Therefore, in this study, a realtime renewal and update of digital map using general survey are suggested. By assigning absolute coordinates to the general survey products and matching with digital maps, it is possible to update the digital map economically and rapidly. In addition, it is suggested that the construction of DB for general survey and sharing among survey companies to solve the duplicated survey.

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A Study on the Vegetation Mapping of the Urban Neighborhood Park (도시근린공원의 식생도 작성에 관한 연구)

  • Her, Seung-Nyung;Choi, Jung-Ho;Kwon, Ki-Won;Seo, Byung-Key;Lee, Kyoo-Seock
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.147-155
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    • 2001
  • Vegetation maps present an inventory of existing plant communities, their location, extent and geographical distribution in the area concerned. For green space management and environment assessment accurate vegetation maps can be used effectively for analyzing the relationships between vegetation and the physical environment. However, the Current Vegetation Map, Forest Stand Map, and Green Naturality Map in Korea do not represent the status of vegetation community exactly. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to produce a detailed vegetation map at urban neighborhood parks in Korea by collecting the exact current vegetation data from field survey, and remote sensing(RS) and storing these data in geographical information systems(GIS). Ultimately it is intended to be used in planning and managing the urban green space. The study area is 66.1ha and it is classified into total 19 communities together with parks, orchards, bare land, grassland, tombs and gardens, etc. There is 53.7ha(81.2%) difference between the detailed vegetation map and the current vegetation map. There is also 46.9ha(70.8%) difference between the detailed vegetation map and forest stand map. After this study, it was concluded that it needs producing the detailed vegetation map used in managing urban green spaces because the existing vegetation map does not represent the status of vegetation in the study site.

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Development of Landscape Diagnosis Model based on Public Participation GIS for Public Participation (PPGIS(Public Participation GIS)에 기반한 참여형 경관진단모델의 개발)

  • Jeong, Kyeong-Seok;Moon, Tae-Heon;Lee, Seong-Yong;Ha, Chang-Hyoun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.151-164
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    • 2006
  • The aim of this study is to develop a Diagnosis Model of Landscape(DML), which is a kind of Public Participation GIS(PPGIS) under web environment in the landscape planning field. Following the nature of public participation, DML was intended for ordinary people as well as for professional group. Therefore, DML, which is equipped with Survey Map to provide a participant with information in advance, Diagnosis Map to encourage public participation, and Image-base Map module to make a comparative study of photo-images by time series and to save photo-images, furnishes intuitive interfaces easy to use as possible. DML induces the public to participate actively in a debate on landscape problems and gathers data on diverse opinions as well. The experimental running of this DML on Uiryeong-Eup and Hamyang-Eup, Gyeongnam as case study areas, showed that it had great flexibility of use as a diagnosis model of landscape.

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