• 제목/요약/키워드: families' health level

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지역사회 말기질환자 가족 부담감에 관한 연구 (A Study of Family Caregiver's Burden for the Terminally III Patients)

  • 한성숙;노유자;양수;유양숙;김석일;황희경
    • 가정∙방문간호학회지
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.58-72
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to describe the perceived burden of the terminally III patients's caregiver and to analyze relationship between the perceived burden and the various demographics, illness characteristics, family relationships, and economic factor of the family & patients. The sample of 132 caregivers who care for the terminally III patients Kyung-Gi province, Seoul, Korea. The period of this study was from August to September, 2002. The perceived burden of the family caregiver was measured by the burden scale(20 items, 4 point scale) developed by Montgomery et al. (1985). The Data was analyzed using SAS-program by t-test and ANOVA. The results were as follows; 1. The mean of the family caregiver's burden score was 3.02. The score showed that caregivers perceive severe the level of burden. The hight items of the family caregiver's burden were' I feel it is painful to watch patient's diseases'(3.77). 'I feel afraid for what the future holds for my patients'(3.66), 'I feel it reduced to amount of privacy time'(3.64). 2. The caregiver's burden was significantly related to patient's gender(F=3.17, p= 0.0020), patient's job(F=2.49, p=0.0476), caregiver's age(F=4.29, p=0.0030), and caregiver's job(F=2.49, p=0.0476). 3. The caregiver's burden according to illness characteristics showed no significant difference. 4. The caregiver's burden was significantly associated with patient's family relationship (F=4.05, p=0.0041), patient's care mean period in a day(F=47.18,

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BRCA 돌연변이 가계의 심리상태 및 삶의 질 평가 (Evaluation of Psychosocial Impact and Quality of Life in BRCA Mutation Family)

  • 한상아;김새리;강은영;김정현;하태현;양은주;임재영;한원식;노동영;김성원
    • Journal of Genetic Medicine
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 2010
  • 목 적: 본 연구는 한국인 BRCA 유전자 돌연변이 가계구성원들을 대상으로 암진단 및 돌연변이 보유 여부가 심리 상태와 삶의 질에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위해 시행되었다. 대상 및 방법: BRCA 유전자 돌연변이를 가진 13가계에서 암에 이환된 보인자 17명, 이환되지 않은 보인자 16명, 건강한 비보인자 13명이 본 연구의 분석에 포함되었다. 이 세 군을 대상으로 우울, 불안, 낙관, 유전성 유방암관련 지식수준과 삶의 질을 설문을 통하여 평가하였다. 결 과: 설문시기는 유전자 검사 후 평균 21개월(6-35)로 세 군 간의 차이는 없었다(P=0.254). 세 군 간의 우울, 낙관, 육체적 삶의 질은 유사했다. 불안은 세 군 모두에서 일반인 보다 상승되어 있었다. 이환된 보인자의 정신적 삶의 질은 암에 이환된 보인자가 다른 두 군에 비해 유의하게 낮았다(P=0.009, P=0.017). 다변량 분석 결과 정신적 삶의 질에 영향을 미친 인자는 암이환여부(P=0.043)와 직업유무(P=0.008) 였다. 결 론: 같은 돌연변이 가계 내에서 돌연변이 유무는 우울, 불안, 낙관에서 심리적반작용을 일으키지 않았으나, 돌연변이 가계 구성원의 불안 수준은 돌연변이 유무에 관계 없이 높았다. 본 연구는 소규모 표본을 대상으로 한 단면적 연구이나, BRCA 유전자 검사에 수반될 수 있는 심리적 스트레스 및 그에 대한 대처법을 수립하는 데 기초연구로 의의를 가진다.

임상의사의 삶의 만족도 자가평가 수준과 관련 요인 (Levels of Physicians' Self-assessment of Life Satisfaction and Associated Factors)

  • 옥종선;김형수
    • 농촌의학ㆍ지역보건
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    • 제48권1호
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    • pp.28-40
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    • 2023
  • 본 연구에서는 2016년 KPS 자료를 이용하여 우리나라 임상의사의 삶의 만족도 자가 평가 수준과 이와 관련된 요인을 파악하였다. KPS는 우리나라 전체 의사를 대상으로 근무 현황 및 환경, 보건의료체계·정책 인식 및 평가수준, 보건의료정보시스템 가용 현황 및 활용 정도, 직업 및 직무만족도, 활동 계획 및 진로, 생활습관 및 건강상태, 특정 직역(개원의, 은퇴자) 문항 등을 조사하였다. 설문지는 온라인 설문조사 방식으로 E-mail을 통해 발송되었고 최종 응답자는 8,564명으로 응답률은 13.8%였다. 본 연구에서는 현재 환자를 직접 진료하고 있는 임상의사 중에서 수련의와 공보의를 제외한 총 7,228명을 연구대상으로 하였다. 본 연구결과 임상의사의 삶의 만족도는 만족 36.1%(2,609명), 보통 42.8%(3,095명), 불만족 21.1%(1,524명)이었다. 임상의사의 삶의 만족도에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 요인들은 신체적 요인으로는 60대이며, 여성이고, 평소 건강상태를 좋다고 평가하는 경우였다. 심리적 요인으로는 스트레스가 적었다. 사회적 요인으로는 가족과 함께 거주하며, 가족과 보낼 수 있는 시간에 대해 만족하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 의사로서 받게 되는 사회적인 존경에 대해 만족하고 있었다. 조직적 요인은 교수이며, 16년 이상 근무 경력을 가진 경우였다. 직업적 요인으로는 근무시간 및 업무량, 의료자원 지원, 동료 및 직원과의 관계에 만족하는 경우였다. 경제적 요인으로는 소득에 대한 만족도가 높았다. 건강행태 요인으로는 현재 흡연을 하지 않으며, 음주횟수는 한 달에 1번 미만이었다. 임상의사의 삶의 만족도는 단순히 개인의 삶을 떠나 의사를 만나는 환자의 진료행위에까지 영향을 미칠 수 있음을 감안할 때 임상의사의 삶의 만족도를 높이기 위한 다각도의 접근이 필요하다고 생각한다. 이를 통해 임상의사들은 우리 사회 구성원 중 하나로 균형 있는 삶을 영위하고, 나아가 우리 사회 구성원들에게 보다 질 높은 보건의료서비스를 제공할 수 있기를 기대한다.

장기요양보호서비스 유형별 가족 부양스트레스 경로 (The Family Caregivers' Stress Pathways by Types of Long Term Care Services for the Elderly)

  • 박창제;이성진
    • 한국노년학
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    • 제31권3호
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    • pp.831-848
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    • 2011
  • 본 연구는 노인의 장기요양보호서비스 이용 유형별 부양가족의 부양스트레스 경로를 분석하여 그 함의를 논의하는 데 목적이 있다. 조사대상자는 2008년 7월부터 시행되고 있는 노인장기요양제도의 적용 대상자로 인정받은 65세 이상 노인과 그 부양가족이었고, 비확률표집을 통하여 주부양자를 대상으로 방문요양서비스와 노인요양서비스 유형을 구분하여 설문조사하였다. 회수된 설문지 중에서 방문요양 151부, 노인요양시설 107부 총 258부가 본 연구의 분석 표본으로 사용되었다. 분석결과는 다음과 같았다. 첫째, 시설이용 노인은 재가서비스 이용 노인에 비하여 상대적으로 여성비율과 고연령, 사별의 비율이 높고, 자녀수는 많았다. 둘째, 시설이용 노인은 평균적으로 재가서비스이용 노인에 비하여 ADL제한이 심하고 주요 질병으로 치매나 중풍의 비율이 높고 요양등급의 수준이 높았지만 그 반대인 경우도 있었다. 셋째, 재가서비스이용 노인의 주부양자는 시설이용 노인의 주부양자에 비하여 여성, 고연령, 저학력의 비율이 높았고, 관계는 배우자와 며느리의 비율이 높았으며 건강상태가 나쁘고 소득이 낮은 편이었다. 넷째, 장기요양서비스 이용 유형별로 부양자의 스트레스 경로형태에서 차이를 보였다. 즉, 장기요양서비스 유형별로 1차 스트레스 요인이 2차 스트레스요인에 미치는 경로방향이 다르고, 2차 스트레스요인이 우울에 미치는 경로도 다르다. 특히 방문요양 이용 부양자는 자아상실이 우울에 크게 영향을 미치는 경로를 보여주지만 노인요양시설 이용 부양자는 자아상실이 우울에 미치는 경로가 전혀 형성되지 않았다. 다섯째, 부양가족의 스트레스인 우울에 직접 영향을 미치는 스트레스 요인들은 장기요양 서비스 이용 유형별로 차이를 보였다. 즉, 방문요양의 경우엔 2차 스트레스 요인 모두가 직접 영향을 미친 반면, 노인요양시설의 경우엔 2차 스트레스 요인 중 근로갈등과 가족갈등이라는 두 개의 요인은 우울에 직접적인 영향을 미쳤지만, 자아상실은 영향을 미치지 않았다. 따라서 노인 부양가족의 스트레스를 경감시키는 정책이나 프로그램이 장기요양보호서비스 이용유형에 따른 스트레스 요인과 스트레스 경로를 반영하여 다르게 설계되어야 한다는 것을 알 수 있다.

한국과 미국의 상사중재제도에 관한 비교연구 (A Study on Comparison of Commercial Arbitration System in Korea and U.S.A.)

  • 이강빈
    • 한국중재학회지:중재연구
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.271-321
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    • 2002
  • Every year, many million of business transactions take place. Ocassionally, disagreements develop over these business transactions. Many of these disputes are resolved by mediation, arbitration and out-of-court settlement options. The American Arbitration Association(AAA) helps resolve a wide range of disputes through mediation, arbitration, elections and other out-of-court settlement procedures. The AAA offers a broad range of dispute resolution services to business executives, attorneys, individuals, trade associations, unions, management, consumers, families, communities, and all level of governments. The 198,491 cases composed of the 194,303 arbitration cases and the 4,188 mediation cases, were filed with the AAA in 2000. These case filings represent a full range of matters, including commercial finance, construction, labor and employment, environmental, health care, insurance, real state, securities, and technology disputes. The Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (KCAB) does more than render arbitration services. It helps facilitate settlements and guarantee implementation thereof between trading partners at home and abroad involving disputes related to such areas as the sale of commodities, construction, joint venture agreements, technical assistance, agency agreements, and maritime transport. The 643 cases composed of the the 197 arbitration cases and the 446 mediation cases, were filed with the KCAB in 2001. There are some differences between the AAA and the KCAB regarding the number and the area of mediation and arbitration case filings, the breath of service offerings, the scope of alternative dispute resolution, and the education and training. In order to apply to the proceedings of the commercial mediation and arbitration, the AAA has the Commercial Mediation Rules, the Commercial Arbitration Rules, the Expedited Procedures, the Optional Procedures for Large, Complex Commerical Dispute, and the Optional Rules for Emergency Measures of Protection as amended and effective on September 1, 2000. In order to apply to the proceedings of commercial arbitration, the KCAB has the Arbitration Rules as amended by the Supreme Court on April 27, 2000, which have been changed to incorporate the revisions of the Arbitration Act that went into effect on December 31, 1999. There are some differences between the AAA's commercial Arbitration Rules and the KCAB's Arbitration Rules regarding the clauses of jurisdiction and administrative conference, number of arbitrators, communication with arbitrator, vacancies, preliminary hearing, exchange of information, oaths, evidence by affidavit and posthearing filing of documents or others, interim measures, serving of notice, form of award, scope of award, delivery of award to parties, modification of award, release of liability, administrative fees, neutral arbitrator's compensation, and expedited procedures. In conclusion, for the vitalization of KCAB and its ADR system, the following measures should be taken : the effective case management, the development of on0-line ADR, the establishment of ADR system of electronic commerce disputes, and the variety of dispute resolution rules in each expert field.

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일부(一部) 고소득(高所得) 아파트 단지내(團地內) 유치원(幼稚園) 어린이의 성장발육(成長發育) 및 영양(營養)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (The Dietary Status of Kindergarten Child from a High Socioeconomic Apartment Compound in Seoul)

  • 현화진;모수미
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 1980
  • A dietary survey of 100 children, aged 5 to 6, of Y.C. Kindergarten located in Yowido apartment compound of Seoul, was conducted July 18 to August 21, 1979. The results are summarized as follows: General family environment: Ninety four percent of the subjects were from families having two to three children, without grandparents in the home. One hundred percent of fathers were educated at or above the college level, while 83.9% of mothers had completed college. Mothers' ages ranged from 30 to 40 years, with 58% in the $31{\sim}35$ age bracket. Nearly 60% of the fathers were office and government employees, 10% were professors and teachers, 30% were engaged in businesses and other work, while 91.3% of mothers were unemployed. Anthropometric measurements: Mean values of standing height, body weight, girth of head and girth of chest, ranged from the 75th to the 90th percentile of Korean standards. None of the subjects had anthropometric indicators below the 5th percentile, representing the malnutrition borderline, of the Korean standards; while 12%, 24%, 17% and 14% of subjects supposed the 97th percentile in standing height, body weight, girth of head, and girth of chest, respectively. Furthermore, 58% of subjects exceeded Jelliffe's standard in arm circumferences; 60%, in triceps skinfold thickness; and 14.5% of subjects exceeded 120% of the latter standard. From this data, a certain number of these children were judged to he rather overweight. Dietary intake: Mean intake per day of energy and of nutrients, excluding iron, reached or exceeded Korean recommended dietary allowances. The energy input ratio of carbohydrate: protein: fat was 61.4 : 13.2 : 25.4, showing lower dependance on carbohydrates and higher dependance on fat for energy needs, compared with the average for Korean children of the same age group. Mean FAO-protein score of each subject's diet was shown to be as high as 90.6. Energy intake was divided among breakfast, lunch, and evening meal, on the average, in a ratio of 19.6 : 24.1 : 23.0. Approximately 33.3% of the daily caloric intake came from the snacks. Nutrition Knowledge of mothers: Nutrition knowledge of mothers was highly scored. Mothers' self-evaluations of their knowledge of nutrition was highly correlated with attitudes toward nutrition behavior.

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국민영양조사를 이용한 지방에너지 섭취비율에 따른 식품섭취패턴과 식이관련인자의 비교연구 (Food Consumption Patterns and Other Diet Related Factors Among Three Groups of Households with Different Fat Energy Intakes)

  • 문현경
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제29권3호
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    • pp.321-330
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    • 1996
  • With changing socio-economic environments, there have been some changes in the Korean diet. One of major changes is the increasing fat intake. Based on the current trend of increase, it is important to understand factors related to fat intake levels. Objective of this study was to find out the differences in food consumption patterns, demographic characteristics, and other socio-economic factors among three groups of households. The households were devided into three groups by percentage of fat energy intake to total energy intake such as less than 15%(Group 1), from 15% to 25%(Group 2), and more than 25% (Group 3). Among 1, 987 households, the numbers in Group 1, Group 2 and Group 3 were 792(39.6%), 902(45.4%), and 293(15.1%), respectively. The mean size of family was 3.44 person per households for total survey household, 3.42 for Group 1, 3.54 for Group 2, and 3.21 for Group 3. More than 60% of families living in the rural area belonged to Group 1(p<0.05). Group 3 had most educated food preparers and more income than other groups(p<0.05). Group 3 showed higher intake of all nutrient analyzed except carbohydrate (p<0.05). Other than calcium and vitamin A for Group 1, and vitamin A for Group 1, and vitamin A for Group 2, all nutrient intake analyzed for three groups were more than 75% of Korean recommended dietary alowances. Mean fat intakes for Group 1, Group 2, and group 3 had highest amount of intake for all food groups. According to food group analysis, Group 3 had highest amount of intake for all food groups except vegetables. Group 3 consumed more than 10 times of meats compared to Group 1. Group 3 had more dishes prepared by baking, deep-fryng, stir-frying, and pan-frying other two groups. Processed foods were used most frequently in Group 3. Other diet and related factors were analyzed also. These results showed that the amount of fat consumed by Korean households varies widely. Households with high fat energy intake had tendency to reside in the largy city, and to have heigher education level and more income than other groups. They eat less vegetables, use more cooking methods using oils, and use more processed foods. To ensure a proper intake of fat, there should be two separate ways of approach for high fat energy group and low fat energy group, since they are different in many ways.

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좀진드기 교상에 의한 피부 질환의 집단 발생에 관한 역학 조사 (An Epidemiologic Study on Occupational Dermatosis Associated with Mites)

  • 임현술;김지용;정해관;성열오;이한일
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제28권1호
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    • pp.13-26
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    • 1995
  • An outbreak of dermatosis occurred in a livestock fodder factory at Kyongju in May 1994. Authors conducted a questionnaire survey on 60 workers in the factory and a dermatologist examined their skin lesion. Authors also collected mites and identified them. The obtained results were summarized as follows; 1. Twenty-eight cases of dermatosis were identified with attack rate of 46.7%. Attack rate was not different by department, age, sex, educational level and employment duration. Attack rate was 67.5% in productive worker and 5.0% in clerical workers (p<0.01) but was not significantly different between departments among productive workers (p>0.05). 2. Three cases among 28 dermatosis cases and one subject among 32 non-cases had a history of same dermatosis last year. Only one of dermatosis cases had a history of dermatosis among family members. History of other skin lesion and allergy was very rare in both cases and non-cases. 3. Skin lesions of the cases were rice-sized erythematous rapules or vesicles with a central biting point. Onset date of dermatosis was between May 1 and June 10. Duration was from one day to more than 30 days. Skin lesion was most frequent at the back(75.0%), and also observed at the arms(64.3%), abdomen(60.7%), legs(57.1%), chest(32.1%) and neck (25.0%). Skin lesion was aggravated while workers are sweeping the floor(35.7%), working at the workplace(21.4%) and in bed at night(28.6%). 4. Total 1,637 mites were collected and identified into 3 suborder, 7 families and 17 species. Dermatophagoides farinae was most frequent md most of the species identified were blood sucking mites. Authors concluded that the. outbreak of dermatosis was brought about by mite-bites and grain beetle parasitizing Acarophenax tribolii was the most suspected species. Further studies to identify the specific species causing dermatosis and route of import are needed.

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중년기 기혼남녀의 가족스트레스, 사회적 지지 자원이 결혼생활만족도에 미치는 영향 (The effects of family stress and social support resources on marital satisfaction among middle-aged married men and women)

  • 박주희
    • 가족자원경영과 정책
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    • 제19권4호
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    • pp.71-94
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to propose measures for social work practice to enhance the happiness of middle-aged married men and women by identifying the effects of family stress and social support resources (formal and informal support resources) on marital satisfaction among mid-life married couples. Subjects were selected through purposive sampling among married men and women aged between 40 and 59 and living in Seoul City and Gyeonggi province. The study results are follows. First, the average score of family stress was 3.06 points (SD=.56), slightly higher than the median value of 3 points. Of all subscales of family stress, the subjects experienced the most stress from family relationships, followed by financial problems, health and loss of families, and work-family compatibility. In regard to social support resources, the mean value of all social support resources categories was greater than the median. Among the subscales, informal support (family support and support from other people) was found to be higher than formal support. The level of marital satisfaction was higher than the median, and the score was 3.21 points (SD=.78). Second, in order to explore differences in marital satisfaction according to family stress and social support, differences in marital satisfaction were analyzed by grouping subjects who scored high, middle, and low levels of marital satisfaction. According to the results, marital satisfaction was statistically significantly higher in the group that experienced less family stress (F=6.25, p<.01). With respect to social support, marital satisfaction was statistically significantly higher in the group that received high social support (F=29.68, p<.001). Third, according to the analysis of factors affecting marital satisfaction in middle-aged married men and women, subjective economic status, family relationship stress, economic stress, and family support showed statistical significance. The higher the subjective economic status and the lower the family relationship stress and economic stress levels, the higher the marital satisfaction among middle-aged married men and women. In addition, the greater the family support, the higher the marital satisfaction. The results of this study underscore the need to improve family relationships in middle-aged married couples and to distribute family life education programs that can strengthen family support resources. For example, family relationship enhancement programs are currently performed, including "Family School for Middle-Aged Baby Boomers" and others as part of the Healthy Family Support Work regarding the promotion of marital satisfaction of middle-aged couples. In addition, continuing effort is warranted to include content on strengthening family support resources, maximizing the effectiveness of programs, and promoting service accessibility.

기혼여성의 가정생활관리행동: 웰빙지향 식품 구매행동 및 식생활 행동과 소비만족도 (Married Woman's Family Life Management Behavior - Consumer's Purchase Behavior, Dietary Life Behavior, and Satisfaction of Well-Being Oriented Food -)

  • 한성희
    • 가족자원경영과 정책
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.127-152
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    • 2010
  • This study examined the satisfaction of the married women from aged 20s through 50s with well-being oriented foods, considering the importance of each subordinate field and verifying the differences between the groups according to socio-demographic factors, purchase behavior factors, and well-being oriented dietary life factors, followed by an analysis of the relative influence of those relevant factors. A preliminary survey was conducted from January 4th-11th, 2009 to check if there were any problems or misunderstood parts before the main survey. After the preliminary study was conducted, certain problems were adjusted and supplemented, and then the main survey was conducted for twenty-three days, from January 4th to February 5th, 2009. The summaries of this study are as follows: First, in the view of the purchase behavior, the mainly purchased well-being oriented foods were farm products, and the leading purpose of the purchase was for the parents and the children. It was shown that 30% or more of the information sources on well-being oriented foods were families, relatives and neighbors. More than 66% of the purchasing was done at wholesale marts and the topped purchasing frequency was from 5 to 6 per month. More than 71% of payments for well-being oriented foods were \50,000~100,000 per month. More than 51% of the respondents answered that the proper price of well-being oriented foods was 1.2 times to 1.5 times of that of other foods. Second, the satisfaction of the well-being oriented foods was ranked as 3.21 to 3.28 out of 5, and varied with the usages and the methods of weights. Investigating the satisfaction with each subordinate field, the satisfaction with price was shown to be low. The satisfaction with the assortments of foods and the satisfaction with the therapeutic degree by thorough investigation and management of foods were also relatively low. Third, well-being oriented dietary behavior was shown to be characterized by two factors, through factor analysis in this study. One was an eco-friendly oriented behavioral factor and the other was a health oriented selective factor. Fourth, the stepwise multiple regression analysis results investigating the relative influence of the factors effecting satisfaction with well-being oriented foods showed that the top ranked factor affecting total satisfaction was eco-friendly oriented behavioral factor, followed by education level and purchasing sites, especially of consumer groups.

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