• Title/Summary/Keyword: facet job satisfaction

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Effects of Self-Efficacy and Facet Job Satisfaction on Globa Job Satisfaction among the Workers of Residential Facilities (사회복지생활시설 종사자의 자기효능감과 요인별 직무만족이 전반적 직무만족에 미치는 영향)

  • Nam, Seon-Yi;Nam, Seung-Kyu;Nam, Mi-Ahe
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.58 no.3
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    • pp.195-221
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    • 2006
  • The present study has a goal of investigating the effects of self-efficacy and facet Job Satisfaction on global job satisfaction in the Workers of Residential Facilities. As a result of analyzing the data of 269 participants, we obtained three factors of self-efficacy: competence, self confidence, and propulsion. Significant 7 factors of global job satisfaction are social recognition, job itself, relationship of clients, salary, relationship of superiors, working condition, and propulsion. And both facet job satisfaction and turnover intention are influenced upon social recognition, salary, and relationship of superiors. Also, facet job satisfaction is affected by job itself and relationship of clients, but turnover intention is affected by working condition and propulsion. This article concluded with a discussion of implications of job satisfaction on quality of welfare service along with current research imitations and future research themes and tasks.

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Job Importance and Job Satisfaction among Elementary School Foodservice dietitians in Seoul (서울시 초등학교 영양사의 직무중요도 및 직무만족도 분석)

  • Chang, Un-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.423-430
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    • 2001
  • The facts of job satisfaction and their perceived importance among elementary school foodservice dietitians were assessed. The survey instrument consisted of three parts: the job satisfaction survey was used to measure facets of job satisfaction and the level of total satisfaction; perceived importance questions for corresponding job facets; and demographic items. A survey of school food service operations was undertaken and detailed information was collected from 170 dietitians. The collected data were processed using the SPSS package program for descriptive analysis and analysis of valiance. School foodservice dietitians' importance and satisfactions scores on their job and working environment were 4.25 and 2.83, respectively. The respondents rated the subscales of 'communication' and 'nature of work' the highest and the subscales of 'pay' and 'working environment' the lowest The results of facet satisfaction scores and corresponding perceived importance scores were paired to be plotted on the Importance-Performance Analysis Grid. IPA grid was used to provide a strategy for food service managers to counteract dietitian dissatisfaction.

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Comparative Analysis of Job Satisfaction Factors, Using LDA Topic Modeling by Industries : The Case Study of Job Planet Reviews (토픽모델링 기법을 활용한 산업별 직무만족요인 비교 조사 : 잡플래닛 리뷰를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Dongwook;Kang, Juyoung;Lim, Jay Ick
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.157-171
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    • 2016
  • As unemployment rates and concerns about turnover keep growing, the need for information is also increasing. In these situations, the job reviews which share information about the company catch people's attention because they are usually created by people who worked at the company. The development of SNS and mobile environments has led to an increase in the web services that provide job reviews. For example, Jobplanet is a job review service in Korea, and Glassdoor.com offers a similar service in the US. Despite this attention, however, research utilizing job reviews is insufficient. This paper asks whether there are differences in ratios of job satisfaction factors by industry, using LDA topic modeling and co-occurrence analysis to explore the differences. Through the results of LDA, we find that the ratios of job satisfaction factors are similar by industry. At the same time, the results of co-occurrence analysis show that the co-occurrence frequency of some job satisfaction factors appears high: pay and welfare, balance of work and life, company culture. We expect that the result of this research will be helpful in comparative analysis of job satisfaction factors by industry. Furthermore, in this paper we suggest how to use the job review data in organizational behavior research.

The relationship between job satisfaction and intention to quit of employees in F&B department of hotels by job type (직무 유형에 따른 특급호텔 조리ㆍ식음료 종사원의 직무만족도가 이직의사 견해에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • 양일선;명미선;이소정;이해영
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.151-157
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    • 2004
  • This study was designed firstly to measure the job satisfaction levels of F&B (Food & Beverage) personnel in hotels by using JDI (Job Descriptive Index) and secondly to identify the effects of job satisfaction on intention to quit by job type. Of 498 respondents, there were 245 employees in the back of the house (eBOH) and 253 in the front of the house (eFOH). From an analysis on job satisfaction, total JDI, score was 136.57${\pm}$11.48 out of a maximum 210 and the payroll (14.79 out of 21, 70.4%) facet of JDI was the highest job satisfaction followed by co-workers (36.07 out of 54, 66.8%), supervision (35.37 out of 54, 65.5%), promotion (17.45 out of 27, 64.6%) and work itself (32.86 out of 54, 60.8%). In comparison between the job satisfaction of eBOH and eFOH, eFOH perceived significantly higher than eBOH for job itself (p<.001) and total job satisfaction (p<.01). No facets of JDI were significant by job level, but work itself (p<.05), payroll (p<.05), supervision (p<.01) and promotion (p<.05) were significant by work section in eFOH,. In addition, no facets except work itself were significant by either job level or work section in eFOH. Finally, among job satisfaction facets, payroll had a negative effect on intention to quit whereas supervision had a positive effect on it in eBOH. On the other, work itself affected intention to quit positively but promotion affected it negatively. The findings confirmed the necessity for internal marketing focusing on the lower level of job satisfaction facets and indicated that such a focus would improve organizational effectiveness.

The Analysis on Job Satisfaction of Personnel Engaged in Contract Food service Management Company (위탁급식전문업체 종사자와 직무만족도 분석)

  • 양일선;박문경;차진아;이해영
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.519-527
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    • 2004
  • This study was designed firstly to measure the job satisfaction (JS) levels of personnel engaged in contract food-service management company (CFMC), secondly to compare the job satisfaction levels by personal and company-related characteristics, and thirdly to identify the effects of JS facets on overall job satisfaction. Of 1135 respondents, there were 712 employees in the headquarters and 423 in the branch office. From an analysis on job satisfaction, overall job satisfaction level was 3.22 out of a maximum 5 and the co-worker (3.71) facet of JS was the highest job satisfaction followed by supervision (3.32), work itself (3.26), working condition (3.15), promotion (2.95) and payroll (2.74). In comparison of job satisfaction by personal characteristics, the personnel who were male (p < .01), had associate degrees (p < .01) or long-term careers in foodservice field (p < .05), or were regular employees (p < .01) perceived significantly higher than others for overall JS. In comparison of the job satisfaction by company-related characteristics, overall JS was significant by company scale (p < .01) and by work place (p < .05), but it was not significant by operating group. Finally, on the regression analysis for the effects of JS facets on overall JS, adjusted R2 was 0.534 (p < .001) and all six JS facets, especially payroll, had a positive effect on overall JS significantly (p < .001). Considering that the goal of enterprise on profit-making through customer satisfaction (CS) and the role of personnel on CS at moment of thrust (MOT), the findings confirmed the necessity for continuous internal marketing and human relation management focusing on the lower level of JS facets.

Job Satisfaction of Employees in F&B Department: Domestic Independent Deluxe Hotel vs. International Chain Deluxe Hotel (국내 비체인 특급 호텔과 외국계 체인 특급 호텔 조리.식음료 종사원의 직무만족도 비교 분석)

  • Lee, So-Jung;Myung, Me-Sun;Yang, Il-Sun;Lee, Hae-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.42-50
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    • 2006
  • The purposes of this study were to measure the job satisfaction levels of F&B(Food & Beverage) personnel in hotel by using JDI(Job Descriptive Index), to investigate relationships between demographic variables or job type and job satisfaction, to determine the relative importance of the five facets and to identify the effects of job satisfaction on turnover intention by hotel. Questionnaire was developed and distributed to 660 employees who are currently working in food & beverage department of hotel A (Domestic independent deluxe hotel) and hotel B(international chain deluxe hotel). A total of 498 questionnaires were usable; resulting in 75.5% response rate. The survey was conducted between March 16 to 27, 2000. As a result of analysis on job satisfaction, total JDI score was 136.57 out of full mark 210. Personnel of Hotel A was more satisfied significantly with work itself (p<.01), supervision (p<.001), co-worker (p<.01), total JDI (p<.001) than those of hotel B. Total JDI and work itself score were higher on employees of front of the house than those of back of the house in both of hotels. Payroll was the most important facet on job satisfaction. Finally, work itself (p<.001) and payroll (p<.05) had a significant effect on turnover intention in hotel A and work itself (p<.001), supervision (p<.05) and promotion (p<.05) did in hotel B. The findings indicated the necessity of human resource management apt to the vision of enterprise and the organizational culture.

Relationship among Job Satisfaction, Job Characteristics, and Organizational Commitment of Dietitians in Hospital, School, and Industry Foodservices (병원, 학교, 사업체급식소 영양사의 직무만족, 직무특성 및 조직몰입성 상관관계 분석)

  • Lee, Jin-Mi;Yang, Il-Seon;Cha, Jin-A;Yun, Jeong-Sin
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.9-22
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    • 1997
  • Purposes of the study were to : (a) measure the levels of job satisfaction, (b) investigate the degree of job characteristics, (c) determine the levels of organizational commitment, (d) investigate relationships between demographic variables and job satisfaction, and (e) examine the relationship between organizational commitment, job characteristics and job satisfaction. Questionnaire was developed and mailed to 300 dietitians who are currently working in school, hospital and industry foodservices. A total of 177 questionnaires were usuable : resulting in a 59% response rate. Results of this study were summarized follows : 1. Approximately half of the respondents(46.9%) indicated that the were 26 to 30 years old. A total of 112 respondents(63.3%) were unmarried. A bachelor's degree was reported as the most common education level(46.9%) while 6.2% of the participants reported a master's degree. Years of employment in professional practices were ranged from 2 to 5. Approximately 40% of the respondents had earned over \900,000 per month. 2. Work itself of the JDI was with the highest job satisfaction mean score followed by supervision, co-workers, wage and promotion. 3. In total job satisfaction score, dietitians in school foodservices were a significant lower than dietitians in industry foodservices and hospital foodservices. 4. A significant relationship was found for demographic factors and four job facets in terms of job itself, co-workers, and promotion. 5. A work itself was the most improtant facet th the dietitian followed by wage and promotion. 6. Task identity of the JCI facets was the most prevalent job characteristics followed by variety, dealing with others, feedback and friendship. 7. Three groups of dietitians had no significant difference in total job characteristics score. 8. A group of dietitians with a higher job satisfaction score had a significant higher score in job variety and job autonomy. 9. Organizational commitment mean score with dietitians was 1.88. 10. Job satisfaction score for five facets and total job satisfaction were significantly correlated with organizational commitment score.11. Job charateristics with job variety, job autonomy, feedback, task identity, friendship were positively correlated with organizational commitment.

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Cross-sector Job Mobility and Job Satisfaction Change among College Graduates (신규대졸자의 비영리영역과 영리영역 간 직업이동과 직무만족 변화)

  • Kang, Chul-hee;Huh, Soo-yeon;Lee, Jiman;Chung, Seungwha;Cho, Sang-mi
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.9-38
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    • 2012
  • Little research has empirically examined cross-sector job mobility between non-profit and for-profit sector despite the rise and increased importance of this phenomenon in Korea. Using the panel data of Graduates Occupational Mobility Survey(GOMS) by the Korea Employment Information Service, this study attempts to examine changes in job satisfaction(overall score and 10 facet scores) associated with four types(retention at non-profits, turnover from non-profits to for-profits, turnover from for-profits to non-profits, and retention at for-profits) of cross-sector job mobility among college graduates by employing a first difference model. Major results reveal that (1) in the group of retention at non-profits, 'overall job satisfaction' is consistently higher; (2) in the group of retention at non-profits, negative change in 'overall job satisfaction' is the largest; (3) in the group of 'for-profits to non-profits,' negative change in 'stability of employment' is the smallest; (3) in the group of 'non-profits to for-profits,' negative change in 'job contents' is the smallest; (4) in the group of 'non-profits to for-profits,' negative change in 'weekly work hours' is the largest; (5) in the group of retention at non-profits, negative change in 'potential growth & development' is the largest; and (6) in the group of retention at non-profits, negative change in 'social reputation' is the smallest;. This study has made a start in a new area of inquiring attempting to explain cross-sector job mobility and raises implications for future research.

Influence of Physician's Communication Style and Quality, and Physician-Patient Relationship on Patient Satisfaction (의사의 커뮤니케이션 스타일과 질, 의사-환자관계 유형에 따른 환자만족 요인)

  • Im, Jee-Hye;Lee, Key-Hyo;Paik, Soo-Kyeong
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.83-103
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    • 2009
  • The main objective of this study is to investigate the influence of physician's communication styles and quality, and physician-patient relationship on patient satisfaction for improving physician's communication which is one of factors determining service quality in health care services, and providing the suggestion for building the positive physician-patient relationship. Data were collected from 341 inpatients in 13 general hospitals and university hospitals located in Busan Metropolitan City and Kyeongsang-do area using structured self-administered questionnaires. Major results of the empirical analysis are as follows; First, mutual-opened-cooperative physician-patient relationship, patient's communication receptive attitude, patient-oriented physician's communication style, and quality were significantly varied by respondents' characteristics such as age, consensual, job, and income. Second, empathy, patient's communication receptive attitude, physician-patient relationship, and patient satisfaction were significantly varied by respondents' medical-related conditions. Third, there was a significant correlation between active communication receptive attitude of patient and mutual-opened-cooperative physician-patient relationship. Fourth, patient-oriented physician's communication style and physician-patient relationship were found to have positive influence on total communication quality and effectiveness and empathy facet of communication quality both. Finally, patient-oriented physician's communication style, empathy, active communication receptive attitude of patient, and mutual-opened-cooperative physician-patient relationship were found to have positive influence on patient satisfaction. This research findings suggest that putting emphasis on effective physician's communication and enhancing positive physician-patient relationship are crucial for marketing activities and customer satisfaction management in health care settings.

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