• 제목/요약/키워드: exponential law

검색결과 169건 처리시간 0.029초

Exact solution for axial vibration of the power, exponential and sigmoid FG nonlocal nanobeam

  • Hosseini, S.A.H.;Moghaddam, M.H. Noroozi;Rahmani, O.
    • Advances in aircraft and spacecraft science
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    • 제7권6호
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    • pp.517-536
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    • 2020
  • The present study investigates axial vibration of a FG nanobeam using nonlocal elasticity theory under clamped-clamped and clamped-free boundary conditions. Power law, exponential law and sigmoid law are applied as grading laws to examine the effect of the material distribution on axial vibration of the FG nanobeam. A parametric study was done to examine the effect of length scale on the dynamic behavior of the structure and the results are presented. It was observed that consideration of the nonlocal length scale is essential when analyzing the free vibration of a FG nanobeam. The results of the present study can be used as benchmarks in future studies of FG nanostructures.

Emergence and Structure of Complex Mutualistic Networks

  • Lee, KyoungEun;Jung, Nam;Lee, Hyun Min;Maeng, Seung Eun;Lee, Jae Woo
    • Proceedings of the National Institute of Ecology of the Republic of Korea
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    • 제3권3호
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    • pp.149-153
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    • 2022
  • The degree distribution of the plant-pollinator network was identified by analyzing the data in the ecosystem and reproduced by a model of the growing bipartite mutualistic networks. The degree distribution of pollinator shows power law or stretched exponential distribution, while plant usually shows stretched exponential distribution. In the growth model, the plant and the pollinator are selected with probability Pp and PA=1-Pp, respectively. The number of incoming links for the plant and the pollinator is lp and lA, respectively. The probability that the link of the plant selects the pollinator of the existing network given as $A_{k_i}=k^{{\lambda}_A}_i/{\sum}_i\;k^{{\lambda}_A}_i$, and the probability that the pollinator selects the plant is $P_{k_i}=k^{{\lambda}_p}_i/{\sum}_i\;k^{{\lambda}_p}_i$. When the nonlinear growth index is 𝛌X=1 (X=A or P), the degree distribution follows a power law, and if 0≤𝛌X<1, the degree distribution follows a stretched exponential distribution. The cumulative degree distributions of plants and pollinators of 14 empirical plant-pollinators included in Interaction Web Database were calculated. A set of parameters (PA,PP,lA,lP) that reproduces these cumulative degree distributions and a growth index 𝛌X (X=A or P) were obtained. We found that animal takes very heterogenous connections, whereas plant takes a more flexible connection network.

Adaptive Sliding Mode Control with Enhanced Optimal Reaching Law for Boost Converter Based Hybrid Power Sources in Electric Vehicles

  • Wang, Bin;Wang, Chaohui;Hu, Qiao;Ma, Guangliang;Zhou, Jiahui
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.549-559
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    • 2019
  • This paper proposes an adaptive sliding mode control (ASMC) strategy with an enhanced optimal reaching law (EORL) for the robust current tracking control of the boost converter based hybrid power source (HPS) in an electric vehicle (EV). A conventional ASMC strategy based on state observers and the hysteresis control method is used to realize the current tracking control for the boost converter based HPS. Then a novel enhanced exponential reaching law is proposed to improve the ASMC. Moreover, an enhanced exponential reaching law is optimized by particle swarm optimization. Finally, the adaptive control factor is redesigned based on the EORL. Simulations and experiments are established to validate the ASMC strategy with the EORL. Results show that the ASMC strategy with the EORL has an excellent current tracking control effect for the boost converter based HPS. When compared with the conventional ASMC strategy, the convergence time of the ASMC strategy with the EORL can be effectively improved. In EV applications, the ASMC strategy with the EORL can achieve robust current tracking control of the boost converter based HPS. It can guarantee the active and stable power distribution for boost converter based HPS.

무리지수에 대한 교사들의 인식과 오류 (A study on the in-service teacher's recognition and fallacy for irrational exponent)

  • 이헌수;김영철;박영용
    • 한국학교수학회논문집
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.583-600
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    • 2013
  • 본 연구에서는 무리지수에 대한 현직교사들의 인식과 오류에 대해 조사하기 위하여 K 광역시 관내에 있는 중 고등학교에 재직하고 있는 수학 교사를 대상으로 선정하여 무리지수에 대한 인식과 오류에 대하여 조사하였다. 또한, 무리지수에 대한 현직교사와 예비교사의 인식의 차이를 분석하였다. 그 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 첫째, 현직교사의 정답률은 문제의 유형에 따라 다르게 나타났다. 둘째, 현직교사들은 논리적으로 판단하기 보다는 직관에 의존하여 판단하였다. 셋째, 현직교사들의 판단의 근거는 밑의 형태보다는 지수의 형태에 의존하여 판단하였다.

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Dynamic analysis of a functionally graded tapered rotating shaft under thermal load via differential quadrature finite elements method

  • Fethi, Hadjoui;Ahmed, Saimi;Ismail, Bensaid;Abdelhamid, Hadjoui
    • Advances in aircraft and spacecraft science
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.19-49
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    • 2023
  • The present study proposes a theoretical and numerical investigation on the dynamic response behaviour of a functional graded (FG) ceramic-metal tapered rotor shaft system, by the differential quadrature finite elements method (DQFEM) to identify the natural frequencies for modelling and analysis of the structure with suitable validations. The purpose of this paper is to explore the influence of heat gradients on the natural frequency of rotation of FG shafts via three-dimensional solid elements, as well as a theoretical examination using the Timoshenko beam mode, which took into account the gyroscopic effect and rotational inertia. The functionally graded material's distribution is described by two distribution laws: the power law and the exponential law. To simulate varied thermal conditions, radial temperature distributions are obtained using the nonlinear temperature distribution (NLTD) and exponential temperature distribution (ETD) approaches. This work deals with the results of the effect on the fundamental frequencies of different material's laws gradation and temperature gradients distributions. Attempts are conducted to identify adequate explanations for the behaviours based on material characteristics. The effect of taper angle and material distribution on the dynamic behaviour of the FG conical rotor system is discussed.

Boundary Control of Axially Moving Continua: Application to a Zinc Galvanizing Line

  • Kim Chang-Won;Park Hahn;Hong Keum-Shik
    • International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
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    • 제3권4호
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    • pp.601-611
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, an active vibration control of a tensioned, elastic, axially moving string is investigated. The dynamics of the translating string are described with a non-linear partial differential equation coupled with an ordinary differential equation. A right boundary control to suppress the transverse vibrations of the translating continuum is proposed. The control law is derived via the Lyapunov second method. The exponential stability of the closed-loop system is verified. The effectiveness of the proposed control law is simulated.

스트레스 한계가 있는 램프시험하에서 신뢰수명분포의 최우추정: 사용조건에서부터 스트레스를 가하는 경우 (Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Lifetime Distribution under Stress Bounded Ramp Tests: The Case Where Stress Loaded from Use Condition)

  • 전영록
    • 품질경영학회지
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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 1997
  • This paper considers maximum likelihood (ML) estimation of lifetime distribution under stress bounded ramp tests in which the stress is increased linearly from used condition stress to the stress u, pp.r bound. The following assumptions are used: exponential lifetime distribution under a constant stress, an inverse power law relationship between stress and mean of exponential lifetime distribution, and a cumulative exposure model for the effect of changing stress. Likelihood equations for the parameters involved in the model and asymptotic distribution of the estimators are obtained, and a numerical example is given.

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Shear correction factors of a new exponential functionally graded porous beams

  • Mohammed Sid Ahmed Houari;Aicha Bessaim;Tarek Merzouki;AhmedAmine Daikh;Aman Garg;Abdelouahed Tounsi;Mohamed A. Eltaher;Mohamed-Ouejdi Belarbi
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제89권1호
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2024
  • This article introduces a novel analytical model for examining the impact of porosity on shear correction factors (SCFs) in functionally graded porous beams (FGPB). The study employs uneven and logarithmic-uneven modified porosity-dependent power-law functions, which are distributed throughout the thickness of the FGP beams. Additionally, a modified exponential-power law function is used to estimate the effective mechanical properties of functionally graded porous beams. The correction factor plays a crucial role in this analysis as it appears as a coefficient in the expression for the transverse shear stress resultant. It compensatesfor the assumption that the shear strain is uniform across the depth of the cross-section. By applying the energy equivalence principle, a general expression for static SCFs in FGPBs is derived. The resulting expression aligns with the findings obtained from Reissner's analysis, particularly when transitioning from the two-dimensional case (plate) to the one-dimensional case (beam). The article presents a convenient algebraic form of the solution and provides new case studies to demonstrate the practicality of the proposed formulation. Numerical results are also presented to illustrate the influence of porosity distribution on SCFs for different types of FGPBs. Furthermore, the article validates the numerical consistency of the mechanical property changesin FG beams without porosity and the SCF by comparing them with available results.

Crack growth prediction and cohesive zone modeling of single crystal aluminum-a molecular dynamics study

  • Sutrakar, Vijay Kumar;Subramanya, N.;Mahapatra, D. Roy
    • Advances in nano research
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    • 제3권3호
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    • pp.143-168
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    • 2015
  • Initiation of crack and its growth simulation requires accurate model of traction - separation law. Accurate modeling of traction-separation law remains always a great challenge. Atomistic simulations based prediction has great potential in arriving at accurate traction-separation law. The present paper is aimed at establishing a method to address the above problem. A method for traction-separation law prediction via utilizing atomistic simulations data has been proposed. In this direction, firstly, a simpler approach of common neighbor analysis (CNA) for the prediction of crack growth has been proposed and results have been compared with previously used approach of threshold potential energy. Next, a scheme for prediction of crack speed has been demonstrated based on the stable crack growth criteria. Also, an algorithm has been proposed that utilizes a variable relaxation time period for the computation of crack growth, accurate stress behavior, and traction-separation atomistic law. An understanding has been established for the generation of smoother traction-separation law (including the effect of free surface) from a huge amount of raw atomistic data. A new curve fit has also been proposed for predicting traction-separation data generated from the molecular dynamics simulations. The proposed traction-separation law has also been compared with the polynomial and exponential model used earlier for the prediction of traction-separation law for the bulk materials.