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서울지하철의 지능형 광고 비즈니스모델 설계 (Designing an Intelligent Advertising Business Model in Seoul's Metro Network)

  • ;임규건
    • 지능정보연구
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.1-31
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    • 2017
  • 현대 기업들은 효율성과 생산성을 향상시킬 뿐 아니라 시장 진출을 위해 새로운 기술들을 채택하고 있다. 광고 업계도 전통적인 채널 (라디오, TV 및 인쇄 매체)에서 인터넷, 소셜 미디어, 모바일 기반광고와 같은 새로운 매체로 지속적인 파괴적 혁신을 경험하고 있다. 본 연구는 서울 지하철에 지능형 광고 비즈니스 모델을 제안한 사례이다. 서울은 세계에서 가장 분주 한 지하철 중 하나로서 메트로 네트워크를 통해 마케팅 담당자가 다양한 고객과 잠재 고객 모두와 교류하고 상호 작용할 수 있는 플랫폼이 될 수 있다. 현재의 광고 매체의 대부분은 공간, 조명 등 국부적 한계를 가지고 있으나 본 사례의 지능형 디지털 광고 플랫폼은 데이터로 구동되는 광고를 통해 위치기반 모바일 전자상거래를 제공할 수 있다. 등록된 지하철 카드를 통해 고객 데이터를 분석하고 특정 고객 그룹을 타겟팅하고, 대상 소비자 그룹을 기반으로 광고 사용자를 정의하고, 동영상, 애니메이션, 쿠폰, 문자 등 다양한 광고 형식을 제공 할 수 있다. 위치 정보를 통해 다음역을 탐지하여 지하철 안의 스크린이 다음 정차 할 역의 광고에 우선 순위를 부여하고, 사용자 모바일에서 알림을 수신하도록 선택한 고객은 광고주의 사업장 근처에 접근 할 때 알림을 받게 된다. 또한, 내비게이션 서비스를 통해 지하 쇼핑몰의 고객이 상점, 제품, 시설, 이벤트 등을 검색하고 광고나 추천서비스를 받을 수 있게 한다. 이러한 광고는 고객이 광고를 클릭하면 제품 설명 페이지로 연결되어 전자 상거래로 이어지도록 한다. 이 모델을 통해 개선된 고객 경험뿐만 아니라 지하상가의 중소기업 지원, 새로운 직업 기회, 비즈니스 모델 운영자에 대한 추가 매출 및 광고 유연성 등 새로운 가치 창출이 가능할 것으로 기대된다.

주요 국가의 기업가정신 교육 현황 및 효과 연구: 2016년 글로벌 기업가정신 지수의 비교 (A Study on the Current State and Effect of Entrepreneurship Education in Major Countries: Comparison of the 2016 Global Entrepreneurship Index)

  • 남정민;이환수
    • 벤처창업연구
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    • 제12권6호
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    • pp.111-122
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    • 2017
  • 본 연구는 국내 창업 환경 개선 및 바람직한 창업 인식 조성방안을 모색하기 위해 2016 글로벌 기업가정신 트렌드 보고서(GETR)의 데이터(20개국 40,354명)를 활용하여 주요 국가의 기업가정신 교육 현황 및 국가별(유형별) 창업 실태, 그리고 기업가정신과 창업 의지 및 기회형 창업의 관계를 분석하였다. 연구 결과에 따르면 먼저 한국은 기업가정신교육의 확대가 시급한 것으로 분석되었다. 한국의 '초중고 기업가정신교육 경험'은 20개국 중 최하위수준(19위)이었으며, '대학' 및 '평생교육'은 중위권(15위)인 것으로 나타났다. 또한 전세계적으로 기업가정신교육은 연령대를 불문하고 활성화되고 있음에도 불구하고, 국내 중고령자에 대한 기업가정신교육은 상대적으로 미약한 수준이었다. 이는 향후 평생교육 차원의 교육 확대가 요구되며, 재직자 및 은퇴예정자 대상 기업가정신 교육 개발 및 확대가 필요함을 시사한다. 둘째로, 한국인 개인의 창업의지는 3.8점으로 중하위권(15위)이었고, 기회형 창업수준은 최하위(20위)였다. 중국(4.55) 및 미국(4.01)과 비교할 때 한국인의 개인 창업의지는 상대적으로 낮은 것을 확인할 수 있었고, 기회형 창업 수준 또한 한국은 3.43점으로 중국(4.35), 일본(4.04), 미국(4.59)에 비해 매우 낮은 것으로 확인되었다. 일반적으로 요소주도형${\rightarrow}$효율주도형${\rightarrow}$혁신주도형으로 전환될수록 기회형 창업의 비중은 높아지는데, 한국의 경우 비자발적 창업 및 소상공 중심의 창업 비중이 높아 기회형 창업 수준이 낮은 것으로 해석할 수 있다. 마지막으로, 요소주도형, 효율주도형, 혁신주도형 모든 유형에서 기업가정신교육 참여에 따른 창업의지는 매우 높은 것으로 나타났다. 특히, 혁신주도형일수록 모든 기업가정신 교육(초중고, 대학, 평생교육) 참여여부에 따라 신규창업의지는 크게 증가하고 있음을 확인하였다. 혁신주도형인 한국의 경우 기업가정신교육의 양적 확대를 기반으로 질적 제고를 이룬다면, 지금의 중하위권(15위)에 머문 국민의 창업의지를 상승시킬 주요한 원동력이 될 것으로 예상된다.

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히르시펠트(C.C.L.Hirschfeld) 정원예술론의 의미와 가치의 현대적 해석 (Interpretation of C.C.L.Hirschfeld's Theory of Garden Art in Contemporary Meaning and Its Significance)

  • 조경진
    • 한국전통조경학회지
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    • 제32권3호
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    • pp.58-68
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    • 2014
  • 크리스티안 케이 로렌츠 히르시펠트(Christian Cay Lorenz Hirschfeld)(1742-1792)는 18세기 독일의 미학자이자 정원이론가로 당대에 '풍경식 정원예술의 아버지'라고 불리었다. 그는 '정원예술론'이란 5권의 저작에서 정원이론을 집대성하였고 이는 현재까지도 가장 포괄적인 정원이론서로 여겨진다. 정원역사에서 식물소재, 공간구성요소와 정원유형 등을 다루고 있는 이 이론서는 당대에 유럽에 널리 알려졌고, 이로 인해 영국 풍경식정원을 널리 보급시키는데 크게 이바지하게 된다. 그러나 히르시펠트의 정원론에 관한 연구는 미비한 실정이다. 이 논문은 히르시펠트 정원론의 주요 내용을 살펴보고 현대적 관점에서의 주요 쟁점을 해석하는데 그 목적이 있다. 히르시펠트 정원이론은 18세기 독일 계몽주의와 낭만주의가 교차하는 지점에 태동되었고, 자연이 지닌 정신적 가치를 중시하는 독일문화의 산물이기도 했다. 당대 독서문화가 활성화되고 기행문학이 유행하게 된 사회 현상이 정원이론서가 소비될 수 있었던 배경이 되기도 했다. 오늘날 관점에서 히르시펠트 정원론이 기여한 바와 이를 재해석할 수 있는 쟁점은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 정원예술의 위상을 높이는데 크게 기여했다는 점이다. 둘째, 히르시펠트는 정원예술은 자연의 모방이라는 전제 아래 자연의 원형 경관과 고안된 정원과의 관계를 규명하였으며, 정원은 자연의 아름다움을 최대한 표현하고 끌어낼 때 진정한 예술적 가치를 지닐 수 있다고 주창하였다. 셋째, 히르시펠트는 특정 정원의 인상과 관념이 연합하여 화학적 작용을 일으킨다는 점을 강조하였다. 특정 감정을 불러일으키는 공간을 그는 유쾌하고 쾌활한 축제와 같은 정원, 온화하고 멜랑코리한 정원, 낭만적인 정원, 장엄한 정원 등으로 구분하였다. 넷째, 그는 정원에서의 움직임이 감정을 불러일으키는 중요한 국면임을 강조하였다. 움직임이 중시되는 풍경식정원에서 풍경화식 재현방식이 적절한 방식으로 활용되었다. 다섯째로는 정원은 단지 물리적 공간이 아닌 정신이 구현된 장소임을 환기시켰고, 나아가 삶의 은유로서 윤리적 정원을 실천해야 한다고 주창하였다. 히르시펠트의 정원론은 18세기에 저술된 이론적 저작으로 현재적 시점에서의 구체적인 실천적 함의가 부족하다는 비판적 시각이 있다. 하지만 그는 공공 정원에 대한 논의를 통하여 19세기 도시공원운동의 단초를 제공하였다. 정원예술의 위상제고, 지역성의 강조, 실천이념으로 중재 개념이 그의 이론에서 우리가 주목해야 할 지점이다. 무엇보다도 정원문화가 새롭게 부각되는 오늘날 인문학적 조경론의 가능성을 제시했다는 점에서 의의를 찾을 수 있다.

서울시내 실업계 여고생들의 성지식 태도 및 행위에 관한 조사연구 (A Study on the Knowledge. Attitude and Behavior of Commercial Girl's High School Students Toward Sex)

  • 배남숙
    • 보건교육건강증진학회지
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.57-71
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    • 1983
  • Sex education is necessary for the youth that they should have an adequate sexual knowledge, attitudes and behaviors in their adolescent period. Four major objectives of this study are as follows; 1. To know the level of sexual knowledge of commercial girl's high school students in Seoul. 2. To know their actual state for the attitudes and behaviors toward sex. 3. To compare the sexual knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of day time school students with those of night time school students. 4. To compare the factors associated with their sexual knowledge, attitudes and behaviors with the individual level. Data were collected on 986 students in Seoul from April 1 to April 10, 1983. As the result of this survey, the following conclusions were obtained. 1. The level of sexual knowledge. (1) The level of knowledge of day time high school students about the physiology of female and pregnancy is shown higher than those of night time students. 64.2% of the respondents are aware of the organ producing ovum. 56.4% the ovulation period. 95.6% the cause of pregnancy. 74.5% the pregnantable period and 12.7% the place of fetilization. (2) Out of 986 respondents. 71.8% knew about contraceptive method correctly, and day time school students knew litter better than night time school students, by showing 73.9% and 69.7% respectively. They knew about contraceptive method with 'oral pills'. 'menstrual cycles', 'condoms'. and 'loops' in the same order. 3) Kinds of veneral disease was correctly known by 37.9%. Day time students knew much better than night time school students. by showing 67.8% and 7.9%. respectively. Transmission method of veneral disease was correctly known by 28.3%. Day time students knew much better than night time students, by showing 51.2% and 5.3%, respectively. (4) The major information source of sexual knowledge was 'book and magazine' (39.9%) and 'friends' (27.4%). 2. Actual state of attitudes and behaviors toward sex. (1) Out of 986 respondents, 84.0% answered that premarital purity should be kept. (2) Out of 986 respondents, 60.8% had an acquaintance of the opposite sex. 45.2% of students with opposite sex reported introduction of their friends as the main channel of making an acquaintance of the opposite sex. (3) Of those who responded to this study 13.8% reported having masturbation, 21.5% kissing, 6.2% petting and 3.7% sex intercourse. (4) 64.8% had sexual problems, which was mensturance (27.2%), aquaintance of the opposite sex (25.4%). The main method to solve the problems were consultation with 'friends' and 'books and magazine' percentage being 39.1% and 30.8%, respectively, whereas very small students discussed with 'teachers' and 'parents' percentages being 0.3% and 5.9%, respectively. (5) Out of 986 respondents, 62.2% had experience in educating about sex, the percentage of day time school was higher than that of night time school. (6) 88.2% of students wanted sex education in school, which were 'general information about sex' (35.4%), 'sexual morality and solution of sexual desire' (18.5%), 'aquaintance of the opposite sex' (13.3%) and 'marriage and role of man and woman' (12.4%) in the same order. They wanted to be instructed about sexes in the lecture of physical education, home economics, biology, military training (59.9%), regular curriculum (17.5%), special lecture (16.9%) and by the counselor or school nurse (5.7%). 3. Analyse concerning the factors about the knowledge, attitudes and behaviors. (1) The better school record was, the higher the level of sexual knowledge. (2) Those who have the religion considered the permarital purity more important than those who have not, the percentage showing 86.7% and 80.7%, respectively. (3) The result of dyad analysis of making acquaintance of the opposite sex in the friendship network showed that a high index of the acquaintance of the opposite sex tends to be a high adoption of making one at the individual level in the group, while the low index tends to be a low adoption of making one in the group.

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인문지리학 방법론의 새로운 지평 (New horizon of geographical method)

  • 최병두
    • 대한지리학회지
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    • 제38권
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    • pp.15-36
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    • 1988
  • In this paper, I consider the development of methods in contemporary human geography in terms of a dialectical relation of action and structure, and try to draw a new horizon of method toward which geographical research and spatial theory would develop. The positivist geography which was dominent during 1960s has been faced both with serious internal reflections and strong external criticisms in the 1970s. The internal reflections that pointed out its ignorance of spatial behavior of decision-makers and its simplication of complex spatial relations have developed behavioural geography and systems-theoretical approach. Yet this kinds of alternatives have still standed on the positivist, geography, even though they have seemed to be more real and complicate than the previous one, The external criticisms that have argued against the positivist method as phenomenalism and instrumentalism suggest some alternatives: humanistic geography which emphasizes intention and action of human subject and meaning-understanding, and structuralist geography which stresses on social structure as a totality which would produce spatial phenomena, and a theoretical formulation. Human geography today can be characterized by a strain and conflict between these methods, and hence rezuires a synthetic integration between them. Philosophy and social theory in general are in the same in which theories of action and structural analysis have been complementary or conflict with each other. Human geography has fallen into a further problematic with the introduction of a method based on so-called political ecnomy. This method has been suggested not merely as analternative to the positivist geography, but also as a theoretical foundation for critical analysis of space. The political economy of space with has analyzed the capitalist space and tried to theorize its transformation may be seen either as following humanistic(or Hegelian) Marxism, such as represented in Lefebvre's work, or as following structuralist Marxism, such as developed in Castelles's or Harvey's work. The spatial theory following humanistic Marxism has argued for a dialectic relation between 'the spatial' and 'the social', and given more attention to practicing human agents than to explaining social structures. on the contray, that based on structuralist Marxism has argued for social structures producing spatial phenomena, and focused on theorising the totality of structures, Even though these two perspectives tend more recently to be convergent in a way that structuralist-Marxist. geographers relate the domain of economic and political structures with that of action in their studies of urban culture and experience under capitalism, the political ecnomy of space needs an integrated method with which one can overcome difficulties of orthhodox Marxism. Some novel works in philosophy and social theory have been developed since the end of 1970s which have oriented towards an integrated method relating a series of concepts of action and structure, and reconstructing historical materialism. They include Giddens's theory of structuration, foucault's geneological analysis of power-knowledge, and Habermas's theory of communicative action. Ther are, of course, some fundamental differences between these works. Giddens develops a theory which relates explicitly the domain of action and that of structure in terms of what he calls the 'duality of structure', and wants to bring time-space relations into the core of social theory. Foucault writes a history in which strategically intentional but nonsubjective power relations have emerged and operated by virtue of multiple forms of constrainst wihthin specific spaces, while refusing to elaborate any theory which would underlie a political rationalization. Habermas analyzes how the Western rationalization of ecnomic and political systems has colonized the lifeworld in which we communicate each other, and wants to formulate a new normative foundation for critical theory of society which highlights communicatie reason (without any consideration of spatial concepts). On the basis of the above consideration, this paper draws a new norizon of method in human geography and spatial theory, some essential ideas of which can be summarized as follows: (1) the concept of space especially in terms of its relation to sociery. Space is not an ontological entity whch is independent of society and has its own laws of constitution and transformation, but it can be produced and reproduced only by virtue of its relation to society. Yet space is not merlely a material product of society, but also a place and medium in and through which socety can be maintained or transformed.(2) the constitution of space in terms of the relation between action and structure. Spatial actors who are always knowledgeable under conditions of socio-spatial structure produce and reproduce their context of action, that is, structure; and spatial structures as results of human action enable as well as constrain it. Spatial actions can be distinguished between instrumental-strategicaction oriented to success and communicative action oriented to understanding, which (re)produce respectively two different spheres of spatial structure in different ways: the material structure of economic and political systems-space in an unknowledged and unitended way, and the symbolic structure of social and cultural life-space in an acknowledged and intended way. (3) the capitalist space in terms of its rationalization. The ideal development of space would balance the rationalizations of system space and life-space in a way that system space providers material conditions for the maintainance of the life-space, and the life-space for its further development. But the development of capitalist space in reality is paradoxical and hence crisis-ridden. The economic and poltical system-space, propelled with the steering media like money, and power, has outstriped the significance of communicative action, and colonized the life-space. That is, we no longer live in a space mediated communicative action, but one created for and by money and power. But no matter how seriously our everyday life-space has been monetalrized and bureaucratised, here lies nevertheless the practical potential which would rehabilitate the meaning of space, the meaning of our life on the Earth.

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동굴의 자연음향 효과, 그리고 음악회장 운영사례 (The Effective Resonance of Caves & Records of a Cave Concert)

  • 현행복
    • 동굴
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    • 제95호
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    • pp.35-49
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    • 2009
  • 태곳적부터 동굴은 인간의 주거 공간뿐만 아니라 문화공간으로까지 활용되어 왔다. 즉 동굴 내부의 어떤 장소에서 소리를 낼 경우 거기서 나오는 소리는 특별히 확대되어 거대한 메가폰처럼 작동하여 들려온다. 이른바 공명현상이다. 이럴 때 동굴 전체는 하나의 거대한 관악기의 기능을 수행하는 것처럼 보이기도 한다. 특히 알타미라 동굴처럼 벽화가 발견 되는 동굴의 경우, 대개가 벽화가 발견되는 지점이 광장과 같은 넓은 공간이란 점과 종종 매머드 뼈로 된 피리나 북 등이 동시에 발견되는 것에 주목할 필요가 있다. 결국 그곳 동굴 속에서 선사인들이 주술의식과 더불어 예술 활동을 펼쳐왔음을 미루어 짐작할 수 있다. 한편 한국 전통예술 가운데 대표적 성악장르의 하나인 판소리의 경우 그 노래를 부르는 가창자의 창법수련 장소로 동굴의 활용된 예도 있다. 이른바 토굴독공(土窟獨功)이라 불리는 것이 바로 그러한데, 이는 폭포독공(瀑布獨功)과 더불어 명창이 되기 위한 창법수련자가 마지막으로 수행하는 과정으로서 흡사 철기류 제작의 마지막 담금질과 같은 공정(工程) 과정이기도 하다. 이는 이미 한국의 전통예술가들이 오래 전부터 자연 속에서 자연과 부합하는 소리감각을 터득하기 위한 선례이기도 하다. 이런 점에 주목하여 필자는 대학에서 학생들에게 성악수업 지도를 맡으며 늘 이런 생각을 지니게 되었다. 즉 "자연스런 소리내기는 동굴과 같은 자연 공간속에서 자연스럽게 체득된다!" 그래서 지난 1992년 1월, 필자는 제자들과 함께 동굴소리연구회란 일종의 동호인 모임을 결성하여 특히 방학 때와 같은 휴가철을 이용해 제주 전역의 동굴을 답사하며 동굴 탐사와 더불어 소리 탐구를 실험적으로 시도해 왔다. 그 후 5년 뒤인 1997년 9월, 마침내 우도의 해식동굴인 고래콧구멍 동굴(東岸鯨窟)에서 국내에서 첫 동굴음악회를 개최했다. 그 후 매년 한 차례 씩 동굴음악회를 개최해 왔다. 올해, 2009년까지 총 14회 째의 동굴음악회를 개최한 기록 가운데, 강원도 석회암동굴에서 2회, 용암 동굴인 만장굴에서 2회, 우도의 해식동굴 고래콧구멍에서 총 10회의 기록이 그것이다. 아울러 1999년 5월 협재동굴에서 필자는 동굴음악CD제작을 위해 녹음작업을 특별히 펼치기도 했다. 이 글은 필자가 그동안 동굴을 음악회장으로 이용한 경험을 바탕을 주요 소재로 활용하여 구성하였다. 앞으로 제주에서 해마다 개최되는 동굴음악회는 제주를 찾는 관광객들에게 매우 독특한 체험이벤트로서 제주의 우수한 자연공간과 또한 동굴만이 지닌 우수한 자연음향의 효과를 만끽할 수 있는 기회를 제공할 것으로 기대된다.

정맥주사와 채혈시 학령전기 아동과 어머니가 인지하는 동통 (A study of pain perception related to IV therapy in hospitalized preschool children and their mothers)

  • 임지영
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.49-67
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    • 1992
  • Most hospitalized children will experience physical pain as well as psychological distress. Preschool children's pain perception related to painful procedures can increase due to elevated anxiety and fear because they do not have understanding logical of their disease and hospitalization. In particular, they are distressed about needle - related procedures which are feared because they are seen to be a cause of bodily damage. This descriptive study attempted to identify pain perception levels in preschool children and their mothers. A self-reporting measurement and behavioral observation were used to collect the data. A total of 25 hospitalized preschool children and their mothers were investigated and data were collected about 60 painful procedures. Data collection was carried out by the researcher and two trained investigators from November first to December tenth. Three insruments were used to collect the data : Faces Pain Rating Scale(FPRS) developed by Beyer was used to measure the degree of preschool children's pain perception about painful procedures. The Visual Analogue Scale(VAS) devised by Huskisson was used to assess the degree of mothers' pain perception about their children's painful procedures. A Pain Behavioral Checklist based on the Procedure Behavior Check List by LeBaron and Zelter and modified by the researcher was used to observe behaviors of preschool children, their mothers, and nurses when the painful procedures took place. The data were analyzed by an SPSS program, and were tested using real numbers, percentages, Pearson correlation coefficient, t-test, and ANOVA. The results of this study are as follows : 1. Of all the painful procedures, the mean score for the FPRS for the preschool children's pain perception was 4.02 points, and the mean score for the VAS of mothers' pain perception was 10.92 points. 2. A Positive correlation which was statistically significant was found between the pain perception of preschool children and their mothers (r=.53, p<.01). that is, the higher the children's pain perception was, the higher their mothers' pain perception was. 3. The characteristics of the painful procedures related with children's pain perception as follows : The type of painful procedure was found to be statistically significant (F=23.44, p<.01), Among the three procedures Ⅳ starting was found to be perceived as the most painful procedures to the children. The greater the number of times that the procedure had been done, the higher the pain perception was (F=4.44, p<.01), and the longer the duration of the procedure, the higher the pain perception wa(r=.30, p<.05). Pain perception in the treatment room was higher than in the children's room(t=6.30, <.01), pain perception in the mother's presence was the higher than when the mother was not present (t=2.91, p<.01). 4. The characteristics of the painful procedures related with the mothers' pain perception as follows : The type of painful procedure was found to be statistically significant(F=6.01, p<.01). Among the three procedures Ⅳ sampling was found to be perceived as the most painful procedures to the mothers. The greater the number of times that the procedure had been done, the higher the pain perception was (F=5.95, p<.01), and the longer the duration of the procedure, the higher the pain perception was (r=.31, p<.05). Pain perception in the treatment room was higher than in the children's room (t=3.51, p<.01), but pain perception in the mother's presence showed statistically significant no difference. 5. Of all of the 19 children's behaviors during the painful procedures, the most frequent behaviors observed Were as follows in order of frequency “crying”, “screamirig”, “facial grimacing”, “physical resistance”, Of all of the nine methers' behaviors, the most frequent by observed in “console children”, “hold children”, “applaud children”, Of all of the 11 nurses' behaviors during the painful procedures, the mast frequent in order were “smiling”, “physical restraint”, “console children”, “praise children”. 6. A positive correlation between children's and mothers' pain perception and children's behaviors was found to be statistically significant (r=.65, p<.01, r=67, p<.01). Also the relationship between children's and mothers' pain percertion, and mothers' behavior was found to be statistically significant (r=.57, p<. 01, 4=.60, p<.01). The relationship between children's pain perception and nurses' behaviors was also found to be statistically significant (r=.46, p<.01), but there was difference between mothers' pain perception and nurses' behaviors.

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Social Support의 한국적 의미 (Search for the Meaning of Social Support in Korean Society)

  • 오가실;서미혜;이선옥;김정아;오경옥;정추자;김희순
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.264-277
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    • 1994
  • In Korea the concept of social support was first used as a research concept in nursing and has not had much application in the clinical field. Another problem is that research on social support has used a direct translation of the words “social support” into Korean as “sawhejuk jiji”. Three questions were posed to direct the re-search. 1) Is there a concept of social support in Korean society? 2) if so, what words or expressions are used to de-scribe it? 3) further, if so, how is social support structured and how does it function? In order to answer the research questions a three-step research methodology was used : The first step consisted of a literature review on re-search related to social support and on information on the background of, and the way of thinking re-lated to interpersonal relations among Korean people. The second step, which was done to identify whether there is a concept of social support in korean society, involved interviewing a sample of the population. The third step involved a panel discussion that included the members of the research team and three consultants, a sociologist, a philosopher and a scholor in korean literature. A review of the literature on interpersonal relationships in traditional korean society identified a four cirole structure that explains interpersonal relationships. The first circle with “me” at the center is the family but here “me” disappears into the “we” that is essential for a cooperative agricultural society. In the second circle are those close to “me” but outside the family. The third circle includes those with whom “I ” have infrequent but regular contact and with whom correct conduct is important. The last circle is all the people with whom “I” have nothing in common. They are excluded in interpersonal relationships. The literature on interpersonal relationships showed that within the traditional Korean society people lived in villages where most people were very familiar with each other. “Yun”, the social network established the connection and “Jung”, the feeling of affection increased with time as the connection was strengthened. In the traditional village psychological support was provided through “Mallaniki”, “Pumashi” and “Kae” with the latter two also providing material support. In modern Korea there are more informal and formal social networks, like social services and community activities on the formal level and cultural and leisure groups along with “kae’s on the informal level. But even with this modern variety of groups, most social support comes from informal networks that resemble the traditiorlal “Pumashi”, “Kai” md “Mallaniki”. The six member research team interviewed 65 people in order to identify whether there is a concept of social support and then analysed their responses. There were 20 different words describing the reception of the social support and these could be grouped into seven major categories : virtuous, fortunate, helped, supported, blessed, attached(receiving affection) and receiving (grace) benevolence. there were 27 words describing the act of social support which could be categorized into seven major categories : love, looking after, affection(attachment), kindness(goodness), faith, psychological help and material help. for the meaning of social support translated as “sawhe juk jiji” there were a total of 14 different answers which could be categorized into 3 major categories : help, agreement, and faith. In third step, the results of the literature review and the answers to the questions were discussed in a pannel. The results of the discussion led to the following definition of social support in Korea which is shaped like a the four sided pyramid on a base. Social support is the apex of the pyramid and four sides are made up of : “do-oom” (both emotional and material help), “jung” (connectedness, or relationship bound by affection, regard or shared common experience ), “midum” (faith or belief in), “eunhae” (kindness or benevolence). The research team identified “Yun”( the basic network of relationships) as the base of the pyramid and as such the foundation for the components of social support in Korean culture. On “Yun” rest the other four components of social support : “Jung”, “Midum”, “Do-oom”, and “Eunhae”, For social support to take place there must be “Yun”. This is an important factor in social support. In private social network “Jung” is an essential factor in social support. But not in the public social network. “Yun” is a condition for “Jung” and “Jung” is the manifestation of support.

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임상실습 교육개선을 위한 일 실습지도자 활용모델 (preceptorship model)의 적용 및 효과에 관한 연구 -암센타, 재활센타, 중환자실 실습을 중심으로- (Application and Effectiveness of a Preceptorship for the Improvement of Clinical Education)

  • 이원희;김소선;한신희;이소연;김기연
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제25권3호
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    • pp.581-596
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    • 1995
  • Clinical practice in nursing education provides an opportunity for students, through the process of ap-plying theoretical knowledge to practice, and to learn nursing skills as well as being socialized into nursing and as such decrease the reality shock of actual nursing practice. Because of a shortage of nursing faculty, the job of achieving the objectives of the clinical practice had been turned over to the head nurses. This resulted in many problems, such as, unclear location of responsibilities and inadequate feedback from head nurses. Therefore this study was done to introduce and evaluate the use of preceptors as a way to minimize the above problems, and to maximize the achievement of the clinical practice objectives. Using an adaptation of Zerbe's (1991) three-tiered team model, clinical practice was done using a preceptor, a head nurse and a clinical instructor, each with different and well defined roles. The subjects of this study were 67 senior students of the College of Nursing of Y University in Seoul whose clinical practice in adult nursing was carried out between May 1, 1994 and December 8, 1994. There were 22 preceptors who had at least two years of clinical experience and who were recommended by their head nurses. They were given additional education on the philosophy and objectives of the College of Nursing, on communication skills, on the theory and practice of education, and on nursing diagnosis and education evaluation. The role of the preceptor was to work one-to-one with students in their practice. The role of the head nurse was to supervise and evaluate the preceptors. The role of the clinical instructor was to provide the education program for the preceptors, to provide ad-vice and suggestions to the preceptors and to maintain lines of communication with the college. With each of these roles in place, it was thought that the effectiveness and efficiency of the clinical practice could be increased significantly. To evaluate the effectiveness of the preceptorship, the three - tiered model, Lowery's Teacher Evaluation Opinion Form translated and adapted to Korea was used to measure student statisfaction. The Clinical Practice Compentency Evaluation Tool developed by Lee et ai was also used to measure student competencies. The results of this study are as follows 1. The satisfaction with clinical practice was higher with the introduction of the perceptors than it was before they were used. (t=-5.96, p=<.005) 2. The clinical practice competencies were higher with the introduction of the preceptors than it was before they were used(t=-5.l3, p<.005) 3. In order to analyze areas not measured by the quantitative tools additional analysis of the open questions was done. The results of this analysis showed that : 1) The students felt positive about their sense of security, confidence, handling of responsbility, and being systematic. They also felt positive about improvements in knowledge, opportunities for direct care, and socialization. 2) The students felt negative about the technical part of their role, lack of knowledge by the preceptor, unprofessional attitudes on the part of the preceptor, difficulty in the role of the professional nurse(student). 3) The preceptors felt positive about their responsibility, motivation, and relationship with the college. 4) The preceptors felt negative about their bur-den. Introduction of the preceptorship model will lead to change and improvement in the negative factors discussed above, solve problems in the present clinical education system, increase continuity in the education of the students, help with socialization of the students and motivation of the preceptors to up-grade their education and increase their confidence. These objectives must be obtained to further the development of professional nursing, and thus, making the preceptorship a reality is our job for the future.

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치과위생사의 진료자세에 따른 근골격계 통증 경험에 대한 연구 (A Study on the Musculoskeletal Pain Experience of Dental Hygienist's Treatment Postur)

  • 김지희;김혜진
    • 치위생과학회지
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.413-418
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    • 2009
  • 치과위생사들의 진료 자세에 따른 근골격계 통증 경험 정도를 알아보고, 업무 수행과정에서 발생할 수 있는 근골격계 질환의 예방에 도움이 되고자 2009년 3월부터 5월까지 울산 경남에 소재하는 치과 병 의원의 일부 치과 위생사 214명을 대상으로 설문지법을 이용하여 자료를 수집, 분석하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 대상자의 일반적인 특성은 연령은 23세 이하가 34.1%로 가장 많았고, 24~26세가 33.6%, 25~29세가 20.6%, 30세 이상이 11.7%였다. 미혼이 86.4%였고, 학력은 88.3%가 전문대 졸업이었고, 종교는 무교가 43.5%로 가장 많았으며, 불교가 30.8%, 기독교가 16.4%, 천주교가 6.5%였다. 2. 대상자의 업무적 특성은 치과의원 근무자가 57.5%, 치과병원이 42.5%였고, 경력은 1~3년이 42.5%로 가장 많았고, 이직횟수는 1회가 45.1%가 가장 많았다. 보수는 130~149만원이 33.6%로 가장 많았고, 150~199만원이 29.9%, 130만원 미만이 26.2%, 200~249만원이 7.5%였다. 근무인력은 치과위생사 20명 이상이 85.9%로 가장 높았고, 평균 15.6명이었으며, 치과의사는 1명이 28.5%로 가장 많았고, 2명이 22.4%, 4명이 19.2%였으며 평균 3.2명이었다. 근무시간은 8~9시간이 49.5%로 가장 많았고, 주된 업무로는 일반진료업무보조가 70.1%로 가장 많았고 주5일 근무는 60.3%가, 야간근무는 49.1%가 실시하고 있었다. 3. 치과위생사의 업무수행 중 근골격계의 통증에 영향을 미치는 진료자세를 분석한 결과 목 통증에 영향을 미치는 진료자세는 "머리를 15도 숙이거나 돌릴 때", "양쪽 어깨가 기울러져 있거나", "허리를 구부리거나", "손목이 자주 꺽이거나" "엉덩이를 의자에 걸치고 앉아서 진료했을 때" 였으며 어깨 통증에 영향을 미치는 진료 보조자세는 "머리를 15도 이상 숙이거나", "허리를 구부리거나", "양다리를 쭉 붙인 상태"였다. 무릎 통증에 영향을 미치는 진료 보조자세는 "양다리를 쭉 붙인 상태"였으며 엉덩이 통증에 영향을 미치는 진료 시술자세는 "엉덩이를 의자에 걸치고 앉았을 때" 유의하게 나타났다.

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