• Title/Summary/Keyword: expected relationships

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A multi-level analysis of the individual and team-level effects on psychological capital (긍정심리자본에 영향을 미치는 개인수준과 팀 수준 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Hahn, Ju Hee;Lim, Kyu Hyuk
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.91-111
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of person-organization fit(PO fit) and person-job fit(PJ fit) on positive psychological capital at both team-level and individual-level. Present study intends to confirm the effectiveness through theoretical considerations and empirical analysis of positive organizational behaviors. This is expected to strengthen the basis of positive organizational behavior studies and provide the foundation to integrate positive organizational behavior to the actual organization. In order to test the hypotheses, the data were collected from multiple domestic organizations and composed 47 team-level and 244 individual-level data. For the analysis, hierarchical linear modelling(HLM) were conducted. The results of this study are as follows. PO fit and PJ fit had significant relationships with positive psychological capital at both team-level and individual-level. Also, in the relationship between the attitudes and behaviors of the members and positive psychological capital, the positive psychological capital was found to have significant effect on affective commitment and organizational citizen behaviors. The implications of this study according to the results as follows. Positive relationships of psychological capital with the antecedents and consequences variables, it is necessary for the management to magnify the strength of members in the actual operation at the organization level. Such the management of positive psychological capital can be suggested as a new approach method for achievement of the organization's goals and visions.

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Feasibility Exploration of Social Cooperatives as a Community Social Work Practice Model (지역사회복지실천모델로서 사회적협동조합의 가능성 탐색)

  • Cho, Mihyoung
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.91-119
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    • 2014
  • This study explored feasibility of social cooperatives as a strategy of struggle to social exclusion in the social services area based on the relationships between people. Is social cooperatives on the Fundamental Act on Cooperatives a new type of social welfare service providers comparing the social welfare foundations and social enterprises? Would be expected as social inclusion processes effects arising from the properties of cooperative in social welfare sector? If social welfare institutions function as an intermediate medium between government and users, social cooperatives can be performed function in the community in a variety of cooperative relationships with Multiple stakeholders, e.g. various service providers, care-givers, social workers, and users, etc., conflicting the interests. In this perspective, looked the possibility of social cooperatives as community welfare practice model.

Adult attachment style and related variables: Focused on internal working models of housewives (성인의 애착양식과 관련변인에 관한 연구: 전업주부의 내적 표상을 중심으로)

  • 이은해
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 1998
  • this study examined the correlates of adult attachment focused on internal working models of 201 housewives. Findings indicated that 68.3% of subjects were classified as secure whereas 27.5% as avoidant and 4.2% as anxious. Greater security was associated with slightly less avoidance while greater anxiousness was associated with slightly greater avoidance. That is subjects who possessed more security tended to be less avoidant while subjects who possessed more anxiousness tended to be more avoidant. The primary characteristics classifying subjects into those three attachment styles were feelings about closeness dependence and anxiousness in relationships with others. Adult attachment was related in theoretically expected ways to one's history of attachment and parenting. Secure subjects were more likely to report warm/responsive parental caregiving style than insecure styles. Insecure subjects in comparison with secure subjects perceived their mothers as cold inconsistent and ot very responsive. Anxious subjects dscribed their fathers as cold and rejecting. The secure attachment style in comparsion with insecure styles was associated with positive mental models of self and social world indicating greater self-esteem positive beliefs about self and others positive relationships with their children greater marital satisfaction and greater secure attachment to their husbands. These results suggest that internal working model offers a useful perspective on adult attachment.

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The Impact of Investor Sentiment on Energy and Stock Markets-Evidence : China and Hong Kong

  • Ho, Liang-Chun
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2014
  • Purpose - The oil price affects company value, which is the present value of the expected cash flow, by affecting the discount rate and cash flow. This study examines the nonlinear relationships between oil price and stock price using the AlphaShares Chinese Volatility Index as the threshold. Research design, data, and methodology - Data comprise daily closing values of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Composite Index, and Hang Seng Index of ChinaWest Texas Intermediate crude oil spot price and AlphaShares Chinese Volatility Index from May 25, 2007 to May 24, 2012. The Threshold Error Correction Model is used. Results - The results demonstrate different relationships between the stock price index and oil price under different investor sentiments; however, the stock price index and oil price could adjust to a long-term equilibrium the long-term causality tests between them were all significant. Conclusions - The relationship between the WTI and HANG SENG Index is more significant than the Shanghai Composites Index and Shenzhen Composite Index, when using the AlphaShares Chinese Volatility Index (ASC-VIX) as the investor sentiment variable and threshold.

Identification of 26 Germplasms of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) with ISSR and SCAR Markers

  • Sung, Jung-Sook;Cho, Gyu-Taek;Lee, Suk-Young;Baek, Hyung-Jin;Park, So-Hye;Huh, Man-Kyu
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    • v.55 no.4
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    • pp.319-326
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    • 2010
  • Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) is a herb primarily distributed throughout in the world. We have used the inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) technique to investigate the phylogenetic relationships and genetic diversity of C. tinctorius. Of all germplasms, 88.7% were polymorphic among all germplasms. Mean genetic diversity within germplasms was very low (0.048). The Turkey germplasm had the highest expected diversity (0.082) and Australia germplasm was the lowest (0.020). These values indicate that most of the genetic diversity of safflower is found among germplasms and there is a high among-germplasm differentiation. We found eight phenetic bands for determining the specific marker of germplasm with SCAR markers. The regions of the Mediterranean Sea and India may be the most probable candidates for the origin of safflower. The tree showed four major clades: (1) European germplasms, (2) Azerbaijan, Egypt, and Ethiopia, (3) Australia, and (4) America.

A Study on the Apparel Store Patronage Behavior and Relevant Factors(I) - Focusing on Shopping Orientations of Female College Students and Store Attributes - (서울시내(市內) 여대생(女大生)의 패션점포(店輔) 애고행동(愛顧行動)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)(I) - 쇼핑성향(性向)과 점포속성(店鋪屬性)을 중심으로 -)

  • Wee, Hye-Jung;Chung, Sung-Jee
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.1 no.4
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    • pp.67-78
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    • 1997
  • Fashion store patronage behavior can be observed when consumer's desires and expectations are fulfilled. Thus, in order to achieve successful business in sales, a retailer must continually analyze why target consumers choose particular stores and patronize them. This study identified the relevant factors of the patronage behavior of female college students residing in Seoul. Thus, this study can achieve Its goal of enabling retailers to predict shopping orientations and emphasis on store attributes, so that help retailer to establish new positions of their shops to differentiate them from others and, also, to reposition existing stores. The aims of this study were as follows; First, identify the classification of stores that female college students in Seoul patronize. Second, classify the female students' shopping orientations, emphasizing store attributes, and identify relationships between them and fashion store patronage behavior. Relationships between the factors of shopping orientations and store attributes, and patronage behavior were identified by use of Tukey's test, Duncan test, and ANOVA. As a result, it showed significant differences among patronage groups according to nearly every factor of shopping orientations and store attributes. As based on the results, this study is expected to assist that retailers can establish effective marketing strategies in order to make continuously consumers' partronage behavior of a store.

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Relationships between Peer- and Self-Evaluation in Team Based Learning Class for Engineering Students (공과대학생의 팀 기반 수업에서 동료평가와 자기평가의 관계)

  • Hwang, Soonhee
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.3-12
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    • 2016
  • This paper aims to apply two ways of student evaluation, i.e. peer- and self-evaluation to TBL(team based learning) class and to explore the difference between two evaluations by gender and grade as well as their relationships, and finally to provide an explanation for the improvement of evaluation ways in TBL class. There has been much research about TBL and its related factors. However, according to the examination of both domestic and overseas researches concerning the application of peer- and self-evaluation to TBL class, few studies have focused on them in terms of the engineering curriculum. This study was conducted with 251 engineering students at P University, and peer- and self-evaluation in TBL class have been measured. Our findings show that firstly, there were significant grade differences in self-evaluation of engineering students. Second, there were no significant gender and grade differences in peer-evaluation. Third, we found a significant correlation between the two factors, self- and peer-evaluation. Also there was a significant correlation among variables of subcategories. Based on these findings, it is expected to provide an explanation for the application of peer- and self-evaluation in TBL class and will be useful for the improvement plans of the related courses in engineering school.

A Study of Conceptual Representations of the Self in Sohak ("소학"에 나타난 자아의 개념적 표상에 관한 연구)

  • 신양재
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.207-227
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate conceptual representations of the self in Korean culture by analyzing normative conception of the self present in Sohak. The method of this study was the historical method and the material for analysis is 'Reverencing for the Self of Sohak, which was the textbook for childhood education and contained normative tasks that the society of the Chosen Dynasty period held for what people should do in their lives. According to the analysis, the Chosen Dynasty had interdependent conception of the self, which had strong emphasis on connected relationships, especially between self and parents, and regarded respect, rightness, and politeness as important attributes of the self, and expected reciprocal exchange of mutual support in social roles. Also, there were many instrumental and terminal goals in normative expectations of the self, which were toward harmonious interdependent relationships. Finally, the attributes of the self that were thought of as positive characteristics served collective interests rather than individualistic ones. In addition, the society of the Chosen dynasty regarded socially disengaged emotion such as pride, anger, and pleasure as negative ones.

Measuring the Causal Relationships between Past Consumption,Health Belief, Subjective Norm, Attitude, Intention and Behaviorand Purchase of Organic Foods (과거 소비, 건강 신념, 주관적 규범, 태도, 의도와 유기농 음식 구매 행동의 인과관계 평가)

  • Kang, Jong-Heon;Lee, Jae-Gon
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.170-180
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to measure the causal relationships between past consumption, health belief, subjective, attitude, intention and purchase of organic foods. Total 326 copies of questionnaire were completed. The structural equation model was used to measure the causal effect among constructs. The results demonstrated that the confirmatory factor analysis model provided a good model fit. The proposed model yielded a significantly better fit to the data than the baseline model and the extended model. The effects of past consumption, health belief and subjective norm on attitude and intention were statistically significant. The effects of attitude on intention and behavior to purchase organic food were statistically significant. As expected, health belief and subjective had significant effects on behavior to purchase organic foods. Moreover, past consumption, health belief and subjective norm had indirect influences on intention through mediated variables. Based on the empirical results and findings, some suggestions are provided to the institutions concerned so as to facilitate this organic sector's on-going expansion in the food industry.

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Automatic term-network construction for Oral Documents (구술문서에 기초한 자동 용어 네트워크 구축)

  • Park, Soon-Cheol
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 2007
  • An automatic term-network construction system is proposed in this paper. This system uses the statistical values of the terms appeared in a document corpus. The 186 oral history documents collected from the Saemangeum area of Chollapuk-do, Korea, are used for the research. The term relationships presented in the term-network are decided by the cosine similarities of the term vectors. The number of the terms extracted from the documents is about 1700. The system is able to show the term relationships from the term-network as quickly as like a real-time system. The way of this term-network construction is expected as one of the methods to construct the ontology system and to support the semantic retrieval system in the near future.

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